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Chapter 2579 Love and Being Loved

Modern people are all desperate!

"This is the end, the real version of the end!"

"You were bragging about mushroom missiles just now, but now you are using them to fight!"

"What should I do if I can't hit anyone?"

"To put it bluntly, this is a dimensionality reduction attack. They can become invisible and use mental spells. We are all from the physics department. This is a way to defeat us!"

I understand there are still a lot of people.

Modern people have great imaginations, and they will understand everything if they think about it carefully.

"We can carry it for 10,000 days at most, and if we carry it for three years, we will be wiped out by the other side!"

"You deserve it," there are some weirdos who gloat instead, "Humans have exterminated large animals. Now it's someone else's turn to exterminate humans!"

"Yes, humans have been born for millions of years, but they have killed all the large animals that have been reproduced for hundreds of millions of years. They were killed and eaten cleanly."

"There are no longer those large carnivores, large predators. There are only lions and tigers left, and the overall number is still very small."

"Wait, what are you talking about? We made mistakes, but now we all know how to protect animals, and we have even gone too far!" someone else retorted.

"Yes, to be honest, if humans hadn't entered modern society faster, began to understand the importance of protecting animals, and implemented a lot of measures to protect animals."

"According to normal circumstances, it won't take too long for lions, tigers and elephants to be extinct."

People were discussing sadly on the Internet.

They feel very wronged.

Ancient people did evil things, but now people have strictly protected them.

It ensures the normal reproduction of many animals.

In many areas, wolves are back, wild boars are back, and various birds are recovering at an alarming rate in wild fields and woods.

As soon as humans take protective measures, nature's restorative power begins to show.

The same goes for whales.

Once included in the protection list, the number will be restored.

But once they leave the protection list, their numbers decrease rapidly.

If not protected, many whales will become extinct and will be hunted down due to their huge economic value.

And at this time.

A demon cultivator also went online.

He saw the wail of mankind.

Suddenly he laughed.

"Haha, you are right."

"Modern people have protected animals, don't worry we will protect you too."

That's right.

The magic cultivators soon began to change their approach.

Of course they are those high-level magic cultivators with long-term vision and longer life span.

Thinking of protecting human beings.

"We can't hunt indiscriminately!"

"Yes, you can't have a meal without eating, and knock on the rice bucket again after eating."

"We need to set a population threshold. Below this number, we can no longer hunt."

"We also need to issue hunting certificates. Those without certificates are not allowed to hunt!"

Like humans, individual poachers will not protect animals.

Only a collective, only a force will choose to protect those animals.

Because the interests of power and collectives are more long-term, and we can see the benefits fifty or one hundred years from now.

As for the individual, if he can only see the benefits in three to five days, it will be enough.

If you kill a whale before your eyes, it can be sold with an economic value of millions or even tens of millions.

If there are spices, it's even more expensive.

At this time, they will not care about long-term protection interests or ecological balance.

After all, they only think about making a fortune for themselves.

The same is true for magic cultivators.

The big demon cultivator took the lead to stop, and successively killed several small and medium-sized demons who wanted to hunt humans...

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he felt numb.

Of course he wasn't surprised.

Sure enough, peers are the natural enemies.

Just like colonial forces, they are not destroyed, but are often fought over by external enemies.

And at this time.

Many low-level demon cultivators were very angry.

"Asshole, why do you stop us?"

"Nonsense, you can kill as hard as you can now. In less than three years, you will have killed all these modern people. Of course we have to stop you!" the high-level magic cultivator said coldly.

Naturally, these two classes of demon cultivators cannot fight.

The high level versus the low level is crushing.

It could be that low-level demon cultivators had the courage to shout out because they were feeling aggrieved, and because in the modern world, fighting each other would consume too many spiritual stones.

After all, in the world of warriors, they only deserve to kneel, so how can they have the courage to speak to high-level demon cultivators?

And humans are completely powerless about this.

"Hehe, hehe, it's so funny, we humans have become protected animals!"

"Shame, shame, I feel deeply ashamed!"

"Wait a minute, this seems to have been said 10 years ago, why do you continue to feel ashamed?"

"What kind of machine guns and cannons? We can't hit the target at all!"

