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Chapter 1525 Rise

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Above the sea, one warship after another, full of soldiers, landed on a southern coast.

When they landed, they were attacked by snipers, but the naval guns quickly crushed the rebels.

The rebels quickly retreated.

Liu Jian hid in a coconut grove and watched the dirty soldiers climb ashore one by one.

Most people's eyes are full of exhaustion, numbness, and a hint of despair.

Only a few officers who scolded them and a few people were very excited.

"There is a rich city ahead, you can plunder as much as you like!"

"The captain will not ask for a share of all the wealth, it belongs to you all!"

The morale of the soldiers increased.

They speeded up, jumped off the bumpy boat, waded through the turbid water and passed through the coconut grove.

Liu Jian has handed over the battle command to several scholars who graduated from the military academy.

Their command ability is stronger.

And he is only responsible for providing information.

He glanced over and watched the enemy for three days and nights. He estimated that about 300,000 people had disembarked.

The total number of Western coalition troops is now more than five million.

After a year of consumption, nearly 70,000 to 800,000 were lost, mostly due to injuries and illnesses.

Such a huge number was stationed in three directions: north, middle, and south to block the overseas trade of the Dacheng Dynasty.

This time, the opponent used 300,000 troops to deal with the Mingguang Army's base in the South. It seemed that they wanted to turn them into a refugee army and disrupt the heart of the Dacheng Dynasty.

Previously, the Western Allied Forces also gave up attacking key ports and tried to change locations to land and go deep into the hinterland. However, after going hundreds of kilometers deep, it seemed that there were roads everywhere, but there were enemies everywhere.

There are problems everywhere in the logistics line. Food can be looted, but damaged and consumed firearms and ammunition cannot.

There are militia groups everywhere, fighting to clear the country.

Their eyes were dark and their information was unclear, but the imperial army had the help of local regiment training and could learn their information at any time.

In this case, he was surrounded and annihilated several times.

They learned wisely and changed to a naval blockade to deal with the Dacheng court.

Even the Qing Dynasty can defeat the French army on land, let alone the enhanced and fattened version of Dacheng?

The Republic of China, which was even more unconquered later, was able to hold off the Japanese to death, and the Japanese also had a logistical and supply advantage.

If you want to solve the problem on land, you will have to get the support of the landowners.

However, it is impossible for the landlords to support outsiders, because outsiders cannot provide the elixir of reincarnation.

Unless they have the ability to destroy everything.

After Liu Jian saw clearly the number of enemies, he sneaked into the enemy's temporary headquarters to eavesdrop.

"We want to attack their food-producing areas. This large area is the logistics base that the Mingguang Army is currently trying to operate. It covers about more than 70,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a small Western country with 300,000 people. It is enough to destroy them."

The major general said confidently.

"They are very powerful, but there are only more than 40,000 people in total. We can definitely defeat them 10 to 1!" Another colonel agreed.

Then they drew four attack routes on the map.

It is impossible for a huge army to march in a line. That would be too inefficient and would not be able to effectively exert its offensive power.

They must advance together and then separate into encirclement.

Divided into four groups, there are more than 70,000 people in each group, enough to entangle the Mingguang Army.

However, they forgot one important factor: the Mingguang Army had already taken root among the farmers.

Liu Jian discovered that even without his help, the Mingguang Army could destroy the opponent.

Because the other party has no idea how powerful this is.

Unless there is a technological gap, it will end up being crushed.

Look at the numb soldiers who have no morale and can only rely on looting to maintain their morale, and the militiamen who have high morale and are armed to protect their own land, and you will know who will win.

Liu Jian sent the enemy's advance route back to the Mingguang Army headquarters.

They quickly formulated a plan for internal rotation operations and continuous operations.

Use a right hook to deal with these enemies coming from the sea to the east.

Eat the fourth route first, then the third.

When one road is defeated, the other three roads will definitely be shaken.


