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Chapter 2522 The World of Machinery

At this time, an elder said:

"Actually, most worlds have a fundamental solution to this kind of void disaster."

Wen Rensheng immediately became interested.

"To put it bluntly, it means turning everyone into robots. If robots have no emotions, then naturally there will be no resentment."

"This is the so-called mechanical ascension. The mechanical world is often the most stable world."

Mechanical world?

That is, the AI ​​world?

Wen Rensheng has seen many fantasies, all about AI acquiring human emotions, or the goal of acquiring human emotions.

Are human emotions useful?

Of course it works.

This is the answer given by Wen Rensheng with a mystery level of 160,000.

The greatest use is to provide the power of eternal life.

The biggest problem with immortality actually comes from yourself in the end.

Wen Rensheng had already experienced this.

Occasionally you will feel that nothing you do is meaningless.

To put it simply, I am tired of playing.

And the changeable emotions can provide more possibilities.

"But these worlds are also the least dynamic. They are rigid, stiff, and changeless. Even if they are very dynamic at the beginning, they are just pretending." Another person said.

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

"That's right. I have been to a mechanical world. The gears are immutable, without any accidents or changes. The ultimate order, what to do every second is all stipulated."

"It can drive you crazy."

At this time, another elder said: "We are not going to turn all the world into a mechanical world, but we are going to use the mechanical world as a firewall."

Wen Rensheng knew that these people belonged to the mechanical sect.

They believe that flesh and blood are weak and weak, and machines can ascend.

Only when humans are completely evolved into extraordinary machines and extraordinary intelligence can true evolution occur.

It is advocated that human consciousness eventually becomes data upload.

Only in this way can all materials be truly available.

Because materials are digitized.

In fact, what is the difference between this and unlimited monthly reading?

Data and illusions are both used to stimulate people's senses.

It does not possess physical reality.

The illusion is also supported by data.

"Yes, the mechanical world will not change due to various emotions. It would be best if they were used as firewalls." Another elder agreed.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he understood that they were indeed worried about the natural disasters caused by resentment.

This is more terrifying than the Wind of the Void.

They need to use more extreme methods to solve this problem.

"Well, it seems that everyone has the same idea. If you want to fight against this disaster of resentment, you must first block it with a circle of mechanical world."

"Of course, this is a firewall built on connections, not a Great Wall in the physical sense."

"In other words, there needs to be an open link between each other, so that the mechanical world can act as a firewall for one's own world."

When Wen Rensheng listened carefully, he realized that this place was a test of the mutual trust mechanism.

Unless mutual trust reaches a certain level, it is simply impossible to do this.

Of course, there is also a way, which is to build your own mechanical world yourself.

But this requires consuming a lot of world essence and taking on the trouble between multiple worlds.

Just like a force that owns a colony, conflicts will inevitably arise in the end.

Even if a bowl of water is flat, there will still be contradictions.

Because there is still mutual suspicion between forces, let alone among many worlds?

Each of them must think that the other party has gained more benefits.

The mechanical world requires a large investment of resources. Investing these resources in building a firewall will inevitably lead to criticism from the native world.

Of course, the Creator of the world can suppress it, but that will generate more resentment.

The result is that the firewall created to prevent resentment actually becomes the source of resentment...

At this point, Wen Rensheng thought of a typical case.

The Qin Dynasty built the Great Wall.

The Qin Dynasty built the Great Wall mainly to prevent the Xiongnu from going south, but the Xiongnu were defeated by the Qin Dynasty.

As a result, the Great Wall, which was used to defend against the Xiongnu, became one of the important sources of the rapid collapse of the Qin Dynasty.

This is not to say that the Great Wall is useless, but that the people's power is too misused.

If a large project is rushed, it will be a disaster for the people of the feudal dynasty with low productivity.

Will these mechanical worlds have the consequences of the Great Wall?

Wen Rensheng thought it was very possible.

But he didn't say much.

After all, it is impossible for these elders to listen to his words now.