"Damn it, how are we going to fight like this? The other side becomes invisible and then absorbs our souls. What kind of radars and what kind of soldiers? In front of them, we are completely passive and beaten!"

Modern people all shouted angrily.

In fact, do you think they are arrogant?

They really don't have arrogance.

I just didn't expect that the gap between warriors and immortal cultivators is actually as big as the imagination in the novel.

It can’t be said that they didn’t think of it. In fact, the higher-ups in the power had thought of it and took many hidden and fallback measures.

However, it is meaningless in front of the opponent's magic.

Even if it is hidden two thousand meters underground, the other party can still find it.

But it's still useful.

After all, there are still very few demon cultivators who can see through the underground with their spiritual consciousness, and only a few who are good at escaping from the ground, not to mention the consumption of spiritual stones.

So those people hiding underground were not harmed this time.

Simply because there is no difference between them and the people above.

This is impossible to fight.

Some people immediately thought of their difficulties in fighting bacteria.

A small bacterium can make the most powerful forces helpless...

Completely smashed, completely flat, flat and beaten.

And so does the devil.

They are even more terrifying than bacteria because they have the same consciousness as humans but no humanity.

They are just like those demons in human history, they have completely lost any humanity and have no bottom line.

They just look like humans, but they act completely non-human. It is difficult to describe them in any words.

But now humans can only rely on hunters and their own internal struggles to stay alive.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is so pitiful.

For a moment, they thought of those animals.

That's how they are.

In fact, many animals also have self-determination. Those animals that can recognize that they are not themselves in the mirror can basically assume that they have a self.

Killing a life with "self" is similar to killing someone.

In this way, the high-level demonic cultivators defeated the low-level demonic cultivators, and they began to fight each other again.

Their war is a replica of the colonists' war.

It was to compete for territory, not to kill the natives.

They attacked each other violently, carried out sneak attacks and massacres, laid traps and ambushes, and used all possible means.

Until the five demonic monks finally decided the winner.

Each of the five of them divided a territory.

The entire modern planet is framed.

They are also demarcated using longitude and latitude lines.

After the division, the five demons formulated the "Modern Human Protection Agreement."

They also want to encourage humans to reproduce more and have more children.

Many children, many blessings...

Yes, they even had a lot of imagination and forged a system based on the novel "Golden Finger" on the Internet, which is called the system of many children and many blessings.

In fact, it is illusion combined with hypnosis to change people's self-perception.

But they don't just give empty ones.

There are also benefits. The biggest effect of this system is that it can hypnotize an ordinary person into an extremely hard-working person.

It keeps issuing tasks, constantly making ordinary people become illusoryly stronger...

To be honest, any ordinary person, if he is full of hard work talents, then in a peaceful environment and with no problems with his own health, he can always be much better than ordinary people.

In this case, it is possible to have more concubines and have more children.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, everyone was happy.

Good guy, just call him good guy.

You must know that a person's reproductive ability is very powerful.

Lao Zhu can be regarded as a person at the beginning. Two hundred years later, he will breed a dynasty with millions of descendants of the Zhu family.

This is the power of people.

There are no natural enemies and as long as there is enough food, it can grow exponentially.

"There are 8 billion people here, and we can only hunt 100 to 300 million people every year."

"Every 10 years there is a ten-year hunting ban."

"The hunting range is not allowed to hunt people during the breeding period..."

"You are not allowed to hunt young..."

"Carry out a cultivation program."

When the content of the agreement spreads on the Internet and the news reaches all mankind...

When people see the familiar hunting seasons, fishing moratoriums, and hunting objects...

Everyone was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, blushing, and speechless.

Wen Rensheng also smiled slightly when he saw it.

Isn't this the protective behavior that humans take towards animals and marine fish?

Those demons directly copied the relevant templates.

Not to mention that strategies that can protect lower animals will definitely be more effective when used to protect higher animals.

Now it is an advanced ecological hunter and has begun to hunt humans.

This shows how tragic this is.

Someone said on the Internet:

"Sad, do you see it?"

"The things we did before are now being done to us."

"Do unto others, do not impose on others."

"Retribution, this is retribution for us hunting a large number of animals!" Some people who firmly believe in causality complained there.

"Damn it, what kind of retribution? How many of the animals we exterminated can take revenge?"

