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Chapter 2317 Meeting with the Emperor

Under this idea, some Dongbai ministers tried their best to resist.

But this kind of resistance is obviously meaningless.

Because the Ming Dynasty was too powerful compared to them.

And this time the determination is also very strong.

From top to bottom, failure is simply not allowed.

The emperor wanted to enshrine the gods, and so did the ministers.

And the soldiers received the military pay saved by the ministers' frugality in food and clothing.

After all, it is impossible to let the horse run without feeding it.

It's the end of the dynasty. It's clear that it's going to end, but everyone still doesn't pay because the organization has collapsed.

Everyone was distraught.

I just want to save my money and wait until the new dynasty to become an official.

Of course, it is actually correct to think so.

After the end of the Ming Dynasty, more than half of the administrators of the Ming Dynasty directly became administrators of the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, after the Qing Dynasty was stabilized, harvesting began again.

That's something else.

Landlords and bureaucrats are always short-sighted.

Just see what's in front of you.

But it's different now, their interests are highly aligned.

That's the title of god.

After becoming a god, you can go to heaven.

Is earth and wealth still useful in this world?

Naturally, I took it out and pledged it.

Especially those cabinet bachelors, ministers, and ministers, all of whom have huge fortunes.

They are also older.

Do you still have land left for your grandson?

Better to give it to yourself.

So one by one they secretly donated it as military expenses.

Because they know that if they donate secretly, God can see it but others cannot.

That's it.

And in this case, how can the Eastern Ministers resist?

Under normal circumstances, they would not be able to fight.

There is very little that can be done.

Of course there are still loyal ministers.

After all, this is a dynasty that has been in existence for hundreds of years.

Although the king keeps changing.

These loyal ministers chose to fight their opponents to the end.

Even if you know it is a mantis trying to trick you.

They bravely stood up and exposed Ming's mistakes.

At this time, someone else persuaded them: "Isn't it true that the whole world is a royal land? Wouldn't it be better for everyone to be a Ming Dynasty citizen?"

"That's right, why do you have to come out and fight to the death?"

"And after becoming a Ming Dynasty citizen, our people's taxes can also be reduced."

These people are right.

In fact, at this time, many people from neighboring small countries.

Their living standards are far inferior to those of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, there are some places that are better than Daming.

That's where there are far more land than people.

Life will be much better than in Ming Dynasty.

But this time was still in modern times, and the West had not widened the gap yet.

Moreover, the West is still in its early stages of enlightenment, and many cities are still in a bad state, with diseases prevalent.

It is far from being as good as the construction of Ming Dynasty.

At the very least, there was very little feces and urine in Ming cities.

Because agriculture has long developed farmyard fertilizers, which rely on fermentation to obtain fertilizers.

To put it simply, Ming Dynasty’s excrement is an expensive resource.

Only powerful men can monopolize buying and selling.

Feces has a fecal passage and is known as the "master of the passage".

Really, that's what it was called historically.

I don’t know how “Taozu” felt after hearing this.

So on the streets, you basically don’t see excrement and urine everywhere.

No one was willing to waste it, so they collected it and sold it to the Taoist masters.

This alone is far better than Ouzhou.

At least the Gauls didn't use dung as fertilizer.

So high heels were invented in Gaul, as were skirts.

They are all worn by men who go out.

Just to prevent urination.

And on Baoli Street, you need to hold an umbrella when walking.

It's not for elegance, it's to prevent the urine from being poured down from the second floor.

It was this dirty environment that led to the Black Death that swept across Asia.

I can't help but feel sorry for them.

It can be said that in densely populated places like Dongbai and island countries, their living standards are far inferior to those of the Ming Dynasty.

Especially for the daimyo warriors of the island country, their living standard is not as good as that of a middle-class landowner in the Ming Dynasty.

This is real.

During the Warring States Period, the food, clothing and housing of the daimyo were poor.

Especially when it comes to food, eating a piece of fish and rice dumplings with every meal is a very good meal.

So before modern times, people in island countries were very short.

It's actually a nutrition issue.

However, some middle- and above-average landowners in the Ming Dynasty, with hundreds of acres of land, all had good food.

Of course, famine every year is also normal.

The population is large and the land is small.

Although it has been revived several times, the ministers have also made great efforts to punish powerful powers many times, and they have also been very powerful in suppressing mergers.

The intensity is much greater than Zhang Juzheng's ten-year ZTE.

After all, Zhang Ju was able to achieve a temporary victory by using one person's strength and wisdom to fight against the entire bureaucratic group.

As soon as he died, everything was over.

And they are different.

They want to enshrine gods and continue to do so.

Therefore, there are many measures, such as taxation issues, land inventory issues, and the abolition of the poll tax. Whoever owns the land collects it.

