Chapter 430 Disfigurement in exchange for life

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Back at the Military Intelligence Office, Chu Lingyun came to the backyard.

"Are you willing to be disfigured?

Chu Lingyun asked, Hayakawa Hei's plan had been written long ago. Chu Lingyun didn't expect that he would be so crazy that he would destroy his appearance in order to survive.

After being disfigured, no one can recognize him, but he will also become an ugly person.

"Life is the most important thing, and I won't accept being disfigured, but if I don't disfigure you, you won't be relieved.

Hayakawa Hei smiled, what Chu Lingyun wanted was his value, if he couldn't provide the corresponding value, he would be dead.

No matter how many high-sounding words he said, it was useless.

As for deceiving first and then finding a way to escape, Hayakawa Hei would have had the confidence to do so, but Chu Lingyun's shrewdness prevented him from making any plans in this regard.

If the plan fails, his life will end. He only has this one chance.

Hei Hayakawa wanted to survive. After being captured, he kept working hard and never gave up.

There is no word "give up" in his dictionary.

Everything has value, it depends on what value he puts in exchange for his life and freedom.

"You are really smart and write a good plan.

After a while, Chu Lingyun nodded slowly. He had read Hayakawa Hei's plan. In order to survive, he really did everything.

The first is to disfigure, remove his appearance, and change his identity so that no one will know his original identity.

Hei Hayakawa is a latent intelligence agent. Not many people know him in the Special High School, but if he wants to find out information, he will inevitably get involved with the intelligence department.

Once the Super High School investigates him, he will be exposed immediately.

Without this premise, no matter how well written his plan was, Chu Lingyun would never believe him.

After being disfigured, Hayakawa Hei found a suitable identity for himself. He had a childhood friend who came to China to do business in his early years. He died of illness two years ago. Hayakawa Hei spent the last time with him.

This boy's parents are not around, and he has only one silly brother at home. Even those who know him, after not seeing him for so many years, would never think that someone else is pretending to be him.

The two of them have the best relationship. Hayakawa Hei has helped him a lot in business. He tells Hayakawa Hei about everything, so Hayakawa Hei knows his past.

Hayakawa Heiya knew most of the people this person knew, so he could avoid getting involved as much as possible.

After being disfigured, he would go to Shanghai and continue his small business. The reason was simple. Shanghai was the territory of the Japanese. Going back at this time would not arouse suspicion from others.

After Shanghai was occupied by the Japanese, many people from China wanted to come to Shanghai to hunt for gold. The boat tickets increased a lot and it was difficult to get a ticket.

Doing business requires money, so he asked Chu Lingyun to provide him with a capital of 20,000 yen.

This amount is in line with Fa Xiao's net worth.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of doing business, he would contact some people they knew in common and establish a relationship to find out the information Chu Lingyun needed.

This is very dangerous, but with his wit, he is sure enough to deceive everyone.

The most critical point here is how Chu Lingyun can believe that he will not run away or take the initiative to find the Japanese and explain everything.

In order to reassure Chu Lingyun, Hayakawa Ping set restraints on himself.

There are definitely letters of allegiance, but they are the lowest form of existence.

He took the initiative to ask Chu Lingyun to secretly bring his family over. His wife was already in Hong Kong, and the Military Intelligence Office knew it clearly. If his family came again, everything around him would be under the control of the Chinese.

There are good reasons to pick up your family.

He was helping the Chinese people, and once he was exposed, his family would definitely suffer. It was better to take over as soon as possible, which would not only ensure their safety, but also make Chu Lingyun feel at ease.

This is indeed a ruthless man who betrayed his family in order to survive.

If Chu Lingyun takes his family over, if he has any abnormality, his family will definitely die.

It's not enough to have family members as a handle. Hayakawa Hei understands how difficult Chu Lingyun is.

He took the initiative to ask Chu Lingyun to send someone to him. They said they were his employees, but in fact they were monitoring him. Chu Lingyun could see every move he made every day.


If it were just these, Chu Lingyun still wouldn't believe him, after all, Hayakawa Hei was not an ordinary person.

Finally, Hei Hayakawa revealed a secret, a very big secret.

Regarding the secret of Keiji Tsuchhara, the chief section chief of the Super High School, very few people know this secret, and it is Keiji Tsuchhara's greatest shame. Once it is leaked, Keiji Tsuchhara will not let the person who leaks his secret go.

In other words, if Hei Hayakawa ran away and he leaked the news of Chu Lingyun's release, he would definitely die if he returned.

"I will check what you said, so be prepared."

After Chu Lingyun said to him, he left. Hayakawa Hei sent him to the door with a faint smile on his face.

