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Three kinsmen?

"This is why we don't want you to fight this today and that tomorrow!"

"We have been fighting for a lifetime, and we understand one thing: people will die in war!"

"In every household, if the man dies, the backbone of the family will die. If the family has a good family, it will never have a good life."

The old man was smiling all the way out of the palace. But after eating at the meat stall, on the way back to the palace, the old man began to teach.

"Look at that little widow!" The old man said, still sitting in the bamboo sedan, "What a good girl, ah, she is the same age. But for the rest of her life, she has to stay alone in an empty house and support a family by herself. How difficult it is.


"This kind of thing is not an exception. Not every woman has the ability of that girl just now, doing business on her own in public. The court seems to have given some pensions, but maybe the big living people who make money are gone, no matter how much you care about it,

For eggs!”

"From now on, you must be cautious about fighting. If you are not intolerable, you must fight. You still have to be more cautious and don't use swords. But if you really want to fight, either don't fight or fight to conquer him! When the dynasty was just founded,

We are so poor that all the ministers advise us not to go on an expedition, but we still let hundreds of thousands of people go to fight, why?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. The robber is at the door. If you don't give him a hard time, he will think about entering your house and causing trouble! But it's different now. The robbers are far away now. The Ming Dynasty is getting better, and the country's prestige is also improving.

Come up. Prestige is built by fighting. After fighting, the thieves will be afraid. If words can solve the problem, don't use the knife!"

"Now, we can still talk to you while we are alive. If I close my eyes and kick my legs, I won't be able to care about you so much!"

Along the way, the old man was chattering. Zhu Yunxi followed the sedan and listened silently.

I have to say that what the old man said is somewhat true. Since the early years of the Chinese dynasty, he has launched many expeditions to the far north and won several great victories. Up to now, the king of Border Gate is hunting in Mobei, Border Gate every year, frightening the grassland tribes.

Remember the URL m.wxsy.

After a series of wars, the prestige of the Ming Dynasty has been established. It is difficult to find a large-scale Beiyuan army in the Mobei generation. The elites of the remaining grasslands are now carefully licking their wounds in Monan. Moreover, due to several attacks by the Ming Dynasty

, the prestige of Kublai Khan's family was completely lost, and the Northern Yuan Dynasty had been divided into three tribes: Tatar, Oara, and Uliangha.

These tribes also fought openly and secretly, and could no longer work together to become enemies of the Ming Dynasty. Some of the tribes were even close to the Ming Dynasty.

Generally speaking, in the next ten years or so, it will be difficult for Mobei, a border border area, to see another war like the Hongwu Dynasty, where more than ten or two hundred thousand troops fought against each other. At most, small tribes of Hu people would disturb the border.

The meaning of the old man's words is not that we can't fight or not fight. It means that the most important thing for Ming Dynasty at present is not to fight, but to take advantage of the peaceful years created by the founding generation to rest with the people and develop people's livelihood.

It must be admitted that what the old man said has some truth to it. People will die in war, so you have to be restrained.

But Zhu Yunxu had his own considerations. If the Ming Dynasty stopped expanding and achieved military victory, it would be easy to follow the same path of past dynasties.

History is a clear proof. In the original time and space, after Jian came to power, he believed that the border was not a threat, so he launched a large-scale regulation. Then, during the Jingnan period, the civil strife in the Ming Dynasty caused the grassland tribes who had regained some of their strength to immediately show their fangs.

That's why Zhu Di's several expeditions were carried out. Zhu Di achieved decades of peace, and then met his prodigal grandson. As a result, in the following years, the Ming Dynasty, let alone external expansion, had to adopt a passive defense strategy.

The degree that the old man mentioned is actually really difficult to measure! What he saw was the depletion of war on the country, the impact on people's livelihood, and even one household. The degree he mentioned applies to the Ming Dynasty when the military was at its peak.


But what Zhu Yunxi saw was the future.

The Ming Dynasty needed the military as a whetstone, constantly grinding the sharp edge of the Ming Dynasty. Once the military determination was relaxed, the swords and guns would be stored in the warehouse, and the horses would be released to the south. Eventually, the armaments would be relaxed.

Of course, behind the country's determination to forge ahead, there must be the blood of the people! This is exactly what is said to make the people suffer.

Returning to the palace from outside the palace, Zhu Yunxi first sent the old man back to his palace.

The old man is now recuperating, and he almost doesn't care about state affairs. He stays in the palace every day and enjoys the joy of having grandchildren.

Jin and Xiao Fu'er had already started walking, swaying their little legs and bouncing tremblingly, and from time to time a few words that made people laugh came out of their mouths.

