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Chapter 1,700 Power

"I've met Lord Kelulu!"

"Long live Lord Kelulu!"

A loud sound of praise sounded outside the window.

Luo Yan looked at his whole body, quickly took off his puppet suit, and then he came to the window.

I saw outside the window a large group of people wearing various doll costumes, shouting outside.

Some bowed, some knelt down, some lay on the ground, and there were various postures.

No wonder Meizi told her to come back as soon as possible. If she didn't come back, the whole city would be ruined by that little girl.

"Lord Ke Lulu, you're awake." At this time, a respectful voice came. He turned around and saw that it was Hu Mei who was with him before.

The other party even called me a loser... I didn't expect that now she would be so respectful and like a little wife.

This feeling is so refreshing.

"Wake up." Luo Yan replied subconsciously.

"Aren't you Master Kelulu?" Hu Mei suddenly asked doubtfully.

"How did you guess that?" Luo Yan had no intention of concealing his identity.

As a detective, he knows very well what it means to tell a small lie, only to have to cover it up with a huge lie in the end.

"If you are Master Ke Lulu, you should ask me at this time if you have done anything interesting recently?" Hu Mei shook her head.

"Have you had anything interesting recently?" Luo Yan followed his lead.

"Well, it seems that you learned humor after you went down, but there are really interesting things. A group of strange people also came to Tianshi, but the difference from us here is that they are physically strange, unlike us.

It's a strange personality." Hu Mei frowned.

"What does it mean to have a strange body?" Luo Yan asked.

"That is to say, each of them has very high martial arts... Yes, this concept that only exists in literary works has become a reality in Tianshi. There are things like flying over walls and being invulnerable. The most powerful thing is that the man and sword can be combined into one, and the speed exceeds Mach.

, artillery, machine guns, and missiles are powerless against him, and more powerful weapons cannot be used in the city." Hu Mei sighed.

"This, this, what kind of divine unfolding is this?" Luo Yan never expected that after just going to the dream world for a while, so many strange things would happen in his world after he came back.

"Yes, we are also wondering why so many things are happening now when things have been fine all along. A detective made a conjecture. He said that the story will only begin when the detective is in place."

"What's the meaning?"

"That's the literal meaning. For example, some murderers have not had an attack for more than ten years, but when the detective comes to his house, he starts killing people. Another example is that some victims have lived a good life for more than ten years, but when the detective comes, they

He was killed inexplicably..."

"This detective is really amazing," Luo Yan admired sincerely, "Then who is the detective who triggered the story?"

"Of course it's you, you are the beginning of everything." Hu Mei stared into his eyes and said, "Can you tell me what happened to you half a year ago? This is very important."

"Okay, I will tell you, there is nothing to hide. I just had a dream. In the dream, I turned into a tree. Then I released water and flew in the dream. Finally, when I woke up, I heard something in my ears.

There was a man's voice telling me how to solve the case..." Luo Yan still didn't lie and just came out with the tray.

Many criminals end up committing tragic murders just to cover up a small incident.

For example, in a blackmail and murder case he handled, the person who was blackmailed initially just wanted to get back his indescribable photos. If he chose to call the police, the matter would actually be very simple.

It's just that he didn't want it to spread to more people, so he chose to cover it all up by his own means, which eventually led to killing people.

The consequences are far more serious than before.

"I see, why didn't you tell me before?" Hu Mei asked.

Having said that, how can I still enjoy a depraved life?

Do you think I’m stupid? Gu Kuang

Luo Yan cursed, if it weren't for the fact that the plug-in was missing and the world was about to be in chaos, I wouldn't have said so much.

"Forget it, I understand this question even if you don't tell me." Hu Mei asked and answered herself, then picked up her cell phone and made a call in front of Luo Yan.

"...That's the situation. He didn't lie. I guarantee from my experience of sleeping together for three months that this man would pick his nose before lying, but he didn't just do it."

Luo Yan sighed, this mustache is really beautiful.

It's a pity that he has nothing left, only this little secret is left.

"Who says you have nothing? You still have a body." Xiao Huan's voice sounded.

"Uh, Master Kelulu?"

"It's me. Do you want to gain real power? Do you want to understand the meaning of life?"

"No, I just want to lie down."

"For Xiami?" Xiao Huan was very surprised. He had fooled many drivers with these two lines in the past.

"Because my experience in solving crimes tells me that ignorant people and confused people can live the most authentic, motivated, powerful, comfortable and happy lives... People who know too much are always on tenterhooks and only find out before they die.

After a lifetime, it is better to enjoy life in a daze." Hu Yan said seriously.

"Is that so? Then do you still want to live the life you lived before? Do you still want the woman in front of you to stop calling you trash?"


"Well, you humans change so fast." Xiao Huan said angrily.

The words just now were naturally not something she could come up with, they were spoken by Wenren Shengjiao.

"Well, we humans are like this. As long as we change the wording, we can accept things that we originally firmly rejected. For example, we don't allow people to smoke while reading, but we appreciate the behavior of smoking while not forgetting to read."

Luo Yan was not embarrassed at all.

"Obviously it's the same thing, forget it, you go contact those outsiders, and then let them fall asleep and enter the world of tree people. In the process, I will give you your previous power."

"Thank you, Lord Kelulu."

Luo Yan was ecstatic.

Plug-ins are back.

This time he had to make careful plans for his future. He couldn't think that cheats would always be with him like he did before, so he only focused on gaining fame and admiration.

He wants to make money now.

After saying that, he returned to his office and picked up the backlog of cases.

There are two parts of the backlog of cases, one is accumulated in this city, and the other part is transferred from other cities.

The latter often have large rewards.

"The Ring Road Serial Murders Thirty years ago, a terrible incident happened in the city. The murderer drove along the Ring Road, and when he met someone who wanted to hitchhike, he took the initiative to get down and invite the person to get in the car. In the end, the invitees were together.

Found in an abandoned ranger's house."

"The case is so old that there are few clues. We don't even know if the murderer died of old age. The reason we were not able to solve the case was because when the traces of the murderer were caught, the other party disappeared and stopped committing crimes."

"A house provided by Reward City and a shop in Tianshi."

This is good.

He opened the additional pages of evidence in the case file.

"The evidence that has been searched includes the victim's body, a sawmill suspected of being the murder weapon, footprints in the ranger's house that do not belong to the victim, and a cigarette butt..."

This chapter has been completed!
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