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Chapter 211 The Zoo of Death

After returning from Dongling City, Wen Rende went to the retreat room in the backyard training ground for retreat. It seemed that he had gained a lot of insights.

Wu Shanshan pulled Wen Rensheng and looked around, trying to find out what secret he had.

"It's impossible. You can even summon the spirit of a cockroach. This is a bit too much. How many days have you been studying?" she murmured to herself.

"Doesn't this mean that the teacher is so wise and powerful that he is unparalleled?" Zhao Han slapped the rainbow fart at the side.

"That's right. People are different. Some people build an empire in seven years, while some people live a hundred years in vain." Wen Rensheng looked happy.

Wu Shanshan didn't refute, tilted her head and thought for a while, then went out directly.

Wang Wenwen came over secretly and asked in a low voice: "Your painting skills are really amazing. What is the quick method?"

"I don't have a quick method, I only have natural aptitudes. Some people can master everything as soon as they learn it, master it as soon as they apply it, and are omnipotent. I belong to 'some people'." Wen Rensheng said without shame.

"Well, I understand. You are so thick-skinned that you must have natural qualifications." Wang Wenwen couldn't find out and left angrily.

Zhao Han just walked by at this time, looked around, and then asked in a low voice: "Teacher, when I wanted to predict the truth of the case before, I found that the alien species could not be activated. I don't know why?"

Wen Rensheng had thought about this problem for a long time. There were many reasons, but in the final analysis, he was still too good at it.

But of course he wouldn't say that directly, he would have to be more tactful.

Teaching students should not be like Wang Cuiyan, who always scolds and scolds her, making her own daughter unwilling to go home and relying on her own family to eat every day.

No matter how good the teaching effect is, what's the use? If you teach a bunch of enemies, is it because your life is too comfortable?

"Oh, probably because of the interference, Brother De was next to you at the time. His mood swings were very violent. He was also a prophecy type before. I told you about the Laplace Demon before, so he should also want to

The prediction will cause interference to you." Wen Rensheng said this.

"Then how to resist this kind of interference in the future?" Zhao Han asked immediately without any doubt.

"When you gradually improve the alien species, this situation will be reduced." Wen Rensheng wrote lightly.

"I understand, thank you teacher for your guidance."

Zhao Han looked relaxed, then turned and left.

After taking a few steps, good news and bad news came to her mind.

"Stupid Zhao Han, still can't tell the difference between other people's polite words."

Well, the good news is that I'm finally back to normal, the bad news is that I'm still a fool.

What is the real reason why it cannot be activated?

She thought so.

"You're too good at it."


After pretending for a while, Wen Rensheng returned to the study.

After a few months, I have learned a bunch of skills, and then I have to think about a new learning direction.

Investigation system, mobility system...well, let's learn the mysterious riding technique first.

You still have to learn how to fly a plane, because last time you fell into the sea.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng thought of Lao Qin Lai, who was a master of horsemanship and should be able to fly a plane, but last time he let the plane crash and parachuted to escape with the others.

If the plane hadn't crashed, things like going deep into the front line would still have happened; now it crashes, but it can be controlled within a controllable range, and it will not be sent to the front line again in the future.

Sure enough, he is an old fritter.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng made a phone call.

"Teacher Qin? Are you busy?"

"No, I'm having a great time. It's cold in the north, but the weather is just right here. I'm here in the Southern Islands region, playing beach, beauties, volleyball, and riding sharks for a spin. Yachts and sports cars are the fun of ordinary people.

Engage in differentiated competition..." Teacher Qin's comfortable voice sounded.

As he said this, Wen Rensheng received several photos on his cell phone.

Lao Qin was shirtless, wearing a pair of large floral swimming trunks and sunglasses, sitting on a killer whale, with a row of screaming alien beauties of various styles leaning behind him...

This old man, differentiated competition is indeed effective, and he is living really comfortably.

No, you have to let him work hard. After all, he is born in sorrow and dies in happiness.

As a disciple, you have to think long-term for your teacher.

Wen Rensheng thought this and said, "Teacher, didn't you say last time that there was a master-level riding skill? I want to learn it."

"Oh, then you can fly over here, it just so happens that I can teach you while having fun." Teacher Qin said matter-of-factly.

"Uh, when will you come back?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Teacher Qin said: "I am old and my legs are tired. I will go back when the weather gets hotter in the north."

"Ah, can you take such a long vacation?" Wen Rensheng said in surprise.

The weather is getting hot, why not next May?

"Of course I can't take such a long break. I applied to be temporarily transferred to the Southern Islands Region to do border support work for half a year. This is a border area and there is a lack of powerful experts. Talents like me are urgently needed to support them." Teacher Qin said righteously.


If I hadn't seen these photos, I would really believe you...

Wen Rensheng looked at the pictures on his phone and secretly complained.

"Okay, after this period of time, I will also apply to do support work for a period of time and continue to study with the teacher." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

Teacher Qin immediately praised: "Yes, I have taught so many students, and you are the most suitable disciple."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, his heart moved and he asked: "Then do you know a mutant named Meng Lin? He is the disciple of Master Ding Chengshan."

Since the other party is famous all over the world, the news must be widespread enough.

"I've seen this guy a few times. He's so stupid and loyal. This type of apprentice may seem useful, but he might make a big mistake for you one day. I never accept him," Teacher Qin said seriously.


Hearing Rensheng is thoughtful.

Then the two talked about the tropical scenery, customs and things to pay attention to after passing there.

Of course, Wen Rensheng is not in a hurry to go, after all, he still has to worry about Brother De's understanding of the Soul Chapter.

Now it seems that it was right not to participate in Meng Lin's invitation.

In order for his master to have a good heir, this guy would do anything that would break the bottom line.

You must know that most of the best heirs crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and bones...

Brother De, forget it. After all, he really cares about himself and can't bear to waste it like this.

The next day, Wen Rensheng came to the retreat room at the training ground.

This is a bamboo building five meters high from the ground, with two retreat rooms. It is located in the most corner, clean and elegant, with a hill behind it, away from the road.

"Brother De, are you ready for seclusion?" he urged.

"I have a deep understanding, it will take a few more days." After a while, Wen Rende's slightly groggy voice came out.

Wen Rensheng jumped up to the bamboo building, opened the door and saw where the other party was in retreat? He was obviously sleeping on the futon.

"Get up quickly, we have to go to the next scene soon. This time it's Xihe County. There is a zoo there. For some reason, rare animals sent from overseas have been poisoned for several days in a row, but the murderer has never been found."

Wen Rensheng opened his mouth and said.

"Oh, this is good. All living beings are equal and everything has animism. If you care about animals, you care about human beings." Hearing the virtues of the man, he immediately became energetic.

"No, I didn't see any bloody scenes yesterday, so why are you so scared?" Wen Rensheng asked with some confusion.

"You only saw the reappearance of the soul's memory, but I felt the pain of those souls, the pain of struggling in death, unwillingness and regret..." Wen Rende sighed longly.

Wen Rensheng nodded and said thoughtfully: "I understand, you are just too full. If you were hungry for a few more days, you wouldn't have such thoughts as a young man."

"How can you talk to your dad like this, you unworthy man? You never went hungry when you were a child. Your mother left all the delicious food to you, so I could only fend for myself. You eat much better than me, it's not like that at all."

This is the reason." Wen Rende said very depressed.

I was really hungry in my previous life...

Wen Rensheng did not say these words. People who have experienced hunger will be very practical and not have such messy thoughts.

He just said: "Pack up, have breakfast and set off, I will contact them."

This chapter has been completed!
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