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Chapter 2570 Everything for Immortality

Naturally, it is impossible for that junior to make the decision on such a big matter.

Therefore, he used his own soul connection as a medium to allow this great disciple, who was capable of overcoming tribulations, to directly contact the ancestor Li Xiaosi.

When Li Xiaosi heard this, he immediately used his juniors as communication relays to discuss with the other party, and they quickly reached an agreement.

Find the great tribulation master and kill him.

Li Xiaosi then asked: "Where do you think your master is now?"

"Is it really ascending?"

The eldest disciple immediately said: "It's impossible, he will never ascend."

"Why?" Li Xiaosi asked tentatively.

"Because it's too dangerous after ascension."

"He is not sure whether the world after ascension will be like our world, so he will only linger in this world and try his best to develop this world and make it bigger so that he can become an immortal.

"The eldest disciple said firmly.

He knew his master's character very well.

I would never gamble on a life-related choice like this.

That is courting death.

Because few people can succeed in gambling.

After hearing this, Li Xiaosi couldn't help but feel ashamed.

As expected, I was still not meticulous enough before.

I didn't think of anything profound.

Why do you think that after ascending, you can go to the fairy world?

Can you be free and at ease?

Isn’t this the same mentality as those who think that everything will get better if they go abroad?

Moreover, the latter has obtained a lot of accurate information and can verify it in many ways. At least some aspects can be improved.

Like avoiding debt...

But he didn't get any correct information.

He chose the wrong way to take risks, which is why he suffered so much before.

Fortunately, he prepared a way out.

This good habit prevented him from suffering forever.

Therefore, as a human being, you should always leave a way out for yourself.

This is the same as military operations.

Military operations without a retreat are rare and very easy to fail.

Xiang Yu succeeded in destroying the cauldron and sinking the boat.

Later, those who followed his example would rather commit suicide or escape by diving into the water than dare to turn back and fight the brutal enemy...

After thinking of this, Li Xiaosi continued:

"Okay, then let's find it and kill it."

"Leave the killing to me, and the finding of the person to you."

The eldest disciple thought for a moment and said, "Well, that's it."

Soon they took action.

The eldest disciple began to send his own people to move around.

At first he just said it was a small matter and a secret operation.

Naturally, Li Xiaosi would not hand everything over to the other party. He also sent his own people to participate in the operation.

Of course, Li Xiaosi can send very few people.

After all, there are not many people who are qualified to ascend.

Besides, you have to participate voluntarily.

In fact, Li Xiaosi's main function is to find the dialogue and then eliminate the opponent.

It can be said that this great power to overcome tribulations did one thing right.

Otherwise, he would probably die inexplicably.

This is the most fundamental thing.

But of course Li Xiaosi didn't tell his eldest disciple that if he wanted to eliminate the other party, it would be best to lure this great tribulation-transcending power to his territory.

If he himself runs into someone else's world again, his spiritual cards will be cleared again.

He has discovered that this spiritual tablet follows his consciousness.

Even if he left most of his soul behind.

As long as the consciousness breaks away and goes to other worlds, the spiritual tablet will be dominated by that world.

In this case, it will only consume his own lifespan.

Of course he still has a way.

That is, he carries enough tribesmen with him to follow him.

For example, if you bring a thousand tribesmen, each person contributes 500 to 1,000 years of life, which is one million years.

It's enough to obliterate this great power to transcend tribulation.

From this point of view, this tribulation-transcending power is very smart.

He knows that the other party can kill his incarnation, so he can kill him.

Because in essence, the difference in strength between him and the incarnation is only in quantity, not in essence.

The fact is that he guessed right.

For Li Xiaosi, he has already thought of a solution, so he is not worried about this problem.

However, they searched for a long time and found nothing.

Wen Rensheng smiled slightly.

When he saw this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

The great tribulation-transcending power had now transformed into a stone.

And this Tribulation World, although not very big, is at least as big as a solar system.

Think about it, how big is the solar system?

Want to find a specific stone in the solar system.