The fat monk stood on a warship, with Nillo beside him.

The two haven't appeared on the main stage for a long time.

But no one realizes that they are the real protagonists.

"The East has risen, and no one can stop them." The fat monk looked at the army that was about to fall into death and said without mercy.

"Yes, our strategy has awakened. People need to be beaten to grow. If you haven't been beaten, you don't know how to make progress." Nillo nodded.

If he hadn't been burned by fire once, he wouldn't have known how to keep moving forward.

"Well, let's see how far they can fight."

The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.

Behind the two of them, Wen Rensheng was also watching.

Cumbersome instructions were passed one after another.

Troops are being mobilized one after another.

Pieces of pie are being passed around, pots of boiling water are changing hands, pits are being dug, and pockets of bullets are being handed over to the soldiers...

For every detail related to combat, Mingguang Army has conducted extensive training beforehand.

This is the power of aliens. After experiencing it once, you can remember it in your heart. With the assistance of mysterious power, the time traveler can become a wall hanging.'

Otherwise, the time Liu Jianguang would have spent convincing others to believe in him would have exceeded twenty or thirty years, and he would have been beaten to death if he failed to do so in the meantime.

Fighting broke out six days later.

The Western Allied Forces on the fourth route had their rear route cut off.

The 6,000-strong Mingguang Army and the 30,000 civilian troops gathered from various places dug trenches overnight and blocked the enemy's logistics line.

They can transport them around a detour, but that would take a lot longer, and heavy logistical supplies like heavy artillery shells must be transported through major roads and trunk bridges.

The small roads and mountain roads cannot be moved because carriages cannot pass there.

In other words, the enemy's heavy weapons firepower in front has become a disposable display.

Then, there were 10,000 Mingguang troops in front to block the attack, and 4,000 on the two wings. Plus the 6,000 in front, a total of 24,000 Mingguang troops were brought together with 60,000 civilian troops, forming a 1:1 combat effectiveness.

But in actual fighting, this is not the case.

Relying on its advantage over the terrain, the Mingguang Army often achieved a 4:1 strength advantage.

The speed of the defeat of the Fourth Lucien Alliance Army was beyond everyone's imagination.

The soldiers only wanted to lie down in the trenches and shoot at each other; no one wanted to charge.

But logistics got stuck.

This stubborn persistence will only lead to one end: starvation.

Before the emergence of tanks and armored corps, trenches were the natural enemy of infantry and the best place for self-defense.

"Hand in the gun and don't kill!"

"Surrender and save your life!"

For a moment, Western languages ​​rang out from the surrounding positions.

The coalition forces collapsed. They had been without food for two days and were soaked in muddy trenches. They could still hold on until now because they were counting on reinforcements.

However, the reinforcements were delayed and the enemy's voices became more and more loud.

Villagers from all over came to support, and they couldn't even show their heads.

Sleeping at night was even more miserable, and trenches were never a good place to rest.

The embarrassment here is beyond words.

Mud water, blood, mosquitoes, flies, parasites, poisonous snakes, filth...

Just thinking about it can make people collapse.

The opponents, on the other hand, can take turns sleeping in the cool and dry tents at the rear, leaving only a few people on duty in the trenches.

Comparing the two situations, it is inevitable that the morale of the coalition forces will collapse.

When the first person tentatively raised his hand in surrender and received a piece of hot white bread, the second person raised his hand as well.

Of the 70,000-strong Fourth Alliance Army, 35,000 surrendered, more than 10,000 escaped, and the rest were annihilated and captured.

After receiving this news, the remaining three groups quickly retreated, causing the Mingguang Army to lose the opportunity for a second encirclement and annihilation.

All I can say is that their commanders are not fools.

This is a shortcoming common to allied forces: when friendly forces are in trouble, they remain as motionless as a mountain; when retreating and turning in, they move as fast as the wind.

This chapter has been completed!
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