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Chapter 2347 The Emperors Asking for Help

What follows is a happy ending.

The time traveler was caught.

Then Bear Three wants to skin him, Bear Four wants to eat the meat, Bear Five wants to eat the brains...

Okay, the style of painting has changed suddenly.

It's going to be a dark animation.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

I'm afraid this was caused by Xiao Huan again.

The time traveler shouted in horror: "No, you can't do this."

"You are kind cartoonists, and no one will die from the beginning to the end!"

Xiong San said coldly: "The moment you took out the bloody chainsaw, the world changed..."

It's your own fault.

The next moment, several main characters in the story disappeared one after another.

In the huge forest, only the supporting characters are left.


A scream startled the crows.

Then the crow flew over.


Wen Rensheng breaks away from the cartoon world.

Return to the world of emperors and scholars.

"Xiao Huan, this guy only bothers her father and me."

Wen Rensheng didn't feel like he had gained much, but he did know a taboo:

Don't touch the world of funny cartoons, and if you do, just be honest.

Don't mess around.

Otherwise, just like the time traveler, you will reap the consequences.

I wanted to make it into a horror genre, but ended up becoming a horror toy.

After returning to the world of Jinshi, Wen Rensheng found that the situation had changed dramatically.

Eighteen rebel kings appeared!

The emperor has no children.

The country is naturally unstable.

The Jinshi all want to become the new royal family.

The value of royalty is huge.

It means that the incense of a country is first offered to him.

Even underground, there are still huge palaces to enjoy.

You can live a good life.

And Wen Rensheng also learned a secret:

The royal family is underground and has a lot of incense, so they can get closer to people.

So you can have five senses similar to humans.

In other words, eating, drinking and having fun can achieve 30% of the feeling of normal people!

Thirty percent is very little, but it is very powerful.

Because ordinary people don't have this opportunity at all.

After death, you can continue to enjoy 30% of the happiness you had during your lifetime.

While Jinshi is underground, he only has 5% of the senses of ordinary people.

In other words, if the royal family is down there, eating a piece of pork ribs will taste very delicious, but Jinshi people have to drink honey water to have a similar feeling.

Of course, the "meat" and "honey water" here are all condensed with incense.

Consumption is different.

No matter who it is, everyone will make the choice to rebel.

But now that eighteen families are rebelling against the king, can the emperor resist?

Wen Rensheng is not optimistic.

Although the emperor used to have cheating methods to lock loyalty, saints are not dead.

He will think of a way to crack it.

Then Wen Rensheng looked around.

Sure enough, the situation is very bad.

Near a hillside.

"Brothers, give me a killing spree!"

"Damn the emperor, he doesn't give us food, so today he lets us eat his land and his people!"

A rebel leader was shouting wildly.

Leading a group of thieves, they rushed down the hillside towards the officers and soldiers below.

At the same time, the thieves also began to rush down one after another.

They held a variety of weapons in their hands.

Hoes, stones, sticks, but no regular weapons.

"Brothers, shall we kill? Kill the dog emperor, and we will become emperors ourselves!"

These people shouted one after another.

In short, there will be as much chaos as there is chaos.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

This is the big waves washing the sand.

In other words, start the mode of raising Gu at the end of the dynasty.

Whichever company is the first to formalize, institutionalize, and base areas first will have a chance of winning.

Of course there is a certain amount of luck.

For example, the leader's life is short. Sorry, in the team of Chuang, the leader determines the fate of most teams.

But now, in Wen Rensheng's view, this group of resisters can only be said to be still in the bandit stage.

Whether he can succeed or not, whether he becomes someone else's subordinate or becomes his own king, depends on his luck and personal struggle.

All in all, all the rebels had only one goal, which was to seize the throne of the emperor.

In the old days of Daxia, this was considered a classic national game.

It erupts once every two to three hundred years.

But here, it would not have exploded.

But who made the saint listen to Wen Rensheng's suggestion and wanted to make the world more prosperous, so he started the ten-year emperor mode.

The emperor was not satisfied and wanted to keep doing it.

Others were not satisfied and wanted to overthrow the emperor.

The two sides started fighting like this.

Behind the scenes, there is indispensable the encouragement of saints.

And Wen Rensheng scanned it again.

Similar thieves and bandits are everywhere.

But they are destined not to last long.

Bandits who don't know how to farm can't make a living.

