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Chapter 2448 The World of Defense

Many people may not know that more than a hundred years after Qin Hui's death, he was always praised for his loyalty to the king.

It was not until later that the wise kings came to their senses, and they thought clearly that such ministers who completely flattered the monarch had no bottom line, did not follow the right path, and did not do orthodox things. Although they were useful, they could not give them a good reputation.

Otherwise, the dynasty will be in chaos and will not last long.

Because everyone will feel that loyalty is useless, it is better to adapt to the wind.

A dynasty will eventually fall, but loyal ministers can delay the fall.

Therefore, the emperor hated his loyal ministers, but he still wanted to leave them with a good reputation.

Like Yu Qian and Yue Fei, they will all be rehabilitated in the end.

Ordinary people are basically afraid of death.

But ordinary people will die sooner or later.

In this case, there are quite a few people who think that reputation is more important than life.

As Guan Erye said, even if the body dies, the name can be hung on bamboo and silk.

In fact, he did it successfully.

Honor is more important than life.

But now, Wen Rensheng knows that he cannot retain people by relying on his good reputation.

Because the level of competition is too high-end.

The final reward is "Lord of the World".

When you step into the position of the Lord of the World, do you still need to care about your previous reputation?

no need.

Because the whole world is yours to decide.

Of course, it is difficult for someone who is too evil and has no bottom line to achieve this position.

Because no one wants to be close to and rely on such a person.

Then the three people began to explain Xiaohuan.

Wen Rensheng listened carefully.

Most of the content in this training base comes from the infinite world.

From team battles to mission modes, they are all highly overlapped with the infinite world.

The difference is that the big light ball is highly intelligent.

It has an independent consciousness and is always updating the version.

But the principle of personal volunteerism has been added.

Joining here is voluntary.

You can also voluntarily withdraw.

But once you join and choose to perform tasks, there will also be a corresponding punishment mode.

Now that you have joined this organization, you cannot retreat at will.

Otherwise, the seriousness and execution ability of the organization will be lost.

Completely volunteer before entering, and strictly abide by the odds after entering.

The same goes for executing tasks.

If you want to refuse the task, you can do so before the task starts, but of course some points will be deducted.

Once you accept the task, you cannot refuse it at will.

All in all, this training base actually adopts real-life military law management.

All in all, they adopted military management methods that were already effective.

Because in reality, the construction and management of modern uniform teams are already very mature.

If the enemy is too powerful and the information is unclear, causing the mission to fail, punishments such as demotion and confinement will be imposed.

They will not be directly obliterated at every turn.

Excessive cruelty will only reduce the centripetal force.

If you intend to be a deserter or betray, you will be dealt with by military law.

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng nodded slightly.

A real system with countless lessons and experiences in reality is the most reliable.

No programmer will know how many bugs the created program will have without running it online.

The modern army has been able to survive 90% of battle losses without collapse, and there are even special teams that can carry out missions to the last man.

You must know that death during a mission in reality is real death.

And here, death still has a chance to be resurrected.

Obviously, this model is more orthodox, less advanced, and easier for people to accept.

Coupled with the high rewards given, the system can operate normally without collapsing.

However, according to what the elderly said, they still cannot defeat the opponent despite running this system.’

Because the opposite group of destroyers provides greater benefits.

And there are fewer risks in performing tasks.

They can obtain more resources at once in the process of destroying the world.

To put it simply, it is robbery.

Looting is faster than building in the early stages.

You will become tired later.

Because there is nowhere to plunder, consumption will only increase.

It's just that what this rescue team is facing now is that they can't survive the early stage.

It's like Gaul and the Woolly Bear in World War II.

The contrast is sharp.

You can win if you survive the early stage. The problem is that Gaul doesn't have such a large territory and can't survive it.

So Wen Rensheng said with the help of Xiao Huan: "I understand your problem."

"You are now facing a big risk of collapse in the early stage. Surviving the early stage and entering the confrontation stage is the victory of your rescue team."

