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Chapter 1038 Mechanization

What is Wang Mingtang doing?

He is preparing to arrest and imprison people.

As for the place of arrest, it was in Nanzhu.

He and Ji Zhengyan came to a village.

I saw men in rags and swarthy clothes, who had not been washed in countless years, wandering around in the village.

Only some women work in the rice fields.

"Are you going to do something outrageous again? Don't take me with you." Ji Zhengyan said with a look of disgust.

"You are wrong. I am taking them to heaven. Instead of waiting for death outside, they can live a good life for many days with me." Wang Mingtang pointed at the people wandering around and said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Will they follow you?" Ji Zhengyan asked doubtfully.

"Isn't this a very simple matter? As long as you do this, this, and this...that's all."

Ji Zhengyan thought for a while and reluctantly agreed.

He was worried that if he didn't agree, Wang Mingtang would extend his evil hand to one of his own.

Outside the village, on a dirt road in the distance, a rumbling large truck arrived soon after, immediately attracting the attention of the villagers.

The truck was loaded with big fat pigs.

The truck was driving very slowly, but when it was turning, it tipped over due to the movement of the fat pigs, and even the cage was broken.

Suddenly, one pig after another escaped from the hole in the cage.

The villagers watched from a distance for a while. At some point, someone ran over and was the first to reach out to the fleeing pigs.

If there is one, then there are two, and then a group of people come running up, and some people call for relatives.

The truck driver came out and waved his hands, trying to stop the villagers.

However, no one listened to him, and some even kicked him a few times to make him be honest and obedient.

"What a bunch of pigs without any sense of morality. They deserve to be caught." Wang Mingtang said coldly.

Ji Zhengyan didn't say anything, but there was no sympathy in his eyes.

Then the villagers all happily drove the big fat pig home.

However, when they returned to the village, they were surprised to find that the familiar village was gone!

What appeared in front of them were huge buildings...

This is just the beginning.

Subsequently, Wang Mingtang followed the same pattern and captured millions of people in Nanzhu. There were thousands or more people in one village. It only needed to be copied a thousand times.

As for the impact of having a few million fewer people, the conclusion is that it has no impact.

After all, there were no people here, and people from other places soon moved in. Then because there was more land, life became better, and the birth rate and survival rate increased. In less than ten years, the place became crowded again, and then the death rate increased, finally reaching a


And no one came to stop the two of them. After all, it was just a lack of animals. Who would stop two demons just for the sake of animals?

Wait until Wang Mingtang finishes arresting people and return to the world of Colossus.

Ji Zhengyan asked a question that he was very concerned about, "How did you do it and change the fragmented world at will?"

"As long as you are proficient in the mysterious phenomena related to mirrors, you will know the method." Wang Mingtang did not cover up, but he did not make it clear either.

"That's right." Ji Zhengyan thought thoughtfully.

Although he hadn't met Wen Rensheng for a long time, it didn't mean that he didn't know what Wen Rensheng was going to do.

He also knew that Wen Rensheng was planning to move the entire city to Dongshui City, and that the other party was also worried about the problem of exporting to the world.

Today he took the opportunity to learn a thing or two from Wang Mingtang.

Now it seems that some gains have been achieved.

Then, he found an opportunity to pass the news on.

As for whether Wang Mingtang found out or not, he didn't care. Anyway, the other party couldn't do anything to him.


Wen Rensheng was sitting in the study.

Now he has several things on hand, resurrection, holy armor, and relocation.

The first two things still need to wait for the opportunity, while the latter one is in progress.

Thinking about it this way, he felt that he was quite free now.

"I sleep and dream all day long, and I have half a day of leisure."

He decided to watch a TV series.

The TV series was a detective film, but he stopped watching it after watching the beginning.

Because he had thought of all the subsequent plot.

He turned off the computer and said sincerely, "Sure enough, the smarter a person is, the fewer things they have to entertain themselves."

"Is that so? It seems that I will have to be stupid in the future." Xiao Huan popped up.

"Why do you want to see me again?" Wen Rensheng asked in surprise.

"Yes, last time, didn't you ask me to stare at Stein? He was a guy like this." Xiao Huan lay on Wen Rensheng's back and crumpled his hair into a chicken coop.


"Stein? Is he the old man with a doctorate who encourages your followers to learn scientific knowledge?" Wen Rensheng thought of that incident.

He did say that Xiao Huan should keep an eye on the other person and see what new things that guy can come up with.

If the other party finds out, we will copy it back. There is nothing embarrassing about it.

"Well, he recently came up with a new thing, which I think is quite interesting."

"What's new?" Wen Rensheng asked curiously.

“How to make yourself a robot.”

"Let me see the relevant footage."

Soon Wen Rensheng saw the relevant pictures.

In a basement, Dr. Stein and three people from the Destiny Society were staying together.

They were surrounding a huge machine, which looked somewhat similar to a CT.

There are still some people queuing behind the machine.

"This is a device that I have improved many times. It is based on several of my previous inventions,"

Dr. Stein patted the machine proudly,

"Its function is to combine the functions of two major inventions, ideological imprinting and emotional stability. To put it simply, these two functions can be further deepened to allow people to live like a machine."

"There is no joy, anger, sorrow, laziness or greed, it will just run solid and stable like a robot."

"We can't defeat those scary, unpredictable monsters, but since they need to absorb our fluctuating emotions, we have a way to make them ignore us."

"People from Dongzhou have a saying, if you don't want someone to step on your head, there are two ways, one is to become a mountain, the other is to become a lump of x."

"Very interesting." Old Man Fengshu nodded, looking interested.

After all, the foundation of their Destiny Society is ordinary people. If ordinary people become robots, then they don't have to worry about being targeted by disasters, which means that their foundation will become extremely solid.

"But, I remember, doctor, that the machine you used to control emotions was transformed into one of the assembly line equipment of the Yuanjing Factory. How do you ensure that this new invention will not be used by them again?" Huashu was more thoughtful.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he was shocked. He didn't expect these guys to be so well-informed. Their background should not be underestimated.

After all, their ideas and actions can still attract many geniuses among ordinary people to join.

"No problem, they can use our inventions, but as long as we transform enough ordinary people, we can build our own robot kingdom. We don't need the protection of the colossus. We can continue to develop technology until we achieve mechanical degradation.

God, and then in turn defeat those monsters, those damn, unreasonable, and inexplicable things!" Dr. Stein said through gritted teeth.

The three people from Tianming Society looked at each other.

To them, the machine invented by the doctor is not much different from the monster... they can't understand it anyway, and even relatively speaking, the monster's ability is easier to understand.

"What is the principle of this thing?"

"The principle is very simple. It is to use constant hypnosis and imprinting thoughts to fix the human behavior pattern into the robot's script pattern..."


This chapter has been completed!
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