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Chapter 1873 Sauron

As the soldiers played more and more crazily and received more and more rewards, the fortress major felt something was wrong.

But he never found out what was wrong until he heard a wolf howling at night...

Then I suddenly woke up: people who play games may turn into wolves.

And once you're a wolf, you're likely to be a wolf for a long time. As for when to recover, I'm afraid it won't be until the end of the game.

And wolves want to kill people at night.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked the soldiers to stop their night games.

It's just that he thought of it a little late.

One night, the wolf howled again, and early the next morning, a certain soldier died.

His body was intact, but his eyes were dilated, as if he had seen something terrifying.

"Damn it, things from other worlds don't have good intentions when they come to us." The major punched the wall with his fist.

Although only one person died, his intuition told him that this fortress might not be able to hold on.

Because soldiers won't trust each other anymore.

Trust this thing, only those on the battlefield know how important it is.

The inferior soldiers who dare to die can be defeated by the elite soldiers who are fighting among themselves.

Because the main enemy of the latter is not its opponent, but its own people.

As he expected, the soldiers began to be wary of each other. They no longer went to the toilet in two groups, but at least three people.

Even go as a group.

A few days later, another person died at night.

The major had to let everyone take turns to rest, working in three shifts, to keep someone awake at all times.

Even so, death can't be prevented.

Morale fell rapidly.

In just two days, there was an escape.

"I don't want to stay here, I don't want to be killed by my own people!" The first fugitive appeared, was captured, and was imprisoned on the spot.

Originally, the major wanted to go directly to the execution, but was stopped by the adjutant.

"Killing him will put everyone in danger, but it is better to keep him alive."

The major agreed, but more and more people escaped.

Even the company directly under the major's own command has shown signs of desertion.

The house leaked and it rained continuously. Two days later, the mutants from the wasteland finally arrived belatedly.

They arrived late, there were many of them, and they were very bad-tempered.

Braving the bullets and flames, he rushed forward.

The strong concrete fortifications of the fortress could still block it, but the defense line collapsed inexplicably.

The fortress soldiers who were originally able to hold out until 80% of the battle was lost, now only one-tenth of them died, and some people fled in all directions.

But the fortress is sealed, with only a few entrances and exits, guarded by supervisory teams.

The deserters clashed with the supervising team.

Some soldiers even panicked and jumped out of the shooting holes. Of course, these soldiers were torn to pieces by the mutants rushing towards them.

All in all it was chaos.

In fact, although mutants have tough skin, they will still die if they are shot dozens of times more.

Especially under machine gun fire, they cannot hold out for long.

However, despite the fact that the situation could be defended, the soldiers were panicked, their morale was low, and their shooting level dropped significantly.

So much so that even a thousand bullets can't kill a mutant.

"They are immortal!" someone exclaimed.

The more nervous you are, the more likely you will miss, and the more you miss, the more nervous you will be.

The battle line collapsed inexplicably.

The major originally wanted to hold on to the end, but under the persuasion of his adjutant, he fled to the truck and started the car to leave before the other soldiers could react.

"We need to deliver the information alive. This is the greatest due diligence." The adjutant's words were very clever. He said that deserting the soldiers in the middle of the battle meant delivering the information against all odds.

The major acquiesced.

If he continues to supervise the battle and shoot deserters, the soldiers who have fled with no way out will definitely shoot him with a black gun.

But he ran away after all, abandoning his own defense and responsibilities.

This was undoubtedly his frustration.

The question is why did he lose?

When he returned to the rear, he was arrested. He spent seven days and nights in the officer's cell thinking hard.

He finally understood.

"It's the world's fault."

He was just a major, with only a few hundred soldiers, and it was impossible for him to deal with the endless problems.

When the three worlds merge together, no one can figure out how many variables will arise.

After thinking about this, he felt relaxed all over.

And he figured out what to do next time and how to deal with the changes brought about by the world.

Be sure to use soldiers separately and don't expose them all to new changes.

Then he heard his sentence.

"Major Sauron, abandoned his position, abandoned his soldiers, disobeyed the order to stand, escaped under the false name of delivering intelligence, and executed justice on the spot, a true example!"

"I..." The major was shocked.

When he thought about it, he would have been demoted at most, so how could he be shot directly?

He finally figured out how to deal with the new world, but ended up being shot?

"I want the above, I want to see Your Excellency General, I have shed blood and made meritorious service for the civilized world!"

he shouted in the sentencing room.

But no one listened to what he said.

Two soldiers dragged him to the yard, shot him, and cleared him.


At midnight.

Major Soren crawled out of the corpse pit.

He looked around blankly.

It's quiet all around, here is a clearing in the forest.

There is a large pit at the foot, buried with a thin layer of floating soil. It can be seen that the soldiers were very lazy and perfunctory when burying the corpse.

This shows that morale is very low.

Soldiers with good morale should be very serious about burying corpses, because if they are not buried properly, they will cause plague.

Fortunately, he was resurrected after death and could still crawl out.

Otherwise, he would be resurrected, suffocated to death, suffocated and resurrected again, wasting the five lives given by Wenren Sheng.

"Who am I now? Dead? Or alive?"

He walked on the road and subconsciously walked towards the military camp.

As soon as he took a step forward, he realized a problem. He had been canceled from the military series. As a person who was shot, all files, identities, and records were naturally sealed.

He immediately turned around, which was the direction of his home.

However, this time I only took three steps and turned back.

The telegram that he was shot must have been taken home.

There are people in his family who are in the army.

I must have known about his situation immediately.

He looked up at the sky.

Unexpectedly, the sky and the earth are so big that there is no place for me to go.

At this moment, he suddenly thought that there was still a place he could go.

Fallout wasteland, werewolf.

That's the new world.

In a completely different world, no one knew that they were shot.

He's going there to make a comeback.

He lost because of the werewolf.

He will also rise among the werewolves.


In a classical castle somewhere, 12 people were sitting at a long table in the hall.

"This is the novice area. Everyone should pay attention to some basic requirements. Be especially careful not to make comments that are offensive, mainly cursing and swearing... Anyone who does this will be immediately expelled from the game and suspended for three months."

"There are not many other rules. Pay attention to the time limit for speaking and just play according to the rules."

A voice floated in the air.

He couldn't see the person, but Sauron knew that the other person was the host of the werewolf killing game.

This is a classic standard game: four wolves, four villagers, and four female hunters and guardians, a total of 12 people.

Werewolf slaughter, that is, you can win by killing all the civilians or divine cards.

The good guys should throw out all the werewolves or take them away with guns.

Although Major Solon thought he was a smart man, he didn't play with those fancy boards. He felt dizzy just looking at them.

It will take him a few months to get used to it before he can play with those things again.

This chapter has been completed!
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