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Chapter 179 Tigers eat sheep

Wen Rensheng and Inspector Liu looked at each other and knew that the drama on the stage was about to begin.

In the past, pirates sharing treasures was history, but the tuna eating people in front of them was a live broadcast.

The person who announced the curtain was an unexpected person.

The old man who was tied to the railing of the bow deck had blurry eyes and suddenly said:

"Okay, greedy idiots, you have disturbed God's peace. Now God will punish you, but God is merciful, and God will still give you a chance to escape."

"Huo Dahua, what are you talking about?" the man in the peaked hat said in shock.

He wanted to slap the other person who was pretending to be a ghost, but an inexplicable fear emerged from his heart, forcing him to stop such actions.

The old man ignored him and just said to himself:

"Now the tuna will circle around your boat. If you want to escape, you can only escape through the lifeboat. If you fall into the water, you will die, and the lifeboat can only carry one person at a time."

"The rules are simple. These tuna have been hungry for a long time and are on the verge of killing each other."

"There will be numbers on them, from 1 to N. After eating, the tuna will swim slower and may be eaten by the tuna numbered one next to it."

"They will act strictly according to the rules set by God: firstly, they must keep themselves alive, and secondly, they must eat as many people as possible on the lifeboat."

"The tuna that has eaten but will not be eaten by the following numbers will leave, and the numbers of the remaining fish will change again. You need to choose the time to get on the boat to escape. If you make a mistake, fish No. 1 among them will attack

Lifeboat, eat people."

"Now that you have been given the opportunity to escape, it's time to make a choice."

As soon as he finished speaking, obvious white numbers suddenly appeared one after another on the backs of the bluefin tuna swimming around the ship.

No. 1, No. 2, all the way to No. 45...the numbers are as if they were born on the backs of these big fish, strange and eerie.

"There are actually forty-five. If these were sold, wouldn't they be worth hundreds of millions?" the man in the peaked hat murmured to himself.

At this time, he had not forgotten the money.

Inspector Liu saw this and said with admiration: "A Sheng, you are really smart, your predictions are not bad at all."

"Because there are only a few classic examples in game theory. In the final analysis, the so-called god is just a clever person. What clever game methods can it come up with?" Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Inspector Liu nodded secretly, this is probably the foundation for human beings to fight against the mysterious world, wisdom, wisdom that is constantly updated.

While the two were talking, the man in the peaked hat suddenly said: "What are you afraid of? Catch them all. You divide into two waves, one to repair the boat and the other to catch fish."

At this time, the crewman next to him said in fear: "Boss, this fish is automatically numbered. It's obviously those things causing trouble. How do you catch it?"

"You need me to teach you how to catch them? Didn't they say they were hungry, so they just used the caught fish as bait and hooked them up in the sea!" the man in the peaked hat said bitterly.

At this time, as expected, a crew member rushed to arrange it.

However, a large octopus, which is a delicacy for tuna, was hung on the hook. After being thrown down, the other party did not even look at it and continued to swim around the ship.

"Give me the harpoon!" The man in the peaked hat was a little frightened, but he still controlled himself and yelled at the crew.

A crew member just picked up the harpoon and felt as if his eyes were in a trance. The harpoon fell directly into the sea, and he almost fell in. He was caught by someone else, so he did not follow the harpoon into the sea.

"Ah! Sure enough, there is something weird!"

The crew members were completely frightened. They ran to the bow deck one by one and looked at the old captain.

"Boss Huo, what's going on?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly."

When Old Man Huo heard this, he blinked hard and seemed to wake up again.

"In the end what happened?"

He didn't even remember what he had just said.

The crew recounted what had just happened.

"Sure enough, this offended Lord Long. We can only do what Lord Dragon said and use lifeboats to transport people out of the no-navigation zone first, and then come back to rescue others..." Old Man Huo thought for a while.

"It's impossible to come back. Only one person can sit on the lifeboat at a time. This is a one-way escape!" someone said in horror.

Many crew members immediately looked at others.

Someone asked quietly: "How many lifeboats do we have in total?"

