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Chapter 2434: Spending Money Crazy

at the same time.

Just when Wen Rensheng started spending money like crazy.

At this time, someone finally found out what was behind the Wenrensheng market.

The man asked patiently: "Your ability to make money is really great."

"In a short period of time, we can make a trillion dollars from 2 billion."

"I would like to know why you are able to seize business opportunities every time?"

Wen Rensheng said with a smile: "Of course, we use wisdom to identify changes in demand, and then rely on wisdom to make money."

"There can't be any other explanation, right?"

After hearing this, the visitor shook his head and said: "Since you said that, of course there is nothing to say."

Then the person came and left.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

In fact, when I was making money before, the tens of billions, hundreds of billions, and even the trillions level naturally attracted a lot of attention.

There are enemies and there are friends.

There is even a warning quietly appearing on the Internet, the Final Product Warning.

"Some people think that the terminator is a fantasy of the future, but now signs are beginning to appear."

"A certain stock god and a certain market terminator join forces."

"Now we're going to know for the first time what a billion-dollar company is."

"There have been companies with assets worth 20 trillion before."

"This kind of enterprise will dominate the entire industry, with all kinds of companies upstream and downstream."

“It’s been opened up from top to bottom, and all the market in this industry has been occupied.”

"Even if there are antitrust measures, we can see that they will artificially break up several companies, but there is still one group behind it."

Wen Rensheng saw these warnings and didn't care.

In fact, there are also some large enterprises and multinational groups with annual sales exceeding hundreds of billions of dollars.

Its total assets also exceed 10 trillion.

There are even investment management companies that control even more funds, but those funds belong to different investors.

But this is not the same concept as a billion-dollar enterprise, nor is it an order of magnitude.

When the value of assets reaches a certain level, the biggest difficulty will arise.

That is whether the market demand is that big.

One industry is no longer enough to meet such a large demand, and must span multiple industries.

There will also be various economic cycles and demand cycles.

After all, apart from food, clothing, housing and transportation, people’s other needs are cyclical.

At this moment.

The industries Wen Rensheng currently controls are basically from agriculture, industry, animal husbandry, mining, to the energy industry, steel industry...

Among the major forces, there are companies controlled by him everywhere.

Of course, this also uses various cross-holdings.

This has formed a multi-faceted mixed conglomerate.

I have to say that it is actually quite troublesome to achieve this step.

There are countless twists and turns and struggles.

But Wen Rensheng kept making money and throwing money away.

If there is a problem, solve it.

If you can't solve the problem, solve the people who created it.

The character Wen Rensheng in the middle has experienced many assassinations.

There are many times of gray area business competition.

But with Wen Rensheng's wisdom, these assassinations and competitions were resolved one by one.

Subsidiary groups and descendant companies have always strictly abided by the regulations of each force.

At the same time, he also made his reputation very high.

After all, this is a game character.

At this time, the stock god wondered: "Why do you want to make your reputation so high? Why don't you keep a lower profile?"

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "Haha, you underestimated the role of fame."

"With such great reputation, even ferocious beasts would not dare to assassinate him rashly."

"Only overt means can be used, not means that are not on the table."

The stock god nodded, but he also felt that there were still hidden dangers.

If I keep making money like this, I always feel like there will be big problems.

But the problem is that the current technology-focused strategy requires more money.

It cannot be solved easily.

And Wen Rensheng raised the reputation of the game characters to an extremely high level.

Various charitable donations, and ambassadors of love from all walks of life.

There are reputations in all walks of life and they are very widespread.

The assets are completely legal and legal.

He also put forward his own ideas.

That is "focus on science and technology, develop science and technology, and benefit mankind."

Special investment in medical technology.

From pharmaceuticals to medical equipment updates, to medical skills updates...

All invested heavily.

Also lower drug prices.

Expand people's spending power on medical care.

Let people who were originally afraid of consuming become daring to consume.

For example, if a new drug is manufactured, the profit will be 2 million.

This is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wenrensheng, on the other hand, just sets the cost price directly and adds a 10% profit.

