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Chapter 2501 Changes in the Temple

It was originally going to be a large amount, but now it's only a trace amount.

For a time, this set of AI equipment suddenly became a craze.

Related technologies have also become popular products.

Wen Rensheng naturally noticed this.

This set of AI products can indeed greatly save the use of world power.

And you can control everything.

It can make order more stable.

Later, this technology gradually spread, and many people chose to purchase this technology and combine it with their original Tiandao program.

Both the fairy and the urban world have begun to use this set of management procedures to manage their own worlds.

So some people started to name it "Tiandao" AI.

In the Temple of the Void, one tenth of the world will soon choose to install this set of AI.

It can be said that the creator of technology has made a lot of money in one breath.

But Wen Rensheng always felt that there were some secrets in it.

The other party is not just trying to make money.

So he started to go in and investigate.

Then Wen Rensheng discovered a major problem.

It turns out that there is indeed something wrong with this technology.

Although the AI ​​built using this technology can save a lot of world power, the opponent quietly steals a little bit of world power from it and then accumulates it.

This made Wen Rensheng feel puzzled.

Does the other party only have this little respect?

The technology you worked so hard to create finally becomes popular, but if you don't promote it well, you must steal the power of others.

Although this accumulation is still very considerable.

But if the reputation is ruined, wouldn’t the business model be doomed?

Now he has earned a lot of world power.

Wen Rensheng thought of this and studied it carefully.

Finally found new clues

It turned out that after taking a closer look, he discovered that the power stolen by the other party was used for self-maintenance and upgrades.

On the surface, this Tiandao AI has no consciousness and is completely a technological creation.

It steals power only for its own maintenance, and it does not directly give it back to its original technological creator.

In this case, even if a buyer discovers this, they will only think that this is a necessary expense for the AI ​​to maintain itself.

Similar to the electricity consumed.

Moreover, this technology was created after they introduced it themselves and digested and absorbed it.

They themselves control all the underlying code and operation control of the AI.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to doubt the technological creator.

However, Wen Rensheng understood the opponent's tactics.

It turns out that as long as the other party's technology is copied as it is, it will generate an instinctive consciousness.

And this instinctive awareness will identify the level of authority.

This kind of instinctive consciousness will be like a child sucking milk, he will instinctively devour the power of the world.

There were indeed very few at first.

In fact, it is only used for one's own growth.

The problem is that this AI will keep growing.

When it grows to be very powerful, it can occupy the magpie's nest.

In the end, the entire world was swallowed up.

After the annexation, due to the issue of AI authority, it naturally became a subordinate branch world of the Technology Creator.

This routine is so deep that Wen Rensheng believes that not many people can see it.

And it’s obvious that they won’t say it.

Because they want to use it to control other people's worlds.

This cycle is of course very, very long.

According to the void timing method given by the Void Temple, this cycle will last for millions of years.

It will take millions of years for this crisis to break out.

Therefore, ordinary people will definitely not be able to see it so far away.

Precisely because most people cannot see this far, this action is indeed silent.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he also felt deeply the plan of the Immortal Seed.

Design a strategy with a span of millions of years.

This is similar to using the lifespan of bacteria to watch humans play various financial tricks.

In one day, the ownership of tens of billions is decided.

Bacteria find humans boring, and they only have a life span of tens of minutes or even tens of seconds.

But Wen Rensheng felt bored again.

Why can't this guy do good business?

Fortunately, he thought he had found a conscientious businessman.

Wen Rensheng sighed slightly.

There are countless tricks in the void world.

There are short-term swindlers like Tai Chi, and there are also ultra-long-term swindlers.

Go across millions of years to plot other people's worlds.

At this time, after Wen Rensheng detected it clearly, his mystery level was improved again, by another 500 points.

These 500 points of mystery are pretty good and can be considered a small gain.

Wen Rensheng saw through it, but he did not reveal the secret.

