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Chapter 238 Inoue Leaf

Then Tanabe Yoshi was brought up, with a martyr's glow on his face. He tilted his head slightly and looked at the two people in front of him with disdain through the big screen.

It seems to be superior, but isn't it just ordinary selfishness?

If I were as dirty as them, I wouldn't be sitting here right now.

"Tanabe Yoshi, why do you want to destroy the traditional friendly relationship between China and the East Island and lure our newcomers, aliens, to defect to a smelly place like America?" Inspector Liu came up and pointed to the core.

"A smelly land? Yes, except for your heavenly kingdom, other places, in your opinion, are barbaric habitats," Tanabe Yoshi said disdainfully, "But you have no idea that America is where the hope of mankind lies, and where the hope of mankind lies.

The real place of light is not your celestial kingdom."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he felt a strange sense of familiarity inexplicably. Isn't this the same common comments on the Internet in his previous life?

It turns out that this is how the other person was bewitched by the Americans. What bewitched him was not the future of a mysterious expert, not the gold and silver treasures, not the peerless beauty, but the two things he was most familiar with in his previous life.

It's just that these things can quite confuse the people who eat melons at first, until they are slapped in the face by each fact and are thrown into the Mariana Trench, never to be found again.

Just as Inspector Liu was about to refute, he saw Wen Rensheng extending his hand to signal, so he gave the other party the opportunity to interrogate.

"Where is the hope? They are money-oriented and believe that everyone is equal before money. Those with money have many opportunities, while those without money can only live happily. Do you think this is the hope?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

Tanabe Yoshi snorted: "So what? If they don't have money, it's because they don't work hard enough and don't dare to take risks to be the boss. This is their own choice. Then they can only work for others honestly. No one else can blame them."

Very good, this is the most brilliant thing about America. It has designed a set of exquisite methods. If it does not work well, it will be your own fault. You will have no reason to blame the manager.

Unlike China, where everyone wants to take charge of everything, naturally the more you do, the more mistakes you make.

However, Wen Rensheng knows that the future development trend is to take care of the most things. Only in this way can efficiency be improved and disasters dealt with.

Especially in this world, where mysterious disasters occur frequently, more in-depth management is needed.

So Wen Rensheng smiled and asked again: "Well, let me ask you something. Forty years ago, a big mysterious disaster broke out somewhere in America, and the local emergency organization organized an evacuation. However, the plane used for the evacuation

The price is limited, so only a few people can get on the plane. The ticket booked at that time was US$200,000 per ticket, do you think this is fair?"

"It's fair. If you don't make money well, you won't be able to defend yourself against danger." Tanabe Yoshi said matter-of-factly.

Wen Rensheng smiles, this kind of person is the hardest to convince.

Fortunately, debates are never about persuading the opponent, but about winning over the spectators. Whoever wins the most will win.

"An incident also happened at that time. An evil robber robbed a boss of 200,000 US dollars in savings, and then spent the money to buy a ticket and get on the plane. But the hard-working and frugal boss lost his money.

Do you still think this is fair after losing your life? If you only rely on money to make the decision, tragedies like this will inevitably happen again and again."

"Well, maybe this is life. I've heard that it's because the boss is unlucky." Tanabe Yoshi, who was originally in a serious mood of opposition, suddenly sighed.

Obviously, he was thinking of himself and his failure due to bad luck.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "You seem to feel this deeply. Do you think you are also just unlucky enough to be caught by us?"

"Isn't it like this? The mysterious power you rely on to rule the roost has been cracked by the Americans. We fled to the high seas, but you still didn't catch us. It was only at the final connection that we were captured by your ocean fleet.

Discovered." Tanabe Yoshi asked.

"No, you are wrong. We believe that everyone has a chance. Even if you are surpassed by your opponent for a while, you can come back sooner or later. You were captured because of my wisdom, and I was able to appear under this concept.


"On the contrary, if China, like America, uses money as a means to screen out alien species, there is a high chance that I will not appear here. So what you call bad luck actually contains necessity." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

When Tanabe Yoshi heard this, he was shocked and fell silent.

He could actually come up with countless things to say, but there was one fact that he couldn't avoid.

Because he understands that China's "everyone has a chance" model is the best and most suitable for selecting suitable aliens.

However, this model is not suitable for Dongdao.

Because if you do that, the resistance will be too great and you will suffer a strong counterattack from the entire upper class. In contrast, the American model is more suitable because it can be compromised and transformed, which can greatly reduce the resistance from the upper class.

Although he dared to sacrifice his life, he did not have the courage to break the entire East Island structure like some of his companions.

When Inspector Liu heard this, he turned to look at Wen Rensheng and nodded slightly.

It was no surprise that Wen Rensheng could say such a thing, because the other party had always been a sensible person and understood his position and future.

Having said this, Wen Rensheng signaled to Inspector Liu to ask him.

So Inspector Liu took over the topic and continued to ask: "Tell me, what is the purpose of the Americans in letting you bewitch our aliens to escape this time?"

"Hmph, do you think I will betray my companions?" Tanabe Yoshi sneered, "I am not Zhu Tong and Kong Baiyu, two guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Since I joined the Destiny Society, I have already put life and death aside."

Inspector Liu was slightly startled. Although he knew from the information that this person was a tough guy, it was only when he faced him directly that he realized how difficult he was.

What the other party gave up was not just a mundane thing, but a precious and mysterious alien species!

You must know that no matter how useless Tanabe Yoshi is, because of the rules of East Island, he can have alien species for generations, and he could have been rich forever, but he chose this difficult path.

"Okay, I won't ask this question for the time being. But I'm curious, what is it that can turn a current person like you into a warrior who can give up his life and alien species at the same time?"

There was a hint of respect in Inspector Liu's tone that he didn't even notice.

After all, even if you are an enemy, everyone still appreciates strong bones.

It was this respect that made Tanabe Yoshi silent for a while, and then he finally spoke.

Humans are not animals. They all have a desire for expression and long for recognition, and may even give up their lives for recognition.

For him, it is a matter of pride to be respected by a big shot like Inspector Liu. Even if he dies, he can still smile.

He said slowly:

"When I was 17 years old, I fell in love with a commoner woman, Inoue Yoko. She was my high school classmate. She was kind, cute, smart and motivated. Except for my background, there was nothing I could do to match her... However, such a beautiful person...

My father sent someone to push him into the well and pretended to commit suicide."

"Because the old man once told me that if you want to inherit a different species, you have to do what the Yamada family next door did and find a way to marry the woman he said is well-matched - an ugly and fierce woman with no self-awareness.


"It's really ridiculous. It's a new era now, and such dark things can still happen on the East Island!"

Having said this, he clenched his hands into fists and tried to stand up excitedly, but was held down by the sailors behind him.

Wen Rensheng suddenly shuddered, Inoue Yezi?

Why is this name so similar to that of Lao Zhao's young wife Inoue Eko?

Maybe I was overthinking it, after all, this is a common surname in Dongdao.

But an inexplicable intuition told him that it was not simple.

This chapter has been completed!
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