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Chapter 1,355 Time

Walking outside is dangerous.

From time to time, new explosion shock waves, dazzling light, and radiation smoke were heard in the distance.

Gawain is hidden under the ant army.

Like a wriggling cocoon.

From time to time some ants die and a new layer is replaced.

This is death and rebirth.

Newly born ants are more adapted to the environment after a nuclear explosion.

"Ordinary people are not suitable to live among a group of supermen."

Gawain looked at a still intact town in the distance, shook his head and said.

On the road leading out of the town, a car was desperately trying to escape.

However, the congested road made it difficult for the vehicle speed to increase.

An arrogant and terrifying voice sounded in their ears.

"Run, run. It is known that the damage radius of this nuclear explosion is 0 kilometers, and the explosion will occur in the city center. Your escape velocity is 20 kilometers per hour. Calculate a primary school math problem, how long will it take you to

Escape to a safe place?"

That's the clown's voice.

The other party was floating in mid-air, looking down at the vehicles.

"One and a half hours."

"That's not right. The killing radius of a 10-million-ton mushroom is only about 10 kilometers." This was a certain physicist.

"That's right, so I filled it with some materials. Fireworks always need to add some auxiliary materials to make them more beautiful. Otherwise, they will just explode." The clown smiled.

A group of ants flew up and wanted to lie on him.

"Boring things!" The clown snapped his fingers, and the flying ants died one after another.

"Xiao Hong, can you find out where the nuclear bomb is?" Since Gavin saw it, of course he wouldn't ignore it.

He couldn't just watch a team of tens of thousands of people disappear before his eyes.

"You'd better take care of yourself first." Fatty said helplessly.

Then order the ants to quickly dig holes underground.

The power of a nuclear explosion will decrease rapidly underground.

What they have to resist is the source of pollution.

"A little bug?" The clown looked down, with a ferocious smile on his red and white mask.

A big "sizzling" firecracker suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he threw it down.


In the huge explosion, everything disappeared.

The crowded vehicles, the answering crowd, and Gawain all disappeared.

"Ah, what a satisfying day."

"The world is so beautiful."

“I can sleep comfortably and peacefully all day again.”

The clown dropped a firecracker and flew away from the air with a smile.

However, he didn't know that there was an invisible ant clinging to him.


Half a day later, the invisible ant followed the clown into a fragmented world.

Looking up, I saw a silver-white palace.

It is magnificent, solemn and elegant, just like a scene from an epic film and television drama.

Anyway, it’s not like it can be created in reality.

After the clown appeared here, two people came out of the palace to greet him.

One is a woman wearing black leather clothes, with large green veins on her face, looking ferocious and terrifying.

The other one is a big man with snow-white fur all over his body, like a polar bear.

"Clown, have you had enough?" the woman in leather sneered.

"That's enough for today." The clown said, shaking a key in his hand.

"The master is looking for you," the polar bear said.

"Hopefully it's a new explosion mission." The clown said excitedly, then jumped up and down and ran into a palace.

Wen Rensheng watched this scene from the ant's perspective.

This is exactly the reason why he doesn't take action personally. He makes too much noise, and countless people pay attention to every move he makes.

There really is someone behind the clown.

"I hate this clown." The woman in leather said to the polar bear.

"But the master likes him very much, and I want to strangle him to death. He will make it impossible for me to find a place to drink in the future." The polar bear said sullenly.

Wen Rensheng didn't know these two people, and he didn't know which movie they were super villains in.

His eyes followed the clown.

When the clown walked into one of the palaces, he was greeted by a huge silver-white clock.

It's turning.

The hour hand, minute hand, and second hand all perform their own duties.

What surprised Wen Rensheng was that each needle was composed of a man.

There is an old man on the hour hand, a middle-aged man on the minute hand, and a child on the second hand.

The three figures stood across the dial and moved clockwise at the speed of a normal clock.

"Great Master, I wonder what new mission you have?" The clown pressed his chest and saluted the silver clock with a completely different respectful attitude.

"Go to sleep and wait until I need you again." A mechanical voice sounded.

"Uh..." The clown was a little reluctant, but he just said he wanted to sleep all day.

"Well, great master, nothing in the world can escape your orders."

The clown finished speaking and then disappeared into the air, as if he had never existed.

The ant observed this scene, and then heard a voice in his ear:

"Outside guests, welcome to the palace of time."

Wen Rensheng was not surprised why the other party could see him. It was unusual that he couldn't see him.

He asked directly: "Are you the body of the game simulator?"

"How did you guess it?" Silver Clock asked.

"It's just a matter of course." Wen Rensheng said matter-of-factly.

Of course, it can't be said to be completely casual, after all, he had made some assumptions before coming.

"Oh, that's it. Are you willing to take over my task here? You'll work less and get more money, and you don't have to work overtime." Silver Clock asked.

"Tell me about it." Wen Rensheng did not refuse immediately.

"Help me conquer a new world, and I will give you life, wealth, and strength..."

"I don't need any of those things."

"Then what do you need?"


"..." The silver clock fell silent.

"Can't you afford it?"

"It's affordable, but you need to complete a very difficult task."

"What mission?"

"Did you see the three people above me? They used to be able to walk both forward and backward, but now they can only walk forward."

"Oh, you mean, as long as they return to their previous state, you will treat yourself as a reward?"

"That's it, do you want to challenge it?"

"In no mood."

"Then you can't get me."

This sounds weird, who wants to get you?

I just need your functionality.

Wen Rensheng chewed on what the other party had just said.

He finally understood it all.

A long time ago, he had speculated that the Disaster Principals had no way to reverse the timeline due to the emergence of the Old Ones.

So throw out the game simulator, such an extremely tempting reward.

It seems that it is both a reward and a prop used to reverse time.

Why does it want to conquer the world?

It turns out that I want to find a way to reverse time again from the rotation of the world.

As for why it looks like a game simulator, of course it's because the Old Ones came from humans and must be solved by human wisdom.


This chapter has been completed!
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