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Chapter 2463: People in Fantasy

In Lin Tiancheng's view, the opponent's shooting percentage and breakthrough speed just now are not comparable to the boys.

Of course, because the opponent was a girl, there was no direct confrontation.

After all, they were in a public place, and they were still a group of men, so naturally they were embarrassed to engage in intense confrontation.

In short, I’m just too embarrassed to be serious.

Therefore, Wen Rensheng cannot see the power of girls.

But it can be said that the speed and hit rate are indeed higher than those of boys.

Not to mention dunking.

You can dunk at least 1.9 meters above the ground, and girls can do it at 1.78 meters.

This jumping ability has exceeded that of many professional men.

Wen Rensheng could tell that this woman's strength and speed exceeded most men.

Much stronger than professional male athletes.

This is obviously not normal.

Then Wen Rensheng's eyes changed.

A line of numbers appeared in his eyes.

"Physique: 98, Wisdom: 92, Appearance: 95."

This is the information given from the boundary

People in this world have these three attributes.

He went to see other people.

Just looking at other physiques, most of them are around fifty.

A few talents exceed 60 and will never exceed 70.

Only a few guys who were obviously sports students were around 70.

Most of the wisdom is around 50.

As for the appearance score, most people are even around 40.

After such a comparison, the gap between the two sides is too great.

It can be said that one is in the sky and the other is on the earth.

They are completely different from each other.

After Wen Rensheng saw this, he nodded slightly.

This is a girl with a secret.

So Wen Rensheng let his thoughts drift to that girl.

Later, she was seen going to other sports venues to exercise.

Tennis, table tennis, ice hockey, badminton, chess, go... This school has various sports clubs and various sports facilities.

This aristocratic private school is completely comparable to the most famous private high schools in the world.

As long as you wait until you graduate, you can be directly recommended to study in internationally renowned universities.

Recommend based on your daily performance.

Even the worst students have a way to get into prestigious schools through sponsorship.

It can be said that the purpose of this school's board of directors is to cultivate all-round qualities for its children.

The things you learn, the friends you make, and your classmates all pave the way for real life and work in the future.

It's not just for screening candidates.

Not to mention I won’t do too many test questions for screening purposes.

What they learned were basically useful things.

Social etiquette, birthday parties, communication styles, sports, habits and adapting to upper class life...

In this kind of school, sports are very important.

They take sports very seriously.

If the leader of a group is not in good physical condition, no matter how good his other qualities are, it will be in vain.

There is no prestige in being constantly sick.

What's more important is that for schools, there is no pressure to take exams for further studies, and doing sports is a more intuitive way to show one's work ability.

After all, it is easy to tell whether a child is healthy or not.

So they invest a lot of money in sports facilities and physical education teachers.

Many entrepreneurial bosses become physically weak when they are in their forties or fifties.

It’s because I didn’t lay a good foundation in physical fitness when I was young.

I can't hold on until I'm over 40.

Working overtime too much and being under too much pressure made me unable to bear the consequences.

This is very unfortunate.

But in Wen Rensheng's eyes.

This girl, after defeating all her opponents, returned to the classroom.

Then the time came to afternoon.

There are only two classes in the afternoon.

School ends at 11 o'clock.

The afternoon starts at 1:30 and ends at 3:00.

After 3 o'clock, there are extracurricular sports activities.

During class, girls sit at one table each.

When the girl enters the classroom.

Wen Rensheng noticed that the classmates were muttering in low voices.

"Classmate Qinghe, you are indeed a character like an anime goddess."

"Yes, this is the true goddess."

"It's incredible. She is versatile in sports and academics. There is almost nothing she is not proficient in."

"The most important thing is, I heard that he has started to host several big projects at home."

"I'm determined to have a new wife, and I won't get married."

"I don't know who is so lucky to be able to get married."

The students all looked at the girl with envy.

The girl turned a blind eye to these remarks.

After sitting down, I started to take out a book and read it.

What the girl studied was neither economics nor natural science.

It's not any high-end masterpiece.

