Chapter 825 Barbecue at night

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"Your contribution is enough, you deserve it."

Chu Lingyun smiled, Takemoto's contribution was indeed enough. Whether it was against the Liaison Department's team last time, or later against the special high-level courses from various places, Takemoto's performance was very good.

This time the statistics industry was once again the work of Takemoto.

"It's because of your help that I am where I am today."

Takemoto bowed his head again. He met Ishihara Hiroshi after the war in Shanghai, less than eight years ago.

At first he was just a major, but now he is a lieutenant general. Before, he never dared to think that he would be promoted so quickly.

At first, Takemoto just wanted to become a general before retiring. Now he has not only realized this wish, but also holds real power.

Even when he returned to China, he still held a high and powerful position.

"If you don't want to go back to China, you can't lose your job. If you go back to China, you can take up a job and continue to stay in Shanghai."

Chu Lingyun said softly, Takemoto was very happy, Ishihara Hiroshi wanted him to have a job in the country.

This is good. With his level, the positions he can hold in the country are not too low.

In this way, he can not only stay with Toru Ishihara, but also get a higher position.

As for the country, he really doesn’t want to go back.

Now that Tokyo is bombed every now and then, it is not as safe as Shanghai at home. Although Shanghai has also been bombed by the US military, it belongs to China after all.

The United States is an ally of China and will not go too far here.

"Thank you Ishihara-kun."

Takemoto has a correct attitude. He clearly expressed his loyalty to Ishihara Toru at the beginning, and now he is recognized as the number one person around Ishihara Toru.

If he does not return to his country and continues to stay with Toru Ishihara, his development will definitely be stronger than if he returns to his country.

It was March, less than half a year since Japan surrendered. In fact, it didn't matter to Chu Lingyun where Takemoto was.

Keep him so that the military police here can surrender smoothly in the future.

Chu Lingyun knew that the Japanese troops in many places, including China, were not willing to surrender after Japan announced its surrender, and a small number of Japanese troops wanted to continue to resist.

Although their ultimate outcome is failure, they can still cause harm to the people.

Chu Lingyun can't control other places, but Shanghai must be stable.

In Chongqing, Ran Wu is preparing the second step of the plan.

This plan must have the cooperation of Zhao Laoliu.

Feng Yong came forward, found Zhao Laoliu, and promised to give him a sum of money afterwards. It was a large amount of money, enough for them to buy a lot of land in other places, or buy a house and start a small business.

This was money that Zhao Laoliu would never earn in his lifetime, and he could not and could not refuse it.

This time it was Zhao Laoliu who acted together. After the performance, the whole family left immediately.

Ge Qi died, but Zhao Lao Liu's debt was not cleared. Ge Qi helped the person who wanted the debt, and Zhao Lao Liu did not owe him any money.

There were only a few days of peace and quiet, and the debt collector came to Zhao Laoliu's home again.

The five yuan I owed to Boss Liu had turned into thirteen yuan last time, and now it has become fifteen yuan.

Zhao Laoliu couldn't afford to pay back thirteen yuan, let alone two more yuan.

Bao Shengqun was in class, and the movement outside attracted his attention.

Several people came outside Zhao Laoliu's house and were threatening him.

After a while, two ruffian-like people came over. After questioning, they took Zhao Laoliu's son away by force.

Zhao Laoliu's entire family was arrested.

Bao Shengqun frowned, but he didn't stop him.

This kind of thing cannot be prevented. Once it is stopped, it may put him in danger.

Seeing his student crying and being forcibly taken away, Bao Shengqun remained indifferent, but only he knew the anger he was holding in his heart.

It's too much to deceive.

He knew that the money Zhao Laoliu borrowed was only five yuan, but within a few months it became fifteen yuan. This was not an ordinary loan shark, it was a deadly loan shark.

Zhao Laoliu has no money to repay. If this debt continues to roll in, there is no telling how much it will become.

Don't say fifteen yuan, one hundred and fifty, one thousand and fifty. Bao Shengqun believed it.

These loan sharks want to blow everyone who borrows money into pieces.

If nothing else goes wrong, Zhao Laoliu is finished, and so is his son. The foreign debt their family has been burdened with is enough to keep them from turning over for several lifetimes.

After class, Bao Shengqun returned home.

This time in the study, he couldn't read any books.

Finally, he secretly took out 20 yuan, sneaked into Zhao Laoliu's house at night, and put the money under their bed.

Twenty dollars is nothing to Bao Shengqun, he has money.

But for Zhao Laoliu and his family, it is fate.

The life of a family.

In this era of cannibalism, it is really not easy for poor people to find a way to survive.

When he came back, Bao Shengqun felt a little worried.

