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Chapter 2397 Weird Cat

When the middle-aged frustrated captain said this, he spread his hands:

"Although the rich man is a good old man, there are many people who are willing to help him."

"Some people were even willing to come and die for him."

"Then there was nothing we could do."

When the four Tang monks heard this, they felt a sense of respect.

It seems to be unusually good to be so good that someone else can die for him.

Wen Rensheng smiled when he saw this.

These guys still don't know the rules of the weird world...

That's what others say, it's best not to believe it.

After verification, you can only believe half of it.

And this is also the reason why the weird world makes people frustrated, scared and aggrieved.

You can never live a down-to-earth life.

It is impossible to be born in a down-to-earth manner, and it is impossible to die in a down-to-earth manner.

In fact, after getting used to it, most old people can look away from death.

After all, everyone must die.

The premise is not to die painfully.

In the weird world, this has become the greatest luxury.

"Don't say anything later, just follow me in." The middle-aged and frustrated captain continued.

Then their car quickly arrived at the rich man's house.

He is indeed a rich man.

In front of you is a huge manor.

I can't see my head at a glance.

And the people inside seem completely different from the people outside.

The servants saluted the bus respectfully.

When I saw the car approaching at the main entrance of the manor, no one asked, so I opened it directly.

In Tang Seng's opinion, the people here have a different smell, that is, the smell of anger.

You know, almost everyone he comes into contact with is depressed and has no motivation at all.

You must know that in any world, even in his original world, there are always people who are motivated.

You can tell at a glance that the energy is upward.

For example, many local dynasties, emperors or dignitaries are energetic and excited.

They are complacent and do this or that.

Open up territories and conquer all directions.

Build a manor palace.

Most people may be depressed and numb.

But here, Tang Seng noticed that no matter what their status was, many people were equally numb.

Just like this frustrated captain, you can tell by looking at his status.

Definitely very high.

The large manor in front of me saw his car and took the initiative to open the front door to greet him.

The servants all bowed their heads in greeting.

In the CD City world, this captain is at least equivalent to the first three levels of the social pyramid.

Just as Tang Monk was thinking about it, the bus had stopped at a flat.

7 people walked down one after another.

The rich butler came to entertain them personally.

"Welcome, Captain Guo, thank you for your hard work."

"The room you stayed in last time has been prepared."

"I'm going to trouble you again this time."

The butler spoke kindly, giving people a rare sense of warmth.

Tang Seng showed a smile on his face.

The frustrated captain did not greet the butler, but turned to look at Tang Seng.

He shook his head and said, "You think the people here are different, don't you?"


"Then you think they all have hope and look forward to the outside world, right?"

"Yes." Tang Seng said.

"Haha, then you are wrong. These people are all caught in a weird way and have to live with a smile."

"As for why he won, it's because the rich man has a good heart and can't bear to see anyone despairing in front of him."

"But all these weird people have been driven away. I was here last time, but I left without dealing with it."

After hearing the frustrated captain's words, Tang Seng was stunned.

When he looked at the people around him, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

Their smiles were actually caused by weirdness.

It's also fake.

The butler still smiled and said to the captain: "Please come with me, the master is playing with Nata."

"Haha, your master is entangled with that cat." The frustrated captain said nonchalantly.

"Yes, that is a cute cat. Although it is a little naughty, life will always get better." The housekeeper said strange words.

"Haha, that cat doesn't care about your master's wealth. He can't deal with these weird things with that wealth."

"As long as you don't comply with its rules, you have to die. By then, this manor and wealth will be yours, Mr. Butler." The frustrated captain also started to laugh.

Tang Seng is a little timid.

After all, he wasn't very courageous to begin with.

Although he became a Buddha.

But when someone is called, what comes to mind is his true form, not his Buddha form.

The Buddha's image has long been left in that world.

"Haha, I'm not interested in money. I'm only loyal to our master. I hope he can get rid of that lovely cat soon." The housekeeper still smiled and extended his hand to ask.

His attitude is so reasonable, neither humble nor arrogant.

Gives people a just-right feeling.

The frustrated captain shook his head.

Then, under the leadership of the housekeeper, we walked all the way to the large villa in the center of the manor.

Tang Seng and others also followed closely.

Especially the team members with the frustrated captain, all of them had a little more vigilance in their eyes.

