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Chapter 189 underwater hand

"Wait a minute, look carefully at the sea surface. What exploded?" someone pointed at the live broadcast screen and said.

Everyone had good eyesight. After the anti-submarine missile bombing, the sea waves calmed down, and a small patch of oil appeared on a certain wave crest, which was obviously caused by a fuel leak.

What can leak fuel under the sea? It's definitely not a mysterious sea monster, it can only be a man-made submersible.

"Could it be that the submarine clearing the channel was accidentally damaged?" someone worried.

Everyone's hearts sank. If they were accidentally injured at the beginning, it would be a huge loss to morale.

In war, accidental injury is really a sad event that cannot be avoided. It is bound to happen, but no one knows when it will happen.

"It's unlikely. It's not just a competition of technological weapons. There is the intervention of mysterious forces. The chance of accidental injury is too small. The aliens participating in the war are all related to each other. This cannot be faked." Wang Binyuan assured.


Everyone nodded repeatedly. Yes, there would be problems with identifying friend or foe with technological weapons, but there had been no problems with the connection between alien species.

"Since it's not an accidental injury, then the problem is serious." Someone said quietly.

Wen Rensheng stared at the oil stain, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind. It was the group of troublesome Americans he encountered when suppressing the Fire Eyes in Nishimaru Country. Of course, in the end, they voluntarily suppressed the Fire Eyes and overcame their sins.


The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Regardless of the past life or this life, the people of this country, brought out from the bones of their ancestors, do not make trouble and feel uncomfortable.

As long as you live a comfortable life, it will not be comfortable and will have to torment you.

There is no place where it doesn't want to toss, there are only places where it can or can't.

Thinking of this, a reminder suddenly flashed in his mind:

"The hand hidden under the water: completed. It turns out that what is truly terrifying is the human heart. The chaotic and unpredictable mysterious world will not target anyone in particular. In front of it, all living beings are equal."

"On the contrary, the same kind who should be focused on fighting against natural disasters are actually the most terrifying existences around you. They do their best to make you fall into the abyss. They are the real terrifying hands hidden under the water."

"It can make buildings collapse, turn laughter into tears, and make the streets wail..."

"You have solved a mysterious event of medium and low difficulty. Your upper limit of mystery is increased by 5 points. Your upper limit of mystery is raised to 222 points."

Very good, the mysterious seed has reached a conclusion, someone is indeed causing trouble.

As for who the troublemaker is, it's pretty clear.

Because he has the ability and courage to travel in such a huge fleet, he still dares to believe that there are only one or two forces lurking under the giant algae.

No wonder that sea eye specifically targets the sea and air communication lines between Dongdao and Dongshui Region. The reason is simple: it is artificially controlled.

This is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

The purpose is to isolate Dongdao and put the same dog leash on Shenzhou's neck as in the previous life.

Because of the pattern in his past life memory, Wen Rensheng could easily see the other person's thoughts clearly.

He has never sat in a high position and does not know the other party's decision-making process, but he has read history and knows how history has evolved, so he will naturally understand what the other party wants to do.

Of course, whether it can be done is another matter.

When a problem arises, how should the people of the Inspection Department fight back?

Wen Rensheng thought this way, and the scene in the live broadcast quickly gave the answer.

Dozens of anti-submarine reconnaissance aircraft roared in, and airborne radars, sonobuoys, and various conventional underwater reconnaissance methods were deployed at the same time.

At this moment, Wen Rensheng noticed the intervention of mysterious power.

A stone pillar was dropped from an ordinary reconnaissance plane.

The stone pillar was shining with light, and it was obviously a special weapon filled with mysterious power.

Not long after, the opponent's exact location seemed to be discovered. Most of the reconnaissance planes returned, with only a few hovering in the sky.

Hundreds of fighter planes flew in again. This time, aiming at a small sea surface, there was a collective display of anti-submarine weapons: anti-submarine torpedoes, anti-submarine missiles, anti-submarine rockets...

Five minutes later, a large amount of oil floated on the sea, even mixed with a lot of blood. Needless to say, it was completely blown up, not simply sunk.

"Well done! Let them dare to cause trouble!" someone couldn't help but say.