"Six ships, and one was broken last time and has not been repaired." someone answered.

Everyone's minds suddenly sank into the deep sea.

This means that only 5 people can leave by boat. Before dealing with the tuna, they seem to have to deal with their own people first...

There were more than thirty people on board. It was a big ship with many workers.

Some people quietly touched the harpoon, and some picked up the butcher's knife to butcher the catch...

"Everyone stop it, we still have a way to survive!" Huo Dahua said desperately, "First untie me, repair the boat, and then leave."

"The ship can't be repaired well! You have to listen to the Dragon King!" someone suddenly said.

It was a young white man. He shouted, and then stabbed his companion next to him in the abdomen.

A massacre occurred on the ship.

Huo Dahua closed his eyes in pain.

Ocean fishing means high risks, mental stress and physical exhaustion...

High-intensity offshore operations make every crew member's nerves tense all the time. The 24-hour shaking hull makes it impossible for people to have a good rest. It is normal for them to have mental problems due to this.

And now, amid great joy and fear, the thread someone was tightening finally broke!

This is an inevitable result.

More than two hours later, the massacre was temporarily concluded.

The man in the peaked hat, relying on the intimidation of the big black bodyguard with a gun, became two of the last five people to survive.

The big black bodyguard was promised that as long as he made it to the shore and escaped, he would be transferred one million US dollars.

Because Huo Dahua is possessed by the Dragon King, no one dares to touch him. This is the third person.

The fourth person is a black man, and the fifth man is a white man.

Except for Huo Dahua, everyone else was covered in blood.

The dead people were thrown into the sea by them, but what was frightening was that the tuna didn't even look at these dead people.

Some people were pushed into the sea alive, but the tuna remained indifferent. A whirlpool just appeared and swallowed the living people quickly.

The rule once again proves its correctness, tuna will only eat living people in the lifeboat.

"It's really cruel. No wonder the old people say it's better to go to the mountains than to the sea." Inspector Liu sighed.

Wen Rensheng sighed silently. There was nothing he could do at this time. When these people choose to break into the no-navigation zone, they will have to pay the price for their greed.

Sending people to rescue them will definitely put the rescuers in great danger for nothing. If you don't rescue them, you can get valuable information. The choice above is clear at a glance.

Although the sea is full of opportunities, there are greater dangers for everyone.

In fact, if someone without the power of the curse comes in and just targets the group of tuna, these people may fight each other.

Now, what these people are facing is a double game, not a simple tiger-eating-sheep problem, because the number of tuna here will change.

Their real opponent is still themselves.

At this moment, the man in the peaked hat began to say to Huo Dahua: "Captain Huo, how do you grasp the opportunity to escape on board the ship you just mentioned?"

Huo Dahua closed his eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't know, you can think about it yourself."

The man in the peaked hat looked at his big black bodyguard, and then at the other two bloody surviving sailors.

He frowned, and after about half an hour, all five people seemed to have figured it out.

In fact, this problem is not very complicated. You can calculate it clearly by using the backward method. The tuna with the last number will definitely eat the slow-moving guy in front.

So the second to last one will not eat people no matter what. So the third to last one can eat people without restraint.

By working backwards, we can know that when the total number is an odd number, tuna No. 1 will definitely eat people; when the total number is an even number, tuna No. 1 will not dare to eat people.

This is the same idea as pirates dividing treasure.

Now comes the problem. There are currently 45 tuna, which is an odd number. It is necessary to sacrifice one person first and let the No. 1 tuna eat the person and then leave, in order to get a chance to escape.

This is a double game!

At this time, the surviving white crew member suddenly said to the black crew member: "I usually hate people who discriminate against skin color, so this time I will give you the opportunity. You can leave on the boat first."

The black crew member looked moved, and then said: "No, no, you are whiter than me. According to tradition, you should get on the ship first."

When Inspector Liu saw this, he shook his head and said: "It seems that they are all smart and fully understand the principle of odd death and even life."

"Yes, it's a pity that their cleverness only caused a new dilemma, and in the end no one could leave." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

This chapter has been completed!
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