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Chapter 1,456 Code

Li Cheng didn't know that when he left with Dr. Chen, two detectives were following him.

This was naturally because Wen Rensheng felt that something interesting would happen to him, so people rushed over.

However, in view of the possible dangers they might encounter, both explorers used standard puppets provided by the company.

After doing all this, Wen Rensheng continued to go back to class.

Damuzhuangzi wanted to introduce him to the way other teachers lived in the human world.

Just like before, the big wooden pile once again sprouted two gray roots, spreading towards the window.

The tree roots penetrate into the distant air, and a new picture appears.

"Tuan Tuan, where have you been?"

As a clear female voice sounded, a picture of a youthful campus unfolded before Wen Rensheng's eyes.

In the scroll, a quiet campus in the evening appears.

The tall plane trees are blooming with morning glory.

Under the tree is a wide flower bed surrounded by sycamore trees.

I miss you so much.

Those screams, those sweats, those running...

Wen Rensheng thought so.

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old with a single ponytail, the same age as Zhao Han back then, but with a more delicate appearance, was anxiously looking for something in the flower bed.

Not long after, a furry dumpling appeared among the rose flowers.

A round ball, it’s hard to tell whether it’s a rabbit or a cat…

Wen Rensheng looked at it carefully for a while and found that it was just a ball with hair growing on it, and the eyes, nose, and mouth could not be found at all...

"Yuanyuan, I'm here." Maoqiu said.

"You are so naughty. Didn't you tell me to hide in my schoolbag? If the teachers find out, they will call the police soon." The girl picked up the fur ball and put it in her schoolbag.

"I hate your vulgar and dirty classmates. They exude all kinds of rotten smells. They are stupid, lazy, jealous, stingy, and have no self-awareness... You are the only exception." Maoqiu kept talking in the girl's schoolbag.


"Uh, am I just forcing it?" the girl said helplessly.

"You should be very happy. After all, your evaluation here is already exceptional." Mao Qiu said matter-of-factly.

"Haven't you ever seen other humans who can make you feel comfortable?" The girl asked curiously, carrying her schoolbag and walking towards the campus gate.

"Of course I have seen him, but he is too scary." Maoqiu said in a complicated tone.

"What you said is a bit contradictory. It feels comfortable, but why do you feel terrible?"

"Comfortable because she is the most perfect human being I have ever seen, with almost no flaws. Scary because she has an extremely terrifying idea hidden in her heart." Maoqiu continued.

"Who is that person? Have I seen it?" the girl asked curiously.

"You should never see her, Yuanyuan, I warn you, you can live comfortably in your comfort zone now, but if you see her, you will live in the most terrible terror." Maoqiu warned seriously.

"I won't see her."

"Very good. Ordinary women will only become more curious and seek death, just like Bluebeard's wife. But you are obviously different from those people." Maoqiu praised.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he always felt that these two people were talking about him.

It's just that in his impression, he has never seen a fur ball.

He turned to look at the big wooden pile and asked, "Which teacher is this furball?"

"Teacher Tuanzi, it is a spiritual creature that is very kind to humans." Damuzhuangzi quickly replied.


On the surface it seems so.

"Has it seen me somewhere?" Wen Rensheng asked directly.

"Of course I have seen you, but it was only in the human case data studied." Da Mu Zhuanzi affirmed.

it is as expected.

Alas, people who are too handsome are troubled. Inexplicably, they can hear their own legends in strange places.

Wen Rensheng thought this, and then continued reading.

But then, his expression became weird

The girl returns home.

There is no one in the house.

Do your homework, cook, and then go to bed.

It's just nine o'clock.

An hour later, the girl woke up.

The single ponytail becomes long and straight black.

She sat at the table, opened a laptop, opened an IDE development environment, and then typed code.

"It's you?"

Furball's voice sounded from beside the pillow, with a hint of horror in it.

Wen Rensheng was a little surprised. Would a teacher-level calamity be afraid of an ordinary girl?

Even if the other party has a dual personality.

Don't think that dual personality is so lofty and ordinary people should never try to induce it.

Because the second personality is likely to be only a part of the consciousness, it may lack common sense of many social regulations and moral common sense, so it often does things that make it extremely regretful afterwards.

Such as hurting family members and innocent people in a rage.

"You? A fool, a fool who only knows how to hide in his comfort zone." Hei Changzhi did not turn his head and continued to type on the keyboard.

The screen zoomed in, and the notebook screen clearly displayed

"Countdown to world restart is 222 days..."

Without the first few words, Wen Rensheng would have thought it was the countdown to the college entrance examination...

"Can't you give up that terrible idea? Humans and origin spirits can coexist." Maoqiu said weakly.

"Humans and dogs can coexist. Are you willing to be the dog's side?" Cold Black Changzhi sneered.

"Isn't that what I am now?" Maoqiu's question and answer left even Cold Black and Changzhi speechless.


Wen Rensheng thought about the relationship between Maoqiu and the girl with a ponytail just now. It was really the relationship between a puppy and its owner.

"Humph, you are an exception, but your principal, colleagues, and students don't have your ideas. I want to restart the world and bury them all." Hei Changzhi said enthusiastically.

"Uh, do you really have that ability?" Maoqiu asked doubtfully.

"Soon you will see it. Thank you to this crazy world for shining a ray of light on me." After Hei Changzhi finished speaking, he quickly typed a string of codes.

As for the hand speed, I can speak at least 200 words a minute.

Wen Rensheng also looked at the code in surprise.

After watching it for a while, he came to a conclusion with a speechless expression.

Hei Changzhi is a film programmer.

Movie programmers type out fifty lines of code a minute, and countless lines of commands flash across the screen, all in console mode with a black background.

In reality, the programmer sat at the computer for thirty minutes and finally fixed two annotation errors.

To put it simply, Hei Changzhi is just knocking around.

It's OK to scare laymen, but for someone like him who once worked as a programmer, he can see the flaws at a glance.

But as he looked at it, he suddenly saw that one line of code was a bit interesting.

Because that is exactly the line of code that will appear when he converts the human body into data.

Is it a coincidence or inevitable?

He realized that his comments about Hei Changzhi were a bit low.

Quantum mechanics has said that even if a monkey is given a keyboard and allowed to type randomly until the end of the universe, it is possible to type out Shakespeare's opera.

What's more, the other party is a person.

This chapter has been completed!
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