"Yes, yes," the old man nodded quickly, "what you said is very good."

"The other side has implemented rapid squeeze methods to quickly accumulate resources and quickly cultivate talents to quickly promote the world we have."

"But when we save a world, the benefits are very slow. We need to accumulate it in the later stage and have enough rear bases before we can have a steady output of resources."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

This is actually very similar to reality.

In reality, those who are good at management and construction may not survive to the end.

For example, the Song Dynasty and Mongolia.

Because in the real world, construction alone is not enough, you also need force to maintain the front.

In reality, the more you kill, the more you kill. You get resources by killing people, and you get food and money by killing people.

This was basically the case in ancient times.

Nomads can quickly destroy a huge Central Plains dynasty by relying on plunder.

"After destroying a world on the other side, you can get the origin."

"They can quickly squeeze out a lot of resources, which will make them stronger and stronger in the short term."

"And to save a world, we need to reach an agreement with the will of this world and collect a small amount of source on a regular basis." The old man continued.

"And there are still a lot of troubles, the process is relatively long, and there will be a lot of disputes in the middle."

"Although the Destroyer's model is not long-lasting, it can gain the upper hand in a short period of time."

Wen Rensheng thought for a moment and then asked: "Even so, their people have a fatal weakness, which is the lack of the core of sacrifice."

"In key battles, they should be defeated."

"Your people should be stronger than their people. In this case, you should not be too disadvantaged."

"It's a bit troublesome to explain directly. Just look at an example."

Soon a pair of crutches appeared in the old man's hand, pointing a little toward the air.

Only one image appears.

Wen Rensheng cast his gaze over.

This is a world where the plague has just begun to spread.

Plagues have been terrible in human history.

Together with many natural disasters, the ancestors of mankind were once forced to the point where only 600 people were left.

The plague that followed the catastrophe was one of the main culprits that caused thousands of miles to be deserted.

I saw that this plague world was in its infancy.

The rescue base dispatched a rescue team of 10 people.

All of them are level 3 powerhouses.

It's not that a stronger one can't be sent, it's that the world can't accommodate it.

If an overly powerful person enters, it will directly explode the world. At that time, the original power will directly return to the void, and no one can get it.

Therefore, by default, the will of the world will resolutely refuse the entry of the extremely powerful.

If you enter by force, you will lose both sides and gain nothing.

The opposite side is also at level 3.

It looks like both sides are evenly matched.

However there was a trust issue at the beginning.

In order for the savior to receive help from the will of the world, trust must be established.

Fortunately, the Salvation Base had communicated in advance.

The problem is that many worlds are just like human babies because they are not strong enough.

The will of only a few months old.

They can only vaguely distinguish between friendly and malicious.

But there is no way to exactly collaborate with you.

Only those powerful worlds, typically like the prehistoric world, have a clear way of heaven and a clear system of saints who are the spokespersons of heaven.

Only then can we have friendly cooperation.

At this moment, entering this small world, whether it is a destroyer or a savior, it is a foreign object to it.

Just like when drugs enter the human body to treat diseases, the drugs will be rejected and cause side effects to the human body.

So the two sides started fighting one after another under the same rejection of the world's will.

One party has concerns.

The other party had no scruples.

The Destroyer strives to destroy this world.

They continue to spread plagues in this world.

The savior needs to spend a lot of time on communication and alliance.

Even in times of crisis, there are still a lot of villains at work.

They are short-sighted and only see their own miserable existence.

That’s all.

The problem is that we are still dragging our feet everywhere, and even taking advantage of the situation.

Sit back and watch the nearby forces fall so they can seize territory.

The result is that the plague has a large number of breeding grounds to start evolving.

Coupled with the help of the World Destroyer, the plague is rapidly expanding in this world.

The saviors work hard to save the world.

They also received great help from some wise indigenous people in the world, and even made sacrifices one after another.

However, it is easy to destroy the world, but difficult to save it.

The efforts of the saviors were undermined time and time again.