It is not difficult to check. Chu Lingyun will definitely understand that the secret he told is true.

Next, I will finally be free.

It doesn't matter who you work for, the key is to protect yourself.

He was working for Japan before, but failed and fell into the hands of Chu Lingyun. He had to change his ways if he wanted to survive.

In the plan, in addition to the constraints on him, he also made many requirements.

First of all, the capital of 20,000 yen will be divided into 50% after making money.

Secondly, all expenses incurred by him in gathering intelligence must be borne by the Military Intelligence Office.

After he provides ten pieces of valuable information, he will send his wife back and she will arrange it properly. Now that he is not young, he will

If you engage in such a dangerous job, you must leave a place for yourself.

Finally, he asked Chu Lingyun to treat his parents well. The military intelligence department would not be involved in his parents' expenses. He would make money to support his family, but he would be given the opportunity to see his family at least twice a year, and he would also have to live with his wife after she gave birth to a child.

Parents live together.

Chu Lingyun didn't mention this, so Hayakawa Ping understood that he had agreed to all his requests.

Chu Lingyun will indeed agree to his requests. These requirements are not too harsh. He wants Hayakawa to do things in peace. If he does not mention these requests, Chu Lingyun will feel uneasy.

As for his parents, just find an opportunity to fake his death and pick him up.

Hei Hayakawa is pretending to be his childhood friend. Most people would not think of him, let alone investigate his family.

In the Japan Super High School, Hayakawa Taira is already a dead man.

When Japanese spies were executed in Wuhan before, Hayakawa Taira's name was added. Perhaps his family had already received Hayakawa Taira's pension.

Hayakawa Hei is a cunning fox. If such a fox can become a knife in his hand, it can be of great use.

Chu Lingyun's confidant, Ni Loach, is good at gathering information and is very clever, but he has experience and there are many things that he would not have thought of if Chu Lingyun hadn't suggested them.

Not to mention Shen Hanwen, he is only suitable for charging into battle.

As for Chu Yuan, he combined the strengths of the two of them, but at the same time nothing could compare to them. The most important thing was his loyalty, which was what Chu Lingyun cared about the most.

There are also Zhu Qing, He Xiangyang, Qiu Ruijie and others.

Although they have been engaged in intelligence work for many years, together they may not be Hayakawa Hei's opponent.

I still have great expectations for Hayakawa Ping and Chu Lingyun.

Let Loach verify the secret told by Hayakawa Hei. Two days later, Loach brought the result.

I really didn't expect that the chief section chief of the Special High School Division, the famous secret agent Dohara, would have such a secret. With this secret in hand, even if Hei Hayakawa confessed on his own initiative, he might not be able to escape death.

Chu Lingyun felt relieved about Hayakawa Ping.

From the backyard of the Military Intelligence Office, Hayakawa Taira's pitiful howling could be heard.

He wanted to disfigure his face, and he wanted to do it in a natural way so that no one would notice that it was man-made. Chu Lingyun used fire to burn it. Not only was his face destroyed, but he also had many burns on his body.

This perfectly creates the illusion of fire disfigurement.

Hayakawa Ping passed out and Chu Lingyun was sent to the doctor

Before treatment, the doctor could not know it was him until the face was disfigured to ensure the safety of his identity.

Chu Lingyun prepared four sulfonamides to ensure that Hayakawa Ping was brought back.

He still has great uses, and he must not be allowed to die from infection.

Hayakawa Hei stayed at the Military Intelligence Department to recover from his injuries, while Chu Lingyun returned to Shanghai.

Something happened over there in Shanghai.

Wu Shengcai led his people everywhere to knock on doors. The Japanese control would not last long. These people must be let out, otherwise they would starve to death without food at home.

This bitch was lucky. After knocking for three days, he found

An intelligence agent assigned by Chu Lingyun.

This intelligence officer was from the intelligence team and knew Wu Shengcai.

After seeing Wu Shengcai, the intelligence officer realized something was wrong and immediately drew his gun. Wu Shengcai did not expect to find someone from the Military Intelligence Department, and by the time he fought back, he had already been shot.

Wu Shengcai was surrounded by many Japanese and immediately fired back.

They beat the arms and legs in an attempt to capture them alive.

The intelligence agent was shot three times. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, he decisively committed suicide by biting the poison.

There was a lot of turmoil in the gunfight, and nearby observers noticed something was wrong and noticed the Japanese leaving with the corpses.

Although the observer did not see the appearance of the body, this intelligence officer was the only one of theirs nearby, and he saw the injured Wu Shengcai.

He knew Wu Shengcai, but Wu Shengcai didn't know him. Otherwise, even he would be doomed.

After Chu Lingyun received the news, he immediately returned to Shanghai.

