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Chapter 1,770 Passage

"Look at you, I told you that although you understand my alien species, you don't understand the game. An increase of a hundred times is okay, but an increase of ten thousand times is okay. Aren't you just waiting to be discovered?" Wen Rensheng taught Haotou Hainao a lesson.

Little fantasy.

Two people, as well as four world consciousness bodies, are gathered around a computer screen.

On the screen, the game Hua Gang was playing was clearly displayed.

It turned out that with the help of Yasha Dragon God, they found a game that was being played by a player suspected of being in the main world.

It can only be said to be suspicious.

Use this computer to establish an extremely small mysterious channel on the other party's mobile phone.

Even slightly larger forces cannot be transmitted.

However, Wen Rensheng's mysterious seed can still take effect.

It's just a way of taking effect because the rules of the other party's world have changed.

Originally, Wen Rensheng only controlled it to take effect to a hundred times, but Little Hallucination was too slow, so he directly adjusted it to ten thousand times.

This is great.

Do you really think that the anti-cheating mechanism of popular online games is for nothing?

Such a huge anomaly in your account data was reported immediately.

A hundred-fold increase, tens of thousands of gold bars will be added at once, and the mechanism is too lazy to move; a ten thousand-fold increase, millions will be added at once, and you haven’t sold any equipment, why don’t you be checked immediately?

"Then, Lao Wen, can you unblock him?" Xiao Huan asked eagerly.

"Forget it, I'll handle it for him. I haven't coded for many years."

Wen Rensheng stared at the screen, motionless.

In fact, he had followed the tiny mysterious channel all the way to the other party's mobile phone, and then to the server.

In the final analysis, it is just some data, links, clients, servers, various protocols...

There is no secret to Wen Rensheng's wisdom.

More than ten minutes later.


"Your account has returned to normal." After Hua Gang saw the game prompt, his calls to customer service were not answered.

It reminds me that there are still 2334 people waiting in line.

He quickly logged into the game again, feeling anxious and excited.

Originally, he was about to give up this game, but today, after doing this, the addiction was brought up again.

"I hope the reward is still there..."

He rubbed his hands and watched the progress bar finish.

When I opened my backpack, I saw that there were more than 12 million gold bars!

He had more than four million that he had not spent all before.

Sure enough, the reward arrived!

Holy shit, what's going on?

Just as he was thinking about it, another message popped up on Hua Gang's computer, another series of temporary tasks.

He did it skillfully.

By the time the liver reaches two o'clock in the morning, he has accumulated three billion gold bars!

If all three billion gold bars are sold, it will be 375,000 yuan, which is enough to cover his two years' salary!

Of course, if it were to be sold, with such a large amount, the price would definitely drop all the way, and in the end it would probably only be sold for a few hundred thousand.

Moreover, the shipping time will be very long, and the products may not be sold out within a month.

After all, this game isn’t too popular after all…

But even so, he made a lot of money!

He quickly went to the game group and contacted a few second-rate dealers who usually collected and withdrawn money in the group.

He doesn't have time to contact real players one by one to buy them.

Because the purchasing behavior of real players is sporadic, they may want to buy it today, or they may buy it six months later.

Only second-rate dealers have the patience to ship goods slowly.

He quickly contacted a guy named "Big Flash".

"Take out the scarf."

"How many?"


"We won't charge anything less than 1 million. It's not enough to make payment troublesome."

"It's 3 billion."

"What? 3 billion?" Da Shan almost ducked.

"That's it, I'll take a screenshot for you." Hua Gang directly took a screenshot and gave it to the other party.

"You're p--ing, right? Don't lie to me, I have your phone number."

"The wool I lied to you is 3 billion. Don't worry about how it came from. Just tell me the price."

"If you offer so much at once, the price of goods in this area will be directly destroyed by you. I can only help you sell it. I will pay you a 10% deposit first. I will give you whatever you want for the rest. I only charge 10 points of the middle price."

Fee." Da Shan thought.

"Then what if you cheated me out of money?" Hua Gang didn't believe it.

"You go online and sell it yourself. I'm afraid the sale will collapse and I will lose tens of thousands a day. I can't bear it. I'm not one of those big guys." Da Shan said aggrievedly.

Hua Gang woke up. His brain was too swollen because he was so excited from playing games.

He realized that he should not have confessed to this second-rate dealer just now.

You should release some slowly first.

Playing games to your heart's content can indeed lower your IQ.

What you did just now actually sounded pretentious. Who made the other person look down on you?

However, there is still a way to recover.

"Don't tell anyone else about this, help me sell it for 100 million first, and I'll give you 20 points. I'll find someone else to sell it to..." Hua Gang said.

"Okay, I won't tell others. I have to get rid of the gold in my hand as soon as possible. If I don't get out, it will become the lowest price." Da Shan was not stupid.

Then, it was a lot of work until 8 o'clock in the morning.

Hua Gang sold one billion gold bars. At this time, the price of gold bars had dropped to 1.16 million.

It dropped a full 20 times.

This is the price instability of game items.

Prices can only be restored after the market digests it.

His final net income was only over 50,000 yuan, which was a huge gap from the expected 370,000 yuan.

But he was still very happy.

After all, this is just the result of his hard work all night!

He will not sell the remaining two billion. He will wait a few months for the price to recover before selling again.

Otherwise it would be a big loss.

Looking at the series of credit information on his bank card, he felt more relaxed than ever.

"Unfortunately, survival in the wasteland is still not popular enough, and the money that can be earned in one area is too little. Although there are many krypton gold bosses, some of whom can charge 100,000 yuan, they dare not buy these gold bars like mine." He summarized carefully.

With experience.

It wasn't until another work phone rang that I realized I was going to be late for work.

He quickly picked up the phone, packed up, and called the company in the car.

The money you make once is just a bonus.

He wouldn't dare resign just like that.


In the afternoon, Hua Gang pretended to have a cold and diarrhea, took sick leave and went home directly.

He wants to change to a hot spot to play.

Another whole night, he bought a few junk large models, the ones with only levels and no gold bars or equipment, and changed five hot zones in a row.

Earned 120,000 yuan.

Earned 82,000 yuan.

Earned 71,000 yuan.

Earned 150,000 yuan.

Earned 60,000 yuan.

"Hahaha, I've paid it, I've paid it, if I keep doing this, the mortgage will be paid off!"

Well, this is true.

There is no such thing as getting rich overnight. Paying off a mortgage of nearly one million yuan is a real thing.

He directly picked up the phone and was about to ask for leave when a message popped up on his phone: "Urgent mission, please help promote "Invincible Heroes III"..."

Sure enough, there will be no pie in the sky.

However, this is strange.

The cost of hundreds of thousands is enough to buy many webpage advertisements. Isn't it easier than letting yourself help?

Hua Gang felt something was strange.

He didn't want to agree to this.

However, when I came back at night and played the game again, there was no increase.

Several of his accounts were even blocked, and an email was sent asking him to contact customer service immediately.


This chapter has been completed!
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