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Chapter 1262 Weakness

What exactly the Immortal wants to do, based on Wenren Sheng's wisdom, it is impossible to say that he can't figure it out.

But just as everyone knows that they are going to die, no one can fight against death.

People can only wait for the historical process to evolve to the stage of conquering death.

The same was true before Wen Rensheng.

But now, he feels that the time has come.

He left the world of Blood Island and came to space.

Then I sent a message to someone through a different species and waited quietly.

Not long after, "Wu Shanshan" appeared in front of him.

"Which name should I call you?" Wen Rensheng looked at the familiar face, but his mood was very complicated.

"It's up to you, whoever you call will come out." The other person chuckled.

Wen Rensheng let out a long breath: "As expected."

"Did you still think I would kill them?"

"No, I just want to say that your taste in life is lower than Xiao Huan." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Oh, aren't you men all like this? On the one hand, you talk about being together for the rest of your life; on the other hand, you always have a kind of mysterious self-confidence, thinking that all the good girls in the world can only be relieved if you take care of them." The corner of the other person's mouth twitched.

, like telling a very funny joke.

"Anyway, you release them all."

"If they want to come out, they don't need my permission."

After Wen Rensheng heard this, he fell silent.

He suddenly realized that he had no reason to take action.

He doesn't have the kind of temperament where he kills whoever he wants, and he won't force anyone, insisting that it's for your own good.

No one asked him for help, how could he take action?

How else to say that it is difficult for an upright official to deal with household chores?

When it comes to emotions, it's hard to find out what's right or wrong because it's completely subjective.

This immortal is really powerful.

Completely grasp your own weaknesses.

Even if his mystery level exceeds 10,000, he still has no way to take action.

After thinking for a long time, Wen Rensheng had no choice but to say: "I want to meet my master."

"Okay, I find your tangled heart very interesting. You obviously already have extraordinary power, why don't you indulge yourself? There are many people who only have one ten thousandth of your power, but they go to heaven every day."

"Wu Shanshan" asked a little confused.

"That's because..." Wen Rensheng pondered for a moment, and suddenly felt that the other party's question was reasonable.

What is the reason that prevents you from opening a large harem?

You know, he now has the puppet technique and the clone technique, so there is no problem in being the Yellow Emperor.

Well, I understand, it must be my noble moral sentiments that far exceed the low taste of ordinary people.

Alas, there is really no way.

"Of course it's because of my moral level that I won't be allowed to do this." He said very calmly.

"No, it seems you don't know the real reason yet." "Wu Shanshan" shook her head, and then the next moment, her face, body shape, and even her clothes were all switched at the same time.

Wei Yiqing appeared in front of him. When she appeared, she was still playing games on her mobile phone.

Wen Rensheng looked up and saw that he was playing "Minecraft" and moving bricks inside?

Wait, even though the background is all squares, why does it look familiar?

Then he heard a more familiar voice coming from his mobile phone.

"Old Wei, aren't you a master at playing games? How come the house you built is not as good-looking as other players?"

That voice was clearly Xiao Huan's.

As for the game background, it is naturally a simplified version of the previous world of cultivating immortals.

He understood that Wei Yiqing was playing a game of cultivating immortals with Xiao Huan by controlling a puppet through her mobile phone.

As for why she didn't enter in person, if she did, no one else would have to play... Every day, she would be a non-chief, defeat monsters and miss, and only unused items would be found out of the box, and no one would be able to bear it.

"Master..." Wen Rensheng couldn't help but ask.

"Don't talk, don't stop me from building a house." Wei Yiqing's tone was a bit cold.

"Oh." Wen Rensheng was so confident when he saw someone playing games like Xiao Huan for the first time.

After a while, Xiao Huan’s voice appeared again:

"It's so-so. Anyway, I can't help you build it. It's square and square, and it looks very intrusive at first glance."

At this time, Wei Yiqing put away her phone and looked at Wen Rensheng: "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Um, can you help me deal with an old ruler?" Wen Rensheng's words came to his lips and turned back to business.

"How about concentrating everyone else's misfortune on it?"

"Including your own?"

"Not included."

"Oh well."

Wen Rensheng nodded. Without speaking, he could tell that the current situation was what Wei Yiqing liked.

No need to worry about hurting others unintentionally, no need to worry about being rejected by others.

Every day is spent happily playing games, and there is a playmate who yells and jumps up and down.

Most people don't have such a life yet.

The other party does not need his own rescue.

"Master, you are having fun." Wen Rensheng could only wish him this way.


Then Wei Yiqing disappeared and "Wu Shanshan" reappeared.

"Who else do you want to see?"

"Forget it, the answer is the same."

"Don't you come here to fight? Don't you want to prove that you are capable of saving people from me? I can give you this opportunity."

"Fighting is not my purpose."

"Well, it seems that you have a lot of concerns. It's okay, let's change the target, such as the old ruler you just mentioned."

"You seem to look down upon it? Don't you know its true power?" Wen Rensheng asked confused.

The other party had three people, no, four lives concentrated on him, and he didn't want this guy to go crazy.

"No matter how strong it is, it is still induced by the human heart, and when it comes to controlling the human heart, you are still not close to it." Wu Shanshan said.

"Well, I do often fail to see the true human heart." Wen Rensheng said calmly.

What is the human heart actually like?

People's hearts are lazy, greedy, and people who lack self-motivation account for the majority, but if they can see achievements and see gains every step of the way, there will definitely be many liver emperors.

"You will soon see the true weakness of the Old Ones."

"The real weakness?" Wen Rensheng felt a little tired. This immortal was an ancient after all.

The ancients always liked to hold back when speaking, paying attention to everything and only speaking three points.

"Wu Shanshan" did not answer his question again, but smiled and disappeared.

Wen Rensheng clenched his fist and then released it.

Now, he thought of a certain Super League in his previous life. No one could invade it, but it collapsed from the inside, and its GDP dropped all the way to the point where it was worse than even a small country of 70,000 square kilometers.

Simply being strong in force cannot determine everything.

Those who can understand this are truly strong.

Okay, let's let the unsolvable existence of the Old Ones become the symbol of victory or defeat.



Wen Rensheng read a large number of novels and fan fiction related to the Old Ones.

He saw that there were still concepts like old gods and foreign gods.

Simply put, the Old Ones are a type of monster that ruled the world in the distant past, and later fell asleep or were sealed by the old gods.

The Outer Gods are the creators of the universe and rules, and have no hostile relationship with the Old Ones.

In short, these are all settings in the novel.

Now the Old Ones are born, but rather than saying that it was born and awakened - it is better to say that it is a chaotic disaster. It has evolved to the present and has the characteristics of the Old Ones, so it has been imposed on people as "the Old Ones".


After all, chaos-type disasters sound quite scientific at first glance, but are not close to the people or scary enough.

This is also the reason why Principal Calamity is so scared. Those who are of the same kind are the most terrifying, and those who work with them are the natural enemies.

The biggest fear of human beings in previous lives was that they would destroy themselves, rather than fear of various doomsday disasters.

Because humans really can destroy themselves.

It seems that if you want to defeat it, you have to have further contact with the Disaster Strange Principal.

This chapter has been completed!
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