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Chapter 1870 Businessman

Half a month has passed.

Even the major was a little unbelievable that the fortress could hold on for so long.

There are still enough bullets, but there is not much food.

The reason is very simple. Some cockroaches have leaked in. They don't attack people, but they go looking for food first, sweeping away canned food, dry bread, beef jerky...

Moreover, after eating, they will give birth to babies. One cockroach will give birth to one hundred thousand, and it will take more than ten days to take shape. Who can withstand this?

It's very difficult to clean up ordinary cockroaches, let alone these radioactive cockroaches in a fortress?

Moreover, many soldiers began to suffer from radiation sickness and fell down one after another.

There were more than 700 people, but now only more than half remain.

The major would also like to thank the cockroaches for not being too aggressive and their combat power is still very weak compared to humans.

If the same number of ghouls entered the fortress, there would probably be no one left.

"I want to go home." A soldier who was infected with radiation sickness and had a high fever said.

"Hold on, there will be an order to retreat soon." The person next to him consoled him.

"Is it really possible? The officers have given up on us! There will be no rescue at all! We are dead!" Some soldiers said in despair.

"Don't say anything depressing, we will definitely be able to go back alive!" the major came over and said to everyone.

He also had signs of radiation sickness, and ulcers began to form at the corners of his mouth and eyes. It was only because he was in better health and had timely treatment from medical soldiers around him that he looked lighter than others.

In fact, he knew very well that the telegram he received was "Stick, stick, stick to tmd!"

The rank of major is already very high and belongs to the middle-level officers. Even he has been given up, let alone other soldiers.

Even so, he still used false words to comfort the soldiers.

At least let them die with the hope of going back instead of going crazy in despair.

Another half month has passed.

The soldiers broke out into riots twice. It is impossible to expect these 19th-century soldiers to remain like wooden men without breaking out into riots in their desperate persistence.

During World War I, the French army refused to enter the German trenches and continued to charge to the death, even marching into Paris for this purpose.

The young master led the guards to suppress the commotion, but there were only about eighty soldiers left.

Some people choose to run away, and some people choose to stick to it.

The reason they persisted is because the major promised them that their family members would receive extra pensions after his death. The major had already sent a telegram asking his family to send extra money to the soldiers' families.

As for reinforcements, there are still no reinforcements.

In fact, the major can already retreat.

More than a month later, the cockroaches had largely dispersed, and only a handful remained in the fortress.

They are not soldiers who obey orders. For such a small fortress, they will naturally retreat when they run out of food.

The few remaining living people are gathered in a few rooms that are too strong, and the cost of obtaining food is too high.

Now they only have very little dry food left, but there is no shortage of drinking water, because there is a running water well in the fortress, and there are no cockroaches occupying it.

Cockroaches don't know how to block wells either.

"Major, let's retreat, we're running out of food." The logistics staff begged.

"The supplies will arrive soon." The major didn't lie this time.

Because they miraculously held on for more than a month, after constantly sending telegrams, they finally remembered that there was such a nail, so a team of trucks was on their way here.

Three days later, five damaged trucks arrived at the fortress, unloading ammunition, fuel, and the most important food, sausages, dry bread, beef jerky, canned fruits...

There are also a thousand body bags.

"Guys, how did you hold on? Also, it seems that body bags are no longer needed?" the truck leader said with admiration.

"Yes, the only good news when facing these monsters is that there is no need to produce body bags, because they can even swallow bones." The major coughed and pointed to a radioactive creature in the distance that was chewing its head.

Cockroach said.

He felt like he was about to die, the radiation had damaged his internal organs.

People in the 19th century did not understand what radiation was, and even in the 20th century, there was still a tragic group called the Radium Girls.

When radium was first discovered, people thought it could cure all diseases, so they added radium to everything, including cosmetics, drinks, children's toys...

The nuclear drink in radiation is actually not a satire, but a documentary, that is, the period when radioactivity was just discovered.

Fortunately, the recent reply to the telegram has mentioned that they should pay attention to preventing new plagues, avoid close contact with cockroaches, and after killing them, they should quickly clean them up and burn them far away.

People in the 19th century didn't know it, but their gods did.

Just describe radiation as a plague.

"It seems that your illness is very serious, but it doesn't matter. Drink this glass of tranquil water and you will be cured." The truck leader said, moving a box of cans from the compartment, which contained a dark brown drink.

The major had no doubts and drank directly.

Who else would harm him?

He will die soon.

After drinking the dark brown drink, he felt like something was churning inside his body, and he felt a little itchy and fleshy.

After a while, he felt that the ulcers and terrible sore spores on his body were receding rapidly.

"Such a powerful medicine! I want to give it to the soldiers quickly!"

"Well, yes, this is proof that God has not given up on us yet." The truck leader said meaningfully.

The morale of the soldiers was soon restored. Only a few disabled soldiers were still very depressed, but they were also treated as being sent to the rear.

This makes everyone happy.

Until the next day.

The truck drivers slept in the fortress all night before leaving.

When they woke up in the morning, they found that the fortress was surrounded again!

This time it was a group of mutated hunting dogs. Their gray-brown bodies were covered with scars and rashes, making people feel their scalp numb after looking at them.

"Haha, we have dog meat to eat!" A soldier laughed crazily, and then fired the first bullet.

Fortunately, these hunting dogs are not numerous in number and are far less difficult to deal with than cockroaches.

The shell of a cockroach is hard, and if you hit it, ricochet will often appear.

The hunting dogs are not so difficult to kill, and they will basically be killed with one shot.

After more than an hour, most of the hunting dogs ran away with their tails between their legs, and only a few died under the fortress.

"Okay, you can take one or two fresh corpses back and let the gentlemen study them carefully," the major said with a smile.

"Yeah, I hope they won't cut us off on the road."

"I will send ten people to escort you. They don't have to come back after they arrive at the place. They can directly provide us with military support in the rear."

Truck drivers are on the road.

The major watched them go with heavy eyes.

The soldiers escorting the truck didn't think so much. They just felt that they could get out of this hell temporarily.

A few days later, a group of two-headed cows arrived.

The soldiers did not fire because there were people behind and there was cargo on the cattle.

"We are businessmen of xx company, what do you need? Food, bottle caps, or women's illustrated magazines? We accept everything, bullets, guns, food, women?" shouted a big man with a dusty face.

This chapter has been completed!
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