"Haha, in our world, the only advantage for the rich is that if they have a lot of wealth, they can still ask people from the special department like us to rush to deal with it in time."

"Ordinary people can only call and wait in line."

"Either get rid of the weirdness yourself."

Tang Seng suddenly thought of a strange world he had dealt with before.

There are only 3 cities left intact in that world.

In the end, it turns out that it was an ordinary person who caused the world to mutate.

Although the problem was solved in the end.

But the world has changed shape.

It actively develops towards weirdness.

Abandoning the original urban background.

And will this world have the same possibility?

"As expected," Yan Chixia said lightly, "Wherever you are, it's better to have money."

"Haha, yes, otherwise, ordinary people would have to wait at least three to five days, and when we arrived, no one would be there." The frustrated captain nodded.

At this moment, a light suddenly flashed in front of Tang Seng's eyes.

He blinked.

A snow-white cat seemed to be running across the lawn.

Soon he found that the white light disappeared.

He wanted to pursue it, but now was not the time to pursue it.

Then the butler didn't take them directly to see the rich man.

Instead, let the servants cook for them first, and then entertain them with various things.

All are the best, all are top-notch services.

Captain Frustrated did not refuse.

But Tang Seng was a little anxious: "Shouldn't we deal with the rich man's affairs first?"

Captain Frustrated didn't hear anything and was still eating the delicious pastries.

The same goes for everyone else except Taoist priests.

There was a little more sparkle in his eyes, and he seemed to be enjoying the rare delicious food.

"The rich man has become the owner of a weird cat. As you said, he has lost two fingers." Tang Seng urged.

Just like when he urged Sun Wukong to save people.

At this time, a team member whispered: "No one will urge a person who is decapitated to hurry up."

Another team member said: "If someone urges you, he must be a tyrant."

I see.

No wonder everyone is so surprised.

The housekeeper didn't rush me either.

Everyone assumes that contact with the weird is leading to death.

"In that case, let's go first." Tang Seng sighed.

Of course he is not a tyrant.

Except for being able to be cruel to Wukong, I have never been cruel to anyone in my life.

The housekeeper got up and took Tang Seng and Yan Chixia to the rich man's residence.

It was a separate villa located in the backyard.

The butler pointed to a garden in the distance.

"Our master is with that cat."

They stood in the distance and watched from afar.

I saw an old man of half a century kneeling on the ground in the garden.

Kowtow to a white cat.

"Master Cat, what do you think of this toy?"

"It's not fun, what about this?"

"How about this piece of dried fish?"

No one came close.

Yan Chixia wanted to take a closer look, but was stopped by the housekeeper.

Because the rich man does not allow anyone to interfere with his interaction with the cat.

I'm afraid the cat won't be happy.

After a while, the rich man was holding a cat teasing stick and playing with the white cat.

"Is Garfield white?" Yan Chixia suddenly asked.

"I checked, and it's usually orange, but this is no ordinary cat after all." the housekeeper hinted.

Yan Chixia stopped talking.

After a while, I saw the rich man meowing like a cat.

It's even crawling on the ground.

After seeing this, Yan Chixia shook her head.

Even though he was born in the feudal era, he saw too many people kneeling down and numbly kneeling before the damn powerful men. He lost any dignity because of the personal dependence established by the land.

Offending the master is equivalent to losing the right to rent the land, or starving to death.

So there is no dignity whatsoever.

At this time, Yan Chixia also felt that this was wrong.

This man obviously regards himself as the cat's groveling slave.

However, a slave does not necessarily win the favor of his master.

Suddenly, Yan Chixia said: "I know, in order to please the cat, I treat the cat as my master."

"The cat, as the master, is naturally qualified to take away everything that belongs to the servant."

"Just like in my time, powerful men could execute their servants at will, and the most they could do was fine them some money."

"Some dynasties prohibited the arbitrary punishment of servants and tenant farmers, but the court had good intentions, but it could not control the gentlemen on the horizon."

Hearing this, Tang Seng suddenly understood.

The butler nodded repeatedly.

"What you said is really good. I think this is the truth."

Soon Captain Frustrated also came over.

It seemed that he had eaten well, which made his face look more cheerful.

Not as sad as before.

Now he should be called Captain Low Sang.

The depressed captain asked: "Have you discovered anything?"

