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Chapter 145 The Delayed Case

Beidu City faces Dongdao across the sea, separated by only one strait.

It belongs to the easternmost point under the jurisdiction of Dongshui Region, but of course it is far from the easternmost point in China.

Wen Rensheng and Teacher Qin took a plane all the way to Beidu Airport.

As soon as I got off the plane, I felt the completely different customs and customs from Dongshui City.

After entering the airport, he saw many male and female staff with low eyebrows and uniforms wearing white uniforms, bowing to the passengers.

The airport is very clean, almost giving people a sense of mysophobia, every corner has been wiped spotless.

"More and more islanders are coming to work in China, making it difficult for local college students to find jobs. They are more able to endure hardship and accept low wages, and they have monopolized many service industries." Teacher Qin shook his head.

Wen Rensheng burst out laughing. This reminded him of his previous life, when countless Chinese people flocked to the narrow island country to work and settle down. Now it was completely reversed.

In fact, before his reincarnation, with the re-emergence of China, more and more foreigners relied on China for food.

"It doesn't matter. If you want others to take the lead and fight against the Western world, you have to give them some trade and job benefits, right?" Wen Rensheng smiled.

"That's true, but the people on the island are quite obedient. The Nanzhu people have been a little bit aggressive in recent years, and they don't listen to greetings. They are suspected of colluding with the Americans. I heard that someone above wants to touch them." Teacher Qin looked to the south.


"Teacher Qin actually has a strategic vision, I really admire him from this junior level." Wen Rensheng praised.

Teacher Qin smiled "hehe" and said proudly: "Nothing, I just used my professional advantage to read more of the soul fragment memories of outstanding people."

"Oh, then Teacher Qin, after death, can the complete soul be summoned?" Wen Rensheng suddenly asked.

"How is that possible? That's wishful thinking," Teacher Qin retorted subconsciously, and repeated, "A layman's wishful thinking. After death, consciousness disappears, the soul is fragmented, and the remaining memories are attached to the fragments and scattered into the mysterious world."

"In other words, any spirit summoning technique can only obtain soul fragments?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Teacher Qin nodded and said: "That's for sure, but the higher the skill level, the larger the fragments you get. But even if you reach the master level, you can only get a large number of fragmented soul fragments, and it is absolutely impossible to recover the complete soul."

Wen Rensheng nodded silently. While the two were talking, someone from the Beidu City Inspection Department came to greet them with a group of men in black shirts.

The leader, wearing a black uniform, has a resolute appearance and looks to be in his fifties.

Next to him was a deputy, who was in his thirties, with sharp edges and sharp eyes.

The leading man bowed and said: "Thank you two teachers for coming all the way. I am Tian Lihao, the inspector general of Beidu City, and this is my deputy Bei Yelu. I leave everything to these two teachers."

Wen Rensheng heard this and after scanning, he found that the upper limit of the mystery level of the two people was above 90. They were obviously experts in mystery.

Teacher Qin then introduced him and Wen Rensheng, and said directly: "It's easy to say, I don't like to waste time, let's go see the corpse now."

"Well," Tian Lihao said hesitantly, turning to look at Beiye Lu, "Beiye, please explain the situation to the two teachers."

"Yes," Kitano nodded vigorously, and then said to the two of them, "Two teachers, there is no body."

"If there is no body, how can you be sure it is a serial murder case?" Teacher Qin wondered.

Kitanoji immediately explained: "The amount of bleeding. Each scene had enough bleeding to kill an adult. After DNA identification, the owner of the blood was found, and their disappearance has been confirmed."

Having said this, a trace of resentment suddenly flashed in his eyes, which was keenly caught by Wen Rensheng.

But patrolmen are also human beings, and when they encounter cruel villains, of course they will hate them. This is natural.

"I see, blood will do. Okay, Manager Wenren, let's go to the scene now and I will teach you step by step." Teacher Qin nodded without any hesitation.

Wen Rensheng responded: "Thank you, I'm just going to learn from Teacher Qin."

"You two, let's go have dinner first. You have come all the way, and we have to show our respect as landlords. After seeing the scene, I'm afraid we won't have the appetite." Tian Lihao kindly invited.

Teacher Qin shook his head and said: "No need, we have already eaten on the plane. I have always had the temperament to play with ease after finishing my homework since I was a child. Find the murderer as soon as possible, and then we can relax together."

"Okay, Teacher Qin is really a happy person. As long as I catch this cruel guy, I will definitely entertain you two." Tian Lihao's tense face finally showed a smile.

A group of four people, protected by the man in black, took a car out of the airport and drove to the nearest crime scene.

In a domestic car in the middle of the motorcade, Bei Yelu was the driver, and Tian Lihao was sitting in the passenger seat, turning to talk to Wen Rensheng and the other two people in the back seat.

