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Chapter 2053 Defeat Tang Seng

Sun Wukong stopped in front of a monk.

He stopped because the other monks were crying for mercy or running away in confusion in front of his bloody mouth.

Only this monk put his hands together and closed his eyes while chanting sutras.

Of course, the most important thing is that he saw a trace of Tang Seng in the other party.

"Bald Donkey, why aren't you afraid of me?"

"The donor is just relying on his power, so what's there to be afraid of? What's the joy of life, and what's the fear of death?" the monk said calmly.

"Hmph, are you really not afraid?" As he spoke, Sun Wukong opened his mouth wide, landed from mid-air, swallowed half of his body in one bite, and tried to bite.

The monk remained motionless.

"You are not strong. At this time, you are just relying on your own strength to eat me. But your body is strong, but your heart is weak. You just obey your nature and drift in the sea of ​​confusion. You have not controlled yourself, I

How can I be afraid of you?" The monk still said calmly.

Sun Wukong was stunned when he came here, and he was silent for a while.

Yes, he can eat all over the world, but that's just because of his physical strength.

There's nothing particularly scary about him.

It's just the law of the jungle, the tiger eats the wild boar.

that is it.

Sun Wukong suddenly said: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"The poor monk is also afraid of death, but he is not afraid of being killed." The monk shook his head.

"Okay, I remember someone said that 1% of people are born with great courage." Sun Wukong opened his mouth and spit out half of the monk.

"The courage of the poor monk comes from the heart. Where does the courage of the benefactor come from? Isn't the benefactor unwilling to change? You have to know that when you become weak and old, you will also think of the fear you inflicted on others today, and you will also think of it.

Countless souls have been killed by you." The monk asked rhetorically.

"You really annoy me. You are trying every possible means to preach to me. However, those things of yours are all rubbish and not worth mentioning. It is your own courage that makes me admire you." Sun Wukong said disdainfully.

"Haha, does the devil know what the poor monk has learned? Why is he so sure that it is trash?" The monk laughed.

"Those things of yours say you want to save people, but it's a pity that you can't let them eat a full meal by reciting the sutras a thousand times. Instead, they require people to make offerings, which is a waste of land and temples. What else are they if they are not waste?" Sun Wukong said disdainfully.

"Set a goal, never look back, and train your mind. If your mind is strong, you can do anything. How can you say that chanting sutras is useless? Chant a hundred times, strengthen your mind, and persevere in anything you do. How can you fail to do anything well?

?This is the power that the poor monk has learned." The monk said calmly.

"Hmph, the power of the heart can only be developed by certain people. You can't make everyone reach your level. You are forcing people to become saints, and in the end you can only bring humiliation to yourself." Sun Wukong said with contempt.

"As long as one person can achieve it, it means that everyone can achieve it. If one person has Buddha nature, then all living beings have Buddha nature. They just need time to become enlightened."

The monk shook his head and said.

"But you can't deny that the gap between people is bigger than the gap between God and ants. You can do it, but some people just can't."

"That's okay, as long as you teach diligently."


Sun Wukong argued with the monk one by one.

He then realized that arguing alone would never make the monk surrender.

It is cowardly to admit that what a monk has learned is rubbish, useless and cowardly.

It is the monks who are powerful, not the scriptures.

He just didn't want to simply eat this monk now.

He thinks eating a person is easy, but eating his spirit is the most difficult thing.

Sun Wukong is tired of eating and wants to eat something challenging to increase the chewiness.

He just wanted to challenge the spirit of eating the monk.

At the same time, Wen Rensheng saw what Sun Wukong did.

He immediately realized that Sun Wukong had been fooled.

When Sun Wukong chose to play this kind of spiritual battle with such a person with firm beliefs, he had already failed.

Because what made Sun Wukong strong at the beginning was not his spirit.

It was later on in his journey to learn the scriptures that he gradually abandoned his own ideas and gained a comprehensive understanding.

Especially for Sun Wukong, what is the real horror? The real horror is the beginning of Wen's life.

Needless to say, that monk must be the reincarnation of Tang Seng.

In the entire world of Journey to the West, the one with the strongest will and the strongest heart is Tang Seng.

He has a strong will and is indomitable, and he just wants to obtain the true scripture.

