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Chapter 1301 Line

"Everything you said is right, but the young dragon just doesn't want to listen and wants to grow freely. So what should we do?" Lu Kuan said suddenly.

Wen Rensheng smiled, "Have you ever raised a child? When a child grows up, he needs a benchmark, a red line that cannot be crossed."

"Anyone who doesn't want to establish this red line when educating their children will end up harming others and themselves."

"No matter what their family conditions are, no matter how good their educational conditions are, no matter how high their status, there are no exceptions."

Lu Kuan said nothing.

The next moment, a vision appeared and he saw a person.

A petrified man.

A person he had forgotten for a long time - Zhong Yunxian.

The one with the golden finger!

Resurrection after death, occupying other people's souls and bodies, seizing other people's golden fingers.

Even a game emulator may not be able to compete with it.

He understood, this was the red line Wen Rensheng had drawn for him!

The next moment, he found his body floating again.

The whole person appeared in space and came to the space fortress.

"Go to that star system that's light years away."

Fortress starts.

Not long after, the two came to another star system and stood above an unfamiliar planet.

Space is empty and dark, with no support.

"Do you see that planet below?" Wen Rensheng pointed at his feet and asked.

"I saw it." Lu Kuan was a little confused.

I wonder what Wen Rensheng wanted to do by bringing him to such a far place?

The next moment, he knew.

Wen Rensheng suddenly stretched out his fist and smashed it down.

The sky collapsed.

The stars set and the moon sets.

In Lu Kuan's disbelieving eyes, the planet split apart.

Magma spurted out, and the planet, which had not experienced drastic changes in hundreds of millions of years, began to drift again.

Is this the ultimate power that flesh and blood can achieve?

Lu Kuan was amazed in his heart.

In fact, he also understood that compared to this kind of naked power, the time travel and player resurrection that come with the game simulator are actually more high-end.

However, that is Goldfinger after all, not his own ability.

Human instinct made him shocked by this most direct violence.

Wen Rensheng also sighed secretly in his heart, his own strength was still a bit far behind.

I originally thought of breaking the star with one punch, but when I hit it, I found out——

Alien master level strength, able to exert tens of thousands of tons of force.

And after his increase of more than 10,000 times, he only has a strike power of 100 million tons.

Combined with the destruction of the source power and the eagle eye observation of the weakness of the earth's crust... the superposition of many factors finally managed to crack the surface of the planet, showing a shocking scene.

If you really want to break the star, the force must be at least billions of tons, right?

There's still a long way to go.

After returning, Lu Kuan was silent for a long time.

Four days later, the high mountain barrier near Nanzhu was opened into a new game instance.

The battlefield of bloodshed has turned into a paradise of killing.

Players are pouring in.

However, the immortal player finally met his opponent this time.

Facing the demons who live by fighting, killing, and evolving, they suffered a series of losses.

Blood, terror, stench, fire, psychological fatigue... are all the players' enemies.

Even if they can be resurrected infinitely, when it comes to fighting, they are just hobbies, and other people's demons are their bread and butter.

Demons who don't know how to fight have long been in the abyss and become food for others.

When players fight demons, in the real world, they use their hobbies to challenge others for their jobs.

Lu Kuan was forced to spend a lot of points to activate the special perception weakening function, the mosaic function... With many blessings, the players could continue to grind.

However, even with so many tricks enabled, players can still only serve as cannon fodder and diversion.

Their so-called fighting skills are far behind compared to the demons.

There is no power to suppress, and only the top and most professional combat players can compete with some middle and low-level demons.

The biggest use for players at present is to attract a wave of demons, gather them together, and then summon drones to strike.

In short, you have to be a bait to survive.

However, Lu Kuan did not say how to seal the devil's passage and prevent invasion.

It's not surprising that Wen Rensheng was there.

First of all, Aihandeb's tentacles have been determined, and the opened channel cannot be closed. This means that it is difficult to close when it is covered with water, and it is difficult to round a broken mirror.

Broken glass will remain cracked forever unless it is returned to the furnace to be remade.

The game simulator can control the player, but it cannot control the demons, because it has not conquered the world where the demons are.


Now, Wen Rensheng had to put Big Cat, the top force, there for a long time.

Likewise, the Inspectorate also called in many aliens and mages.

Fortunately, they have chosen to register as players, so they don't have to worry about dying in battle.

This group of special players is the main force in confronting the demons head-on.

However, after this incident, the Inspection Department registered aliens as players and the management became stricter.

Wen Rensheng also knew that they were looking for a way to crack the game emulator.

As long as it's a game, there's a way to break it.

However, game simulators are not artificial creations. Can their loopholes be found?

Wen Rensheng is not optimistic about this, because human beings' mysterious background is still too shallow.


A high mountain camp.

There is an airport here, which is an extremely critical logistics hub. Wen Rensheng's big cat sits here to prevent some invisible demons from sneaking in and destroying it.

Demons evolve very quickly and learn human tactics very quickly.

At first, they engaged in a rigid line-of-arms attack, but soon changed this approach.

Leapfrog, airdrop, flying dragon on the face, roundabout attack, interception of logistics, bewitching people's hearts, wooing traitors...

They are far more terrifying than disasters.

Chaos disasters have no clear goals and only passive destruction. They do not plan or deliberately devise conspiracies.

The rational calamities are like the four scumbags in the hands of Wen Rensheng, and they are implicitly restrained by the calamity principals.

They will play with people's hearts, but they will not deliberately destroy humans.

But demons are not like that.

Although they pursue chaos by nature, they still have certain organizational capabilities.

The big demon is the main force of the assault, and there are also higher-level demons such as the demon leader.

They come from another world and entered the earth to conquer this universe.

Killing opponents and transforming land, fire and lava are the favorites of the higher demons.

Humans have a natural opposition to them, which is a conflict of ecological niches.

The so-called sworn hatred is far beyond comparison. One of the two sides must be completely wiped out, or expelled from the current ecological environment.

A wartime tent somewhere in the center of the camp.

"We must counterattack and contain them near the Nanzhu fissure. Otherwise, our industrial and resource advantages will be lost soon!" The commander looked at the map and slammed it with his hand!

"The higher ups must be considering a counterattack, but do they really have only one crack in Nanzhu?" the staff officer asked worriedly.

"It should be true. I went to the last meeting and it was said that there are no other cracks to worry about. This is probably the only good news." The commander confirmed.

This information was naturally leaked by Lu Kuan tacitly after being threatened by Wen Rensheng.

While they were talking, the alarm of the automatic defense system suddenly came from the camp, followed by gunfire.

"Damn demons, they're attacking again!"

The commander said and immediately pressed a button on the table.

A door suddenly appeared on the ground, and several commanders immediately fell down and entered a shelter, saving them the trouble of running away.

The door is made of the strongest alloy currently available and can withstand demonic fire and physical attacks.

Their flames are still within the ordinary range, not reaching tens of thousands of degrees, but only thousands of degrees.

The big cat controlled by Wen Rensheng had immediately gone out to clean up the invading enemies.

This chapter has been completed!
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