The World Destroyer can always easily create crisis after crisis, consuming the power of the world's indigenous people.

You must know that this is a real war, not a mission.

There are no restrictions.

The only limit is victory.

Both sides are trying their best to do whatever they can.

At this level, it is obviously much more difficult for firefighters to put out fires than to set fires.

Moreover, the logistical support provided by both parties is also different.

The power provided by the destroyer is even greater than that of the savior.

One significant difference is that the number of resurrections of the savior is far less than that of the other party.

The Destroyer can be resurrected 20 times, but the Savior can only be resurrected 10 times.

Salvation cannot destroy.

Wen Rensheng sighed slightly when he saw this.

In several frontal battles, the savior won them all with courage and sacrifice.

Three times in total.

They are the battle at the time of arrival, the battle in the main population area, and the battle to enter the refuge.

They respectively correspond to the progress of this world.

However, the saviors only achieved tactical victory, but suffered a huge strategic failure.

Because the damage caused by the war is real.

Industrial areas were destroyed and residents killed.

Farmland was destroyed and famine spread.

The whole world cannot sustain itself.

Civilization is beginning to become extinct.

The World Destroyer is hiding in hiding, coming out to kill from time to time.

If you want to successfully eliminate the opponent, you need a hundred times the strength of the opponent to find the opponent.

When the three of them saw this, they also fell silent.

After a long time, the old man said: "The two sides have different backgrounds. How are we going to deal with them?"

"The enemy gets stronger the more we kill them, but we can only get a steady stream of income from saving a world."

"If it's delayed until the later stages and they have no profit, maybe we can win."

"But the problem is just as you said, we can't delay it until later."

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he smiled slightly.

"Actually, the key to your victory lies right in front of you."

"But you didn't see it."

"In other words, you have seen it, but you can't turn it into reality."

"What do you mean?" the old man asked excitedly.

"What's the key to victory?" The young man was equally excited.

"Don't you see it?"

"The biggest problem they have as destroyers of the world is selfishness. They are very selfish."

"But the savior you selected has a spirit of sacrifice." Wen Rensheng said.

"We naturally know this, and several wars have been won because of this, but it can't change the outcome of the world." The old man shook his head.

"Haha, that's because you haven't seen far enough."

"I only want to say four words: World United." Wen Rensheng reminded.

"What?" The old man was stunned at first, then suddenly realized.

"I understand!" the young woman said excitedly.

"Although they are strong, their choices have caused them to abandon all moral bottom lines, so they will only cling to their own interests and will never share them with others, nor do they trust others."

"As long as we unite the worlds we want to save to form one big world, we can bring the war into a stalemate."

"The problem now is to find a way to truly connect the worlds they invaded."

"As long as a big world is formed with a common and clear world will, when they enter, the world will will be very clear and they will be able to find a way to erase their roots, and then they will be at a loss."

"And the people we selected have a great spirit of sacrifice. When they face this kind of life and death decision, they are more likely to choose to dedicate themselves."

The young woman's words suddenly enlightened the other two people.

"As expected, new blood should indeed be introduced. Otherwise, we have not thought of such a method, and even if we thought of it, we would not be able to do it." The old man shook his head.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

The old guy was only half right.

The problem now is that the old man actually thought of this method but couldn't do it.

Because world unity means that there is a world to dedicate itself to.

The will of the world is the most selfish one.

How to convince them?

There is only one way.

On the one hand, there is the crisis of death, and on the other hand, after dedication, you can still leave a reputation.

Leaving behind a reputation means leaving behind the hope of resurrection.

Then sure enough, the three people entrusted this task to Xiao Huan.

Hopefully she can build a united world as a line of defense.

Block the Destroyer.

How to build a defense line in the void?

Naturally, we can only seek advice on this point from Wen Rensheng.

Wen Rensheng knew how to do it.

Just tie up all the world's external connections.

For example, if a certain world is set as the inner world, if you want to enter it, you must pass through the surface world.

No other means will work.

The surface world becomes the line of defense.

This chapter has been completed!
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