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Chapter 1607 Friends

Leader Quan looked at Wen Rensheng and waved his hand: "Okay, I don't think about it anymore. I really can't remember it. You said you are my teacher, and those who are masters are teachers. Tell me, is this watermelon ripe?"


"If I'm right, you are my teacher; if I'm wrong, you are also a watermelon."

When everyone heard this, no one was surprised. They all looked at Wen Rensheng with pitiful eyes.

No one is gloating about the misfortune, because in two days, it will be their turn again.

Wen Rensheng kept the expressions of everyone in his heart. He was blind, so he could see with his heart.

But with Xiawang, the scene you can see with your heart is more detailed than what others can see with their eyes.

"Of course the watermelon itself has the most say on whether the watermelon is ripe, so you have to ask the watermelon himself first." Wen Rensheng walked up to the poor young man, patted his head and consoled him.

Everyone looked at each other in shock. This was the first time they heard of this theory.

"Well, well, what you said makes sense, and you are worthy of being my teacher." Master Quan laughed, then lowered his head and said, "Master Chen Xiang, can you tell me if you are familiar with it?"

Master Chen Xiang said with a sad face: "Master, I don't think I'm familiar with it."

"Oh, you said you weren't cooked yet, who can prove it? I think we still have to open the pot." Master Quan said seriously.

"Ah!" Chen Xiangzhu shrank to the ground, but did not dare to resist at all.

Everyone was also trembling.

But no one escaped, because no one knew better than them how high the leader's martial arts skills were and how sensitive his eyes and ears were. Even if you ran away from three miles away, he could catch you back in an instant.

"Wait a minute," Wen Rensheng interrupted him and said to Master Quan, "Xiao Quan, are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry." Leader Quan said in confusion.

"Who can prove whether you are hungry or not? Do you want to open your stomach and see?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"I definitely know best whether I'm hungry or not. There's no need to dig my stomach out." Master Quan said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, it's the same principle. Watermelon knows best whether it's ripe or not. There's no need to open it to prove it." Wen Rensheng said equally matter-of-factly.

Everyone suddenly realized that this was the truth.

Cult Master Quan was stunned and nodded slowly: "Yes, yes, that's right."

"You are indeed my teacher," Quan Cult Master then knelt on his knees and cupped his hands, "Quan Tianyi has met the teacher and asked the teacher to forgive his disciple's sin of neglect."

"Well, there is no greater good than knowing a mistake and being able to correct it. Get up." Wen Rensheng nodded, then walked to the main seat in the hall and sat down directly.

Cult Leader Quan hurriedly stood up and waited beside Wen Rensheng like a primary school student.

"Everyone, please get up." Wen Rensheng said to everyone.

Everyone did not move, only looking at the leader.

Master Quan was furious: "These are my teacher's words. They are my words. No, they are more effective than my words. I have to listen to my teacher."

Everyone was relieved. Fortunately, your teacher is a normal person.

Everyone stood up quickly.

But they will soon understand that they have thought too much...

Zhao Han was stunned. What happened just now?

What is their logic?

What on earth is this idiot doing?

But this didn't stop her from pretending to be a tiger, and quickly slipped to Wen Rensheng's feet and scanned everyone.

After everyone got up, they waited for Wen Rensheng to speak.

"What are your abilities and positions? Let me introduce them one by one. Let's start with you." Wen Rensheng pointed at Chen Xiang just now and said.

"Yes, sir. The villain Chen Xuan is temporarily listed as the Six Fragrance Master of the Nine Halls and Eight Halls. He is good at Qinggong and just has inner energy..."

Then came the next person.

"The little man Lu Ta is appointed as the master of the three halls of the Nine Halls. He has practiced extensively and has cultivated meridians."

He talked to himself one after another, seeming to have regained the liveliness and ease he had not had for a long time.

Wen Rensheng knew that under each temple of the Holy Religion, there were hall masters and incense masters, without a helmsman in the middle. This was to reduce management links and improve efficiency. After all, they were not following the right path.

Nine halls can have nine hall masters, and each hall has nine incense masters.

The ten palaces have a system of seven, seven, and the other palaces have a system of four, four.

The establishment of each incense owner is the same, with a maximum of one hundred people, provided that they can support them.

From this point of view, we can also understand why the whole family can inherit the position of leader.

From a structural point of view, it is theoretically guaranteed that their two temples are equal to the power of the other eight temples.

Just like the emperor, he always spared no effort to strengthen the military force directly under the capital.

However, the capital remained stationary for a long time, and no matter how hard it was strengthened, it gradually declined. In the end, the border army was still elite.

The same is true for the Ninth Hall. As the leader acts recklessly, his strength has declined, and he is almost left with nothing.

Anyone who can find a way to transfer them will be transferred to other palace masters.

After all, in this case, it can't be considered a betrayal.

The remaining people are really unable to be transferred, or they have no connections, or no one accepts them, or they are hindered by the last bit of affection.

There are more people who are excluded and oppressed in each temple. They fill this place for the leader to crack watermelons for fun, so that the leader will not trouble them.

After Wen Rensheng listened to everyone introduce his situation, he compared it one by one with what he saw on Xia.com and found that there were no mistakes.

It seems that they have been suffering from the leader for a long time, so they chose to open their hearts to themselves, an outsider with no foundation, and did not make up nonsense.

"Very good, I will give you a lesson today. Master Chen Xiang, go and arrange for people to bring back some stools and some pens, inks, paper and inkstones." Wen Rensheng ordered.

"Yes, sir." Chen Xiangzhu hurriedly called a dozen boys and started busy.

"Teacher, I wonder what class you have today?"

"What are we living for? Who is the enemy and who is the friend?" Wen Rensheng said calmly.

"I know this. We live to eat watermelons. Our enemies are those who prevent us from eating watermelons, and our friends are those who grow watermelons." Master Quan said matter-of-factly.

Everyone was speechless.

The leader had sex with Watermelon.

Zhao Han also had a big head. He closed his eyes and entered Xia.com, wanting to see the origin of this strange thing.

Soon she understood.

This is not a secret. After all, if the leader becomes like this, the palace masters must study and ponder it.

It turns out that the leader was a very kind person when he was a child, but when he went out to buy melons alone, he was deceived and spent a lot of money to buy a bunch of raw melons, and was laughed at by everyone.

This incident left a huge psychological shadow on his weak mind.

Later, he practiced the Tiansha Blood Hidden Technique and learned about the way of spiritual cultivation. He wondered if he could use this to see through people's hearts and see whether they were telling the truth or lies.

His name is Knocking Watermelon, but he actually wants to use it to probe other people's heads and want to know what they are thinking?

However, as I continued to practice, my idea went a step further: "Wouldn't it be simpler to just open a person's head and take a look?"

Coupled with a series of messy things and the influence of the exercises, his mind became confused and he became more and more crazy, and he became the current Watermelon Demon King.

At this time, Wen Rensheng smiled and then looked at the others.

"What's your answer?"

When everyone heard this, they began to think silently.

The answer is simple, we live to live well, our enemy is the leader, and our friend is you.

Such immediate thoughts come to many people's minds.

This chapter has been completed!
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