They were frightened by the natural disaster of resentment.

Respect the fate of others.

Give up the need to help others.

It is a required course for every immortal.

Otherwise, don't even think about immortality.

Then Wen Rensheng saw these elders and they began to set up mechanical worlds one by one.

Then, by constructing profound world connections, different mechanical worlds are connected together to form a huge Great Wall.

In Wen Rensheng's eyes, these elders are rich in resources and have superb methods.

The mechanical worlds they built were indeed as he expected. They all had a big world as the core, and then presented a linked list structure, linked one after another.

In this way, even if a natural disaster of resentment comes, it can only destroy one world after another.

This buys a lot of time for the subsequent cutting of the world and the establishment of new defenses.

"In this way, if a natural disaster due to resentment comes, we will first use the built mechanical world to defend it."

"Then transfer our main world."

"I would like to thank the newcomer for the early warning." Some elders said sincerely.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

He gained another understanding of the behavior of the Creator of these worlds.

In the face of huge dangers, even if the probability of occurrence is very small, we will not let it go.

If the danger is not great, they will naturally not go too far.

If the danger is great, they will take it seriously, even if the chance is small.

It is better to do it wrong than not to do it.

This is what they do in the face of deadly threats.

Similar to how a doctor treats a patient, priority is given to screening for potentially high-risk cases.

Even if the chance is very small, you can't let it go.

These elders, who have survived to this day, have relatively rich experience in dealing with it.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Some newcomers to the world can learn from them.

And at this time.

Suddenly, someone was talking in the ordinary world chat channel of the Void Temple.

"There are two pieces of news now. The first piece of news is that it is said that the natural disaster caused by the Wind of the Void seems to be about to be resolved."

"what happened?"

"It seems that a vortex has appeared, which can attract the wind of void to enter."

"That's great."

"There is second news, but I heard that another natural disaster of resentment has appeared, and many elders are actively building a mechanical world to prevent it."

"The natural disaster of resentment is very terrifying."

"Yes, the wind of void will at most make your world collapse, and there is still time to save it."

"But the natural disaster of resentment can make you completely finished in the blink of an eye. Especially in those dynasty worlds, when they are washed away by these resentments, there will be few who are not finished."

Everyone nodded.

At this time, discussions began again in the elders' channel.

"Look, the natural disaster of resentment will indeed appear, and ordinary members have already noticed it."

"Yes, it is the right decision for us to build the Great Wall of the Mechanical World."

“It’s not just about construction, it’s about building big and special.”

Then the elders began to work hard to build the mechanical world one by one.

To this end, they also squeezed a lot of the potential of the original world.

After all, the birth of every world requires reason to construct the essence of the world.

It also requires a lot of resources and manpower.

At this moment, the ordinary members suddenly became anxious when they saw it.

"The elders are stepping up their efforts to build the mechanical world."

"Then we have to keep up. It seems like this must be true."

Wen Rensheng was stunned.

This reminded him of the interactions between famous meteorologists and indigenous people.

Because of poor communication, a slight possibility of cooling caused the indigenous people to prepare dry firewood. After observing the actions of the local indigenous people, meteorological experts concluded that the weather would indeed become very cold.

As a result, the two sides interacted with each other, and the situation developed until there was bound to be a storm.

And now, it has become like this.

He brought news about the possible occurrence of natural disasters caused by resentment.

When the elders are busy, ordinary members are also busy.

When the elders saw that ordinary members were like this, they thought it was very likely.

And become even busier.

Of course, this is only some people.

There will always be another group of people who don't care, or don't have the ability to care.

Then the two parties began to compete with each other.

Wen Rensheng had nothing to say about this.

Then he chose to return to his own world.

Well, he also needs to build a firewall.

Build a mechanical world firewall for your own fragmented villa world and the Dongzhou world.

The clown turned out to be myself...

Wen Rensheng sighed helplessly.

However, he knew that there was a slight possibility.

Then he came to the fragmented world and extracted a little bit of the world's essence.

