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Chapter 2446 The Vent of a Middle-aged Man

And at this time.

Wen Rensheng saw that after the ten people laughed after listening to what the middle-aged man said, some of them still had some sympathy for the middle-aged man.

After all, we are all modern people.

Even if you laugh, you still have empathy.

After the 3rd, he said to the people around him: "Okay, give them some sympathy."

"It's not easy for him. He had the opportunity to leave a glorious history as a time traveler, but instead he spent half his life in prison."

"Thank you, you know my pain." The middle-aged man sighed.

At this time, No. 1 frowned slightly.

Because he discovered that this middle-aged man has a very deep city.

Everyone laughed at him just now, but he wasn't even angry.

So he stretched out his hand a little and used an immortal technique: the power of the power of words.

At this time, he asked: "We are going to release you now and give you some compensation. You have also seen our power. What do you want to do next?"

The middle-aged man's eyes glowed with fire, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I want to destroy this world!"

"Let the world feel my pain!"

"These damn people, while I was living in hell, they were happy outside!"

"Especially those royal families, damn bastards, they took away my credit! But no one thought of me!"

"Hate, I hate it!"

The middle-aged man looked ferocious and waved his fists in the sky.

After the 10 people heard this guy's true feelings, they all felt a little creepy.

The middle-aged man looked open-minded just now, and they thought he had looked away.

Only now do I know that the other party’s hatred has been deep-rooted for a long time.

But thinking about it, they shouldn't be in any way surprised.

Because it is normal for the other party to hate you.

If this middle-aged man could still say with a happy face:

"It's okay. Although I have been in the dungeon for more than 30 years, wasting my time and losing my descendants, at least everyone in the world has found peace and happiness..."

They should find it strange and scary.

Because that means the middle-aged man is no longer a human being.

There is no normal human nature and no knowledge of love and hate.

It has completely become a machine.

The reason why many people give up their hatred is simply because they have no way to take revenge.

In order to make myself feel better, I had to persuade myself, fool myself, and blind my heart to let it go and forget.

Ten people understand this very well.

If this person has extraordinary power and can achieve revenge alone, and it is a safe revenge, then at least 90% of people will choose revenge.

I have the mentality of a certain savior Hokage. No matter how much the world hates me, I will still save the world...

Most people simply don't believe that is true.

Even if one reason after another can be found, it is nothing more than a setting.

How can a real person not have hatred in his heart?

And after mastering super strength, how could it not be unleashed?

That kind of forced setting will never appear in reality.

In reality, the Mai Kingdom was only attacked by the Japanese at a port, killing and injuring thousands of people. They directly bombed the opponent's capital, killing and injuring tens of thousands of people.

What followed was a series of bombings, burning and killing more than a million people.

This is normal practice.

As for the forces that choose not to retaliate, it's just that they can't do it, not that they don't want to do it.

Thinking of this, No. 4 suddenly said: "In that case, then go get revenge."

"Take my power."

As he spoke, he transmitted his extraordinary power to the other party.

First is the body of King Kong, then comes super power, biological force field...

All in all, it's the same analogy.

The world Wen Rensheng asked No. 4 to go to is the world of Marvel.

Got a lot of strength from there.

The middle-aged man was a little surprised at first and suspected that it was a fake.

However, he soon discovered that this was true.

"Remember that this power has a time limit, that is 10 years."

After finishing speaking, the 10 people became invisible, ready to continue watching how this middle-aged man deceived each other.

A middle-aged man flies into the air.

He enjoys flying.

After enjoying it for 5 hours, I finally came down from the sky.

He then spent another three days getting familiar with the power he possessed.

Then we came to a city.

He walked directly to the most luxurious restaurant and wanted to have something good to eat.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the restaurant, I was driven away by two doorkeepers with sticks:

"Where did the beggar come from? Get out!"

"This is not the place for you to come and go to other streets to beg for food!"

At this time, the middle-aged man was still wearing a ragged prison uniform.

The emperor only gave him good food and drink, but did not give him new clothes.

Actually this is intentional.

Remind him that no matter how much knowledge you provide, don’t forget that you are still a death row prisoner who will be killed at any time!

So don't have any extravagant expectations, it's only right to obey honestly.

However, the short-sighted emperor and his selfish mind would not have thought that time travel itself was a mysterious thing.