If you can farm, operate, and recruit talents who can absorb the original system, you will have a greater chance of continuing.

Many people wonder why Li Zicheng failed.

In fact, he also started to formalize it.

But unfortunately, his vision is not broad enough.

He couldn't see the whole world, only he and Chongzhen were fighting for it.

Ignoring the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, I still thought that the Manchu Qing Dynasty were robbers and wild people who would rob and leave.

But now, when Wen Rensheng looked at the 18th Route rebels, they were all relatively regular.

Because they are all Jinshi families.

Each one has a fixed territory.

There is no shortage of talent either.

Who can win in the end depends on their terrain advantages, talent advantages, reserve advantages, and institutional advantages.

Of course there is also luck.

In short, whoever succeeds, let’s analyze the “inevitability” of his success.

And he looked again and saw that on the emperor's side, the average team was getting worse and worse.

Press the gourd and lift the gourd.

Just as Wen Rensheng thought, the other party obviously did not have the ability to lock in loyalty.

At least Wen Rensheng saw that several core members of the emperor's army chose to betray because they were infiltrated by the Jinshi family.

In the end, after a back-and-forth fight, a rebel king took the lead and approached the capital. The founding god emperor had no shame to speak of.

He fled the capital directly.

Before escaping, I don’t want any harem anymore.

He directly took the elite Yulin Guards cavalry, as well as baggage and supplies... some important ministers, technical bureaucrats, and craftsmen, and fled directly.

I can't do it without running.

The opponent's military strength is eight times that of the capital.

And reinforcements are coming in a steady stream.

And without the input of foreign materials, the capital would be a dead place.

This is also the situation in most ancient cities: they lack the ability to make their own hematopoiesis.

Once you are besieged and have no reinforcements, you will basically be out of luck.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If there is a steady stream of reinforcements, foreign enemies will often retreat.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of Wen Rensheng, the founding god emperor ran into a ravine and continued to be emperor.

How sad.

Of course Wen Rensheng knew that he could not be blamed alone.

Why did he flee to the ravine?

In fact, the reason is also very simple.

Only here can it be relatively easy to resist foreign anti-kings.

There are too many of these anti-kings.

This is Route 18.

It's not like the one or two groups before, he could still suppress them before.

But not anymore.

He can no longer modify the loyalty of bureaucrats,

Of course, neither can the leading generals.

This is big trouble.

He cannot guarantee the general's loyalty.

In fact, this concern is very reasonable.

The fact is that too many generals fighting outside have been infiltrated by Jinshi from aristocratic families.

Several teams have already betrayed him.

This made him unable to trust the generals.

So he had no choice but to send eunuchs to supervise the army.

This is obviously a failure.

Eunuchs are greedy by nature.

If there is no need for reproduction, then one has to be extremely greedy in order to provide for oneself in the future and to accept others as sons.

This all requires money.

Naturally, the eunuchs took advantage of their power to gain wealth.

This is obviously a great threat to combat activities.

Combat requires seriousness and a high degree of professionalism.

To win.

However, now there is a group of eunuchs who want to make money from the team.

Do you still want to win?

It's simply ridiculous.

If the emperor still has the ability to modify.

It's naturally very simple.

Directly modify the eunuchs to be absolutely loyal.

Even if they die, they must remain loyal to the emperor underground.

However, the emperor's ability to modify loyalties is now gone.

He can no longer lock down the loyalty of core personnel.

Wen Rensheng felt that this was the sage's move.

Cheating all the time will definitely lead to anti-cheating.

Unlike him, he quickly exited that world after cheating.

But the emperor kept playing and cheating.

Is this saint still unable to grasp the clues?

You must know that the wisdom of a saint is definitely enough.

No wonder the founding God-Emperor would be plotted by a saint.

This founding god is too simple and childish.

It can only be said that his previous high-altitude life had harmed him.

In this case, the emperor has no cheating device.

The troops and soldiers sent out were infiltrated by the other side.

If he doesn’t lose, who loses?

Therefore, the emperor became more and more miserable.

In the end, we lost the capital.

In fact, in Wen Rensheng's opinion, it was because the other party was too good.

This emperor is too frustrated.

If it were Wen Rensheng who did it, he would definitely not be overthrown.

However, he searched carefully.

After reading it, it seems that there is no mystery in this world of Jinshi and Emperor.

