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Chapter 230 Celestial Empire

Wen Rensheng went to the company and gave two watermelons to Wei Yiqing, who rarely gave him a good look.

But he didn't stay in the company for long before he went home. If he stayed for a long time, some people would be dissatisfied.

After New Year's Day, I will help the Inspectorate conduct public training.

On this day, Inspector Liu personally drove to pick him up early in the morning.

"Yes, you really respect your teachers." Wen Rensheng sat in the car and pretended to praise.

Inspector Liu drove the car: "Of course, this is a traditional virtue."

"By the way, what is the content of the training?" Wen Rensheng asked casually.

"The training materials will be sent to you when they arrive. Since it is an open training, it will not be a confidential teaching material. This is your first training. Please note that there are many observers from vassal countries coming to attend the class. You must show that we are a great nation.

The country’s style.” Inspector Liu reminded.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he frowned slightly: "Is this the style of a heavenly country?"

"Hey, did I say something wrong?" Inspector Liu said in surprise.

"Nothing." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The final result of the previous heavenly dynasty was not very good. The shame of modern times was far from being completely washed away until he was reincarnated.

From the last battle between the Far North and the Americans, as well as the previous incident involving the painting master, he had already seen that China in this world was beginning to inevitably decline.

The people are idle and do not want to struggle, the aliens are superior and want more privileges... Many bad signs are suggesting that China will enter another round of decline.

The most direct proof is that the master-level prophecy was cracked by the opponent, but in the end it was not fully effective, allowing the most important person, the submarine captain, to escape. Although the Americans were defeated, they were proud of it.

When he first reincarnated and awakened, Wen Rensheng was often overly excited due to the excessive power of Shenzhou in this life; but this year, with his steady improvement in strength, he finally calmed down.

Compared to others, his past life memories gave him a profound warning.

Arrogance and arrogance, isolation and self-respect will eventually ruin the destiny of the country.

Although the Chinese people in this world are not closed off, their arrogance and arrogance can be seen everywhere. This emotion is common to both ordinary people and aliens.

The heterogeneous ones are even worse.

In this lecture, he wanted to see what the new mutants were like.

After all, they represent the future of the alien world.

Wait, I seem to have made a mistake somewhere?

Yes, it should be like this, he represents the future of the aliens.

There are alien species, and unlike the previous life, one person's power is enough to reverse the situation and turn the tide.

As long as you reach the ultimate perfection, no problem will be a problem.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng felt relaxed again.

Inspector Liu looked in the rearview mirror and saw Wen Rensheng's expression changing from solemn to relaxed, and was very confused.

He didn't know what this overly mature little brother was planning: Could it be that he disliked the poor pay and wanted to kill himself?

With their different thoughts, the car finally arrived at the headquarters of the Inspection Department in the eastern suburbs of the city.

Wen Rensheng quickly got the training materials, a total of five books.

Two books are basic knowledge, and three books are advanced knowledge, all related to the basic training of alien species.

This knowledge, as Inspector Liu said, is indeed not confidential. But it is not easy to learn it systematically and comprehensively outside, but it is still very valuable to newcomers and aliens.

After getting the textbooks, Inspector Liu took Wen Rensheng to a certain computer room and stood in front of a touch screen to let him choose skills.

Wen Rensheng scanned the densely packed screens and was a little dazzled for a moment.

So he asked: "Brother Liu, which of these skills are difficult to learn, or have the highest learning threshold?"

"Uh," Inspector Liu was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "What you asked is wrong. Shouldn't learning skills be based on your own expertise and choose according to the degree of gain? You have to pursue the one with the highest threshold, and there are

What’s the point?”

Wen Rensheng said matter-of-factly: "Of course it makes sense. A genius like me must learn the most difficult things. Otherwise, how can I prove my qualifications?"

"In this case, then you choose this mysterious concealment technique. Although it has a simple name, it is something that cannot be learned outside and is not taught to outsiders. Once you write it down, you cannot pass it on to others. As for the reason, you understand.

Inspector Liu said helplessly.

Wen Rensheng nodded: "Understood."