"The perpetrator is very cunning and has avoided almost all surveillance videos. We only found him in the in-store surveillance of several street-facing shops facing the road. Preliminary judgment is that the person is an overage person with residual alien power. Regardless of

In terms of skill and other aspects, they are far superior to ordinary people." Tian Lihao introduced the situation,

"No trace of the murderer could be found at the scene - fingerprints, footprints, hair, saliva... none at all. It is difficult for ordinary people to make it so clean."

"You have worked hard. It is not easy to investigate to this point. But in front of Qin's summoning skills, no murderer can hide his true identity." Teacher Qin said confidently.

Wen Rensheng didn't speak during the whole process. He just sighed. It would be great if he had the ability to predict things at this time.

It's a pity that De Ge studied hard and didn't waste his energy giving him prophecies.

Zhao Han is also studying hard and it is not easy to disturb her. After all, she is also at risk of fainting.

This is a typical example of dad having friends and having friends, so it’s better to have one yourself... After mastering the spirit summoning technique, I’ll consider divination.

While several people were talking, the motorcade arrived in a secluded neighborhood and stopped in front of a three-story white building.

This three-story building has a front yard.

There were sealing tapes around, and several men in black shirts were patrolling and guarding them. When they saw them appearing, they came over and saluted.

Nearby are also small two- and three-story white buildings, separated on both sides of the block.

The neighborhood is very clean, but there are few pedestrians. Occasionally, someone appears and when they see the convoy, they quickly lower their heads and leave.

"This was originally a very lively residential area, a gathering place for people from the East Island. After this incident, few people took to the streets anymore," Kitanoji explained.

It was past noon, the hottest time of the day, but the air of fear that had lingered on the street had been dispelled.

"I wonder if Teacher Qin's spirit summoning technique has any time requirements?" Tian Lihao said to the two of them.

Teacher Qin stood at the entrance of the courtyard, looked inside, and replied:

"There are no requirements. Noon and night are just mythical talk. For the mysterious spirit summoning technique, the anchor point in the material world, that is, the coordinates, is the most important. With the anchor point, the rest is to control the alien species.

The requirements of the expert’s own strength.”

"I see, then we will see Teacher Qin show off his power soon." Tian Lihao praised vigorously.

This praise seemed a bit high. Wen Rensheng shook his head secretly. If something happened, Teacher Qin might not be able to come down easily.

At this time, Beiye Road had already sent someone to open the courtyard door and lead everyone in.

"The on-site investigation was carried out by Beiye and his people. If you have any questions, just ask him directly." Tian Lihao continued.

After Wen Rensheng walked in, he felt a strange smell in the courtyard. It was the smell of blood, old blood.

Although it was early afternoon, I could still feel the slightest chill coming from the third floor of the building.

Bei Yelu took the initiative to introduce: "The deceased is the owner of this family. He is 67 years old, male, lives alone and unemployed, and makes a living by renting out houses. The owner lives on the third floor of this three-story building."

"Both the first and second floors are rented out to working Dongdao people. Their social relations are simple. They only have an ex-wife and a son who lives with her, and they rarely interact with each other."

Wen Rensheng raised his head and looked at the entire small white building. The first and second floors were all in the style of a student dormitory.

There are separate rooms on one side of the long corridor, with house numbers hanging on them, and the surnames in Chinese characters are written on them. This is a typical Dongdao people's habit.

The entire building was quiet. Apparently all the residents here had been cleared out by the Inspectorate.

In fact, if they don't clean it up, no one would dare to continue living here.

The third floor is in the style of an ordinary home, with a large balcony, floor-to-ceiling windows, curtains...but you can faintly see some bright red on it.

Under the leadership of Kitano Road, everyone walked into the building, followed the narrow staircase aisle, and went up to the third floor.

There are also patches of blood red in the aisles, giving people a sense of coldness and fear.

However, it was afternoon and there were so many people, so the fear it caused to everyone was greatly reduced.

No one would believe that the murderer could cause waves in the hands of four mysterious experts.

After opening the door on the third floor, everyone walked into the living room.

As soon as I entered, there was a dark wind sweeping through, and the vases, curtains, chandeliers... all in the house were shaking.

"It seems that if the scene is not cleaned up, resentment may arise and it may turn into a mini-natural disaster." Teacher Qin shook his head.

The corner of Wen Rensheng's mouth twitched, and he understood what the other party really meant, which was that he was implying that the Beidu City Inspection Department was taking a little too long.

Sure enough, Tian Lihao's face was slightly red, but it passed away briefly.

He did not pick up the topic, but bowed and said: "The scene is right here, and the traces are all intact, so I'll ask the two teachers to take care of it."

Teacher Qin smiled: "Easy to say, easy to say, Manager Wenren, we will start on-site teaching immediately."

"We'll see." Wen Rensheng nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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