In this case, he didn't want to continue struggling.

But soon the emperor gave him a huge surprise.

At this time, suddenly the Founding God Emperor sent someone to contact him.

The other party sent a secret letter.

Moore code is used.

He knew that Wen Rensheng could decode it.

Wen Rensheng unlocked the password and took a look:

"Brother, I know your purpose. You are an explorer. You want to explore the mysteries of this world, right?"

Wen Rensheng smiled.

Well, it seems that this guy finally understands his needs.

"Brother, you must be interested in the divinity of the Founding God himself."

"How to create all things, you should want to know the secret inside."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

He is still somewhat interested in the past of creating God and how to create the world.

After all, this involves the power of time, the power of space, these fundamental things.

The power of creation certainly contains the secret of life in the world.

And at this time.

Wen Rensheng replied directly to the other party.

"I'm indeed interested. What do you want to trade?"

Then the emperor sent a red crystal.

"What I gave you is the divine crystal."

"It's my founding crystal."

"Herein lies the secret of creation."

"I want you to help me defeat those rebels."

Wen Rensheng picked up the divine crystal. This red crystal exuded the brilliance of life.

He smiled slightly.

The mysterious seed quickly began to be analyzed.

One, two, three, four, five, ABCDE.

After a few commands passed.

Mysterious Seed Reminder Container:

"You have analyzed a piece of creation, and the upper limit of mystery has been increased by 3000 points."


By analyzing this divine crystal, the mystery can actually be increased.

This is good.

This has always been Wen Rensheng's ultimate appeal.

He jumped around, came to various worlds and tossed around, all in order to increase the mystery.

This can improve his most fundamental combat effectiveness.

All-round bonus to his strength and status.

It can be said that mystery is his foundation.

Can be used in almost every aspect.

Wen Rensheng then began to help the emperor.

After all, if this guy hadn't been tricked by Wonderful City, he would definitely not have come up with such a precious founding object.

After all, as the Founding God, his real interest is to return to his own world and continue to be the Founding God.

Instead of being an emperor who is less than a hundred years old here.

Then you can only go underground and become an illusory god.

Although the other party didn't say it, Wen Rensheng could guess it.

The new task given by the Wonderful City must be to ensure that he can continue to be the emperor before he can go home.

Otherwise, everything is lost.

Hearing that someone had ascended to the ravine.

I saw that the emperor was invincible.

Although there are only more than a thousand Habayashi Guards left who are loyal to him.

This is quite a scene.

In the tall mountain fortress, a hundred ceremonial generals lined up in two rows to welcome Wen Rensheng's entry.

Such elite soldiers are used for display.

The emperor really couldn't distinguish priorities.

Wen Rensheng thought about it carefully and said to him:

"Now there are 18 princes coming to attack. If you want to defeat them without cheating, you must first find a base to be invincible."

"You can resist their encirclement and suppression, and you can't run around."

"Then on the basis of establishing a firm foothold, we will start to develop the economy and armaments."

The emperor frowned and said, "Now there is a solid base under my feet."

"As you can see, my cottage has water and can prevent fire."

"Still on the cliff, tens of thousands of people are attacking below, and I can repel them."

Wen Rensheng smiled.

"Have you forgotten that weapons need maintenance and food needs to be replenished?"

"As long as the opponent traps you, that's enough. There's no need to attack."

"Now this place is surrounded by mountains on all sides. There are only a few roads out of the mountains, and they can all be blocked."

"You can't get out. No matter how well you defend yourself, are you still going to starve to death?"

The emperor was silent.

Indeed, it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, which is convenient for defense.

However, the problem is also here.

Because this place is not wide enough, it is impossible to accommodate too many people here.

In war years, even in modern times, population is an important combat indicator.

"If you continue to defend like this, your soldiers will gradually lose their will to fight." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

He has seen the danger of this emperor.

"You will soon be suffocated in this place. You won't be able to get out."

"When others unify the world, it will be your death."

The emperor nodded and said: "You are right, but now I have the reputation of righteousness."

"When everyone attacks first, they will first consider me. My hatred value is too high."

After hearing this, Wen Rensheng also nodded.

This guy is still a little awake.

It doesn't look like it's very difficult to save someone's life.

What I fear the most is being self-righteous and thinking there is no problem.

The enemy can still be defeated.

This chapter has been completed!
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