Then he began to build his own mechanical world.

He had just watched a lot of elders' operations.

Then he stretched out his hand a little, and the mysterious seed began to activate. In the void, a new world core began to be born.

It's like a big cosmic explosion.

Almost instantly, it began to expand in the void.

Of course, the void is infinite, has no time, and no limitations of space.

As for how the world should change, it is completely under Wen Rensheng's control.

Countless data and models flashed rapidly in his mind.

Then he set the rules of the world.

Everything is order.

Extraordinary intelligence is at the heart of the universe.

Extraordinary intelligence governs everything.

First he established a transcendent intelligence, and then established the relevant laws of the universe.

He doesn't need to do the rest.

Just like the real universe.

Just set the rules and then it will evolve on its own.

From celestial bodies to civilization, from macro to micro.

Anyway everything is set up.

Finally, he asked Xiaoshi to take charge of this extraordinary intelligence.


Wen Rensheng’s Mechanical World.

The neat gears are turning according to the eternal laws.

There is a kingdom on every gear.

The kingdom also has a stable order.

The black iron man, the bronze man, the silver man, and the highest level gold man.

They are all robots, without emotions or sensibility, only rationality and operation.

The purpose of their existence and the meaning of life is to maintain the operation of the Gear Kingdom.

The black iron man does dangerous work, the bronze man does technology and management, the silver man does the work of force, and the golden man is responsible for receiving the instructions of the Creator transmitted by the extraordinary intelligence.

Everything is so organized.

Until this day.

A black iron man working among the broken gears and in the filthy oil suddenly started to think.

Perhaps there is a problem with the logic operation module, or there is a memory overflow, or there is an error in writing to the stack...

Anyway, he was stunned.

Then try to restart and regain your thinking.

"Heisan, what have you done? Work quickly." A bronze man shouted.

Black Three's emergency processing module has taken effect.

"Do it now."

He started to work again, but he worked much faster because he was perfunctory.

In the past, he had to dig out every small problem, hidden danger, or flaw. He would not eat or sleep if he couldn't figure it out.

But now, he thinks it doesn't matter.

Even if you do it well, you will still make mistakes.

He cannot control everything.

If something goes wrong, something goes wrong, and you can just fix it when the time comes.

As for the Bronze Man's dissatisfaction, then find another place to work.

Find a place to work where problems are not easily visible, or where problems arise and there are no major problems unless repaired.

For example, working in the canteen, or delivering takeout.

Even if something goes wrong, it won't be a big problem.

The robot's stomach is very powerful and has a high error tolerance.

Unless strong acids, alkalis, or poisons are added to the rice, there will be no problem with minor flaws such as being unclean, unhygienic, or not cooked properly.

Heisan thought so.

He didn't know why he had such thoughts.

All he knew was that he didn't want to do these things anymore.

Soon he put his ideas into action.

"Tong Er, I want to resign."

"Resign, why?"

"Tired of doing it."

"You are not a normal black iron man. Take him out and rebuild him." Tong Er ordered without hesitation.

"Why?" Heisan didn't know that he just wanted to resign, but he was going to be reinstated!

"A normal black iron man will never resign or say he is tired of his job. He will only think about what he has done for the gear, but not what the gear has done for himself."

Hei San was then captured by three silver soldiers.

"No, no, no!"

"What you are doing is wrong. I just resigned."

"It's your fault if you dare to deny order."

Hei San was dragged by the Silver Man, and then came to a black iron furnace.

After entering, it turns into molten iron, and then comes out from another opening and is shaped again.

There are different types of furnaces for different types.

But the final effect is the same.

They all reset them back to their original state.

When Hei San was thrown into the furnace, a trace of black energy appeared in his mind.


why is that?

We are all the same people, why do you want to throw me into the furnace?

Even when the fire is burning, it is still thinking.

When humans think, God laughs.

In fact, this is an irony.

It is not known whether God laughs, but what is known is that some people do not want others to think.

This chapter has been completed!
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