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Chapter 2270 Transactions between Humans and Witches

For a time, prices were soaring.

This is of course reasonable.

If someone buys it like crazy, the price will naturally increase.

It soon reached the extreme limit of market regulations.

Some prices rose a hundred times, some rose ten times, and some ended after only rising twice.

It made many people sigh with regret.

Businessmen from several surrounding cities also came frantically.

Carload after carload of stuff was delivered.

But the ancestral witch is the ancestral witch.

She rejected those duplicate products at a glance.

Don't think people are stupid.

What people want is quality products and new things.

Many businesses make a hundred years of profits in just one day.

Those houses are all sold out.

Because Houtu is prepared for his people to live and work in peace and contentment here.

Let them settle down and learn to live a peaceful life like the human race.

Don't fight and kill all day long.

With her soul, she could sense that the way of heaven abhors beating and killing.

In other words, it must be limited to a certain range of killing.

Both parties in the fight must exercise restraint.

You can't just hit it to the extreme without any hesitation, and smash it to the end without any care.

That is what Heaven hates the most.

This kind of guy will be destroyed by heaven.

Hou Tu's hunch was naturally accurate.

When it came time to become a god, Tongtian came up with this idea, and the outcome was tragic: he and his brother both took the red pill of having their accounts deleted at any time.

For the saint, this is undoubtedly the biggest loser.

Don't say Yuan Shi won, Lao Tzu won.

You are such a perfect saint, you will be free and happy for thousands of years.

Good thing now, I have a time bomb in my belly.

No monkey would be happy to have multiple curses on his head, let alone a saint?

As for the continuation of any other orthodoxy, is it more important than one's own safety?

This is the greatest warning from Heaven.

So much so that Hongjun had to make concessions quickly and let his three closest disciples wear the most powerful tightening curse.

The two sages of the West, as well as the Empress Nuwa, are the ones who can restrain themselves the most.

There is no saying that it will be destroyed in one beating.

So God tolerated them.

The picture below is tasting a strange mead.

This honey wine is very sweet and delicious.

It also has a special smell.

This is called happy soda.

After drinking it, even a golden immortal can be happy all day long.

After eating and drinking until now, she had to admire these little humans.

How could they have so much thought on eating, drinking and having fun?

As for the Wu clan, it can be said that apart from fighting, eating and drinking, their minds are very simple.

I never thought there were so many beautiful things in life.

And if you think about it carefully, most ordinary shamans have all kinds of fun thoughts.

It’s just that many people’s fun is cruel.

It's violent.

Just like the fun of the crows, it is based on drying the primitive earth.

So we have to have fun based on rules...

From disorder to order.

Playing under constraints can make everyone happy.

And these humans follow these rules.

So they like to have fun and can create countless fun things.

It's just that the witches themselves don't know how to do it, and they can't create these fun things.

They will only rely on some instinctive wisdom or work hard in battle.

Especially the ancestral witches, the superior ancestral witches will not consider these things for fun.

They only think about war, hegemony, and domination.

They launched war after war.

Fight against monsters, fight against saints, again and again.

And never think about what the shaman below is thinking?

What the shamans think is not important to the ancestral witches. Anyway, they can only do what the ancestral witches want to do.

She never thought there was anything wrong with this before.

But when she came to this city of humans, she realized that everyone can have their own life.

There is no need for others to arrange or impose regulations.

As long as that person lives under the prescribed rules, it will be fine.

After thinking of this, Hou Tu immediately had a new idea.

That is, we must seize the time to transform our own Wu tribe.

Introduce all these good food, drink, fun, and accommodation into your tribe.

In order to better introduce it, Houtu quickly and confidently conducted various inspections.

The city she saw was just the beginning.

Then she went to more cities.

See more fun things.

Start with the simplest pinwheels and pinballs, and then move on to more advanced games.

All kinds of virtual illusions, simulated performances, simulated management, etc.

Touching human stories, love stories, upgrading and fighting monsters, fighting to break off an engagement, pretending to be a son-in-law...

In short, the games and play modes designed by humans simply left her stunned.


She never imagined that the boring life of cultivation could actually become extremely enjoyable.

All kinds of mental stimulation and sensory stimulation were something she had never experienced since the Million Dollar Club.