Hiding seems simple, but for the Inspectorate, of course they don't want the aliens outside to hide themselves, which would make management more troublesome.

The development trend of modern society is that personal information is increasingly digitized, and preferences, whereabouts... are all collected.

As for the potential troubles of civilian aliens, the Inspectorate certainly does not want them to learn advanced concealment skills.

Then he clicked on the touch screen to memorize all the relevant knowledge about this "mysterious concealment technique".


After he read the training materials for a day, he was arranged to take classes.

The class was held in a large auditorium, and he was not the only teacher. He was assigned to two classes every afternoon.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon that day, after entering the auditorium, Wen Rensheng saw that the large projection screen was properly arranged, and there were two staff members maintaining order.

Wen Rensheng stood on the stage and glanced over.

I saw more than five hundred people sitting under the stage.

The number of people seems to be quite large, but it is obvious that there are still quite a few newcomers who have not come to participate in this open training.

Of course Wen Rensheng wouldn't worry about this. Missing the opportunity was their own choice. He just had to say what he needed to say.

After watching it, as Inspector Liu said earlier, there were indeed many foreign students sitting in the last few rows, all of them quietly waiting for class.

In contrast, the newcomers and aliens from China were all sitting in the front row.

After he walked in, there were many people talking freely.

Wen Rensheng did not ask them to be quiet, but listened patiently.

"This year's public training course seems to be of average quality. The two old men in the morning followed the textbook exactly. They just copied the teaching materials onto the blackboard. It's just that the content was a little fresh."

"Yeah, I'll check it out tomorrow. If I can't come up with anything new, I won't come back. So I won't waste time."

"That's right, a few of my friends didn't come and are still attending cram school."

"Well, those guys from small and poor countries in the back treat me like a treasure and come here every year to take classes. It's really boring."

"Actually, there are people from poor temples and rich abbots who can come to our great country to take classes. Which family is not wealthy? Even if they dress low-key, they don't want to make us jealous. In fact, they are comfortable in their own country."

"Brother, you are right. I just watched a video on the forum. The prince of a mutant from a certain country in Sanan live broadcasted his more than one hundred wives. They are all standard black beauties. I am so envious..." A fat new mutant

Drooling, he strongly agreed.

"If you are so envious, then immigrate there." Someone next to me joked.

"It's useless. Even if I want to go through it, the Inspectorate will not approve it at all. We only have the right to use the alien species in our bodies, but no ownership. How can we take them out casually?" the fat man said helplessly.

"Actually, that's not necessarily the case," someone whispered. "There are very few guys who dare to risk their lives and escape."

Someone was suddenly surprised: "Ah, absconding with the seeds, isn't that the same as stealing the valuable property of the Inspectorate?"

"Yes, the absconding of aliens has always been the highest level of handling. However, as time goes by, fish will always slip through the net. Therefore, when dealing with alien criminal incidents, the Inspectorate is extremely cautious, fearing to alert the snake and let them deal with it in advance.

Taking alien species out of the country will cause countless troubles."

Someone heard that something was wrong, and immediately tried to dissuade him: "Stop talking, stop thinking about these crooked ways. Even if you escape, you won't have a good life. You will have to hide your identity for the rest of your life, and you won't be able to engage in public activities. You will be in constant fear all day long."


"As long as the identity is exposed, no country can withstand the pressure of the Inspectorate and have to hand over the people. The fate at that time is the worst, and there is no doubt that they will die."

"That's right. After all, we have always been a kingdom of heaven. It is better to follow the right path. Instead of being unable to live in peace for the rest of our lives, we should accept the arrangement honestly." Others followed suit.

It's just that at this time, someone's tone was a little complicated.

Some people seem to be thinking that if China could be weaker, maybe the situation would be different...commit a crime, escape outside, and live in peace.

Wen Rensheng listened to the whispers of the students below one by one.

Sure enough, not everyone wants China to be prosperous, even if they themselves enjoy the greatest benefits brought by prosperity.

These people have a common name, that is, bitches.

This chapter has been completed!
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