"In the end, it's because we are too weak. If we are strong enough, we can fight back!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Now we can easily defeat those warriors, but when facing these monks, we are suffering a dimensionality reduction blow."

"I heard that they have only come here for demon cultivators who are in the highest foundation-building stage. The higher-level demon cultivators haven't come yet."

Modern people don't know that if they heard that there are billions of people here who are not polluted, even the golden elixir stage demon cultivators would care.

And they will be watched closely.

Don't let humans have a chance to breathe.

This is the power of demon cultivators.

Their roundup of mortals was professional.

What is a major?

Sustainability, stability, order, this is professionalism...

So the demonic cultivators left their hands behind to keep an eye on the humans and prevent them from getting out of control.

First of all, those mushrooms and strains disappeared inexplicably.

Then all kinds of toxins and poisons... are also disappearing in large quantities.

People are far more concerned about the health of pigs than the pigs themselves.

When humans knew the news, they felt very painful one after another.

Because they have become pigs.

Pigs should not hide sharp weapons or poisons that can harm themselves.

What pigs need is shelter from the wind and rain, as well as music and sufficient food, as well as a stupid mind. They don't know how to resist, and they won't one day break out civilization and start a technological explosion that threatens people.

Modern people never imagined that after the two worlds were connected, they would end up like this. What should they do?

The other party is really too powerful, far more powerful than them.

Of course, they also have self-confidence. If they go deep into the world of warriors, they will have the opportunity to learn from each other's strength.

They believe that corresponding techniques for cultivating immortals must be developed immediately.

The other party is using soul-side techniques, so they need to learn the relevant techniques.

They decided that the next time the portal opened, they would secretly send a group of people there.

As long as you learn their techniques, you can fight against them in a targeted manner.

Then people secretly selected a group of people with the highest understanding and proficiency in mathematics and other difficult knowledge.

Likewise, they also absorbed suggestions and ideas from various netizens.

They also sent a group of relatively stupid people, including even illiterate people...

Some very handsome ones and some very ugly ones were sent out.

The experience they can refer to, excluding the imagination of netizens, comes from captured warriors.

Because according to what they said, some sects like stupid people, and some sects like smart people.

Why do some sects like to be stupid?

Naturally, it is a sect that practices magic skills, similar to the magic skill of wedding clothes.

Disciples who are too smart can easily discover their tricks.

So they won't recruit smart apprentices.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Only recruit idiot apprentices who can train their kung fu to the middle level.

Only the elders and a few others are smart, while the other disciples are as stupid as possible.

Anyway, the kung fu they learn is the kind of 1 2 = 3 kung fu.

They are similar to hard laborers who practice martial arts to a certain level and are eventually devoured.

It seems that this is still very important to them.

Only now there is one last question.

The magic correction sent people to keep an eye on them.

Yes, in order to ensure that modern people are not out of control.

Before the portal closed, the demon cultivator secretly left two people behind.

They have enough spiritual stones, and of course they are usually in a state of rest.

Just check the movements of humans regularly.

This time is for waking up once every six months.

Ten years means 20 awakenings.

Each activity lasts half a month.

As a result, modern people will not be able to enter the portal at all.

And at this time.

Wen Rensheng did not take action.

He just watched.

The one who took action was the great master who could overcome the tribulation.

He immediately found an opportunity.

He knows that modern people have unique advantages.

And he now plays a bottom edge rusher.

So variables are needed.

He himself has been a cultivator who monopolizes everything, so he naturally knows that this kind of character hates variables the most.

Therefore, it is naturally feasible to deal with yourself.

He wants to introduce modern people and let them confront the inherent cultivation order.

He profited from it.

The first point of profit is that he deals with modern people.

Next time, the portal opens.

When modern people are blocked by demonic cultivators, they can only look at the ocean and sigh.

The great tribulation-transcending power appeared in the form of a friendly person.

He is secretly connected to modern people.

He secretly went to deal with those selected fools.

In the name of love and justice, win over those idiots.

"As long as you are a human being, no matter which world you are from, you should naturally enjoy equality, justice, love and being loved..."

Compared with the devil's actions, fools have no idea what he really thinks.

I thought he was a good person.

As a result, he was completely taken advantage of.

This chapter has been completed!
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