On the contrary, it was a book that seemed to be on a street stall at a train station:

"Is it possible that unknown creatures exist in the world?"

The girl watched carefully.

Not long after, a handsome boy in the front row turned his head and asked in a low voice:

"Classmate Qinghe..."

"I'm sorry, you lower beings, please don't talk to me."

"I have no interest in any life that will be defeated by time."

"Sooner or later it will be nothing more than a bunch of dust."

The boy immediately turned his head dejectedly.

To be honest, he is the second best person in this school.

Not to mention his family fortune is in the tens of billions.

The whole person is very motivated, sunny and cheerful, with a kind heart and a bottom line...

He is not the kind of person who behaves recklessly, eats, drinks, has fun, and spends money to satisfy his senses.

He has a very positive and sunny attitude towards life.

Get everyone's approval and live a good life.

Treat the world kindly and be positive...

Find the most beautiful love in your heart and stay with it for a lifetime.

It can be said that his parents' education was very successful.

A perfect series in every aspect.

He thinks that he is the only person worthy of Qinghe.

However, since he entered school, the other party has always cared nothing about him.

It's the kind of situation that you don't care about from the very bones.

Just like humans and ants, it is impossible to fall in love.

In other words, in the eyes of the other party, he is not even as good as a high-level animal.

He wasn't annoyed.

Because this is the other party's original intention and right.

There was nothing he could do about it.

Qinghe's background is older than his.

Destined to be the successor of the family.

And the other party has already begun to take charge of the family's industry.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! A high school student started to promote the project.

And can complete the project perfectly.

Risks, returns, personnel, profits... can all be completely controlled.

Exceeding the level of many elite executives.

And he is a member of his own family.

Such a family heir will be regarded as a treasure as long as he is not blind.

The kind of suppression and forced marriage in the story does not exist.

In reality, it is too difficult to cultivate a good heir.

It can be said that Qinghe can make her family prosperous for another 50 years.

Women tend to live longer, and even prospering for 80 years is not a problem.

It's a pity that Qinghe never cares about other people.

It's not contempt, it's not discrimination, it's not teasing, it's not condescension.

It's like a person looking at an ant.

Will people discriminate against ants crawling in front of them?

Will not.

The young man knew how much the family valued Qinghe.

There are three bodyguards of the other party in the class.

They are all in their 20s, pretending to be high school students...

There are two other teachers who also serve as bodyguards.

It can be said that the Qinghe family attaches great importance to her.

This is actually no exaggeration.

Heirs of wealthy families have been kidnapped before.

If you are unlucky, just hang up.

These families who are not short of money provide extremely high security services to their heirs.

Ensure that the heir is never out of sight of the bodyguard.

They are all 24-hour bodyguard teams, with as few as 10 people, and some even have 20 or even 30 bodyguard teams.

Even when I go shopping, there is always a long line of cars following me.


But these have nothing to do with girls.

The girl was looking at the local book stall at this moment.

It says:

"It is difficult to find extremely abnormal creatures on earth."

"Our world is most likely an ordinary world."

"However, it cannot be found in space, but it can be found in the future."

"At least until our technology develops to the point where we can 'break the limit on the number of cell divisions' and until we can 'break the aging gene to cause cells to self-destruct,' we have no way to break the limit of time on us."

"If you want to find unknown creatures, you can only launch a spacecraft outward."

After seeing this, the girl's eyes showed a rare hint of sadness.

As for Wen Rensheng, he could even hear her talking to herself, although her voice was very low.

The girl is saying: "Time, only time can defeat me."

"I want to beat time."

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and then pushed a message to her mobile phone.

Naturally, ordinary students are not allowed to bring mobile phones.

But this is a private high school.

Many students are related to family businesses, so they are allowed to bring mobile phones.

However, many students with strict tutoring have customized mobile phones with only two functions: sending messages and answering calls.

Playing games online is basically non-existent.

Qinghe's mobile phone is naturally the original one, which shows how much the family values ​​her.

At this moment, the girl lowered her head and opened her cell phone, only to see what was written on the phone:

"Do you want to know the meaning of life? Do you want to truly live? Do you want to break the shackles of time?"