If one can come, how can you guarantee that the second one won't come?

How can we ensure that the other party’s fellow villagers will not come over?

Therefore, when encountering these mysterious matters, it is best to think carefully and thoroughly.

Because the consequences of failure are unbearable.

The middle-aged man looked at the arrogant restaurant gatekeeper and blew directly over.

The next moment, a hurricane blew through.

The wind force, which was comparable to the "big breakthrough", directly blew the two gatekeepers into the sky.

Then it fell heavily and fell apart.


"Dead people!"

"There's a monster!"

There are too many people coming and going in the restaurant.

Many people saw this horrific scene immediately.

They cried out in horror.

The middle-aged man raised his head and walked in.

“Waiter, here’s the best food and wine!”

The people in the restaurant were still baffled.

"Why are there people outside calling monsters?"

"Where can there be monsters in broad daylight?"

When the waiter in the restaurant saw the middle-aged man, he immediately came over and said, "Sir, we have rules here. You need to be neatly dressed before you can come in. Please go home and change your clothes before coming back."

After all, he is a professional walk-on.

Civil service and military service have different practices.

The middle-aged man glanced at him, then slowly took off all his clothes.

Exposing the skinny and dirty body.

"Okay, now I'm neatly dressed. This is the coat given to me by my parents in heaven and earth. Even the best clothes in the world can't compare with it."

Just play.

Wen Rensheng couldn't help but laugh when he saw this.

Interesting soul.

"Ah, it's indecent!" a young lady eating in a restaurant screamed, crossing her fingers to cover her eyes.

"Sir, I am also working, please don't make things difficult for me." The restaurant kid said with a bitter look on his face.

"I won't embarrass you. There are many people who owe me money. Someone will come and give you money for this meal." The middle-aged man originally wanted to go on a killing spree.

But the restaurant is lucky.

Because the waiter is professional enough.

These words allowed the middle-aged man to temporarily regain a sense of modern service, and also allowed his bottom line to return a little.

The common people are innocent.

They know nothing.

At this time, the restaurant owner came over in a hurry.

He had just heard his men talking about what happened at the door.

I have to say, his response was very quick.

I'm afraid I've met the strange person described in fantasy novels and storytellers.

So he humbly invited the naked middle-aged man into the private room.

Then send someone to deal with the aftermath.

Then it’s time to serve the food, including good wine and good food.

The middle-aged man smiled: "Very good, very good. No wonder we can afford such a big restaurant."

"You saved your whole family and the whole restaurant."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he rushed to the wall and slapped him in the face.

A big hole appeared directly in the wall of the entire private room.

The restaurant owner wiped his cold sweat and quickly knelt down and said: "God, we are all ordinary people working hard to survive. This restaurant does not belong to me. I only manage it for the dignitaries..."

This boss's mind is really fast.

He has keenly discovered the characteristics of middle-aged men: they do not hate those of low status.

Similar to Guan Yu in ancient times.

The waiter just now was fine.

And the arrogant guard at the door hung up.

"Huh, forget it."

The middle-aged man just started eating and drinking.

Then after eating, he thought for a moment that his strength was always borrowed.

Those 10 people probably just wanted to see themselves take revenge and didn't want to see themselves killing innocent people.

After all, we are all modern people.

Modern people are still very accepting of revenge.

But the unprovoked killing of innocent people, especially the killing of women, children and the elderly, is even more unacceptable.

I have to say that middle-aged men are very mature.

More than 30 years of imprisonment have tempered his will and taught him patience.

I just killed two guards, but I couldn't control it subconsciously.

So he didn't do anything more, he just asked the restaurant owner to bring him some clothes, put them on, and flew away through the window.

"God, walk slowly..." The restaurant owner knelt directly on the ground.

He gasped for air.

I ordered you to go down immediately and the restaurant was closed.

Then I choose to sell my house and land, and then take a boat to go overseas...

Next stop.

Royal Palace Hall.

The next day, 9 a.m.

While the emperor was holding a court meeting, the middle-aged man fell directly from the air and walked into the main hall.


"The gods have arrived?"

The guards all said in shock.

"Emperor, do you still recognize me?" the middle-aged man mocked.

"You, how could you run out?" The emperor was shocked.

"Haha, since I can come to your world, why can't I escape? The wisdom of mortals." The middle-aged man laughed.

