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Chapter 1,639 Wake up

At this moment, Wen Rensheng, who was dealing with something in a palace somewhere, suddenly saw several palace masters in front of him turned into cartoon images.

The decrepit master of the fourth hall has turned into an old man with a white beard.

The ambitious Lord of the Seventh Palace turned into a classic white-faced villain.

The pillars of the main hall also changed from real wooden pillars with many patterns to a bluish-gray animation style.

This is?

Has the world changed?

I didn't expect that girl to actually have this ability.

No, it should be said that her alien species still retains unique abilities.

Narrator can exist apart from the world.

Novels that are only written in the first person may not have narration.

But that's also very rare.

Narrators do have the ability to change the world, although they often cannot play the leading role.

It's better to be smart and leave the task to her to handle early.

If it were him who had to think of a solution, he probably wouldn't be able to do this well.

No, this is called adapting measures to local conditions and doing things according to people.

He put down what he was doing and walked out.

Beijing has become cartoonish.

What was originally a mess has turned into something clean, tidy, and cute... nothing indescribable exists.

The setting is invincible.

People's originally sad faces suddenly disappeared.

"Hey, why should I worry about my children going to school?"

"Yes, what Mr. teaches is very simple."

"If you don't know how, just pull a rickshaw."


"In the crops outside the city, there are no insects,&bsp&bsp there is no grass, and there are only seedlings."

"And there's no need to fertilize."

"Unfortunately, it still takes a few months to grow out."

The "correct" common sense is being updated in people's minds.

A group of children were having fun.

A horse suddenly rushed over.

Seeing that a car accident was about to happen,&bsp&bspI saw a person suddenly appear next to me and grabbed the horse.

The children are safe and sound.

Similar things happen again and again.

As he watched,&bsp&bspWen Rensheng had an inexplicable thought in his mind.

"If there is another life, I would like to live in the world of cartoons."

This was an idea I had when I was five years old in my previous life.

That year, he saw his grandmother die. At the time, he didn't know the seriousness of the death, and he felt no sadness at the funeral where he kowtowed.

Because in his heart,&bsp&bspWhen a person dies,&bsp&bspIt's just like in the cartoon,&bsp&bspJust take a nap and wake up again,&bsp&bspIt's like those villains who will come back every time they are beaten to death.

Until his cousin told him one day that the person died and would never be seen again, only photos.

By the way, when he was five years old, he was still living in the countryside. When the old man passed away, no portrait was even taken.

Now he can only recall his grandma's smile in his mind.


His nickname in his previous life was suddenly called by someone.

I looked around, but there was no one there.

He understood that&bsp&bspThis could only be his heart calling him...

No one knows his real name, let alone his nickname.

The human heart has its own will, or subconscious mind.

When you are lazy and degenerate,&bsp&bspIn your sleep,&bsp&bsp it will quietly appear and remind you what to do.

Unfortunately, after waking up from a dream, people often choose to forget and continue to go their own way.

"It turns out that in my heart, after experiencing many storms, madness, and cruelty, I still choose to be kind."

He was a little helpless, a little want to laugh, and a little self-satisfied.

After realizing this, his heart felt inexplicably at ease.

A light flashed from his eyes.

He regained his sight.

The color of the entire world quickly faded.

Heaven and earth collapsed.

The sun and moon fall.

Everything came to nothing.

Gu Cong<spa>

One character after another appears in my mind.

"Woof woof!"

"Wait a minute!"

A dog barked.

He closed his eyes again.


"Do you know that you interrupted a hearty victory?" Wen Rensheng stared at the purple dog expressionlessly.

The tone clearly contained the meaning of "If you don't say one, two, three, I'll stew you."

"Help me save some people." The purple-flowered dog said sarcastically.

"Why didn't you make this request before?" Wen Rensheng asked doubtfully.

"That's because I didn't go into it very deeply before."

"Okay, who to keep?"

Wen Rensheng had to hurry up and wake up.

the reason is simple.

He had an intuition that he should wash his face.

Although his body has long been clean and spotless internally and externally, he can't help but be a little weird.

Then Zhao Han designated a few people, among them was the eighth lady who had destroyed her family and destroyed her family, the saint with deep thoughts...

Wen Rensheng shook his head and finally saw a strange middle-aged scholar.

He was a little confused because he had never interacted with this person before.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know who it is, but Fatty asked me to take him away, saying that he is one of the biggest gains in the world. If I don't take him away, I will suffer a big loss." Zhao Han was also confused.

"Forget it, one more will take up k more disk space."

"Can't you give me more space? Character backgrounds, character stories, and character animations all add up to hundreds of megabytes." Zhao Han demanded.

"Why does p need so many things? Some text descriptions are enough. There are many, many k. You have never studied computers, so you don't understand." Wen Rensheng said indiscriminately.

Keeping too many things is a big burden for him.

After all, the mystery level of the mysterious seed is currently less than 30,000 points.

"Okay, okay, you know a lot. But, you even know computers, and you still say you're not a teacher?" Zhao Han was at odds.

"This, this is a gift from heaven." Wen Rensheng said casually, and then opened his eyes again.

Only this time, when my eyes were 99% open and the whole sky was about to collapse, the sky suddenly changed!

A giant snake appears!

Its upper body is supporting the sky, and its lower tail is supporting the ground!

It won't let this place collapse.

It cannot open the eyes of the blind.

"This is the decisive battle."

"I want to be the enemy of the whole world."

"This ending was doomed from the beginning."

Wen Rensheng murmured.

"Then what should we do?" Zhao Han was also a little confused. Should he resist the Destroyer?

But now, only destruction can usher in new life.

A shout rang in my ears.

"Sleep, sleep forever."

"For this world, for this beautiful world, sleep forever."

"Never wake up."

"How to resist these voices?" Zhao Han was confused.

Wen Rensheng said calmly, "When you wake up, this world can still become reality. The eternal sleep is just temporary stability."

The shouts fell silent.

"No, you will die. You will die immediately. Let him sleep. What does it have to do with you whether he lives or dies in the future?" The seductive voice of the giant snake sounded.

Just like it once bewitched those fanatical refugees.

"No, you won't die. I will save all the data and give you two hundred gigabytes of super space, so that your world can exist forever in the form of animation." Wen Rensheng generously promised.

K was reluctant to give up just now, but now he’s giving it to G?

How many k's is g?

k is a trillion, and g is a trillion, that is...

Only in this way can more than 400,000 people be saved. Zhao Han thought angrily, bullying feudal peasants wouldn't count, right?

"He is lying to you. G can only save hundreds of thousands of people, but you can save tens of millions."

"I'll give you two Ts. This should be enough. Use the latest compression algorithm." Wen Rensheng gritted his teeth.

For the sake of victory, I risked my life.

This chapter has been completed!
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