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Chapter 254 is dead or alive


A grizzly bear was sleeping soundly on the steps in front, and the narrow stairs up the mountain were crowded with it.

Wen Rende rubbed his brow, feeling the malice of life.

Can you still climb over this time?

He wouldn't dare to climb even if I beat him to death.

If he were a mutant, it would be very simple, just a bear.

Either run or die. The one who runs is the other party, and the one who dies is also the other party.

He was ten meters away and shouted in a low voice: "Brother Bear, don't you feel cold sleeping here? There is a tree hole next to it, why don't you sleep somewhere else?"

Damn it, why did I have a premonition that it wouldn't work all of a sudden?

Didn't expect such a mistake? It should have gone smoothly.

Hearing Rende scratches his head and hesitates.

He didn't know that Wen Rensheng, dozens of meters away, was also frowning.

In the past, it was the father who cheated on the son, but this time it was actually the son who cheated on his father.

The grizzly bear was awakened when he was rock climbing. The grizzly bear had an instinct and ran away after seeing him.

Then as soon as he ran to the stairs, he immediately passed out.

Obviously, there is something wrong with those fogs, the candidates participating in the selection will not be affected, and the alien creatures will be fascinated.

This can also be regarded as a means to prevent external interference, and it is also a kind of protection for candidates.

Now the problem came. Wen Rende didn't know that the bear was actually unconscious. He would definitely not dare to crawl over again. However, if he didn't crawl over, it would mean that the good foundation he had worked hard to lay before would be wasted.

This is the interference effect of the observer. He still remembers the previous hiding technique - "Schrödinger's cat", which actually means that the observer will have a non-negligible impact on the experimental results.

Unless the observer personally opens the box and observes it, the cat in the box is in a state of death and life, and no prediction method can determine its true life or death.

This is the fundamental reason why the Americans can escape the tracking of the Great Prophecy. Unless there is physical contact, that is, direct observation, all mysterious methods will be ineffective.

The observer will decide whether the cat lives or dies.

This is also the case now. Wen Rensheng wanted to protect his father, but his protective behavior interfered with his father's smooth clearance.

I didn’t expect that the person who was so smart that I was misled by my cleverness would be me?

No, it should be said that caring leads to chaos.

But no matter which one, Wen Rensheng will never tolerate such mistakes. This is a major blow to his perfect image.

He had to find a way to make things right.

But Meng Lin said directly, "Outsiders cannot interfere in the entire process."

In this case, then find someone who is not a human to interfere, and there will be no problem...

I am so smart.

He immediately thought of the black phoenix...

He has been living and eating in his own house for free, and he has been the king and hegemon for so many days. Everyone has to walk around when they see him. Now is the time to do something for the head of the house.

It just so happened that everyone took a plane this time, and they also airlifted it over.

Wen Rensheng thought of this, took out his mobile phone and called Wu Shanshan.

More than ten minutes later, the black phoenix, as big as an ostrich, flew down from mid-air, faster than he could climb a mountain.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and said to him, "Can you change your appearance?"

Of course Wen Rende knew Dark Phoenix. If he saw it, he would definitely think more about it and it would be better to disguise himself.

Dark Phoenix tilted his head, not understanding what it meant.

Wen Rensheng then summoned his dark purple dragon, and then turned into a loach in front of it.

Dark Phoenix was furious and opened his mouth to attack him.

He was very helpless when he saw this, and stretched out his hand to pinch the other person's mouth. This guy didn't have a high IQ, and it was also a difficult thing to do.

He had no choice but to transform the dragon again into a dazzling green and very flamboyant big peacock.

Black Phoenix then turned from anger to joy, and then swayed its body and turned into a peacock, wagging its big tail, looking very proud.

"Okay, go to the stairs and drive that stupid bear away without hurting its life."

Bears are also protected animals and of course cannot be harmed casually.

Then he fed the other party a dragon. According to legend, peacocks and rocs were both born from phoenixes and used dragons as food...

In ancient legends, dragons are not noble, on the contrary, they are synonymous with top-quality food.

The peacock nodded, looked at the stairs not far away, and then flew over, as if the fog could not block its sight.

The spirit summoned by Wu Shanshan is indeed somewhat supernatural.


At this moment, Wen Rende gritted his teeth and prepared to have a close contact with the grizzly bear. After all, everyone was waiting for him below. If he gave up, how would he see anyone in the future?

No matter how decadent you are, you can't be so decadent.

I have to fight tooth and nail for this family!

I can't let my wife and children look down on me. I am a man and I have to shoulder the responsibility of this family!

Of course, the above psychological activities are still just self-impressions of people's virtues.

In fact, his hunch started to take effect again. The danger level of this grizzly bear should be very low, and he could crawl over it in a friendly manner.

Bears have rough skin and thick flesh, especially bears in winter, which have thick fat. After they are asleep, they are generally disturbed and will not be woken up. This is one of the reasons why they are easy to be hunted in winter.

Wen Rende approached cautiously, slowly stretched out his hand, and prepared to climb over Xiong Mountain.

And at this moment, the bear suddenly woke up!

It raised its head, with two big black eyes, looking at a greasy middle-aged man who was holding out his hands towards his buttocks and abdomen.

Don't play tricks on people like this!

Wen Rende was immediately in great pain. Why did his premonition fail again?

"Oh..." The bear arched his body and began to growl. This was obviously a warning gesture when encountering danger.

"Brother Xiong, everything is easy to discuss. You shouldn't be hungry now. We must value peace." Wen Rende waved his hand at it, but did not turn around and run away.

Leaving your back to wild beasts is the most undesirable behavior, because it will make you die without dignity...

Facing the beast bar head on, in this case, the title of "Warrior" can be left behind after death.

Just when Wen Rende was despairing, a phoenix croaked? No, it should have been a rooster, and a big green peacock descended from the sky and stood in front of him.

This, this should be a divine object, right?

After all, the common peacock is a tropical animal and cannot migrate to the cold zone.

Wen Rende looked at each other in surprise.

After seeing the peacock, the grizzly bear turned and ran away, as if it were a natural enemy.

"Thank you, thank you Lord Peacock. As long as I am able to go back today, I will burn incense for you at home every day." Wen Rende said very happily.

The peacock shook its head, seeming to remember what he said, and then flew away.

Wen Rende finally felt relieved, knowing that he would be protected by the legendary beast, and he would definitely be safe this time.

So he hurried up all the way and continued walking along the stairs.

After climbing for more than an hour, he encountered a pass again.

This time it was a large box wrapped in barbed wire, blocking the stairway.

There is a note hanging from the big box.

"There is a cat in the box. You need to guess whether the cat is dead or alive. If you guess correctly, you can pass. If you guess wrong, the road will collapse."

Can you still climb the box this time?

Wen Rende shook his head, saying it was impossible to climb.

Because the box was wrapped in barbed wire, sparks flashed from time to time on the wire.

This is obviously to prevent someone from approaching the box and using some physical means to spy on it. It also makes his last method ineffective.

In other words, this time he must use his premonition ability to determine whether the cat is alive or dead before he can truly get over it.

It seems that the probability is very high, after all, it is half the probability...

If he had never heard anyone mention the concept of "Schrödinger's Cat" before, and if he knew that this was a technology that could counter the great prophecy technique, it would have been possible for him to directly choose one of the two options of death or life.

But now, he vaguely understood that the two tests before and after were telling the candidates one truth:

As a prophet, never look for answers in the options given to you by others...

No one can truly define the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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