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Chapter 2026: Mantis blocking the car

The red-haired captain did not end well.

First, it was a huge sum of two million taels that triggered a sailor riot after sailing just over 500 nautical miles south.

The sailors demanded an equal share.

There are 50 people on board, and each person can share 40,000 taels equally.

This is also a huge amount of money.

Enough for everyone to buy enough real estate and live a happy and comfortable life.

The captain relied on the first mate and some henchmen to kill some sailors and recruit new sailors. The new people knew nothing.

Then the confidants rebelled again.

In total, there were three rebellions.

The captain was injured and lost a leg.

The first mate is missing an eye.

In the end, there were only five people who still knew that there were two million pieces of silver on the ship...

The five pirates divided the money and everyone chose to share it equally.

The new sailor was completely unaware.

However, the core sailors have been lost, and the new sailors are unfamiliar with the business.

When they were passing through the southern strait, they were discovered by people from the Rongyao Group.

Then perform an interception check.

Because Jia Rong already knew that the red-haired man was colluding with the court.

"A bunch of pirates!"

The captain cursed angrily and then ordered to escape.

Patrolling is a sailing clipper.

And his ship was equipped with a steam engine, so it was supposed to be able to escape.

As a result, the new sailors did not know how to operate, and due to fear and tension, they stuffed too much coal into the tank and exploded...

This was the drawback of early steam engines: the failure rate was extremely high.

It must be operated by skilled workers.

So two million taels were all given to the pirate: Rong Pharmaceutical Company.

The captain was hanged.

The first mate was pardoned because he recited a philosophical poem before he died.

Decided to give him as a slave to Master Jia Rong.

In other words, the two million taels spent by the emperor to buy warships finally returned to the hands of the rebels.

This is how liars deceive fools and robbers rob liars.

In the end, the robbers won.

Not long after, the second wave of red-haired people who contacted the imperial court appeared again.

Of course they should be called blue-haired people. Unlike the red-haired people, they wear blue hats.

The blue-haired people sent an envoy to tell the emperor that they were also willing to use the fleet to help the imperial court, but they only needed the imperial court to provide money for military expenses.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the envoy was hacked to death by the furious emperor.

Because the emperor already knew that the silver was cheated by the red-haired captain.

As for how he knew it, of course it was the news spread by Jia Rong.

It was intended to undermine the emperor's prestige and let everyone know that he was a fool.

The wise emperor and the foolish emperor bring completely different intimidation to people.

The emperor said angrily: "You are all in the same group, you only know how to defraud me of my money!"

The blue-haired man was equally angry: "These barbarians, they actually killed our envoys!"

"We are going to help them. After all, barbarians are barbarians, and they should all be cleaned up!"

However, in the face of interests, the blue-haired man quickly understood why the emperor was furious.

Because they sent a second wave of envoys to bribe important ministers first.

The minister told them that the first wave of red-haired men defrauded them of two million taels of ship-buying fees.

"Those damn red-haired ghosts, they ruined our credibility." The blue-haired man cursed.

How could early maritime merchants have any credibility?

They are a mixture of pirates and merchants.

As long as you are strong at sea, you will become a pirate.

Only when you have little strength can you do business honestly.

So it's no wonder that the imperial court hacked them to death.

In the early days, when maritime merchants were hacked to death, the injustice rate was very low.

In short, after several twists and turns, the court agreed to meet despite the increasingly dangerous situation.

After all, only red-haired people can defeat Rongyao Company.

Because the rebels had steamships, which the imperial court did not have.

Without a fleet, the imperial court would inevitably fail.

But there is no use improvising. You must rely on other people's ships and sailors.

Both parties reached an agreement.

The imperial court hired a fleet of blue-haired men.

But the results must be shown to the court. The amount of money will be given according to the results.

Blue-haired people don’t have to worry about not getting money.

Because if the court refuses to give, you can only cheat once, and in the end you will be defeated by the people of Rong Yao Company.

Then there is nothing.

The blue-haired man, who understood this truth, agreed.

After all, they already have a huge conflict of interest with Rong Pharmaceutical Company.

In recent years, Rongyao Company has developed very strongly.

If they were allowed to occupy the entire Eastern Dynasty, they would no longer have any special interests at all.