Even if their manpower is all immortal cultivators, and they are all immortal cultivators above the level of god transformation.

With one sweep of each spiritual consciousness, it can sweep out 1,000 miles in a matter of seconds, and can see clearly tens of thousands of meters underground.

This is how it is called "Transformation of God".

Those incarnations that can fly a thousand miles in an hour cannot be said to be too bad, they can only be said to be barely better than the high-speed rail...

However, even so, their ability is too small compared to the astronomical scale.

Astronomical distances require specialized astronomical units to describe them.

Not to mention the camouflage ability of the Tribulation Master, their search efficiency alone is too slow.

The solar system is simply too vast.

At least it is far less than the true length of the solar system.

Its size is beyond human imagination.

The edge of the solar zone is measured in light years from the core of the sun.

The radius of the solar system is up to 2 light years.

in this case.

Wen Rensheng gave them an estimate. Based on their slow search, even if they continued scanning 24 hours a day, it would take at least millions of years.

Don't forget, what they are looking for is not a flat surface, but a three-dimensional world.

Of course you may not find it.

After all, the opponent's stone can move...

However, the great disciple who can overcome tribulations is obviously aware of this problem.

After searching for ten years, he found that he couldn't find it at all.

Then he immediately went to discuss with Li Xiaosi.

"Brother Tao, this can't go on like this."

"The current efficiency is too slow."

"You should have more people over there."

Li Xiaosi refused and said: "When we come to you, we must reach the peak of transformation into gods before we can ascend."

"Even if we want to get people out, we can't get out."

After hearing this, the eldest disciple asked: "What should we do? Should we just watch him roaming around outside like this, wait until he discovers our details, and then finally catch us all?"

"Let me think about it carefully." Li Xiaosi pondered for a moment.

In fact, he had already planned it.

Soon he said: "There is only one way now."

"any solution?"

"You now need to vigorously mobilize your own power."

"Activate my power? I have already activated it." The eldest disciple said dissatisfied.

He was very anxious. If he could not find his master again, he felt that he would be doomed.

"Yes, you must activate your own strength. Only in this way can you truly defeat him."

Li Xiaosi did not show off, and said directly: "Think about it, you actually still have a lot of power, but it is far from being used."

"You still have a lot of coolies here, right? The number of people who have ascended to your place over the years is at least as many as hundreds of thousands, right?"

"No, not that many," before Li Xiaosi could finish speaking, the eldest disciple revealed himself, "at most it's tens of thousands of people."

Tens of thousands of peak gods, this is already very powerful.

But this is accumulated over many years in multiple worlds, which is normal.

So Li Xiaosi nodded and said: "This is enough."

"You want to make your master into a world-destroying demon who took over the world before."

"And you are a hero, you have overthrown the devil, but now you need to eradicate it, no, do it to perfection."

"You just need to tell them that if they successfully find your master, the devil, they will be able to enjoy life again in the future. You have to give them some benefits and let them find it on your behalf..."

Hearing this, the eldest disciple hesitated and said: "Them?"

"Well? No?"

"Okay." The eldest disciple thought carefully and finally agreed.

There will definitely be danger in releasing these coolies into gods.

But the master is more dangerous.

After all, one harm is in the present and the other harm is in the future.

So he announced that these coolies would be given three days off every month.

Then tell them.

"As long as you find that devil, you can get your freedom and share the world with me."

The last person who said this was still the last person.

Zhu Di expressed his concern.

He then described the characteristics of his master in detail.

Of course, he would not tell too many details about the master directly.

He's not that stupid.

After all, in a certain way, the master's background is his background.

He just described a few important characteristics of the master.

Including breath, skills, soul frequency, etc...

"As long as you find this person, you can get eternal freedom."

"You can either go back or become my subordinate."

"I swear to God."

After he took the oath, the god-transforming coolies became excited.


They all made money.

Before, they were forced to do hard work every day, but now they can finally have three days of rest a month.

Then they started looking.

This time the efficiency is much higher.