Zhao Laoliu's family was arrested and they did not come back at night.

Who knows what those loan sharks can do. I hope they can come back safely and pay back the loan sharks as soon as they see the money.

In the afternoon of the next day, Bao Shengqun arrived at the slum on time.

His wife has been taking the medicine for more than a month. Although she doesn’t know the efficacy, she said that she does feel much better after taking the medicine.

Even if you can't make your wife pregnant with a son, it will be fine if you can make her health better.

Xu Suzhen has followed him for so many years, and she has worked hard both with credit and hard work.

If she hadn't really been unable to give birth to a son, why would Bao Shengqun have thought of finding someone outside to help him give birth?

"Lao Liu didn't come back?"

Arriving at Gouzi's house, Bao Shengqun noticed that Zhao Laoliu's son was not there, and the door to their house was closed, just like when he left last night.

"No, I can't come back in the future."

Gouzi looked miserable and shook his head slightly. Bao Shengqun frowned, and an unknown premonition appeared in his heart.

"What's going on? I only owe a few dollars, so I won't force someone to death, right?"

"In this world, a few dollars can definitely drive someone to death. Besides, it's more than ten dollars now. Zhao Laoliu can't afford it. He was arrested yesterday and I heard he was beaten to death."

Gouzi replied bitterly, and Bao Shengqun was stunned.

Zhao Laoliu is dead?

Doesn’t the loan shark want money? Why beat him to death? If you beat him to death, you’ll lose everything?

"Where's Xiaomao?" Bao Shengqun asked again.

"I heard that they were sold, and Xiaomao's sister and his mother were also sold."

Gouzi shook his head as he spoke. Bao Shengqun was stunned again. Just because he owed more than ten yuan, and it was a debt from a loan shark, he beat the person to death and sold the whole family?

Is that human being?

No matter how ruthless he is, he has never done this before. These people are worse than animals.

Zhao Laoliu didn't have a close relationship with him. He only knew that he was an honest and honest man.

Xiao Mao is Zhao Laoliu's son and his student. He has always been diligent and very smart. He has learned a lot of Chinese characters in just one and a half months. Now he can simply memorize the Three Character Classic.

Xiaomao was sold?

Bao Shengqun was filled with anger again. He wanted to kill someone and kill the family of loan sharks.

Xiaomao was only seven years old. How could they kill such a sensible child?

"Teacher Wang, don't worry, Zhao Laoliu's matter will never affect you."

Gouzi said worriedly that he was afraid that Teacher Wang would be scared away and would no longer teach his son how to read. Although his son was not as diligent as Xiaomao and not as smart as Xiaomao, he still knew a lot of words.

The son also said that when he grows up, he can write and make money.

Gouzi is illiterate and has suffered enough from being uneducated. Now he can only do hard work and sell his strength, but strength is not always available in his life. He does not want his son to follow his own old path.

They can't afford the tuition to go to school, but kind-hearted people teach them for free. The children cherish this opportunity.

"I know."

Bao Shengqun did not explain. He felt uncomfortable, but he still calmed down and continued to teach the other five children.

During the lecture, when he saw Xiao Mao's empty seat, his brows would jump.

He was also confused in his heart. This is the reality. People like Xiao Mao can be found everywhere. When they become officials, they just think about how to make money. There are not many people who work seriously.

Officials at the bottom are only thinking about how to bully the people and make money from them.

He has been in Zhongtong for so many years and knows much better than ordinary people.

The Party is rotten, rotten from top to bottom.

Regardless of whether the Japanese are defeated or not, the common people will never want to live a good life. They will suffer when the Japanese come, and they will still suffer after the Japanese leave.

They want to live a good life, but they simply can't do it by relying on the Fruit Party.

Red party?

Bao Shengqun suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He has read a lot of books recently, and coupled with his previous understanding of the Red Party, he really knows in his heart that he wants to change everything and make this society no longer cannibalistic. Only the Red Party can do it.

And they are indeed doing so.

Bao Shengqun was startled by his own thoughts, hurriedly recovered his mind and continued class.

But after this thought came up, it lingered in his mind and couldn't go away.

When he got home in the evening, Bao Shengqun came to the study again and looked through his Red Party books.

This time he looked at it very seriously. In the past, he was just an outsider, but the Red Party asked him to look at it as he pleased, just to deal with errands.

It's different now. He looks at it carefully and wants to find the answer he wants.

Even for the sake of his children, he didn't want his son to have a difficult life like Zhao Laoliu. If his son was not smart and honest, it would be useless even if he left him a family fortune.

Sooner or later they will be defeated.

After reading for more than two hours, Bao Shengqun closed the book.