What he often said: "I don't need high profits, just 10% or even 5%."

"My goal is technological development."

"The length of life is limited, so what's the use of having so much money?"

"What's the point of leaving it to our descendants? If I close my eyes, I can't see anything."

"It's better to invest in technology, let technology lead people's development, and reach a peak in my lifetime."

Even Li Bai's descendants have not become great poets.

Wen Rensheng means what he says.

Most of his company's profits are distributed to employees.

Especially employees engaged in scientific research and innovation.

Almost shares most of the commodity value created by the company.

In fact, Wenrensheng’s corporate employees have now formed an internal closed-loop consumption.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation, from spiritual to material consumption, all come from within the group.

Needs are the most valuable.

When will the group go bankrupt?

That is the non-working capital.

But it doesn't exist here in Wenrensheng.

He can accurately see the level of demand and allocate resources flexibly.

At the same time, the company's internal profits are guaranteed.

Wen Rensheng's game character has a very, very high reputation now.

It can be said that in today's world, his characters can easily make headlines with every move they make.

Taller than almost any other star.

Mainly because he often goes to do some big things.

Invest in many places.

And his reputation comes from various investments.

It can easily exceed tens of billions.

Donations of more than one billion or even tens of billions will never be exposed.

Wen Rensheng doesn't care about the money.

They are just tools to mobilize resources and focus on technology.

Of course, in the eyes of stock gods, it is a headache.

He couldn't even see how Wen Rensheng was playing.

"I can only make a little money and play in this big financial system. What you are playing is simply incomprehensible."

"If we are not careful, if the operation fails and there is a backlog of goods, the whole situation will be ruined." The stock god is also very worried now.

He thinks that as long as the assets are in the trillions range, it will be enough. In this case, he can cross the river by feeling the stones.

And Wen Rensheng has increased the group's assets all the way to hundreds of billions, or even to tens of billions. This is simply unbelievable.

Because the annual GDP of many forces cannot match that.

That means that with so many assets, the various costs incurred every year are also huge.

Once the product cannot be sold due to various force majeure, it will completely collapse.

Because no one can save a billion-dollar enterprise, just like when a super fat man falls, he can only watch it fall.

At most, I would just take the opportunity to eat a few bites.

It is impossible to save it, no one has the funds.

However, Wenrensheng just knows what products will be prosperous in the future, and then produces them accordingly.

After production, you can earn the largest share of profits.

Then it can be used to make up for some losses that will inevitably occur.

After all, he also knows that this kind of loss is inevitable sometimes.

By observing the fluctuations and changes in market demand, Wenrensheng can make adjustments anytime and anywhere to ensure its normal cycle.

There will not be a situation where a large amount of a product is produced, only to end up being backlogged with no place to digest it.

And now his entire group's funds have entered an internal closed loop.

What is a closed loop cycle?

That is to say, as long as Wenrensheng’s employees have various needs for food, clothing, housing, etc., they all rely on the group’s products to meet them.

Even the group has private schools from kindergarten to university, so there is no need to worry about excessive education involution.

All in all, Wen Rensheng's methods were all fair and aboveboard.

The way to play is the grand way.

With Wen Rensheng's methods, well, no one can defeat Wen Rensheng on the table.

As for the methods behind the scenes, Wen Rensheng hired more than 50,000 security personnel.

Five security companies were established.

The entire security company entirely revolves around him and his employees.

Including the security of various means of transportation, they are all customized and there is no possibility of eavesdropping.

These became more and more strict later on.

Even after Wen Rensheng was attacked several times on the road, he didn't go out to discuss business at all.

He used a robot that was somewhat similar to himself to attend various meetings and travel on his behalf through remote control.

In short, no one objects to this method.

Or maybe some people disagree, but it's hard to say it out loud.

After all, this is the first CEO of a billion-dollar group in history.

I heard that it is still rising and will probably exceed the scale of 10 billion.

On such a scale, one would be extremely rich.

But no matter what, Wen Rensheng's move shocked many people.