"Click this link and you'll see the answer."

The girl looked at it, shook her head and said, "It's boring."

Then she frowned slightly and clicked.

Because mobile phones are specially designed, it is difficult for various promotional messages and spam messages to penetrate the firewall.

She was going to see who it was that could push information to her side.

They must be some boring guys again.

She was going to use hacking methods to catch the other party and let him know what he shouldn't do.

But when she clicked on the link on her mobile phone, she immediately found a boy appearing in front of her.

This boy is an AI ghost concocted by Wen Rensheng.

Because his intuition told him that his essence and mystery were too high.

It will only suppress the fragments of the time scripture.

Only through interaction with a non-threatening mysterious existence can this fragment of time be attracted.

Qinghe blinked and looked at the boy who suddenly appeared.

The other person was doing his homework with his head down and his attitude was very serious.

Is this an illusion?

No, it’s still VR illusion, 3D projection?

But Qinghe immediately rejected these latter speculations.

Her memory is very good.

Just now, no equipment came into the classroom at all.

Could she be hallucinating?

Has she developed a second personality?

This is the only possible scientific explanation.

Many people can see multiple personalities or experience hallucinations.

The most typical example is that people who eat fungi will have hallucinations.

They will think that they are flying into the sky and will see all kinds of beautiful things.

There are also some people who understand everything and even fall into hallucinations.

It can even lead to falling from high altitude.

Some people regard their family members as demons and try to kill them.

This is all true, and there are many cases.

So at this time, Qinghe thought that this boy was her hallucination.

"Humph, boring, my inner subconscious is also boring."

"Because there is no real man who can match you, why do you imagine a perfect man to match you?"


"But I can still think clearly now, as expected of me."

"Even if you fall into a hallucination, you can still reason clearly. Unlike those ordinary people, after falling into a hallucination, the brain loses clarity and can only act according to feelings."

In Qinghe's view, this boy suddenly appeared without any warning, and there was no reaction from the people around him.

That means it only exists in your own heart and eyes.

She won't be excited at all.

Even less would he think that he saw an inhuman existence.

Because she is sober.

Human beings have had such a long time and scientific exploration has been so extensive.

I have never really seen any supernatural or paraphysical phenomena.

Of course she wouldn't think that she had turned around and could actually see supernatural phenomena.

You know, she has been waiting for this for who knows how long.

How could it be discovered so easily?

Doesn’t that treat countless people’s investigations as a joke?

If paranormal phenomena really exist, do you really think that others can’t discover them?

However, Qinghe thought about this and began to carefully observe the object of his fantasy.

The other person is perfect.

Body proportions, facial features proportions.

Let’s look at the content of study again, which is a classification of mathematics.

Very profound.

At least doctor level difficulty.

Haha, it was indeed my imagination.

However, Qinghe soon discovered something was wrong.

That is, the other party actually deduced a difficult mathematical problem on his own.

That problem seems to have not been solved yet.

At least she hasn't heard of the complete solution.

But the opponent's deduction was very decent.

"Haha, it really is my personality. Even when I am awake, I can do things on my own."


She suddenly thought of the changes in herself.

In fact, at the beginning, she was just a relatively outstanding girl.

Although it ranks high, it is not particularly inhumane.

The IQ is higher than the average person.

But it’s only at the Olympiad level.

This is actually very powerful for ordinary families.

After all, don’t forget that she also has a well-established education system in her family.

She just found that occasionally one day, she found that she was even more powerful.

It seems that I have enlightened myself for the second time.

Learning becomes simpler and easier, and doing things becomes easier and easier.

No matter what you do, you can see at a glance the good or bad risks in the future.

For example, one time the family wanted to bet on an investment.

Although it cannot be said that it is a bet with no way out, it is still a large part of the bet.

In fact, there are quite a few such things.

The decline of the main branch of many families started from the failure of this kind of bet.

Enter a new industry, create a new industry, and fail.

Finally came out with a loss.

This chapter has been completed!
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