In the past, there was the problem of "guilty transfer", that is, land was forcibly allocated to the poor, and the landlords did not occupy the land.

But if you do this, it will be very troublesome if you encounter serious county magistrates or prefects.

Your deceitful message turned into a real message.

The land was literally distributed to the poor.

Of course, these things can only be done in those counties and places that are relatively close to the capital and where the government is relatively strong.

Fortunately, these measures have been firmly implemented on tens of millions of acres of land around the capital.

Therefore, tens of millions of people around the capital strongly supported the emperor and his ministers.

This is also the basic board.

In the past, ministers and emperors did not pay attention to this.

Just want to enjoy.

Now in order to become a god, we must pay attention to it.

If you don't pay attention to it, the people won't do their best, and if you don't do their best, you won't have great achievements.

It is not easy to develop side skills.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty spent all his property and reduced the population by half before killing the Xiongnu and opening up the road to the Western Regions.

This is why I have to punish myself.

And that obviously won't work.

God will not approve it.

What God wants is for the people to live and work in peace and contentment while also developing frontier lands.

This requires using border land to resettle the people.

Now they discovered that going west was a dead end.

Because the people could not be accommodated.

Only to the east and south.

Only the new land that is opened up can resettle refugees and people.

There was no motivation in the past.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Once you lose money, you won’t want to do it anymore.

After all, after losing money, they can no longer make money.

Still have to work hard to make up for the shortfall.

Soon these people, they choose new ways.

That is, traveling thousands of miles away, sending people to the Ming Dynasty to find the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to cry out.

It was really difficult along the way.

There were many assassinations, provocations, obstructions, ambushes, traps...

Because the important ministers did not want them to single out this matter.

After all, it would be disgraceful to say this.

They are the kind of people who want both.

They want the land of Dongbai and a good reputation.

Now we are working hard to manage it, but when the time comes, the people of Dongbai will voluntarily donate their land.

Moreover, for the feudal kingdom, even if someone offered land overseas, they would not accept it.

Because it is too far away and cannot be managed, it is a loss-making business.

Every year, I have to help out if something happens, and I have to take care of tribute matters.

Just like the Qing Dynasty, someone established a kingdom overseas and wanted to surrender, but they refused.

They are said to be outsiders and abandoned people.

But now, Ming Dynasty has the hope of becoming a god, so naturally it will not be like this.

In short, after performing a real "Journey to the West", four envoys from Dongbai finally arrived in the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

This is also because Dongbai is not too far away from Daming.

If he were as far away as Tianzhu, he would have died long ago.

Even so, there were only four of the 360 ​​envoys left at the time.

Where did everyone else go?

Asking means "drifting away".

They drifted over from the sea.

It is also possible to take the sea route.

There is no possibility of traveling by land.

Going back and forth in a circle, there are so many bandits in the middle.

On the sea, you can run faster by relying on a boat.

It's really impossible to run on land.

After all, the land is full of checkpoints, and it is extremely easy to cause a fire or poisoning.

There is no such thing on the sea.

Just bypass a few patrolling Ming fleets.

You can go all the way west and land directly at Jinmen.

Even so, there were still many disasters.

Entering the capital and waiting for an interview was another long process.

Fortunately, after entering the capital, the people of Ming Dynasty are not Japanese pirates, and they still want to be shameless.

He will not openly kill the messenger.

Japanese pirates often do this.

Even when they came out to pay tribute, they dared to openly draw their swords and kill Ming people for trivial matters.

This is true in history.

What many people don’t know is that the Ming Dynasty, which is known as the Kingdom of All Nations, did not hold the other party accountable in order to calm the dispute...

In fact, we can see the weakness of Ming Dynasty.

At that time, the Ming Dynasty had just experienced the Tumubao Incident.

Martial arts have become useless.

Then the Japanese pirates arose.

It just shows the decline of Ming Dynasty.

A few months later.

The imperial court finally accepted the other party's request for an audience.

In the court hall.

The messenger from Dongbai people cried:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I, Dong, have served your vassal for hundreds of generations, paying tribute year after year and giving gifts year after year."

"In the end, your soldiers refused to leave. Not only did they not fight off the Japanese pirates, but they also wanted to annex our country. Is there any justice?"

"Is there any more royal law?"

The emperor looked at them coldly.

Don't say a word.

He was thinking to himself, I want to go to heaven and become a god, who cares about your heavenly principles and royal laws?

If we weren't worried about God's wrath, what we did was somewhat unethical and needed to be decorated morally, so we wouldn't have received you at all.

At this moment, the Minister of Rites came out and said:

"You are such a ignorant messenger."

"In the past, you were bullied by Japanese pirates, and we sent troops to help you many times. Can you give me some military expenses?"

