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Chapter 2431 What can be done

And this day.

The other three families came over to contact the Liu family and talked nonsense. In fact, to put it bluntly, they wanted to rob the Li family together.


Because the Li family city is located in the middle, it has the best spiritual energy and the best place.

And if they want to be promoted to Nascent Soul, they all need a fairy cave.

Only by relying on the cave sky can the Nascent Soul move upward.

Only by entrusting the golden elixir to the cave heaven can the Nascent Soul be nurtured.

They all need to grab resources from the Li family. If they don't grab resources, a large number of golden elixir geniuses will only remain mediocre.

It is impossible to ascend to Nascent Soul.

So when the war will come, it will be when multiple Nascent Soul seeds begin to appear among the other four families, and they will start to attack the Li family.

The Li family has always been strong.

Sitting in a good location in the middle, it has the most caves.

But the Li family failed to unify the entire world of cultivation.

Their ancestors had a very powerful ancestor who left a rich legacy.

At the same time, a large formation was left to protect the city.

However, not all of the surrounding caves can be saved.

The ancestors passed through the entire cultivation world together, but the ancestors still ascended in the end.

After ascending, others began to resist.

Gradually, a situation emerged where five families occupied the city.

The Li family was born in sorrow and died in happiness, with more than enough self-preservation and insufficient attack.

Their owners have enough resources and are not willing to go out and fight people to death.

In fact, the current Zhang family, Liu family, Chen family, and Wang family all come from the Li family.

Therefore, the Li family is usually in a defensive and counterattack situation.

It seems that the Li family is very righteous.

The Li family has always claimed that "we are peace-loving, and we should not fight each other. The cultivating community should pay attention to xinxing, understand each other, and know how to love each other..."

Actually just because peace is good for them.

They have the most resources and the most caves.

If peace is maintained, they will have the most Nascent Souls.

Other families have even fewer Nascent Souls.

This time, four families are planning to join forces to attack the Li family.

However, after Wen Rensheng's careful analysis, he believed that this time, the Li family would use the art of combining vertical and horizontal lines to give up three places and let the Wang family stab the Zhang family in the back.

And then mess up the situation.

So he said to the collateral descendant:

"We don't want to rush to the front, but while talking, we can open up more resources to the wilderness behind us."

The five families are located in the east, west, south, north, center, and five directions, but there are more wild lands in the distance.

It's just that it's troublesome to cultivate an Immortal Cave Heaven.

It is necessary to first have spiritual veins, then gather mortals, and nurture them for thousands of years to become a mortal cave. The mortals practice and refine their Qi, and then after ten thousand years, they become an immortal cave.

It will take eleven thousand years to achieve one.

So although everyone is doing pioneering work, the focus is still on dividing the cake, not making it.

The Li family has no need to develop at all.

They are very less aggressive.

And Wen Rensheng could tell at a glance that the Li family had more resources than they could use up.

Their contradiction is that there are too many resources, and even the talented children of the core family cannot use them all.

Why are their resources sufficient?

Because even if many people give him the secrets, he still can't learn them, and he can't become a Nascent Soul.

And Nascent Soul also has a lifespan.

Although the Li family has opened up its core skills to those talented family members.

However, there are only a handful of people who can understand it clearly, study it to the point of perfection, and be promoted to Nascent Soul.

Soon the four families were ready to go to war.

Just as Wen Rensheng expected, the Li family sent out three Immortal Cave Heavens, allowing the Wang family to stab them in the back after the Zhang family sent out most of their Nascent Soul combat power.

Then he took away the two immortal caves of the Zhang family, moved their exit coordinates, and moved them near his city to protect them firmly.

At this time, the Zhang family was furious.

Can this be tolerated?

He immediately turned against the Wang family and started a fight.

The two sides were fighting again.

Fortunately, both parties had already agreed not to kill each other's mortals.

Because mortals are the foundation for creating the cave.

The cultivators are very destructive, and it is easy for one person to kill millions in a day.

Of course, no one cares about accidentally fighting on the road, practicing unintentionally, or killing mortals.

Specialized in killing, one must attack in groups.

In Wen Rensheng's view, this is similar to modern times.

If you get injured accidentally in battle, you'll get scolded a few times at most.

But if you go out to kill people on a large scale, the pressure is extremely high and no one can tolerate you.

Wen Rensheng didn't care about them when he saw this.

Anyway, the focus of the Liu family is paddling.

And he is patient and pioneering.