With these two children around, the old man had no interest in anything else. In the bedroom, his hearty laughter was heard every day.

All the heavy state affairs fell on Zhu Yunxi's shoulders.

As soon as he returned to the East Palace, Hanlin Attendant Jie Jin held a bunch of memorials and piled them all on the imperial case. Zhu Yunxi's imperial case can now be regarded as a real and veritable imperial case. There are two red lacquered cases displayed on the case.

On one side of the box is the Tiger Talisman, which represents the supreme command of the Ming Dynasty's army, and on the other side, the jade seal, which represents the emperor's supreme authority.

He does not have the title of emperor yet, but he has the power of the emperor.

Today, his study has become the center of power in the Ming Dynasty. In the inner hall, he alone reviews memorials, while in the outer hall, there are several bachelors who assist in government affairs, and more than ten Hanlin lecturers who serve as secretaries.

Zhu Yunxi sat down and opened a memorial, a memorial from Fengyang Du.

Since the village land from the nobles was taken over last year and the imperial village was distributed to the common people for farming, the number of people registered in Fengyang suddenly increased by 30%. These 30% were common people who had been hidden before. After the land was divided and the poll tax was cancelled,

Be a people again.

The original floods last year were not affected, and the farmland harvest was bumper. There were no taxes, and the farmers' lives were better. This year, their motivation was even higher. It was spring plowing, and all the cattle and farm tools were used, which was strange.

They all stayed behind to ask for orders, and they were given more iron farm tools, and the court allocated cattle for farming. In addition, the Ministry of Household Affairs was asked to allocate a sum of money to repair canals and improve water conservancy.

"Yes!" Zhu Yunxi wrote with his ink pen at the end of the excerpt, "Agriculture is the top priority, and the people of the world are the first. Fengyang Capital, the practice of spreading small acres into acres is the first in the world. You officials must not do your best.

Take the New Deal as the foundation and don’t slack off!”

A few numbers, all done in one swipe. Now, he is already familiar with how to handle state affairs and how to give direction to his ministers.

"Private farming was first tried out in Fengyang, because it was all land owned by nobles and nobles, as well as imperial estates. There was little resistance from the local gentry and big households, so the results could be seen in a short time. But if it is implemented nationwide,

, let alone other places, there must be complaints in Jiangsu and Zhejiang!"

Thinking to himself, Zhu Yunxi put down his pen and rummaged through the memorials.

"Has the memorial from Henan come yet?" he asked. When Suiyuan was hit by a disaster last year, Zhu Yunxi exempted the disaster-stricken areas from taxes. At the same time, he ordered the Chief Secretary of Henan to secretly change the concept and quietly implement allotment of land.

Now that the flood has passed, governments in various places are organizing spring plowing, and I don’t know what the situation is like there!

"I didn't see the Zhezi from Henan today!" Xie Jin replied at the door of the study, "At that time, the King of Zhou will go up to greet the Zhezi. Count from top to bottom on the left and right of His Highness, the fifteenth one!"

"I know!" Zhu Yunxi said in a dull voice.

You don’t need to read the memorial of King Zhou, he already knows what is written, it is nothing more than a greeting to the minister who is far away, thinking about Tianyan in the distance. After the death of not only King Zhou, but also King Ning, the vassal kings from all over the country paid tribute almost every month.

At first glance, he pretended to be a good son and a good vassal king.

King Ning, King Gu, King Dai and other kings of Sai were punished by reducing their guards and issued decrees. In addition, the local chief secretary was punished for failing to supervise. And the businessmen and officials under them who made money were killed and exiled.

.The most minor ones are those who take the blame and stay in office, so now these vassal kings have learned well.

Nowadays, these people behave with their tail between their legs, and they are more and more respectful to Zhu Yunxi. Not only did the king of Chu, the king of Xiang, the king of Shu and others also donate some treasures and women during the Spring Festival.

However, this incident prompted the old man to issue an order and reprimand him.

"You didn't learn well yourself, you lost your ambition by playing with things, and now you want to lead our eldest grandson into trouble?"

Zhu Yunxi wanted to laugh when he thought of the old man's imperial edict in plain English.

He casually pulled out two more memorials, and his smile became even brighter.

"I have reported to Honglu Temple that the King of Ryukyu wants to send his nephew Wuzong to come to heaven with envoys to pay tribute!"

However, Zhu Yunxi's eyes fell on the next book.

"The Tatar leader of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the son of Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty, bought Li La and submitted a letter, wishing to get married!"

This chapter has been completed!
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