If you can only rely on your own skills to do business, it will be very hard.

You can't make a lot of money by smuggling easily like now.

After all, the Eastern Dynasty did not understand what tariffs were and what smuggling was.

A lot of money was given to the people below.

However, the blue-haired people's fleet in the east is seriously insufficient.

Their fleet only has ten battleships, including only three steam battleships.

They need to concentrate their forces.

But the people at Rongyao Company expanded very quickly.

One more year would be enough to completely capture the core of the Eastern Dynasty.

Don't even think about making a comeback then.

So the blue-haired people began to gather fleets from other forces.

Then he pulled the nearest fleet to the west to make up the numbers.

In the end, a total of 30 battleships were gathered, including 15 steamships and the other 15 sailing battleships.

Everyone made an agreement on the final division of interests based on the proportion of ships shipped.

The main thing is who will control the major ports of the Eastern Dynasty.

This fleet is definitely very powerful on the Eastern Ocean.

They are going to have a decisive battle with the fleet of Rongyao Company.

As long as they defeat the opponent's fleet, they can take the initiative.

The opponent's land fortress will be divided and surrounded by them.

The imperial court could reopen water transportation, possess grain and grass, and send out large armies to surround their fortresses.

With huge manpower, they were overwhelmed.

Very beautiful idea.


However, neither Zhao Han, nor Jia Rong, nor Jia Lian were afraid of these Western fleets at all.

Because all three of them know their opponent's fatal weakness.

In this era, Westerners had just risen in power in the East and had not yet had time to build good ports.

Apart from their hands, there are no ports in the East where steamships can be repaired.

30 battleships seems huge.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But if the opponent fights one ship, there will be one less ship.

There is no port, so repair and build ships for them.

They must return to the West for repairs.

But Rongyao is different.

They have ports where they can repair ships.

And enough coastal defense cannons were built to ensure that the port would not fall.

There are three such ports.

Each one is a big hedgehog.

Even 30 or 60 ships cannot be defeated.

Besides, there are enough manpower to defend it.

If the blue-haired people want to build a new port with such functions, it will take at least two to three years.

There also needs to be enough manpower and a lot of money.

All ports that meet the conditions are within their own attack range.

As soon as the opponent starts construction, they will send ships to bombard it.

So strategically they have enough advantages.

But the blue-haired people's idea was to use 30 warships to defeat the Rong Yao Company's fleet, and then transport soldiers from the imperial court to land on the island to seize the Rong Yao Company's repair port.

The blue-haired man's fleet seeks a decisive battle.

They chose to attack Longjiangkou.

Just at the mouth of Longjiang River, the two sides started a battle.

It has to be said that the pirates' confidence is not fake.

Because they fought all the way.

But Rongyao and the others are just fighting rookies.

Even with better design, better artillery, more manpower, home field advantage...

The two sides still ended in a draw.

After the war, both sides lost half of their warships.

One lost more than ten ships, and the other also lost more than ten ships.

The problem is that a month later, Rong Yao Company’s warships were replenished again.

They actively looked for the blue-haired men's warships to attack.

The blue-haired people could only retreat to the west.

A tie means failure.

Now this distance determines the outcome on the battlefield.

The fatal distance made their victory slip away from their hands.

It will take at least half a year for their new ship to arrive from the west.

The other party can repair the damaged ship and add new ships in just one month.

With such a long time difference, the other party will not let it go unused.

The blue-haired man had to admit that his intervention was powerless and a failure.

But before retreating, they still thought of an idea.

They decided to use a steam battleship to transport away the important figures of the imperial court.

They began to persuade the emperor to send the prince to an island in the west.

But the emperor refused.

Later they proposed to send several members of the royal family there.

The emperor agreed, and after learning the outcome of the naval battle, he took the prince and ran west.

After all, the enemy comes from the sea.

There is no sea to the west, so the west should be very safe.

Of course, they are not unaware that their opponents are not ordinary pirates, they want to conquer the entire dynasty.

The west is not safe either.


at the same time.

The land of Jinling.

There is a very strange rumor in town this year.

That means the four major families of Jia Shi Wang Xue rebelled.

They organized pirates to build castles ashore and block water transportation.

The people from Rong Pharmaceutical Company, using the name of pirates, are actually members of the Jia family.