Time passed quickly like this.

This time the five families fought in a brawl and ended with the Zhang family losing two Nascent Souls and the Wang family losing one Nascent Soul.

Of course, those who died were all Nascent Souls who only had 50 to 200 years left to live.

Those Nascent Souls who are young and powerful, as well as those who are over a thousand years old, will not really try their best.

There is also an agreement between them.

Unless it involves the impact of the treasures of the gods, they will fight with their lives.

As for the middle and lower class monks, they suffered heavy casualties.

Hundreds of people were registered for the golden elixir, and thousands of people were registered for the foundation building period.

In this battle in the family cultivation world, the casualties are less at the two ends and more in the middle.



"Damn it, if the ancestors had directly killed all the people with other surnames, there wouldn't be so many thieves left!" the fourteenth young master of the Li family said harshly.

He is the eldest son of the fourteenth eldest son, the first six eldest sons are direct descendants, and the following are collateral descendants.

Of course, this is a world of cultivation after all.

Even in the ordinary world, the so-called direct lineage and collateral lines, major sects and minor sects will also change.

A typical example is the transfer of imperial authority in the Ming Dynasty.

From Zhu Biao to Zhu Di's line, then from Zhu Di's eldest son's line, to Jiajing, that is, a small sect succeeded the great line.

And here too, those with Nascent Soul will be automatically promoted to the first six rooms, and those without Nascent Soul will fall to the back.

If the first six rooms are available, then expand them.

In short, geniuses and high-level strength players cannot be made to suffer or feel aggrieved. The position must be worthy of the opponent's strength.

This is the fundamental principle of the world of family cultivation.

Anyone who violates this principle will be eliminated by the family in internal strife.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After all, competition is fierce. The gap between genius and mediocrity can be concealed by birth, money and power in the ordinary world, but in the world of cultivation

, but it cannot be erased.

The same powerful secret technique is only kept in the so-called direct line of your family. As a result, no one can learn it.

In other families, whoever learned it became the direct descendant.

Thousands of years later, the former was destroyed by the latter.

After all, secret skills are like Mathematical Olympiad questions. If you don't have enough IQ, you just don't know it. All the details, all the reasoning processes, and all the examples are given to you. If you can't understand it, you just can't understand it.

It's like a child studying with the same teacher and the same textbook. Some of them can be understood after one try, while others still don't understand after ten times.

Such a gap cannot be easily bridged by family background, wealth, and tutoring.

Children whose parents are both professors can only choose other ways to go to college, and some do.

And this is even more true in the world of cultivation.

In the world of ordinary people, one can also rely on family assets to build a solid wall.

But in the world of cultivators, if a family forcibly suppresses geniuses and piling up cultivation resources to mediocre people, then they will be eliminated.

Because genius only needs one percent of the resources to reach the latter level.

Unless there is only one family.

Just like now, the five major families have similar regulations: those with high cultivation and high qualifications will automatically become the direct lineage.

Of course, there is internal friction everywhere. Regulations are regulations, and when implemented specifically, there are many selfish motives.

Just like the Li family now.

"Shallow, after all, he is a descendant of the collateral lineage." The fifth young master of the Li family said with disdain.

"What do you mean?" Li Shishi said angrily.

Because he has better qualifications than the other party, he is not afraid of the other party.

If the collateral line can only serve as a dog to the direct lineage, then the family will not prosper.

"Even if our ancestors kill all the people with different surnames, we will end up fighting with people with the same surname. It's just a different group of people." The second young master of the Li family said calmly.

"Huh, the meat is rotten in the pot anyway." Li Shishi said dissatisfied.

Why is he whining?

Because among the three immortal caves that the Li family let out this time, they had one.

This is also a method used by direct lineage to suppress collateral lines.

Although everyone also knows that they should be treated fairly.

But if you encounter losses, you will definitely have to deal with them through collateral.

Who told you that you are not strong?

You can't let your direct descendants come out.

"Okay, no need to say more, this time the fight between the five families is finally over." Young Master Li said, "The elders will come out and announce the reward list later."

When five families fight, the one with the highest contribution will naturally be rewarded.

Those who have made great contributions will naturally be rewarded.

Of course, direct descendants are also given priority.

Soon the reward list will appear.

The fourteenth room is located on the third.

Giving up a fairy cave is a huge contribution in itself.

But Li Shishi was not happy at all.

Because that immortal cave was reserved for him.