However, after searching for some time, the eldest disciple found that it still didn't work.

A coolie turned into a god and said to him sincerely: "Your Majesty, most of our magic power and supernatural powers have been banned by that devil."

"So we are very slow."

"If you want us to find him, it's best to lift these restrictions for us."

After hearing this.

The eldest disciple thought about it again and decided to open up some power to them.

So he used the restriction lifting method taught by his master to release their magic power.

Anyway, the core of their souls is still under his control.

He wasn't worried that these people would turn upside down.

The master has already released the core of his soul.

He didn't understand the reason at first.

Later, after talking to Li Xiaosi, I found out that the master was probably worried that the other party would use him as a medium to use some mysterious connection to find him.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to be controlled by the master now.

It's impossible for the master to leave any backup plan behind.

This is also the reason why he dares to rebel.

He needs to get back the soul that was squeezed out from his master.

It would be said that the great tribulation master has now discovered his betrayal and will kill him.

In his opinion, it's impossible.

Because in this case, traces will be exposed.

At least it proved that his master had indeed not left.

Then they continued looking.

From then on, people began to report relevant news one after another.

One message after another came together.

As a result, the eldest disciple identified them one by one and found that they were all back-up tricks arranged by his master before.

Puppet after puppet, incarnation after avatar, are beginning to be found.

Even including some resurrected back-ups.

He nodded upon seeing this, these people really played their role.

All in all, what Li Xiaosi said is not nonsense.

It still has some effect.

But the effect can only be like this.

It's still difficult to get closer.

One by one, I don’t know whether the news is true or false.

At this moment, Li Xiaosi came over to ask him.

"Have you found any clues about your master?"

He shook his head and said, "We still need time."

"You still can't do this. You have to completely motivate these people. You can't hold anything back."

"The result of keeping is to lose everything."

"I'll tell you..." Li Xiaosi patiently told this disciple some stories.

In fact, they are all true.

It was what happened before Li Xiaosi traveled through time.

When those big forces fight a full-scale war, although they have advantages, they still use all their strength and will not let go of even a small ally.

He even drank poison to quench his thirst and made various promises.

Because they know that if they lose, they have nothing.

After hearing the story, the eldest disciple gritted his teeth and said, "Then how can I completely stimulate their enthusiasm?"

"You have to give these people more benefits, and they are real benefits."

Li Xiaosi continued, "It's not just rest time, but also real respect and real respect. You must let them understand that once you fail, what they get will disappear immediately."

"But what if they want to escape?" The eldest disciple was puzzled.

"Do you think this is possible?" Li Xiaosi shook his head.

He thought carefully that the reason why he could return to his original world was largely due to the plug-in.

It's not just the backup he has reserved.

After all, wouldn’t other gods stay?

They must have stayed, but if they wanted to escape, there were only two ways, to die or to be put back.

The eldest disciple thought for a moment, and then looked at the results they had found before. He also realized that these tens of thousands of god-transforming coolie monks should be the key to finding his master.

Because they have the greatest motivation to find a master.

They also don't want the master to come back and plunge them into hard labor and death again.

So the eldest disciple gritted his teeth and became cruel.

He ordered: "You will get your reward from today."

"But you have to remember that if you can't find the devil, these reasons will disappear soon."

"It wasn't me who made them disappear, but you yourself."

Then he gave these people long vacations.

Moreover, they restrained their mana and released it to the last level.

Only the core control of the soul is left.

After these people heard this, their enthusiasm immediately increased and they started looking for it.

At the same time, they also took the initiative to spread rumors secretly.

The devil is not dead yet and still exists in this world.

Always ready to come back.

If everyone gives up, everyone will become slaves by then and become even more miserable.

Everyone who heard the rumors did not doubt this statement at all.

Many big monks, as well as small and medium-sized monks, were also encouraged to do so.

Overcoming Tribulation and Overhauling, oppression does not distinguish between internal and external.

As long as he is weaker than him, he will oppress him.

He doesn't care if you are a local.

These rumors quickly took effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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