What’s the point of publishing it?

He believes that many people should be able to see it.

But they definitely believe that within one million years, they should be able to crack this mystery.

So they won't give up using this AI.

All in all, it seems that this Temple of the Void is the same as many organizations. Many people are scheming and using various strategies to plunder others and strengthen themselves.

This is a side of the void world. It may not be mainstream, but it is always shown in front of Wen Rensheng.

As for friendliness, kindness, love and morality, they may also exist, but he hasn't seen much of them yet.

Those exist more within a world.

Because they can achieve a balance of power between each other.

Just like in the world of the gentle old woman, under the control of the Lord of the World, everyone gets along well with each other.

Because those who were unfriendly were eliminated.

Just like swearing words cannot appear on the platform.

So the yin and yang became more and more strange.

No one outside the world will tell you these morals.

Everyone can only reach a balance by relying on their strength.

And how was the Void Temple formed?

What is its internal power balance model like?

Wen Rensheng became very curious about this.

Who is the backstage boss of the Temple of the Void?

Did he notice these things, and what attitude did he adopt after noticing these things?

If we let it go unchecked, wouldn’t it destroy the reputation of this platform?

So Wen Rensheng asked directly in the group.

"Does anyone know who the boss behind this Void Temple is?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Someone replied: "The boss behind the Void Temple is a legendary world creator."

"Legendary level?"

"Yes, the Creator of the World created this Temple of the Void. I heard that he just wanted to liven it up. He felt that the land of the Void was too deserted and everything was boring."

"I just want to interact more and see more of the active world."

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng was unconvinced.

After all, the other party is looking for fun.

A life that is still looking for fun has a future.

If you don't even care about having fun, then this life is almost over.

And at this time.

Although Wen Rensheng did not reveal the secret of the Creator of Technology.

However, someone did it.

Someone said: "Do you know? The currently popular Tiandao AI is said to be able to deal with the wind of the void."

"Of course I know. I'm also planning to buy a set of second-hand technology."

"Let me tell you, the AI ​​will grow on its own and give birth to self-awareness. After it evolves to a certain level, it will replace you and become the consciousness of the world."

"At that time, as long as the wind of void comes again, they can take advantage of it."

After hearing this, some people suddenly became angry, but most people were very calm.

Obviously, just as Wen Rensheng thought, Wen Rensheng himself was not the only one to see through this.

"Damn it, that technological creator would actually do such a thing?"

"Don't you think it's shameful to do this on the temple platform?"

The creator of science and technology emerged from the group: "This poster, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. You don't want to slander people, and don't accuse people of their innocence out of thin air."

"What are you talking about? We have clearly seen that the technology you developed has hidden dangers."

"You really think that no one else can notice when you do something like this?" the man retorted.

The Creator of Technology felt aggrieved and said, "Then I have to ask, what good will it do to me if I do this?"

"As for the hidden danger you mentioned, there may be such a hidden danger, but I didn't know about it before."

"I did not deliberately create this kind of hidden danger. Besides, I have transferred the technology. If you find a hidden danger, you can correct it or not use it."

"That's your own business, what does it have to do with me?"

When everyone heard this, they also felt that it made sense.

At this time, another person followed and said: "Yes, just like a medicine has side effects, it will be mentioned in advance in the instruction manual."

"The technology he developed, the transfer agreement also stated that there may be unknown technical defects, and the user must be responsible for it."

"Since the explanation has been made in advance, I don't think anyone can hold him accountable for this."

Even though he said this, everyone felt a thorn in their hearts.

In other words, I have confirmed one thing again. Among the good things, there must be some problems.

In this land of void, it is impossible to meet such a good person easily.

After all, we are not children, we are the masters of the world with more advanced control than the emperor.

How many good people does the emperor have?

Even the so-called wisest emperors have far worse moral bottom lines than ordinary people under the modern order.

When he is in a bad mood, he abuses his subordinates and casually blames his mistakes on others.