The Red Party does have the answer here. If you do what the Red Party says, there will be no exploitation or oppression in the future, everyone will have clothes to wear, and everyone will have food to eat. But can such a prosperous age really happen?

Bao Shengqun is not sure, but he can confirm one thing.

If it can happen, it will definitely be realized in the hands of the Red Party, not the Fruit Party.

He knows too much about the Fruit Party, and similarly, being in the Central Unification Party, he also has enough knowledge about the Red Party.

No wonder the Red Party can produce so many strong bones. Bao Shengqun didn't understand it before, but now he fully understands that these people are not living for themselves.

They are for more people and for the whole of China.

At this time, Bao Shengqun had not thought about joining the Red Party, but Chu Lingyun's strategy was indeed effective. At least Bao Shengqun understood the Red Party and had a deeper understanding of it.

The next day, Bao Shengqun secretly inquired about Boss Liu.

He wanted to know where Xiao Mao was sold. If there was a chance in the future, he would secretly redeem Xiao Mao so that they would not be in vain as a teacher and student.

Outside Chongqing, Feng Yongzheng looked at Zhao Laoliu and his family.

"This is money for you. Take the money and leave immediately. Remember, you are not allowed to return to Chongqing again in this life. If you do, you know what will happen."

Nothing happened to Zhao Laoliu, and Xiao Mao was not sold.

The whole family is doing well. Not only that, they have also put on new clothes. They have eaten well and slept well these two days.

"Yes, I understand. Don't worry, we will never come back."

Zhao Laoliu nodded hurriedly, and Feng Yong gave him a box with three hundred oceans in it.

With this money, they can survive wherever they go. This is wealth that Zhao Laoliu cannot save in his lifetime.

Instead of going to their hometown, they can go to other places, especially places with cheaper land, and buy dozens of acres of land. There is no problem.

"Let's go, be careful on the road."

Feng Yong sent Zhao Laoliu and his family away, made sure they left, and returned to the city.

Zhao Laoliu and his family left happily. With so much money, no matter what they do, Xiao Mao can continue to study and become literate, and their family's life will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The second step of the plan is completed, and the brother who plays Boss Liu will temporarily leave on the grounds of doing business.

Bao Shengqun's hands were very dark, and it was he who killed Ge Qi.

Others didn't know about Ge Qi's death. They knew very well that Bao Shengqun secretly ran out of the back door at night, and the news of Ge Qi's death came the next day. Who else could it be if it wasn't him.

They must be careful when facing Bao Shengqun.

Chu Lingyun is in Shanghai, but the whole process is under his control.

On March 9, the United States launched a new round of bombings against Japan, mainly targeting Tokyo. The wooden houses in Tokyo were extremely easy to burn during the bombing.

The bombing continued for two days and the Japanese suffered heavy losses, and they were powerless against the American bombing.

The good pilots had already died in the battle, and they were unable to stop the American planes. The American bombers flew high, dropped bombs, and then left.

The American commander of this bombing was Rime. A total of more than 300 aircraft were dispatched and more than 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs were dropped.

The entire Tokyo was instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Preliminary statistics show that the two-day bombing killed nearly 100,000 people in Tokyo, seriously injured more than 100,000 people, damaged hundreds of thousands of houses, and left millions of people homeless.

After news of the tragedy in Tokyo reached Shanghai, countless Japanese were shocked.

"The radio station is open today. If you need it, please send it to your family as soon as possible."

Chu Lingyun said sadly to the senior management of Ishihara Trading Company that Ishihara Trading Company has many Japanese employees, many of whom are in Tokyo.

Tokyo suffered such a heavy bombing, these people couldn't sit still.

Ishihara Hiroshi was very considerate of them and allowed them to send reports asking for safety.

There is no point in sending a telegram. Japan's private telegraph is now paralyzed. They want to send it to no one. The most they can do is ask people with radio stations in China.

But how many people are like that?

Chu Lingyun was just showing off, but these people still wanted to shed tears of gratitude.

Back in the office, Chu Lingyun immediately smiled.

"Shi Yi, come back with me tonight and we'll have barbecue."

There were only Chu Lingyun and Fang Shiyi in the office. Chu Lingyun said with a smile. Fang Shiyi was startled and then smiled.

Just after Japan was bombed, Toru Ishihara wanted to eat barbecue. This was quite a bit of fun.

But they deserve it. The Japanese committed all kinds of crimes in China by burning, killing, and looting. Let them taste what it feels like to be grilled this time.

Thanks to the leader Pi Pi Tu for another 500 starting coins reward, and thanks to the fish that drowned in the heavy rain, and Ye Biling for 100 starting coins each.

This chapter has been completed!
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