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Chapter 1836 Game

Main world.

In a certain mental hospital, the pungent smell of disinfectant filled the ward.

Lying on the hospital bed was an ordinary man.

Next to him stood the director and Dr. Pan.

"Which one has this been transported to your hospital?"

"The 32nd one." Dr. Pan shook his head.

"Why are there suddenly so many comatose people?" the director asked again.

"According to the examination, they seem to be dreaming for a long time, similar to the folk syndrome of leaving the soul." Dr. Pan gave an analogy.

"Leaving Soul Syndrome?" The director pondered these words.

In the past, there were always children who were inexplicably frightened, depressed, had a fever, couldn't eat, and were confused...

Old people often say that this is "losing the soul". It is useless to see a doctor. Find an old woman in the town, burn some incense, sprinkle some noodles, and draw a picture. In short, it is a very mysterious thing in the hearts of children. Children look back.


Of course the director knows that these rituals are a kind of psychological placebo, but they work, so they continue to be circulated.

Not to mention children, don't adults go to various temples and throw away a lot of money for similar psychological comfort?

Now that there are so many people who have left their souls, why not find some witches to try?

Just try it.

Soon, a group of people who could only deceive village women in the countryside were brought to this mental hospital.

Put on the helmet and enter the same script world. After one operation, the patient did not recover and the people in the world went crazy...

But with the good news, a charlatan sobered up for a while.

He said: "Those people chose to stay in the dream world voluntarily."

The director suddenly understood.

Because something similar to this has happened before.

In that lakeside world in the dream, some people turned into a vegetative state and remained in a coma because they never woke up from the dream.

"It seems that there is no need to worry about this matter." The director shook his head.

Because he knows that someone will take care of it.


Of course Wen Rensheng has to take care of it. In the past, Calamity Eater in the East Continent world would eat people with their flesh and bones; now they go to the main world to eat people, and they only eat their consciousness.

He pays attention to the steady flow of water, and the other party is with his skin and bones.

Principal Calamity's move really hits the mark.

In order to restrain the calamitous principal, he changed the script into a sadistic one, and forced people in the main world to lose weight...

As a result, they lure these people to indulge in the script world and directly harvest them.

It's obviously for the sake of their physical and mental health, but people are short-sighted.

We only see the advantages of eating and drinking, but not the disadvantages.

How to deal with this trick?

He thought for a while and called the world consciousnesses.

Yasha Dragon God, Go AI, Spore World, God of Baldur's Gate...

"If you want to contain or even eliminate the Disaster Abnormal Principal, it is right to solve it at the root, but there are some problems with the means." Yasha Longshen said, "This is like using forceful suppression when educating children to make them do nothing.

It is often counterproductive. The real method should be guidance, and it is better to remove obstruction than to block it."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

In fact, he just gave it a try and did not hang himself from a tree.

Just turn back now.

"Then how should we guide it?"

"This is simple. In the past, people in the main world had all kinds of fantasies, and they had all kinds of novelties. Therefore, disasters and chaos were created. In the past, your method of eradicating the soil of terror made Chaos omniscience retreat. But now, we need to guide people not to think about it.

Those who are looking for novelty will focus their energy elsewhere."

"other places?"

"For example, games make people addicted to upgrading, fighting monsters, and making pickles... When they wake up every day, they have liver problems. As a result, they naturally have no energy to think about anything new."

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Wen Rensheng nodded.

Brainstorming is indeed useful.

It's hard to suppress people's thoughts, but it's much easier to direct them to focus on something else.

He immediately ordered Guardian Space to produce and promote a game.

It just so happens that the previous work was not in vain.

As long as we count the changes in the number of people entering in various scripts, we can know which type of game is the most attractive.

The results came out quickly.

That is a game that includes all script types together, which is the easiest to attract people...

These guys really know how to save trouble.


The director was informed that artificial intelligence was going to promote a game in the world, an unprecedented game.

It's all inclusive, people just need to play games every day.

All real-life tasks are done by robots.

He wasn't surprised at all.

It's just a real-life version of The Matrix.

He and other managers had expected this.

Humans will resist, and robots don’t want to exterminate humans, so they can only banish humans into the virtual world.

In the virtual world, you can resist at will, and it will be over as long as you restart the server.

The name of this game is "all living beings online".

Zhongsheng Design has n main cities, n maps, n occupations, and countless plots...

As for the level, from level 1 to infinite, you will never reach the top.

People will distribute real materials according to the game level.

In short, the higher the game level, the better the career, and the more real-life materials.

Anyway, just one word, "liver" and that's it.

Soon, the game will be launched.

People poured in one after another.

Of course, many people don't want to enter, thinking it's a trap.

But as the first batch of people entered and got more supplies than before, people went crazy.

More and more people are choosing to enter.

After everyone gets up early, no, there is no concept of getting up early, only waking up.

After waking up, everyone greeted each other with the following words: "How much experience did you gain today?"

"I am five hundred thousand."

"I only have 150,000 yuan, how did you get it?"

"The doctor from xx University has established a sophisticated experience acquisition model...if you follow the model, you can gain experience exponentially."

"So that's it."

People exchanged tips on gaining experience and discussed feverishly.

How much experience have you earned today, how much experience will I gain tomorrow?

Everyone is playing the game feverishly.

Go to work, who still goes to work?

Not many people still want to go to work.

How hard it is to go to work, but how fun the game is. You can earn experience while playing, and even give out supplies in reality.

Isn’t this just playing games to earn gold coins and exchange them for real currency?

People have fantasized about playing games and exchanging real money.

Now it has become a fact that the basis for the realization of that kind of game is that robots are responsible for production.

Of course, some people feel something is wrong and think this is not good.

But they had nowhere to say it.

If they don't play games, they only have 1,800 calories a day.

Being hungry once or twice is a blessing, being hungry every day is bad luck.

So almost everyone joined the game.

At the same time, the news people read online every day has also become something in the game.

"Player xx solved mysterious hidden tasks, gained 300 million experience points, and upgraded ten levels in a row."

"Player xx opened a mysterious treasure box and got an S-level weapon."

And so on.

As for real-world research, industry, and innovation, no one cares about it anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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