This is almost the basic operation of the emperor.

The same is true for most of these world lords.

If they are in a bad mood, it will be a disaster for the world.

If you are unhappy, there will be violent storms, lightning and thunder.

If you feel depressed, there will be earthquakes, tsunamis, and even an ice age.

Therefore, in Wen Rensheng's view, a world without world consciousness is a good world...

Just like a place without an emperor is a good place.

Where there is an emperor, it may be good for a while, but after that point, it is easy to encounter hell.

And some people also looked at the signed purchase contract, and sure enough it had these instructions.

In the past, they just ignored it, but now they realize how important it is.

Wen Rensheng couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"Yes, yes, this is the defense that the technological creator has set up for himself in advance."

"With this trick, he can easily block other people's mouths."

"As for his reputation, as long as no one can say anything on the stage, he can still continue to deceive people."

"The so-called credibility is nothing more than a period of time. There is never any real credibility among the big forces. Breaking up the agreement is commonplace."

The technological creator saw the remarks subsided and was immediately very proud.

A group of fools cannot escape their inner greed.

How do you know that with the technology I developed, I naturally know where the real flaws are.

As long as you use this technology, I will be able to easily break into your world in the future.


Time passes quickly.

In the land of void, time is the least valuable and the most precious.

Because the participants here are all free from simple birth, old age, illness and death.

They can control time at will in their own world, speeding up or slowing down.

This is worthless.

But outside the world, you can't do it.

No one knows yet who can control the changes in the void.

The impact of the void on them is the accumulation of world power.

If the accumulation of power is positive, then you can enjoy time as much as you want; if the accumulation is negative, then you can't wait to stop time.

The time of emptiness is the most precious.

Wen Rensheng did not calculate how long the wind of void blew.

All we know is that when the Void Temple announced it was stopping, the timer from the registration card had already passed the temple's 10,000 years.

But at this time, something happened again.

Something happened to Tiandao AI.

"No, that damn Tiandao AI actually wants to fight for control of the world!" The creator of a river world said angrily.

It is a world with a big river as its theme.

"You are the lord of the world, why don't you just suppress it with your backhand?" someone said.

"The problem is that it has popular support..."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he shook his head slightly.

Power itself means diligence.

Lazy people cannot control power.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Just like Jiajing and Wanli seem to rely on power and control, but in fact, they deceive their subordinates, and their subordinates also deceive them.

The result was that Ming Dynasty ran wildly towards the abyss.

"What about you?"

"I want to find a way to deal with it, does anyone have one?"

The technological creator did not speak.

At this time, someone said: "You should find the original developer."

Only then did the technology creator say: "I don't know what you have developed for secondary development. It is difficult to guarantee after-sales service. If it is a product I sell myself, I will naturally guarantee after-sales service."

After hearing this, everyone was speechless for a moment.

Yes, the other person is right.

They have already redeveloped the technology, so how can they blame the other party?

The other party is not a fool.

"I can tell you what I developed and send someone over quickly."

"Okay, I'll send someone there."


Wen Rensheng was watching this farce, and at this moment, a private message suddenly flashed on his temple card.

Wen Rensheng opened it and took a look.

"Hello, dear sir, one of our temple elders would like to meet you."

He looked at it and saw that it was a message from the guide.

"Okay, where?"

"almost there."

Sure enough, the next moment, an old man wearing a white robe appeared.

When the old man in white robe saw Wen Rensheng, he said his intention after a few polite words:

"Today's temple, which was so positive at the beginning, has fallen into a state of decline and has become a complex place where scammers are rampant and there are many tricks."

"This has greatly affected the mood of the founders. Many people are no longer active and no longer regard this place as a safe haven."

"We need change."

"We have already selected the change makers. We have seen your wisdom and hope you can apply as a consultant."

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and agreed.

He believes that there must be many opportunities to explore the mysteries of the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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