The stock god was in the ward and also said: "I really didn't expect that my legs haven't healed yet, but you are still so good."

"Why didn't I think so carefully back then?"

"I was still too young back then."

Wen Rensheng smiled: "It's okay. In fact, you just need to understand the underlying logic of social operation."

"After you make a lot of money, it's a good idea to hide yourself."

"But if you want to make more and bigger money legally, you can't just worry about these things."

"It's about making yourself as important a figure as possible."

Soon, with Wen Rensheng’s great investment.

People in this world are working hard to become technological talents.

"When you grow up, you will become a scientist (cross out) and become a scientific research worker" has become a consensus.

Because Wen Rensheng gave too much.

This formed a fashion, and most people began to work hard.

Even if you are a scientific research migrant worker, even if you are working as a handyman in a laboratory, just doing chores every day, listening to the instructor's instructions step by step every day, just messing with petri dishes and working on experimental data, you can still get an annual salary of four to five million.


As for the original low-level jobs, what should we do?

Low-level workers will slowly be replaced by robots.

The new generation of workers will all move to the laboratory.

Laboratories from all walks of life.

All the money Wen Rensheng earned was transferred to scientific research.

As for the lack of labor elsewhere, the demand for robots immediately exploded.

Wenrensheng also meets the needs of robots.

Carry out vigorous optimization, use batteries, and solar energy technology to make new allocations of labor resources.

Minimize the occupation of labor by repetitive work and reduce the demand for labor.

Shift the workforce to innovation.

This naturally takes time.

Soon, um, the bishop saw again that after 30 years of maintaining high-intensity investment, breakthroughs finally began to occur, first of all, regarding the solution of many diseases.

Then came the advancement of robots, which replaced a large number of low-level jobs.

Wen Rensheng then greatly simplified the economic model.

Minimum wages are guaranteed for the food, clothing and housing of group employees.

There is also a medical guarantee.

On this basis, the emphasis on scientific and technological talents has been greatly increased again.

All in all, he has accumulated a large amount of redundant funds in scientific and technological research.

It can be said that many people do not know how to spend their money.

All the experiments that need to be done are arranged.

Do whatever you can or can't do.

In fact, science is a process of screening and investigation.

The risk is high.

The returns are also very high.

The key is that it is the only industry that can bring new things and change old things.

Science is fundamental.

It is mankind's greatest invention.

In the eyes of stock gods, his new partner is really awesome.

To be able to manipulate such a complex industry, with so many senior executives like Fu Yie, all under the auspices of applause.

And he just makes a little money in the stock market.

If it’s too big, you won’t be able to make money.

But the other party has become the best in the world in the entire economic field.

The stock god admires the other party very much.

But his worries are getting bigger and bigger.

Wen Rensheng's methods are very powerful and he can easily solve many problems.

But there are always problems caused by some forces that he cannot solve.

And when you focus on technology, something will always come out.

Not that no one is aware of the dangers of Wen Rensheng.

The stock god’s worries finally came true.

When Wenrensheng's total capital was only below one hundred billion, it was still tolerable.

When his total capital began to exceed one hundred billion, the impact finally became too great.

Because many companies within the power have basically become Wen Rensheng’s behind-the-scenes control.

Is this still possible?

Especially when it comes to agriculture, improved seeds, and energy.

Some people began to want to restrict Wen Rensheng.

They don't want Wen Rensheng to enter their industries.

At the same time, Wen Rensheng was also prohibited from taking money from them.

In short, it is a sentence, spend it wherever you make money, and I want to take it home.

They play economic product competition, but they can't beat Wenren Sheng.

But they are directly stealing money.

Find some problems here, some bugs there.

In short, if there are some problems, a lot of money will be spent to solve them.

It completely devoured Wenrensheng's profits and caused Wenrensheng's industry to suffer a rare loss.

After all, no matter how much money you make, you can't resist those unreasonable demands.

Why couldn’t Manchu commerce and companies develop?

Because no matter how much you earn, men can always ask for more.

You don't have the funds to continue investing in production, innovating machines, and improving quality.

In the end we had to close the matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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