Wu Shengcai had an impression that the people in the third intelligence group were He Xiangyang's subordinates.

No matter whose subordinate it is, it is unforgivable to lead the Japanese to kill their own compatriots after being captured.

When Chu Zuo found out, he became furious and demanded that Chu Lingyun immediately punish the six traitors and arrest their families.

The six people must be eliminated, otherwise half of the intelligence team arranged by Chu Lingyun will be abolished. Many people in the intelligence team know each other and have met each other.

This is also one of their loopholes, but it is too late to train new intelligence agents, so they can only do this.

The conditions didn't allow it, and Chu Lingyun had no choice.

"Send someone to investigate and make sure to find out where they are hiding, especially Wu Shengcai. He should be sent to the hospital and find out which hospital he is in."

Chu Lingyun called Zhu Qing, He Xiangyang and others. He Xiangyang lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Wu Sheng was his man, but now he has become a traitor, which has become his greatest shame.


Zhu Qing took the lead in shouting. This time the observer saw Wu Shengcai, but someone in the third group of his actions was also caught and rebelled. He was no better than He Xiangyang.

"I want the results as soon as possible or the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Chu Lingyun waved his hand to announce the adjournment of the meeting. The wartime intelligence team was strengthened by the director, who was at the same level as the operations section of the intelligence section. His rank was section chief level.

Although their jobs are the most dangerous, many people in the intelligence team have been promoted.

Zhu Qing was in the Operations Section and had no chance of being promoted to deputy section chief. This time he was directly promoted following Chu Lingyun.

Although it was very dangerous in enemy-occupied areas, he was following Chu Lingyun.

The Military Intelligence Office has long recognized that as long as you follow Chu Lingyun, you will get the credit.

He was promoted to lieutenant colonel, but everyone is ambitious.

After becoming a lieutenant colonel, he began to think about when he would be promoted to

Colonel, if he was promoted early, he might not have the chance to think about becoming a general.

Although there is no general in the Military Intelligence Department now, who can guarantee that there will not be one in the future.

Many people have speculated that Virgo's rank will be raised. Quanxu's military rank will not be raised, but his job rank will definitely be raised.

The Einsatzgruppe has a size of tens of thousands, which is no worse than an ordinary division.

It is said that this time the Einsatzgruppe will be expanded to have more people. By then he will even be able to compare with ordinary army commanders. It is simply unreasonable for a colonel to serve as the chief officer of an army with so many people.

Everyone started to move. It is not easy to get information in Shanghai now.

But this can't stop the loach.

It's not easy to move around in the city. Isn't there a concession here?

In the French Concession and the Public Concession, Loach was active everywhere and bought a lot of information from the Youth Gang disciples.

All the information was put together, and although he still didn't know where the remaining five people were, he found out where Wu Shengcai was.

"Team leader, Wu Shengcai is on the third floor of the Department of Surgery at Shenglan Hospital."

Ni Loach came back and reported to Chu Lingyun that Shenglan Hospital is located in the French Concession and is a hospital run by foreigners.

After all, Wu Shengcai is Chinese and is not qualified to enter a Japanese hospital.

As for the Chinese hospital in the SH city, it had long been taken over by the Japanese to treat wounded soldiers injured in the previous war.

Japan attaches equal importance to these wounded soldiers. One injured veteran is worth ten recruits.

Ten may be a bit exaggerated, but on the battlefield, the role of veterans

In some cases, even ten recruits can't compare.

"Shenglan Hospital.

Chu Lingyun narrowed his eyes and picked up the map.

The location of Shenglan Hospital is very good. This hospital is not small. Wu Shengcai is not qualified to enter the Japanese hospital for treatment. This time he failed again. If Chang Gusan didn't think that this dog was still useful, I'm afraid he wouldn't have done it.

Treat his injuries.

I found the person, but he was killed without being able to catch him.

Dead people have no effect at all. If we can catch people, we can follow the clues to find more lurking spies. Wu Shengcai reacted too slowly, and Hasegawa was very angry.

Not to mention the reward, if he hadn't been injured, he might have been beaten.

However, an intelligence agent from the Military Intelligence Department was discovered, confirming that his method was effective. The Military Intelligence Department had indeed eliminated the lurking personnel. As long as he ran more and searched more, there would be a chance to find other people.

Hasegawa reiterated to the other four that only those caught alive would get gold bars, and those caught dead would be punished with ten lashes.

In order to avoid these people being dishonest in the future, if Wu Shengcai had not been serious, knocked on the door carelessly, and was stunned for a while when he saw the person, he would not have given the Chinese agent a chance to shoot and commit suicide.

This chapter has been completed!
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