This can be regarded as another kind of power.

Anyway, Tang Seng is not easy to persuade.

Sun Wukong said to him: "You old monk, you are here to fool people. What's the use of your strong heart? You are just deceived. You are just stubborn."

"Do you know that the scriptures you study, the gods and Buddhas you worship, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky are eating people?"

"Do you think they can save the world and bring salvation to all sentient beings?"

"It's all false. If you look carefully through the scriptures and through the cracks, there are only two words!"

"eat human!"

"Demon King, don't come here to confuse this poor monk. I don't seek anything from outside. I only seek to discover my own Buddha nature. What can gods and Buddhas do to me?" The monk shook his head and said.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he was slightly startled.

He suddenly said: "Then I'll let you go and see what it will be like to discover your Buddha nature in the end."

Sun Wukong then stretched out his hand and saw that the sky quickly turned dark.

Immediately afterwards, the God of Thunder, the Mother of Lightning, the God of Wind and the Rain Master...the gods and Buddhas all over the sky suddenly transformed into all kinds of hellish ghosts.

They have many tentacles and eyes, and countless dense spores, which can kill people with trypophobia at a glance.

There are also people with macrophobia.

They are in the sky, tearing each other's souls and flesh apart.

Then, after everyone dies, they are said to be reincarnated, but the most essence of the soul is extracted from the passage of reincarnation.

Then it was transformed into rationality, offered to the gods and Buddhas, and settled in their noble bodies.

"Did you see? The best parts of people's souls have been eaten by them."

"The essence is people's memories and feelings, which are precious things that you have worked hard to temper in your life. The deeper your memories are before you die, the better they will be preserved."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As he spoke, Sun Wukong stretched out his finger again, and saw that above the nine heavens, the high Heavenly Lord Jade Emperor turned into a prehistoric python with nine hands and nine heads.


The Great God, who has a lifespan of more than 200 million years, turned out to be Titanoboa.

The monk looked hard, while the other person's nine heads were slowly selecting the best soul to eat.

The monk was shocked.

Although he is not afraid of Sun Wukong's force, he doesn't care about Sun Wukong's attacks either.

But when he saw the true form of the gods and Buddhas, he was still greatly moved.

After all, these are the holy ones mentioned in the scriptures.

I didn't expect them to be like this.

It was simply unbelievable that such a real person could speak words of salvation, which dealt a heavy blow to his outlook on life.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he suddenly understood.

This demonized Sun Wukong looks very scary, but in fact he has awakened.

The other person realizes that the world depends on him for its existence.

The Jade Emperor exists by absorbing his rationality and emotions.

Without Sun Wukong, there would be no such thing as the Jade Emperor and Buddha.

Both of them depend on him for their existence.

The Jade Emperor would have disappeared.

But now it uses Sun Wukong to anchor its own concept.

It is swallowing up people's emotions.

Then Sun Wukong showed the monk another scene:

Those cultivators are hunting all kinds of spiritual creatures everywhere.

They turned spiritual objects into various elixirs and equipment to kill and devour.

At this moment, a big roc appeared above Tathagata's head.

It is golden all over and is picking out souls one by one to eat.

What it eats is the fear in people's hearts to maintain its own existence.

"Did you see that? The gods and Buddhas you believe in are all eating people. Everyone in this world is hopeless."

Sun Wukong sneered.

"It's better for them all to be eaten by Old Sun. After all, after eating them, Old Sun can still say good things to them and find a home for them in his body. After those gods and Buddhas ate them, nothing was left.


"Everything about enlightenment, good and evil, are all deceiving you. Those things don't exist in the eyes of gods and Buddhas."

When the monk saw this, he was depressed for a whole month.

But he didn't complain.

It just changed from searching ancient books to self-awareness.

He finally said: "I do not believe in gods and Buddhas. What I believe in is the Buddha in my heart. My heart is right. Everyone has his own heart. We must rely on our hearts to see and explore the world.

Only in this way can we turn falsehood into reality and defeat all enemies."

"When your heart is completely strong, you will be able to defeat all enemies without asking for help from outside."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"You are a stupid monk. If you don't have external things, how can you get your heart?"

"Do you really think that people can avoid starvation and create something out of nothing just by saying a few empty words?"