There is a high chance of failure when the golden elixir is used to conceive the Nascent Soul.

Every time you fail, you will lose a lot of the foundation of Xianren Cave.

Therefore, if you want to attack again after failure, you must replace the cave with a new one.

Therefore, the more immortal caves in each room, the higher the chance of improvement.

And now, they originally had three of the fourteen rooms, but now only one is left.

Then his chances of success are much lower.

As for what you can get as a reward, it is absolutely impossible to compare with Xianren Cave.

Therefore, when Li Shi returned home, he was very depressed.

At this time, someone outside the door said: "Someone from the Liu family is here to see the eldest young master. He is a man named Liu Da, the military advisor of the ninth room of the Liu family."

Yes, among their fourteen rooms, they all call him the eldest young master...

This is actually not low-key enough.

But not many people are willing to keep a low profile.

If you don't show your ability, isn't it frustrating?

The one who came to find him was Liu Da, the character controlled by Wen Rensheng.

He was keenly aware of the internal strife in the Li family.

Therefore, he must use Li Shishi to pry open this huge ancient family and use the other party's resources to help himself.

"Let him come in." Li Shishi was so depressed that he didn't want to see anyone, but after a second thought he decided to let him in.

After Wen Rensheng's character came in, he first had a conversation and then told the other party about the joint development of Xianren Cave.

"Haha, it takes eleven thousand years to succeed. Do you think I'm stupid?" Li Shishi drank tea with disdain.

"Hahaha, we can use a hundred times the manpower, which will only take 110 years, a thousand times the manpower will take 11 years, and ten thousand times the manpower will take more than one year." Liu Da said directly.

Li Shisi fell silent.

Then he looked at the other party: "You Liu family are very good at arithmetic."

"Of course." Liu laughed.

"You really think I'm a fool. According to what you said, it takes ten people a month to build a house. Now it takes three days for one hundred people. Does it take just a few seconds for ten thousand people to build a house?" Li Shishi wished he could

Beat this guy to death.

But now that the five-party brawl has just ended, he cannot bear the responsibility of provocation.

After all, the Li family has always advocated peace as the most important thing, not to cause trouble or look for trouble.

Cultivation is the main thing.

So ordinary people have a good feeling towards the Li family.

After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to be tainted by the benefits of Immortal Cave.

"Haha, building a house is different from building a fairy cave. After all, there can only be a few people around the house, but building a house with 10,000 people can really compress time. For example, all the parts of the house are built separately and finally put together. Time

It can be shortened a lot." Liu Da confident said.

Li Shisi fell silent.

The other party is here to lie to you?

Not likely either.

The other party is the think tank of the Liu family's ninth branch.

This status is actually not low.

Because most of the time practitioners practice on their own, the think tank can make most of the decisions on behalf of the other party.

This is also the reason why he didn't drive the other party away.

"I want to see examples."


Wen Rensheng cannot cheat, so he must make use of existing resources and rely on wisdom and words.

This is very common in the real world.

During the period of great development, I don’t know how many people made a lot of money by going round and round with nothing.

And he did the same thing.

Soon he took Li Shishi to the prototype of a fairy cave.

I saw that the people here live very comfortably and have everything they need.

They gave birth to babies like crazy, each of them gave birth to ten babies.

"This, is this crazy?" Li Shishi didn't believe it.

They had also opened up the Immortal Cave in the past, but the people were also very numb.

Production is even lower.

"Actually, it's very simple. People are easily satisfied. A little bit of resources for cultivators means a lot to them. We just need to change the current distribution method." Liu Da said.

This is actually a kind of integration of resources.

In fact, resources are already piled up there and often cannot be used.

Just like in feudal society, due to poor road transportation and poor system communication, a large amount of food rotted in the granary of the rich man's family. It could not be formed into commodities and could not be used to put into the market and hire ordinary people to work.

It's the same here now.

Wen Rensheng took advantage of it a little.

Some people may ask why these practitioners don’t know how to do similar things?

This is a good question. You can ask why "Kang Qianyong" didn't know how to do the same thing?

That is a wise king.

The reason is that practitioners are aloof and always want to maintain an insurmountable hierarchy.

Only the minimum living necessities were left for the people.

Just like those wise kings.

Even though they know that something is better to do, they are unwilling to do it.

Because no one else has done that, there is no such pressure.

Everyone would rather make calculations than try to open up more labor and resources.

And this is exactly what Wen Rensheng can do.

This chapter has been completed!
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