“It’s all with our own money!”

"That's our money!"

"Now I am just promoting my Ming Dynasty's teachings in your land, so that the people can bathe in the holy grace of each other."

"You are actually using strong words to argue that you are refusing to leave?"

"In the whole world, it is natural for the soldiers of the Holy Emperor to be stationed wherever they are."

well said.

The emperor clapped his hands in his heart.

Regarding these words, this is called Confucianism, but in fact it is a strategist and a miscellaneous family minister, so there is no mistake in promoting him.

The emperor had already understood it through history books.

Confucianism is only suitable for maintaining order, not for performing meritorious deeds.

It is even more unsuitable for being a god.

Confucianism can easily fall into decadence and comfort.

No matter how superior or inferior you are, no one should change.

Just stick to the old methods, don't change them.

Therefore, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the pattern changed from time to time, and Confucianism could not flourish.

Only when it becomes stable will it begin to prosper.

Now the land in the west is untouchable.

Because the people have no way to continue to survive there.

And the journey is too long.

That can only be taken from the east and south.

As for the issue of face, who will care in a few hundred years?

But he has become a god, and he will not consider the issue of face.

In the face of longevity, what else do you need to save face?

Anyway, now I need land.

But you can't say this to them clearly.

At this time, the messenger was speechless.

He could only kowtow and say: "Please, His Majesty the Emperor, be merciful and forgive my Dongbai people. I will definitely serve you more diligently in the future."

All the administrators were disdainful.

This is a big deal.

If the Ming Dynasty declines, they will definitely seek refuge with others.

Therefore, it is best to eat the meat as soon as possible.

And the emperor said: "Okay, I know, I will issue an order to inquire about the truth of the matter."

"Just go back and wait for the news."

Then the messenger didn't want to leave.

Then he was dragged out by the Han general.

"Your Majesty, you must not ignore the majesty of the Ming Dynasty."

The emperor thought to himself, boredom, this Ming Dynasty is so majestic, can it be as important as conferring a god?

Then, one year passed and two years passed.

Under the governance of the famous ministers and generals of the Ming Dynasty, the people of Dongbai gradually returned to the Ming Dynasty.

Of course they are also insignificant.

Those who can really control them are the gentry.

And those gentry also chose to join the Ming Dynasty.

After all, if you join the Ming Dynasty, your descendants may become gods in a few hundred years.

If descendants become gods, they may be able to trace it back to themselves.

This is of course what the ministers hinted at them.

No one said it clearly.

But let them figure it out for themselves.

Therefore, those gentry chose to join the Ming Dynasty.

The only loyal ministers in Dongbai had already felt that something was wrong.

Although they were acting like a fool, they still chose to spread rumors.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He even did not hesitate to kill and plunder his own village, and framed the blame on the officers and soldiers stationed in the Ming Dynasty.

Used to slander the people of Ming Dynasty.

In front of Quan Li, they revealed their true nature.

Although it is good to become a god, it may not be successful.

In comparison, immediate interests are more important.

There are still many people who have this idea.

"They are treating you well now, but they will definitely not be well after you all surrender to the Ming Dynasty."

"Think about it, their current military expenditures are not provided by the people of Ming Dynasty?"

"So stay in your current state and resolutely disobey Ming Dynasty. Instead, they will always treat you well."

It must be said that there are many smart people.

But it was too late to say this.

Moreover, it was never the common people who decided Dongbai's ownership.

They have no power to decide these things.


A few years later.

After taking control of the surrounding areas, the Ming Dynasty sent troops into their capital.

The reason is also very simple.

Because they want to take away the land.

Rather than conquering.

Only by solving the problems of farming below can we truly occupy the city.

Otherwise, it may seem like they are conquered with just one order, but in fact, they will rebel as soon as the wind blows.

And they didn't dare not open the city gate.

Because there are already many troops who have been instigated to rebel and are stationed in the capital.

Moreover, they also instigated many ministers to rebel and took control of the court.

Although they knew earlier that they were luring a wolf into the house.

But what can be done?

They have been taking advantage of Ming Dynasty and letting Ming Dynasty fight against Japanese pirates for them.

I don’t know how much money I lost and how many times I resisted.

It can even be said that the Ming Dynasty's national destiny was damaged for at least 30 years because of its resistance to Japanese pirates.

Because in history, after defeating Toyotomi, the famous Qi family army wanted to get back the military pay and rewards they deserved. They were deceived into the school grounds by a civilian official and were trapped and killed without weapons.

Killed at least half of them.

The remaining half were sent away.

This is what civil servants do.

If you don’t have money to pay the military and you can’t solve the problem, then you’ll solve the people who created the problem.

Of course, with heaven watching now, this kind of thing will definitely not happen.

This chapter has been completed!
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