"Hahaha! Stupid guy, selfish emperor, despicable royal family, rotten imperial power!"

He is laughing wildly.

He is laughing.

The emperor began to panic.

He clearly remembered his father saying that there was a death row inmate in the prison who had the ability to predict the future.

This man knew for 500 years before and for 500 years afterward.

But it must not be released.

He can only be used as a fair trade and cannot be given good treatment.

To prevent the other party from finding a loophole and escaping.

However, at this moment, he only had one feeling in his heart.

He was deceived by his father!

The other party turned out to be a god, and the previous 30 years were all tests given by the other party to the dynasty!

Thinking of this, the emperor was horrified and said: "Yes, I'm sorry, god, I was wrong."

"My father was wrong!"

"Haha, I still like your previous arrogant and domineering style. You should recover, otherwise, I will be unhappy when I kill you!"

After saying that, the middle-aged man waved his hand.

A phoenix blade came out of his hand.

An old eunuch beside the emperor was chopped into two pieces on the spot!

He didn't die immediately.

"You eunuch, I still remember you. You followed the emperor into the prison. As soon as I said something treasonous and treasonous, you immediately asked someone to kill me."

"Now, who wants to die?"

"It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is." The middle-aged man sneered.

"You, you dare to cause trouble in the center of the court. Even if you are a true immortal, you will be punished by God!" The old eunuch endured the severe pain and continued to scold the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man laughed loudly: "God's punishment? If there is such a thing, you will definitely be the first to be killed!"

"In the first ten years, I hope to contribute my intelligence and avoid the death penalty."

"In the second decade, I look forward to a new emperor who will be more merciful."

"In the third decade, I have no expectations and can only live on!"

"And you, use the technology, radio, and trains I gave you to expand the empire's territory several times!"

"But you are not willing to give me any treatment!"

"Even if you put me under house arrest in a wealthy garden, gave me seven or eight beautiful women as wives and concubines, and played music and dance for me every day, you wouldn't have ended up like this today!"

The old eunuch said bitterly: "You are destined to be punished by death. Sparing your life is the emperor's grace. Are you still not satisfied?"

"Shut up!" The emperor angrily rebuked, "You old dog, you are so rude to the immortals. If anyone comes, you will kill all the nine tribes of Cao Binggan, the chief eunuch of the ceremonial department!"


"Shut up, you thief, don't say any more," the emperor said angrily.

"Hahaha, very good, very smart, you see, this is the extremely selfish imperial power!"

"This is the shameless emperor. For the sake of his own status, he will kill his own flesh and blood, let alone you. This is the most rotten profession in the world, from ancient times to the present!" the middle-aged man laughed.

The old eunuch stopped talking.

Only the eyes shed tears.

Yes, the middle-aged man is right.

He was loyal to the emperor wholeheartedly, but in the end, the nine tribes were destroyed.

It was just because the emperor wanted to please the immortals and live an ignoble existence.

As long as the imperial power still exists, there will be no normal principles in the world!

The emperor kowtowed directly to the middle-aged man:

"I'm sorry, Immortal, all the mistakes were made, it was all my father's fault, no, it was the fault of the previous thief emperor!"

"I will give the order right now to open his coffin and dump his body!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Very good, very good, let's do it."

Soon the emperor gave an order to move the late emperor out of the Ancestral Temple, open the coffin and whip the corpse!

Of course, no minister dared to obey this order directly.

After all, this is something that will leave eternal infamy.

It is impossible for ordinary ministers to turn around this corner immediately.

However, the middle-aged man slapped him directly.

Half of the hall collapsed.

Among those ministers, some immediately chose to take advantage of the situation.

Several civil servants and military generals came out, all of whom were usually unhappy.

They began to lead people to do this under the orders of gods and emperors.

Then the middle-aged man floated in the air and watched them do it.

"Hahaha, Chongsheng Emperor, you didn't expect that your ending would be like this!"

"Not only that, I will also make you infamy for eternity!"

After all, he only had ten years.

And he also understands that revenge is the most important thing.

You can't kill a bunch of people, only to have the person who deserves revenge the most be left unharmed.

Compared with these ministers and the current emperor, the original emperor was the one he deserved the most revenge on.

The other party wants a good reputation, but he wants to make the other party stink!

This chapter has been completed!
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