But everyone, the bureaucrats, and the clerks all felt strange.

The rebellious pirate, instead of plundering everywhere, he was maintaining order.

Even doing good business.

This is completely different from previous rebels.

In the past, when someone rebelled, they must have burned, killed and looted everywhere.

As for this group of pirates, their request to the county is that as long as you open your doors and do business normally, we will not attack your city.

If you dare to close the city gate, we will blast you with cannon.

Some people think these pirates are pretty good.

Because they brought a lot of food, they calmed down the skyrocketing food prices caused by the war.

This caused many large grain merchants who hoarded money to suffer a lot.

They also established market places where these people could come and buy and sell things.

They also take the initiative to maintain law and order.

Clean out all the bandits who took advantage of the situation.

The leader was killed and the rest were sent overseas to work as coolies.

Under this situation, people's hearts began to waver.

Mainly those who failed to pass the exam as a scholar, or were a scholar but failed to pass the exam, they had an idea in mind.

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You know it's not easy to live life these days.

If you fail to pass the examination as a scholar, you will hang around until you are forty or fifty, unable to do anything but become a private school teacher.

But there are also few teachers.

Old Tongsheng lived a very miserable life.

The representative among them is Fan Jin in The Scholars.

Before she was admitted to the Juren Examination, the old mother was almost blind from hunger.

This can truly reflect the living conditions of scholars.

But now, Rong Pharmaceutical Company is rebelling. It's good to rebel. If you rebel, you can become the founding hero of the country.

There are many scholars who are ambitious.

It can be said that many people just don’t have the conditions.

And in their view, Rongyao Company looks like Jackie Chan.

Why do you say that?

Because these people know how to rule, how to operate and build.

This is completely different from pirates and bandits.

If a bandit doesn't know how to manage and construct, he will definitely fail.

However, Rongyao Company knew how to build and operate from the beginning. Once such a force takes advantage of the situation, the probability of success is extremely high.

Why nomads can defeat farming is because they also have a complete construction system.

They are also able to operate and build.

This is why they can win.

So soon, talented scholars and children who had failed many times joined the group one after another to find official positions.

In the beginning, I mainly worked as an accountant and a teacher.

Help with literacy.

Teach simplified text.

In fact, simplified characters have existed since ancient times.

With the addition of scholars, more and more people found that the imperial court was in danger.

In folk towns, taverns and hotels, and county government mansions, scholars and officials are everywhere discussing.

"This imperial pill!"

"Yes, there is no water transportation, and the northern soldiers are blocked by ships. They want to take a detour, but they are blocked by those strong fortresses."

"The imperial court cannot hold on for a few years before it collapses."

"Yes, and as for this Rong Pharmaceutical Company, they have money and food, and they are getting more and more prosperous. They have shipped a large number of refugees overseas. It is obvious that they have territory overseas."

"Yes, this is equivalent to the Northern Barbarians who occupied the Central Plains before."

"Then what should we do?"

"Yes, are we helping the court? Or are we helping them?"

"We definitely won't help anyone."

"That's right. Rongyao Company doesn't steal our land or our food. It only takes away some refugees."

Why should we resist?

Many big landowners and big businessmen in Jiangnan think so.

After all, Rong Pharmaceutical Company is in business.

They also do a lot of business with each other.

Buy grain, sell raw silk, buy medicines, and Western gadgets.

All in all, everyone is in harmony.

It's all down to some villains in the imperial court. They just transported away the refugees and made the area quiet.

It's a win-win situation.

But the villain can't stand it.

Of course, some officials still want to resist.

It's just that they have to rely on big businessmen and big landowners for money and food.

But these big landowners and big businessmen found that they could continue to do business with Rong Pharmaceutical Company.

The other side will not rob their land, nor their money.

They won't even hurt their people.

In this case, it will cost a lot of money to fight against the opponent.

There is also the risk of failure.

Aren't they trying to kill a stone with an egg?

In the face of strong force, as long as the other party does not touch too many of their own interests, only 5% of people are willing to resist for the sake of the court.

Some people did rise up to resist.

They are some famous Confucian scholars and ministers.

"It's a pity that they are destined to stop the chariot with their hands." A scholar said.

This is exactly what the emperor said when he commented on the four major families.

This chapter has been completed!
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