The monk was silent.

Sun Wukong then said to the monk while the iron was hot: "What you said before may make sense, but tell me about these things, who can you use to save? Who can you save? You see, the people are still so hungry."

The monk said: "When I come back from the West to learn the scriptures and spread them to the East, I believe the rich will take the initiative to help the poor, and everything will be the same."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he suddenly realized that this old monk was simply stubborn.

It's really difficult to get hold of the other party.

Because the other person is stupid and naive. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.

A real veteran is afraid of death.

Sun Wukong said again: "Then can you cross me? Do you know what I want?"

The monk looked at him and said: "What you want is to be strong, what you want is a sense of security, what you want is for the world to respect you, what you want for everyone to fear you, what you want is to be unscrupulous, but you have forgotten that when you

When you are unscrupulous, others can also be unscrupulous.”

"Old man, you are right, but so what if you are right? Can you satisfy me?" Sun Wukong sneered.

The monk shook his head and said: "Donor, your will has been distorted by the devil. Behind your seemingly strong face, you actually have a heart full of holes and fragility."

Sun Wukong was silent, he wanted to kill the old monk.

Because the monk saw through him easily.

He really couldn't understand that others only thought he was extremely powerful.

Why is this monk not afraid of death, yet still able to talk about his guilty conscience at once?

He finally understood that it was difficult to conquer this monk's heart.

The other party said what he wanted, and he also said what the other party wanted.

He really wants to do as he pleases, he can eat whoever he wants, he wants to become extremely powerful, and he wants to kill everything in this world that he dislikes.

Now Sun Wukong understands.

No matter whether it is a monster or a monster, it is impossible to truly defeat this monk.

The other party's heart has been completely tempered, and he is very hateful. He is so hateful that he is extremely powerful and simple.

How to destroy the monk’s pride and reserve?

Then he suddenly thought of a group of people.

He came to the city of Dongzhou people again.

This time, he was a little confused. The flow of time here was different from that in the outside world.

But it's not an exaggeration. If you don't stay in a fairy cave for one night, the mortal world will be a tragedy for fifty years.

He knew that the Dongzhou people and the White Star were both people from outside the world.

In fact, there is nothing unacceptable to him.

After all, there are still many evil spirits surviving in the chaos.

And the reason why Sun Wukong doesn’t eat outsiders is.

Because he knows that eating these people means eating poison.

If he eats it, he will die.

As for the reason?

Maybe the other person's world is completely different from the world of Journey to the West.

If he eats the other person, he will be affected by the other person's world.

It is very possible to accidentally turn into two Sun Wukongs.

Finally, Sun Wukong said to the Dongzhou people and the White Star people: "Whoever can defeat this old monk or make him lose his fighting spirit, I will make you immortal and teach you ten thousand years of magic power."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

We don’t know how many thousands of years of magic power this Sun Wukong has now, but we already know his fighting potential.

Someone suddenly said: "Isn't this simple? We can carry out special strategies for the old monks."

"For example, why is he so strong-willed? The reason why the old monk is so stubborn is that he has a set of logical and self-consistent things, and he believes that this set of things can save everyone."

"Yes, as long as you defeat his logical self-consistency, it will be solved."

The method of logical sophistry is not unfamiliar to Dongzhou people.

Soon someone went to attack the old monk.

It's a pity that the old monk doesn't have enough food and salt.

"Humph, then, monk, don't you think that these things can neither improve people's livelihood nor enhance military strength. You are just wasting people's power." A Dongzhou man said, patting the scripture in his hand.

"But I can make them no longer fear before death, and treat death as life." Sun Wukong said calmly.

"You are cheating."

"Do you really think that you can solve people's livelihood problems with the help of other people?" someone suddenly said.

At this time, Sun Wukong saw Tang Seng blaming himself in pain.

"Did I do something wrong by helping others? What should I do?" the monk said in pain.

Sun Wukong suddenly did not feel the joy of victory.

Because he knew that it was not he who defeated Tang Seng, but someone else.

His victory was boring.

He has always been a loser in his contest with Tang Seng.

No matter how many blind monsters come out every time Tang Seng encounters a disaster, he will be the one who suffers in the end.

He fell silent.

This chapter has been completed!
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