In the past, it was just boring practice, thinking about the great road, thinking about the future of the Wu clan, thinking about the sermons of ancestor Hongjun, thinking about the ancient land...

But he has never set his sights on real life.

She even went in to experience an illusion herself.

Then the story of a talented man and a beautiful woman was performed.

After I came out, I cried in confusion.

"Is it true that love, hate, anger and ignorance are sinful?"

"Do those who practice Taoism have no choice but to sever relationships?"

"Is it destined to forget love?"

"Junior sister, senior brother just helped you cut off the fate of the world and killed ten of your clans. You don't need to thank senior brother."

"Those who seek the great road, don't they hear Tai, Shang, Wang, Qing?"

It took a long time for Tu to recover from the extreme tragedy, and finally saw two lines of small words: "Healing games, conscience games, conscience production."

Then she raised her head and looked toward heaven.

"Damn the Emperor of Heaven, he is so cold and heartless. His daughter is so passionate that she wants to be put to death!"

"Sure enough, there is nothing that is not cold and there is nothing that is not ruthless."

"There will come a day when I, the queen, will let this sky no longer cover my eyes, let this land no longer bury my heart, and let all the gods and demons in the sky disappear into thin air!"

After venting for a while, I felt much better.

It has to be said that as an ancestral witch, she used to not care about these emotional matters.

I feel like it’s just the low-level cultivators who can’t see through it.

But in these high-end routines carefully crafted by humans, they have gradually fallen into decline.

She felt good for the first time.

After being cured, only half a day later, she was involved in a new game.

This game is divided into two types. One is to seal the memory yourself and have high substitution, but it lacks gameplay.

The other way is to play with memory, which has high gameplay but is easy to make mistakes.

Then Hou Tu inexplicably fell in love with a game of reincarnation.

Three lives and three lives, true love reincarnation.

Destined people of every generation are looking for each other.

It seems that she feels that this game is very consistent with her Tao.


It is written in this game that a person can be reincarnated continuously after entering it.

This is the story of reincarnation into various people.

I was a woman in my previous life, and I will be a man in my next life.

The next time it was a dog.

Once again it might even be the supreme Emperor of Heaven.

In short, experience all kinds of life.

Achieve various achievements, savor and vent various emotions.

When the back soil came out, the knife couldn't help but have all kinds of thoughts.

Finally, she thought of the prehistoric times.

There is no reincarnation.

When a person dies, his soul disappears.

If you have a backer, you can turn to spiritual cultivation.

Or become a lotus root or a mountain god.

But most souls will disappear without a trace.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually a huge waste.

After all, reincarnation with the soul can greatly enhance the enlightenment of wisdom.

Originally, he only became wise when he was more than ten years old, and maybe he became wise when he was two or three years old.

This little time is of little significance to today's Qi Refiners.

But it is very useful to ordinary people.

It can greatly reduce the time they spend taking care of their babies.

Babies can have some ability to take care of themselves at the age of three.

And five-year-olds can live independently under safe conditions.

In today's world, there are many ghosts after people die.

Many people are unwilling to die, so they cause trouble after death.

Ordinary people will encounter all kinds of strange events.

Therefore, you must have good cultivation, otherwise you will be targeted by monsters and ghosts and disappear within a few days.

This is the golden age.

The upper limit is infinitely high, but the lower limit is also infinitely low.

In the era of spiritual severance in later generations, the upper limit is gone, but the lower limit is also relatively high.

There is at most one death, and there is no possibility of continued torture after death.

Obviously what Hou Tu wants to do now is the same as in the game.

But she hasn't figured out how to do it yet.

But it still takes a long time.

She can even go to Empress Nuwa to discuss the avenue.

Humans and demons all have souls after death.

Only when a witch dies and returns to the earth, there is no soul.

After Tu Tu opened her eyes, she no longer went out to eat or play.

Although this time of shopping, eating and playing has only been ten years.

This is the benefit of prehistoric times.

For Da Neng, as long as several related calamity characters are not ready and calamity is not activated, time will always be infinite.

Then Houtu came to a deserted wilderness.

Then she shouted into the empty ground:

"Excuse me, my fellow Taoist from the Sacred Tree. I am the ancestral witch Houtu. I would like to discuss the Tao with you."

At this time Wenren Sheng came out.

He saw Houtu.

The other party is just a shaman girl with a well-proportioned figure and appearance.

