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Chapter 1,376 Touched

Gavin noticed that no one seemed to notice the anomaly in time.

After thinking for a moment, he realized that these people couldn't even see through the truth of the world, so how could they detect time anomalies?

Again, in your sleep, you will find yourself sweating profusely one moment, and freezing and snowing the next.

The reason is that you are kicking off the quilt, but you are not aware of the truth.

These people are in their own dreams at this time.

But when he looked carefully, he found that his judgment was not entirely correct.

Because some people seem to be lucid dreaming, and are unwilling to wake up from the lucid dream, and even actively maintain this kind of dream.

He looked at the detective named Yueying Tian.

This is a person who has a lucid dream.

The other party should have seen through everything, but he said nothing and said that the old housekeeper was crazy.

Gawain understood why the other party did this.

Dreaming is not necessarily a bad thing.

How many people are willing to wake these people up from their dreams and face the cruel and terrifying reality?

Just like McCann, if someone could let them have this kind of dream, most people would definitely want it.

Of course, he is different from the people here. He will give people a choice, and it is up to them to decide whether to live in a dream.

He thought like this, and then began to think about one thing, how to make the red ants swallow up the new power of time?

But he soon no longer had to think about it.

Early the next morning, help arrived.

Everyone quickly left the castle through the short bridge made of ropes.

After they left, the crime scene was sealed after local security officers took photos and collected evidence.

Because its theoretical owner dies and becomes insane, leaving no one to inherit it.

Then the red ants devoured the entire castle, leaving no trace behind.

The cliff has returned to its original state again, becoming steep and majestic.

Only the harsh winter wind and the illusory shadow of the castle seemed to tell that there once was a beautiful and spectacular castle here.

But no one remembers its existence.


When Fat Baby reported the progress to Wen Rensheng again, he was shocked to realize that the East Island copy had undergone such a huge change without even realizing it.

This is certainly another real-life experiment in gaming emulators.

Chaos time in the copy.

This reminded him of the famous world of Kexue, the chaotic timeline.

In his own opinion, the author should actually be writing about cases that have been solved by detectives.

The cases have all happened before.

For example, at the beginning of some cases, the narrator will say, "One day, xx and I went to a place, but something happened in that place..."

This shows that the case happened a long time ago.

Therefore, in terms of time, you can actually arrange today's update at will, and you can write about a case that happened six months ago, and tomorrow's update can write about something that happened a year ago.

These two cases did not happen one after another.

When playing, it plays continuously, which gives people the feeling that today is summer and tomorrow will be spring.

It's just that the series is too long and there are too many cases arranged.

The time leading up to the incident was when Conan was in the first grade of elementary school.

As a result, more than a thousand cases were crowded together and there was a lot of confusion.

The author also gave up treatment and only maintained partial continuity on the main line.

Few viewers care about the chaos of the timeline, they only care about whether the plot is exciting enough.

This inspired the game simulator to realize that people's perception of time periods is actually very vague.

As long as the accuracy is maintained for a certain period of time, people don't care if the time jumps after the event.

But the people living here are suffering.

Wear a singlet today, wear a down jacket tomorrow, turn on the heating today, and turn on the air conditioner tomorrow.

How must this body be ruined?

Just as he was thinking about it, Xiao Huan suddenly jumped out, "Lao Wen, you can't favor one thing over another. I also have to take time. This will be of great benefit to my growth."

"This fat kid earned this opportunity by himself. He has been squatting for several years just by squatting with that person. How can you steal the credit halfway?" Wen Rensheng shook his head and refused.

"I want it. If you don't give it to me, you are a stingy and a bad guy." Xiao Huan didn't listen to his nonsense.

The severe beatings I had received in the past were completely forgotten.

"You deserve a beating!" Wen Rensheng was angry. He would not tolerate this in his children.

Stealing the fruits of other people's hard work is one of the most disgusting behaviors for every worker.

When you sign a contract with a client you have worked so hard to develop, your boss will take it away with just one sentence.

You must know that the contract may be tens of millions, and the commission may be hundreds of thousands or even millions. How many people can be willing to do so?

Any boss who fails to stop this kind of thing will never develop the company.

Wen Rensheng is also a boss now, so of course he cannot encourage this trend.

You can't do this kind of thing just because Xiao Huan is close to him.

"Why? Why can't I eat it? I taught it the ability to devour it! After I absorb it, I can also help you a lot." Xiao Huanjian said.

"You taught me, and I have praised you for everything. Let me ask you, I also taught you how to make toys. If I suddenly want to snatch the toys you worked so hard to make, will you give them to me?"

"Of course I will." Xiao Huan said matter-of-factly.

"Are you deliberately trying to argue with me?" Wen Rensheng said angrily.

"It's not an argument, it's because you have big fists." Xiao Huan said bitterly.

"Uh...you are really good at learning."

Wen Rensheng was a little helpless. Children are very smart, but those who should be educated should still be educated well.

"Fists are used to maintain fairness, not to bully others. Only in this way can people be convinced. To put it bluntly, it is to minimize the cost of governance. Otherwise, use fists to convince you. Although you give it, deep down in your heart

You’re definitely not willing to give in, right?”

"Then I'm definitely not willing to give in."

"If you are unwilling to do so, you have to make trouble within your ability, right?"

"Well... no, I won't cause trouble." Xiao Huan has a strong desire to survive.

"Little Fatty will also be unwilling to give in. It will also make trouble for you within its capabilities and increase your management costs. If things go on like this, you will find that robbing things by violence is an act that outweighs the gain. Those who have a short life, for

For them, grabbing it means they have earned it, because they will have no chance to get it next time. But for us beings, grabbing it is definitely not the right thing to do."

"Not to mention, Xiaopang is still your family and playmate. If you want to rob your relatives' things, who else will obey you in the future?"

Wen Rensheng spoke very deeply and thoroughly.

He knew that Xiaohuan could understand, after all, this guy had already started playing a real strategy game in which thousands of people battled against each other.

You must have some experience on how to command personnel and how to make units obey orders.

It would be weird if you don't understand.

If she says she doesn't understand, it must be that the thing is not good for her.

"I was wrong, I won't rob him again." Xiao Huan said honestly.

At this moment, the fat baby who had been silent had only two words in his heart.

Touched, in short, very touched.

It is very aware of the difference between its origin and Xiaohuan's.

It is just a piece of ordinary mysterious material, and it is positioned as a puppet from the beginning... used for consumption and death.

Just because it becomes a doll, looks cute, becomes conscious, and is liked by everyone.

The owner treats it as a family member and never lets it carry out any dangerous tasks.

The other two unconscious puppets, Big Cat and Puppet Man, have been rebuilt several times since they rarely appear at home.

Xiaohuan, on the other hand, is a rare and rare species of fantasy that is integrated into the body of its owner.

It can be said that it is the core of Wen Rensheng's strength, only second to the original alien species.

Moreover, Xiao Huan is favored by everyone. She is lively and cute, and no one dislikes her. She is treated as a daughter/granddaughter and treated with love and care.

Although everyone also likes him very much, only Wang Wenwen really treats him as his son.

Even so, the master still maintained his impartiality.

Whose things belong to whom they belong.

How can it not be moved?

If it were a master with a slightly biased mind, he would advise him to be generous and give in a little bit.

However, it can share everything else, but the power of time, if shared, will not achieve the final effect.

It cannot fulfill Gavin's expectations.

It secretly made up its mind to grow up quickly and prove to everyone that it was not so fat for nothing!

This chapter has been completed!
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