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Chapter 1,312 The Secret Explorer

Wen Rensheng did not doubt what Erwin said. He was just venting his anger just now.

Erwin was not his own student, so he did not use his educational skills to correct the other person's behavior.

The other party did not lie to him.

The bloodline of the gods needs to be spread, and someone has to do it.

The appearance of Erwin is to pave the way for the coming of the Heroic Age——

Spread the bloodline.

Everyone is doing their own thing, and everything is fine.

He asked Big Cat to continue exploring the map and search for other hero seeds.

And he himself decided to set up an organization that only served himself——

"The Secret Explorer".

He had been laying the groundwork before, the Tianxing Club was actually a prototype, and the Inspectorate was also helping him solve the mystery.

It's easy to set up, just set up a new department under "Tianxing Club".

Lao Zhao, a scheming guy, has been quiet since the mysterious invasion intensified.

I have been playing soy sauce and not showing up at the company. I still maintain it now. I just use it to maintain relationships with myself and other people.

The other party knows this very well.

With this in mind, Wen Rensheng walked out of the villa and walked next door.

After knocking on the door and being welcomed in by the housekeeper of the Zhao family, Wen Rensheng saw Lao Zhao teaching his youngest son in the living room.

"For a given positive real-valued function, the definite integral on a real interval can be understood as the area value of the curved trapezoid surrounded by curves, straight lines and axes on the coordinate plane."

The child is smart, cute, and very attentive. He is only a few years old and is actually reading "Calculus"!

But after Wen Rensheng took a closer look at it for a few times, when he looked at Lao Zhao again, an inexplicable sense of horror arose in his heart.

With his current powers of observation, he could tell at a glance that there was something fishy about this.

Then he shook his head. This was the other party's family matter and he couldn't interfere.

"Zhao Ling, say hello to Uncle Wenren." Seeing him come in, Old Zhao stood up and guided the child to stand up and greet Wenrensheng.

"No, no, just call me brother. Don't mess up the seniority." Wen Rensheng waved his hand.

He has been eighteen years old. This child is already five or six years old. How can he be called uncle?

"Hello, Brother Wenren," the little boy called honestly.

Wen Rensheng did not feel comfortable, but felt a strange feeling. He nodded, reached out and took out a notebook from his arms, "Okay, this is a gift from my brother."

The little boy took it, and the note clearly read "On the Introduction to the Mage System".

The child's eyes suddenly shone, and he couldn't put it down while holding the notes. He bowed politely to Wen Rensheng and said, "Thank you, brother."

"Okay, housekeeper, take the young master down." Lao Zhao asked the housekeeper to send his son away, and then he and Wen Rensheng went to a pavilion in the front yard and sat down.

Wen Rensheng explained his intention directly.

"It's simple. I've been busy raising my children in the past few years and rarely care about the company. You can just find someone to set it up yourself." Lao Zhao agreed immediately.

"Thank you very much," Wen Rensheng smiled, and then reminded, "Recently, there have been frequent demonic invasions. They appear and disappear. They are a well-established force with a complete world background. They are not comparable to those small fights in the past. There are more

Pay attention to the safety of your family."

"Well, I will pay attention, but with you here, I believe they won't dare to come in here." Old Zhao smiled heartily.

"It's better to be cautious."

Wen Rensheng reminded him again and then left.

The next day, there was an additional "Exploration Department" in the Tianxing Club.

The remuneration is extremely high, not to mention money, and you will be qualified to deal with extraordinary people when you join the club.

Mage quota, game player status, and puppetry are the basic configuration.

When the performance reaches a certain level, there are also alien species that can be redeemed.

However, recruitment was only done within a small area and was not widely advertised.

The assessment is naturally very strict.

Background identity, mentality and thinking, physical quality, personality and hobbies, moral quality...

Because of the fantasy deduction, this inspection is incredibly rare, and is much higher than joining many special departments of the Inspection Department.

Xiao Huan was very excited after hearing this and took over the role of interviewer without hesitation.

After all, to her, this is just playing with people's hearts!

It is better to lack than to overdo.

Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen also applied for the exam, but Wang Wenwen failed and complained to Xiao Huan when they returned home.

"Xiao Huan, how do I usually treat you?" She grabbed Xiao Huan's two braids and said angrily.

"You're very good to me. Some of the fifty pounds of flesh in my waistcoat are due to you." Xiao Huan patted his big belly and said plausibly.

In addition to the body that she transformed at will, she now has a physical body made by Shishi, and her growth pattern is in accordance with that of a normal human being.

Because everyone voted unanimously, it is still comfortable to masturbate physically.

It's just that she specifically asked not to grow up.

It can't grow vertically, she eats more, and she rarely uses this vest for exercise. After all, it's a solid body and it's inconvenient to run around, so why can't it grow horizontally?

"You can't blame me, it's because you don't want to grow taller." Wang Wenwen argued forcefully, completely forgetting that he took Xiao Huan to visit various barbecue stalls at night.

"Then you can't blame me if you fail. Lao Wen said that releasing water is harming others. Those who are not qualified will only encounter unknown dangers after entering." Xiao Huan raised his head.

"Okay, you can go in if you want, just be careful not to go into battle in person." Finally Wen Rensheng agreed.

After all, Wang Wenwen only lost a little bit, and it was in eating. In fact, the threshold was very, very high, much higher than normal.


The next day, Tianxing Club.

In an office, four people were sitting.

The two men and two women were both of average-looking appearance, neither handsome nor ugly.

Just looking at the appearance, you can't see any special qualities.

But they passed the difficult illusion test.

"To reach the sky in one step, are you talking about us?" Man A said, his tone was quite excited.

"Calm down. Although we have joined the company, we are still intern status until we complete the first incident." Woman A smiled.


The other two people agreed.

In fact, everyone knows that the other party is acting——

Man A wants to show his expectations and enthusiasm, while woman A wants to show her composure and self-awareness.

The other two showed themselves to be easy-going and obedient to orders.

Just here, the door opened.

Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen walked in one after the other.

"This is Director Zhao from the Exploration Department, look for her face." Wang Wenwen said in a high voice.

Now I have a chance to show off in front of my juniors.

"Hello, Minister Zhao." The four people immediately stood up and said hello.

"From now on, you will be directly responsible to her. No one in the company can speak to you. You can only listen to her."

"I know." The four of them said quickly.

"Well, very good. From now on, we will all be on the same team and have to cooperate with each other." Zhao Han tried his best to act like a minister.

They come here to apply for jobs, so they naturally have their own channels and know Zhao Han's background.

The niece of the company boss and the apprentice of the company patriarch, she has the status of a family member.

He looks quite honest and simple, but who would have thought that his background could be so big?

She should belong to the type of young lady who is kind-hearted and considerate of others. There is one thing you should pay attention to when dealing with this kind of person——

Don't deceive the other party based on their innocence and take advantage of the other party's position to make profits. In that case, it would be extremely stupid.

After all, it is very difficult to meet such high-quality connections.

Getting this connection is the simplest thing, but also the hardest thing - to be sincere for sincerity.

This chapter has been completed!
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