"Yes..." the housekeeper repeated Yan Chixia's words.

"It's a reasonable guess, but it's a pity..." Captain Disang nodded, then shook his head.

Yan Chixia wondered: "You nod and shake your head, what do you mean?"

"It means that weird things often don't follow human logic. The logic you talked about is very good. Don't talk about it next time." The depressed captain sighed.

Yan Chixia wanted to have a fit, but after Tang Monk's dissuasion, she held it back.

There is no need to be angry with these mortals.

After all, they are not monsters and have no bad intentions.

he is very angry.

So I looked closely and found the weird cat.

He found that the cat basically ignored the rich man's various attempts to please him.

The cat will only become happy when it touches a few novel toys.

The rich man quickly ordered people to buy more novel toys.

Soon a helicopter arrived.

This is really an airplane express delivery.

But at this moment, the weird white cat seemed to have had enough fun.

Then stick out your dirty paws.

The rich man understood immediately.

Just like a tamed slave tool, it immediately helps the cat wash its claws.

But at this time, a drop of water accidentally got on the hair of the weird white cat.

The cat suddenly became irritable.

Cats are one of the animals most afraid of water.

It feels like the wealthy people may not have served them well enough.

Suddenly a shrill cry appeared.

Just like a cat meowing at night, it's really scary.

It's almost the same as a child crying.

People who hear it often feel scared.

But at this time, something even more terrifying happened.

One of the rich man's eyes fell down.

"I understand, this is saying that you are blind and dropped water on the master?" Yan Chixia explained again.

The captain looked at him sadly.

Knowing that Yan Chixia was working against him.

He sighed.

Walked a little further silently.

Tang Seng was also a little strange. He said to a team member: "Isn't this Taoist priest right?"

"Yes, yes, but this is right as we humans understand it."

"If you look at it from a weird angle, the truth may be that when the cat was washing its claws, it saw the look of fear and disgust in the rich man's eyes through the water, so it hated the rich man's eyes."

The team member explained, "It thinks the rich man's eyes are not good-looking, so it makes his eyes fall off."

"My God, this is simply a monster. Back then, the poor monk encountered many unreasonable monsters, from Red Boy to Shituoling, but they still had a reason for their grudges..." Tang Seng was completely shocked.

Yan Chixia was angry: "I don't care who it is!"

"Master Tao is not happy with it. It is a monster. I want to kill the monster!"

He is a very upright person.

Although I have a thorough understanding of the world, I choose to let things take their own course when it comes to many things.

But if someone suffers in front of him, he cannot tolerate this happening.

Of course, rich people may not be good people.

But at least he won't let this evil heretic flourish in front of him.

"It's useless. You can't kill it. If you kill it, it will come back 100 times." The team member shook his head.

The depressed captain looked at Yan Chixia.

I saw the other party take out a sword.

Then he dipped it in his own blood and wrote a spell in the air.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe is borrowed from the law!"

I saw the sword flying towards the cat immediately.

At this time, the rich man endured the loss of one eye.

He is continuing to serve the strange white cat.

Then he took out some cages, in which were some extremely beautiful little female cats.

But this weird cat didn't care at all, and even thought it was a provocation.

And the sword flew past.

The white cat didn't hide at all.

The sword went right through.

Nothing hits.

Yan Chixia was stunned.

It's clearly right in front of you, but you can't hit it.

The depressed captain shook his head and said: "It is a concept and a rule, but it is not an entity and cannot be easily stabbed."

Tang Monk heard this and said: "Scar and Bala..."

Anyway, I recited an exorcism spell.

But it's still useless.

"It seems that we need to get a bait that can divert the strange cats away."

"Can the bait divert the strange cat away?" the housekeeper asked.

"Yes, it usually only transfers after the previous owner dies, but there is also a way, that is to show that you are more suitable to be the owner, and then attract this strange fur away." Captain Di Sang thought for a while and said


"Captain, I think we should first determine what the strange cat likes most. In this way, we can create a better owner." The team member said.

"Wait a minute, if this happens, will the new people be in bad luck?" Tang Seng asked.

"Well, that's it. Weirdness can't be eliminated, it can only devour, limit, and transfer each other. Just like energy. It seems to be dissipated, and it seems to be swallowed up by other energies, but in fact it still exists in the universe." Low

The mourning captain shook his head and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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