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Chapter 1931 Integration and Coalition

It's easy to be harmonious in normal times, but true feelings show up in times of crisis.

Everyone was shocked and very happy.

The great knight saw through Lancelot's trick at a glance, and he cursed loudly: "Lancelot, you wretched son of a shoemaker, you will never learn the loyalty of a knight!"

"You piece of trash, you only deserve to be eaten by the lowest goblin in the demonic tide!"

"Do you think you can become the king by winning over these poor people who have obtained the power of demons? It's ridiculous. The Six Nations Allied Forces have already set off, and an army of 500,000 people is heading towards the border. You will soon be crushed to death like a cockroach.


Lancelot was furious. Although he had been abandoned these days, he basically spent his time in praise. Except for his father, he had never heard anyone insult him in person like this!

The reason why the provocation method is often effective is because the stimulation from people of the same class is so powerful.

Aren’t you working hard for half your life just to show off in front of people of the same class?

As a result, he was insulted by the other party. How can you bear this?

He patted the horse and went out, but the captain of the guard quickly grabbed the reins and stopped halfway.

"Look, our Grand Duke is so brave and cherishes his soldiers so much that he wants to charge personally!" The attendants around him took the opportunity to announce.

"Kill!" The soldiers behind him were encouraged.

"The infantry moves forward and dismantles the trap. The cavalry goes around to both sides and prepares to attack. The other warriors, follow me and besiege the opponent's knight himself!" Lancelot quickly woke up and gave accurate orders.

Everyone quickly carried out his orders in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, the great knight had no choice but to retreat.

The opponent was not provoked, and his troops were only hastily assembled, unable to confront Lancelot, who was well-trained and had sharp swords as his main force.

As soon as he retreated, the card players in the castle also poured out one after another.

Only then did they understand that if they wanted to persevere in the muddy battle, they could only rely on this former knight.

Their knowledge was enough for them to rush into the noble manors, kill the original owners like thieves, and seize their property.

If the other party brings a stronger force than them, they will be helpless.

But Lancelot had a way to gather more power and drive the opponent away.

"Only when we gather into one fist can we be invincible!" He encouraged the more than 100 newly recruited card players, never mentioning their past stupid actions.

Unfortunately, there were more than a dozen people who took advantage of the chaos on the battlefield to escape, either out of shame or other ideas.

However, the dozens of people who were rescued became his staunch supporters, which was a good thing.

Later, Lancelot continued to rescue the card players who were scattered and surrounded by the coalition of nobles who had reacted.

Although the rescue was somewhat delayed, hundreds of people were completely killed.

But this also greatly strengthens the sense of crisis among card players, allowing them to firmly unite with themselves.

This made them realize that just a few hundred people were not enough to fight against the noble army.

The opponent was at the rear and had not mobilized for a while, so they were caught off guard by their fearless fighting style and bizarre abilities.

Once they react, the opponent's numbers and military power will be able to overwhelm them.

As for whether Lancelot did this on purpose, he would never tell anyone.

Aristocratic games have always been like this.

Doing is one thing, saying is another.

When the final assembly was completed, only 5,422 of the 7,000 card players had gathered.

Some were killed, some fled, and some made a fortune and secretly took their belongings to live a good life outside.

But Lancelot was not depressed. After all this trouble, people's hearts began to unite.

At this time, the army formed by the six kingdoms had already passed the border of the Lotus Kingdom.

Fortunately, a count who was loyal to the kingdom fought with his life and delayed them for five days.

It can only be said that not all nobles play games just for profit, and there are a few who are really deceived and become the mainstay.

Just as Lancelot took the opportunity to prepare his army for war, his father, the newly created earl, came to find him.

"The coalition asked me to bring you a message."

"What words?"

"As long as you lead those card players into a trap, they will make you the king of the Lotus Kingdom, and our family will become the Lancelot royal family."

"Father, you won't believe the lies of these nobles, will you?"

"Nonsense, if I believed them, I would not come and tell you in person. Instead, I would invite you to my territory and arrest you." Lancelot's father, who was a shoemaker, had a cunning look in his eyes.


As a shoemaker, he has seen too much strife and intrigue within the nobility. Lying is a common occurrence for them, easier than drinking water.

"In this case, what should we do?" Lancelot was relieved.

It is not uncommon for fathers and sons to kill each other among nobles, but after all, he is a person who has received God's grace. He still doesn't know God's attitude towards this kind of thing, so he should not do it if he can.

"I will pretend to promise them and let them set up traps. When they are paralyzed, they will not rush into the army, but will patiently set up traps. This will give you the most precious training time." The new Earl said slyly.


Lancelot nodded. His father did not give him any ingenious strategies or complex operations such as tricking the opponent into a trap. Instead, he gave him the most precious thing - time.

Yes, my father could tell at a glance that what card players need most is time to upgrade.

Those poor guys, as soon as they become rich, start to enjoy themselves and forget to upgrade.

Only he and a small number of people, probably less than 1/10 of the card players, are still looking for monsters to hunt every day.

Currently, he already has an advanced level of 35!

The average level is only level 14.5.

The gap between pleasure and liver emperor is so big.

This is because the demon tide did not appear again, resulting in no monsters to kill.

It is not without reason that the great knight would flee. The opponent senses that the high-level combat power has no advantage. As long as he does not make mistakes, he will definitely lose.

He thanked his father and promised to grant one of the kingdoms to his father after defeating the coalition.

The father left with satisfaction.

The coalition's promise was good, but it was too cheap and unreliable to satisfy his appetite, so he still chose to bet on his son.

Even if his son rebels against him or even kills him, the surname Lancelot will still remain in history, and his name will remain.

The arrogance and carelessness of the noble coalition appeared again.

Most people believed Lancelot's father's promise and began to urge his men to lay traps.

Card players are very powerful, so they need special traps.

Deep ditches, rapeseed oil, lard, butter, fishing nets, steel cages...all kinds of materials must be collected and prepared.

The tediousness of a large army's battle exceeds anything else in the world.

Its victory or defeat can almost determine everything, and death is the biggest thing.

Naturally, some nobles did not believe it and chose to march alone.

As a result, he was easily defeated by Lancelot, so he had to go back and follow most of the people to wait.

In fact, this is their fatal weakness: they don't want to pay too much price to annihilate their opponents.

Many people even began to discuss how to divide Lancelot's territory in the future.

Poker players should also keep some of them and find ways to control them.

It would be better if you can find the divine messenger.

It's a pity that the divine messenger no longer appears, as he seems to think that divine grace is enough.

This chapter has been completed!
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