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Chapter 1,757 Birth

"I am a happy little lamb... I only eat, drink and have fun every day and never do any homework."

"I am a happy little wolf... I only eat, drink and sleep every day and never do my homework."

A group of sheep and a group of wolves are having a party, wine, fried chicken, roast chicken, tender grass...

Luo Yan made everyone dumbfounded.

Just now the sheep was performing surgery on the wolf, and the next moment they were playing together again.

This is definitely an animation for children.

He found a little wolf and asked "Why can't you have fun?"

"I'm just having fun." Xiaolang said aggrievedly.

"Oh, it's okay then." Luo Yan smiled, patted the other person's head, and left decisively.

Walking aside, he checked his real-time tasks.

"Progress of defeating the Destroyer who invaded the Spore World is 75."

I reached 75 without doing anything. This is the world’s self-healing ability.

very nice.

This is where being a guardian is more enjoyable than being a destroyer.

Even if you don't do anything, the world will kill the Destroyer by itself.

This is the same as when people get sick.

Of course, serious illnesses cannot be cured by themselves, so the guardians need to put in a lot of effort.

Just like now, the world has healed itself by 75%, but how to complete the final 25% progress?

He was thinking in his mind, and suddenly realized a problem. The theme of this world is spores; but until now, where have the spores gone?


"Xiaobao, have you grown up? Come and take me to your world."

"Eat more and see how good Huanhuan's mother is to you. Eat more and you will grow faster."

"Just grow up to five years old. I'm only six years old this year."

After a wonderful conversation, the situation in the spore world suddenly changed.

Wen Rensheng's gaze followed.

He just saw Xiao Huan leading a little girl in red clothes, one size smaller than her, into the spore world.

World consciousness grows.

What is He going to do?

Soon he saw that the other party first came to the territory of the fungus, the home of the spores, a fungal planet.

Wen Rensheng drove the spore spacecraft to visit once, but did not observe in depth.

There are densely packed mushrooms everywhere, some big and some small, connected by threads, of different colors, green, yellow, red, pink, white, black...

In many mushroom jungles, there are large areas of open space, enslaving all kinds of creatures, including birds and beasts, shrimps, turtles, fish and crabs.

Xiao Huan and the little girl in red walked out of the void and landed in a mushroom jungle.

Xiao Huan grabbed the two largest mushrooms, broke them, used them as umbrellas, and put them on their heads one by one.

The two mushrooms twisted a few times, seeming to be resisting.

"Why are you resisting? This is your boss, and I am your boss's boss. You have to listen to me from now on." Xiao Huan hit them twice.

The mushroom suddenly made a voice: "Great Creator, you should not appear in this world."

"Why?" the little girl in red asked confused.

"Your appearance will interfere with the operation of the world, and God cannot be seen." The mushroom replied.

"We can appear wherever we want, and you care about me?" Xiao Huan couldn't help but said, "On the contrary, you should be good people in the future, don't get something for nothing all day long, parasitism is not good, we must live in symbiosis, and help everyone grow together.


"... Parasitism and slavery are our way of survival. By forcing us to change like this, you are forcibly changing our excellent culture. This is wrong." Mushroom retorted.

"You dare to be so harsh, I think you are just hungry. Hong Hong, let them not eat or drink for three days!" Xiao Huan became angry in embarrassment.

She will not argue with the other party, she will only be hungry for food.

"Oh." The little girl in red dress waved her little hand.

I saw layers of silent fluctuations appearing on the earth, in the air, and outside the sky.

Those originally lush mushroom jungles were shaken all over.

It was said to be three days, but just a moment later, the mushrooms began to struggle and spin...

It's very much like a person being suffocated.

Obviously, the little girl in red misunderstood Xiao Huan's meaning, or in other words, the method she took was even more extreme.

It caused the mushrooms to directly lose their real-time supply of energy.

It's like a person's heart has stopped, unable to supply blood to the whole body, and all the cells in the body are in the most primitive state of hunger.

"Let me go, you are not gods, you are devils!" The mushrooms started shouting at the same time.

"Hitting is affection, scolding is love, children will not become successful if they are not beaten!" Xiao Huan would not spoil them.

I learned this from Lao Wen...

"We will never change even if we die!" the mushrooms gritted their teeth.

"They won't really die, right? Huanhuan?" the little girl in red clothes was a little scared.

"It's okay, they died one after another, and you brought them back to life with just one thought, so the lesson is just that." Who is Xiao Huan? Can he still be frightened by such a threat?

So the two sides remained in a stalemate.

Soon, some mushrooms surrendered.

That's the thing about groups, they can never have exactly the same opinions.

Even though the relationship between spores is mother and daughter, there are also multiple mothers.

"We are willing to correct it!"

"God, let us go."

"Creator, we are willing to coexist in the future, and we are willing to be good people."

"Very good. If you are willing to change, you can live. If you are not willing to change, just reincarnate." Xiao Huan said with a "haha" laugh.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he nodded slightly.

This is the natural way of survival of the fittest.

Not the seemingly strong ones will definitely survive. Ants can live for hundreds of millions of years, but dinosaurs cannot.

Strength is relative.

It's the same now, the tough spores died, leaving only the weak spores.

Weakness is considered by many to be a derogatory term.

Indeed, it will make you extremely angry, but you have to admit that weakness can often allow a species to survive the darkest times.

Soon, the creatures on the spore planet were surprised to find that they were free.

True freedom.

He is no longer imprisoned in one place, his mind is no longer muddled, but he is awake.

The spores take a back seat and no longer control their actions.

"This is God's will. We will choose to live in symbiosis with you in the future. We will no longer be called spores, but lichens, symbionts of fungi and algae."

The spores in their nervous systems convey this message to them.

"Thank you to the Creator, thank you to God."

"We wanted to defeat you with our own efforts, but we didn't expect that God would grant us freedom in the end. This is really sad." Some of the parasitic beings did not appreciate it.

They feel that their efforts have been wasted.

However, this is the reality. The freedom of many backward groups is given by others. It is useless to expect them to struggle on their own for hundreds of years.

"Okay, now that you have freedom, you must create an interesting world for Master Huanhuan and make more delicious, fun and beautiful things." Xiao Huan ordered.

"No, we have to work hard to develop science and technology, we have to work hard to move forward, and we don't want to be enslaved anymore. We don't need entertainment now, we just need to work overtime." Some newly freed species expressed their voices.

"..." Xiao Huan was speechless for a moment.

Parents force their children to learn, but they don’t force them to play...


This chapter has been completed!
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