"The stone pillar just now should be a consumable material for the master-level prophecy technique, right? First obtain a considerable range of approximate information, and then carry out accurate prophecy positioning." A technical expert analyzed.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he recalled the appearance of the stone pillar. It turned out that it was the necessary material to activate the master-level skills...

It seems that the activation of master-level skills is not as simple and convenient as low-level skills.

He has come across a master-level skill so far - the master-level illusion technique. It has appeared in illusions in games and when tracking and monitoring the ocean-going fishing vessel.

"Sure enough, modern warfare is no longer a simple weapons confrontation. It is a comprehensive system covering technological weapons and mysterious powers. It is too huge. Not to mention just one of us, even if more than 10,000 experts join forces, it can

It's just a drop in the bucket, and the power it can exert is too little." Someone couldn't help but say.

"Yes, I heard other people say it every day before, and I still didn't believe it. I always felt that there were three screws in my rotten ship. Now it seems that it is just a screw." Another person shook his head and sighed.

Everyone's heart is aching, the facts are in front of them, and trying to argue forcefully will only make people laugh and lose a reputation that they cannot afford to lose.

The only way to relieve worries is to dream.

Everything can happen in dreams.

Some people thought this way and simply fell asleep leaning against the pit.

For a time, in the entire factory, most of these new generation mysterious experts felt an inexplicable and huge sense of loss.

Wen Rensheng was not like others, he had long known that this trend was inevitable.

The modern strike force is a whole, consisting of sea, land and air, plus the space force in outer space, because satellites are a type of space force and are a joint operation.

The progress of this complex combat system is overall progress, and it is no longer something that some genius mysterious expert can catch up with after hundreds of years of hard work.

One person, against the entire huge system, has never been able to succeed since ancient times.

After all, if you are smart, there will always be someone smarter than you, if you are fast, there will always be someone faster than you, if you are lucky, there will always be someone who is luckier than you.

And you only have 24 hours after all.

But he is different. He feels that he can surpass others: because he believes that no one can be reincarnated from other worlds like him.

There is no need for any basis, he is such a confident person.

After the bombing was completed and the channel was cleared, the ships behind continued to move forward.

At this time, the live broadcast scene suddenly changed.

"What you just saw is the Eastern Base, as well as the Southern Base and the Northern Base. The Southern Base dispatched two waves. This will be an encirclement operation on all sides, striving to uproot this eye of the sea. It will eventually cooperate with the people behind it

Bury the sneaky things together." At this time, a meaningful voice-over appeared on the screen.

Southern base?

Someone nodded and said: "I heard that the navy there is stronger. After all, it has to take care of both oceans. Unlike the Eastern Base and the Northern Base, it only needs to be responsible for one direction."

"This time the gesture is indeed big enough, which is really heartbreaking. In ancient times, this would have been scolded by the literati as being militaristic, wasting people and money, and the people would rebel." Someone sighed.

"So the literati don't understand anything. In modern theory, what is emphasized is productivity. Productivity is the foundation. Improving the ability to transform nature and use resources is everything. The consumption is large, but the demand for mobilization is also great, and the talents trained are

, and more technologies were improved. Just like the moon landing project, it seemed to consume a lot, but later many technologies were used in civilian applications, which saved more resources."

"Resources are always limited, right? Although manpower is infinite, it is better to save."

"Limited resources are a false proposition. If they are exhausted, there will always be new resources to replace and emerge. Just like the oil crisis, we shouted about it every day in the last century. But now, it is getting cheaper and cheaper. In terms of energy, just one sun is enough.

How many years will we use it?”

"Yes, matter is conserved. Elements are just circulating and are not really consumed. I heard that the West has developed a mysterious alchemy that can recycle elements that cannot be recycled cheaply. I have to find a way to get it back.


"If you say that, doesn't it encourage everyone to work hard?"

"Waste is always bad. After all, it will increase operating costs. We should save where we can."

Everyone was working and talking at the same time, but it didn't feel boring.

So soon it was meal time.

Eat one meal a day and rest after eating.

Three hours of eating and resting is really not enough.

In the past, there were still people who were dissatisfied and could only stay in the rear and do hard work, and could not go to the front line to show off their strength.

But now, after everyone has seen such a huge power, they no longer have any complaints.

Everyone ate deliciously.

This chapter has been completed!
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