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Chapter 1956 Ability

At this moment, Wenren was promoted to his home.

The red panda sneaked back again. After all, it had not been sealed by Wen Ren.

There is nothing interesting in that magic tide world now, except for mice, it is just mice. Otherwise, Xiao Huan would not be bored all day long.

"Lao Wen, why did you give that emperor the ability to reincarnate? I remember that you went to the feudal world once, and there was a queen mother named Lu Zhi, so she faked the reincarnation and tricked the landlords into giving them away. I will pay you for it.

The silver also cost me my life..." the red panda asked.

Whether you can play it or not, the old Queen Lu Zhi can play it.

It has never seen such an outrageous operation.

Not only did they confiscate the property of powerful people, but they also allowed powerful people to die early. It’s no wonder that the other party’s dynasty has continued from medieval times to modern times.

In the end, Wen Rensheng cleared the level, and the Queen Mother left with him.

After thinking about it, I really miss the Queen Mother.

"Oh, this is not a coincidence, but my advance arrangement." Wen Rensheng said casually.

"You are so awesome. The most sympathetic person for an animal like human beings is himself. If the emperor knew that he would be reincarnated into a poor person, he would definitely find ways to make the poor rich. At least he would give the poor a fair living environment. As long as he works hard and is loyal

, if you abide by the rules, you can survive." The red panda praised.

If you want to say it's great, it's Wenren Sheng who's great.

Why is he thinking so long-term?

Of course the red panda didn't know. Wen Rensheng just saw the effect and moved it over immediately.

"By the way, when will you let Xiao Huan come back? When will this world of demons end?" Red Panda reminded, "That girl is going crazy. She will definitely complain to the whole family when she comes back."

Wen Rensheng thought about it and realized that the other person was right to remind him.

"It will be over soon. The emperor has found the turning point of power. This is just like playing a strategy game. Once a certain critical point is exceeded, it will be a flat push."

"Then you expect him to seal the Collector. It's unlikely. He only has the power of one world at most, and he is too far away from the Collector."

"He will become a collector." Wen Rensheng said calmly.

The red panda felt terrified.

Wen Rensheng is too insidious.

A good move.

By the way, I heard that in that Go world, even AlphaGo was no match for him.


Emperor Lancelot was very proud at this time.

"Reincarnation" is held in his hand, and he can live in the human world forever and enjoy all the beauty.

The most dangerous time is from birth to three years old.

When he is three years old, his muscles and bones begin to grow, and he can walk, run, hold hands, and exert his accumulated strength.

Before the age of three, no matter how high his attributes were, he could not use them due to his imperfect body.

If he runs too fast, his bones will break and his internal organs will be damaged.

He now has a clear goal and is full of energy.

Even though I was trapped in the mountains for half a year, I was not worried at all.

"We must have the courage to continue to persevere." He said to other professionals.

There are no knights left.

"But Your Majesty, although our supplies can still last for five years or even ten years, our experience value can no longer last ten times. If we die ten more times, we will probably really die." A professional

He said boldly.

In fact, during these times, some of them secretly discussed with Big Mouse about surrendering or trying to survive.

But the other party had no intention of agreeing, and just tricked them into taking the emperor's head first.

Isn't this nonsense?

They and the emperor both suffered losses, the other side attacked, and in the end everyone was finished.

Some people are moved, but more people are still rational.

At least now everyone is not in danger and can still persevere.

And everyone noticed that the emperor was not depressed, but had high morale every day.

This led everyone to speculate that the emperor had some kind of trump card.

Considering that the emperor has invincible holy light, he has never been killed in battle, and his level is getting higher and higher.

The key is that the opponent has a lot of mana potions to replenish them, which is done by some professionals who have the skills to make mana potions.

It’s just that the cost of materials and time are too high, and we can’t make a few bottles in a month. Those professionals still want to have fun, and there was no urgent need before, so they didn’t do much.

The potions are basically in the hands of the emperor now.

So no one has rebelled yet.

Unless they are certain to die.

The emperor looked at everyone, everyone was worried.

He smiled: "Don't worry, I got the news that the Grand Duke of Lansco has led the 110,000 rat exterminator army to sweep towards us from the south with a left hook. We have contained the big rat for half a year, which made

They have had time to fully integrate the upgrades."

"The Grand Duke has 200 professionals with an average level of 55. Their various skills are very powerful. The Grand Duke himself is also level 59." The emperor said confidently.

The professionals are happy.

Because they knew that the Grand Duke would definitely accept them...

It doesn't matter if the big rat doesn't accept their surrender, as a fellow of the same kind, the grand duke must understand their value.

The emperor smiled.

How could he not know what these people were thinking?

In fact, they were all his most loyal subordinates before, and even in the worst times, they never left him.

However, in more than half a year, there have been too many deaths. No matter how loyal you are, it is enough to support one death. They supported it dozens of times.

So the emperor will never blame them for their inner betrayal.

After all, it is still his fault.

If he hadn't been greedy for upgrading experience, he wouldn't have been trapped on the mountain and left to die.

If he runs away, he can escape by turning on the Holy Light.

But in that case, the red-eyed rat, the most elite and experienced rat in the big rat, would not be sent to him for him to kill.

The Grand Duke has such a huge army, but he is still only at level 59. You can see the difference between the two.

Even though it is only the first level, if the Grand Duke wants to upgrade to this level, he has to risk death ten times.

But if you die ten times, you will definitely lose several levels.

In other words, the Grand Duke will never be able to upgrade in his lifetime.

At this moment, the intelligence officer came over to report.

"Our city of Ace fell and was occupied by rebels and rats. It was our largest food producer and our most loyal consul, Your Excellency Ace. The entire family was martyred in the city. They fought bravely until the last moment.


For a moment, the whole palace was quiet.

Everyone lowered their heads.

Ace is one of the professionals.

He was actually willing to fight to the death for His Majesty until he died in the end.

This shook them to their core!

The emperor also fell silent.

Ace was his squire. After he became a knight, he was sent from a minor nobleman to fight with him.

The two are as close as brothers.

Even in the demon tide, the opponent did not die, but now, he died in the battle.

The reason is simple: he wants to help himself protect the grain production areas in the rear area.

He felt very distressed and covered his chest.

But soon he looked away again.

In the future, he will be reincarnated indefinitely, and he must adapt to the feeling of familiar people leaving in advance.

He is the emperor after all.

The emperor is a lonely man, this is a summary of Eastern wisdom.

Moreover, he also thought of a place that could be used by himself after reincarnation, but couldn't it be used by others?

He immediately asked the intelligence officer: "Has Ace's body been recovered?"

"They were all eaten by rats on the spot," the intelligence officer said with tears.

It seems that spiritualism can only be used.

He thought of a necromancy spell, but not many people were willing to use this method to resurrect their important people.

Because the undead are completely different from the living, the former's mind will be distorted, and only a very small number of people with strong will and soul can maintain their sanity.

After resurrection, you will painfully find that your pain has increased tenfold.

This chapter has been completed!
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