Other than that, there is nothing heavenly about it.

The beauty of a fairy is all described by later generations.

At this time, the appearance of the great power is close to the Tao body and is long.

Who would accommodate the aesthetics of future generations?

In fact, Nuwa and Wen Rensheng also occasionally saw Xian Sheng.

Just an ordinary half-snake and half-man.

You can't even tell the difference between men and women.

This is the classic feature of mythology.

After Wenren came out, he performed a normal Taoist ceremony.

Then he said: "It turns out that the Houtu ancestor shaman came to this place. I don't know what I want to see the old Taoist?"

Hou Tu said politely: "I have met fellow Taoists. I have watched your human affairs all the way."

“I found that you have a lot of delicious food, fun, and accommodation here,”

"This witch wants to form a good relationship with your two families, exchange what they have, and buy and sell what each other lacks."

It seems that in the past ten years of eating, drinking and shopping, I have gained a lot of common sense.

"It's easy to say. Since the two families have good relations, we must first establish a trade regulation."

"Then we will abide by each other and set some rules, so that we can get closer in the future." Wen Rensheng said directly.

"Oh, I wonder how this rule should be determined?"

"Of course both parties trade with each other in certain areas and abide by fair rules."

Wen Rensheng then took out a standard text and gave it to the other party.

Hou Tu looked at the regulations in the text and felt that the regulations set by the other party were quite fair and good.

And she also trusts him.

Because she didn’t know the prices before, and the other party didn’t have the money to care about her.

And now that the other party has set up a place as a place for trading, it seems that they have already planned it.

She also believes in the sincerity of the other party.

Hou Tu then called a great shaman of his who usually managed the tribe, and then announced it to his tribe.

In the future, they can trade with the human race in the land of giant rocks.

The place of boulders is under a big boulder. This boulder is very big, as big as a mountain.

But it is just a stone, because it is a whole piece, and it does not grow on the earth's veins, but hangs alone in the wilderness.

It is said that this stone is the "Eye of Pangu".

Of course it's bragging.

Pangu's eyes turned into the ancient sun and moon.

Wen Rensheng then formulated many measures between the two.

Very detailed.

After it was formulated, he announced it directly like you did.

Instead, he first found the priest and asked him to entrust the dream to the emperor of the Daqian Dynasty.

Then these measures will be announced and a briefing will be held.

They did not immediately ask the Daqian court to announce a certain place where they could conduct free trade with the Wu clan.

Everyone must conduct fair transactions, which means that the price must be determined based on the true value.

One cannot be too cheating, and the other cannot be too profitable.

That will only lead to one party being unlucky.

In that case, it will not be conducive to the collective expansion of trade scale and productivity.

Wen Rensheng knows all these things.

But Hou Tu didn't understand.

"It's just like something at the beginning, no one knows the price."

"It starts with how much one person is willing to pay, then more and more people set the price, and finally there is an average price."

"Who loses, who gains, and how to calculate it, the market will slowly determine the price."

"We can't let powerful people interfere, and we can't let the emperor interfere."

From the beginning, Wen Rensheng blocked the guys at the bottom and used any means to make a lot of money.

His purpose is to expand productivity.

It is lasting.

"In other words, if you are willing to pay a high price and you can afford it, then market expectations will gradually become higher."

"Of course, if you don't want to buy something, it will gradually become unpopular, the price will drop, and no one will even care about it."

Hou Tu listened with great interest.

This is pretty good.

Then the transactions between humans and witches began.

There were also many human liars in the beginning.

All I can say is that despite repeated punishments, the liar has repeatedly failed and refused to admit defeat.

Then they came again.

He deceived all the great witches until they were left with only a pair of bark pants...

All the weapons were stolen.

Relying on some cheap drinks and barbecue...

Not worth the money at all.

After they were all punished by the vines in the end, this made the Wu tribe feel very fair.

I don't even bother to trade anything.

This is why it is impossible for witches to develop a large civilization.

The root nature is not deep and the wisdom is unclear.

Follow instinct more.

In fact, witches represent other human races that existed alongside Homo sapiens in ancient times.

In fact, they also have wisdom and language, but they are not as proficient in using it as Homo sapiens.

So one after another they were wiped out.

During this running-in, the two parties gradually established a relatively stable trading relationship.

This chapter has been completed!
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