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Chapter 1,336 Repairing Computers

"Fix the computer, fix the computer..."

"Overclock the old (c)pu to 66."

"Old computers have been repaired into new computers..."

"After repairing the computer, the code guy can work overtime."

"Hey come on..."


Underneath the melodious singing was Jin Fei's pale face. He was checking today's video with a dejected look on his face.

He had no idea that his condition was getting worse and worse and that he was still singing now.

It's okay if one just hums in idleness.

Next to the key is a noble lady with her chin in her hands, elegant posture, and serious appreciation.

And this song, this song with a strong folk custom, he was sure he had never heard before!

there has never been!

Although he will lose his memory, he has the habit of checking every day, and he has never heard this song in the video.

The question arises, how does the other "self" know about the song that he himself has never heard?

there is only one truth.

This song was told by someone else to another "self"!

"Jin Gong, you sing this song very well. Did you make it yourself? I am a folklore expert, and I have never heard such a tune in any land in Dongzhou." Ms. Gao said with admiration, her eyes

There was also a glimmer of light in it.

"This is what I heard sung by the local people when I was passing through Taiyuan."

"Gong Jin is so humble. I happened to be doing research in Taiyuan a few years ago and I had never heard anyone sing it."

"Okay, then you can just think that I figured it out. Anyway, the connotations are pretty much the same."

"Yes, no matter how the times change, there will always be people who live like animals." The noble lady also has a kind heart that can empathize with the working people at the bottom.

"Well, well, you are really my soulmate."

"I would like to make a tune out of the song you hum and rearrange it. Do you think it's okay? Of course, all copyrights and subsequent income will be yours."

"Of course. As for the income, I don't need it. I can donate it to the hardworking community animals."

Jin Fei really didn't expect that his other self would be such a caring person.

This is probably a blessing in misfortune.

If he were a murderer, his situation would be a hundred times more difficult than it is now.

But now, even if the Inspector asks him, as long as he insists that he just has this kind of quirk, others can't do anything to him.

Some genius mathematicians can't sleep and can only rest their brains by sawing wood.

If he repairs a computer, he has made some contribution to social wealth. Is it no better than sawing wood?

This is why he insists on watching videos every night.

It doesn't matter if you have quirks, but if you can't control your body, that's a big problem.

Jin Fei sighed, turned off the video, and went to bed alone.

After discovering that he had amnesia, he became single and sent his family to live in the dormitory of the Inspectorate, saying it was for their safety.

He didn't know that there was an eye staring at him outside the window.

Every time he took a breath, every time he turned over, he was watched by that eye.

More patient than the most patient mother taking care of her baby.

It was a light black eye that blended perfectly into the night.


In a distant room.

Li Chun is staying up late and working overtime to watch over Jin Fei.

While observing the other party, he wrote an analysis report on the computer.

Compared with newcomer Mei Guangzhan, he is too cautious.

Because he knew that the alien he was facing was the first kind of extraordinary being on earth.

The original mysterious power of mankind was built by them.

His surveillance methods may have been discovered by the other party long ago.

But the other party did not expel it, probably to prove its innocence.

It should be like this.

Li Chun wrote down all his guesses in the report.

Of course he heard that song too.

For some reason, he always felt that there seemed to be an extremely terrifying truth hidden behind that song.

Computer repair?

Could it be some kind of metaphor?

And it’s a metaphor that the parties involved don’t even know?

He racked his brains thinking.


It turns out that the truth is actually like this.

Wen Rensheng looked at Li Chun and saw the video of "computer repair" by the way.

That familiar tone only appeared in one place.

In the world of the Republic of China that Liu Jian experienced.

Play cotton.

A great classic song.

Here comes the problem.

Who told Jin Fei this song?

only one person.


Now its main body has degenerated into a small octopus, but it has left a trace of backup consciousness. When everyone made the decision to open up space, it appeared to warn itself.

Say you don't want to watch a good TV series, but the filming suddenly stopped.

I just ignored its warning.

But its backup consciousness should be more like a simple intelligent script, which will jump out only when trigger conditions are met, and can simply answer questions and solve fatal dangers.

But it is impossible to have active thinking.

Otherwise, why didn't it come out when the Rebel Tentacle was selling it?

In this case, it seems that this information should have been spread by Aihandeb a long time ago.

What is its purpose?

In the past, Wen Rensheng had no choice. If he asked Aihandeb, the other party would definitely say that it was to make the stage more lively.

But it doesn't matter now, just ask the rebel tentacles directly.

He once again picked up a new cartoon and drew out the chapter.

Only this time, Xiao Zhang complained while watching the cartoon

"Just watching cartoons is boring."

"Isn't this beautiful?"

"I mean, I also want to eat some fried dough sticks and drink a bottle of Kuola."

"Who did you learn this from?"

"Learned it from your family." Xiao Zhang blinked his big eyes.

Wen Rensheng's mind immediately pictured those guys lying on the sofa eating snacks and watching movies.

"If you want to achieve that level, you must have a physical body in this world, a real flesh and blood body, instead of just an illusion like now." He had an idea and said.

"Then help me get one." Xiao Zhang said urgently.

"Well, this is very difficult."

"Huanhuan has it, and I want it too. If you don't get it, you are a stingy and a bad guy!" Xiao Zhang started to jump around.

This must be real for kids.

Anyway, he couldn't imagine Aikhandeb jumping around.

Wen Rensheng thought to himself, and then said, "Okay, I can help you get one, but the problem is that you have to get out of your own world and return to the real world."

As long as Aikhandeb leaves his comfort zone, Wen Rensheng has 9 ways to cook it.

"Uh, I can't seem to get out."

"Tell me where you live."

"This place is like a transparent glass house. I can see the scenery everywhere, but if I want to get out, I will be blocked by the glass."

A scene emerged in Wen Rensheng's mind.

A panoramic glass room suspended in the air.

There are transparent glass above and below your head. Standing in it, you can see in all directions.

It turns out that Ayhandeb lived in such a place.

As soon as you open your eyes, you can see other worlds.

He could completely imagine that those glasses must be the protective system built by Ayhandeb.

Xiaozhang naturally couldn't come out.

Only it can come out with the help of a series of complex passwords.

But isn't there still a rebel tentacle now?

Wen Rensheng laughed.

This chapter has been completed!
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