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Chapter 270 Imminent Assault

A naval base in the archipelago.

After Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen returned to the base, they quickly contacted their families.

After all, if such a big thing happened, it was impossible not to notify the rear.

After Wen Rende heard the news, he didn't reply for a long time.

"Uncle, uncle, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Han asked worriedly.

"Oh, it's okay. I just wrote a poem. Please give it to Asheng for me to encourage him."

As he said this, he began to recite the virtues of others:

"Xiao Zhu rests peacefully for now, worrying about the old alliance.

He calls for wine bottles to greet guests, waves his bows and sits down to talk about war.

The clouds protect toothpicks, and the stars contain swords.

It is not my intention to be granted the title of Marquis, but I hope the sea will be peaceful."

"Although I don't understand everything, I understand the last sentence," Zhao Han said with admiration, "I'll pass it on to the teacher right now."

Wen Rensheng, who was on the ship ahead, was silent for a long time when he heard this famous poem by Qi Jiguang, the national hero of the Ming Dynasty.

This old guy is really quite capable. No wonder he was chosen by Master Ding Chengshan.

This poem is to tell him that there are hungry wolves around him, not to covet comfort, but to always be on guard, and not to pursue personal honor, but to aspire to the peace of the country.

The meaning contained in the poem is very suitable for the current situation. The key point is that the poem should be used on Wen Rende himself, and there is no need to give it to him...

"Okay, I understand, tell the old man that I have nothing to do here, so that he doesn't have to worry about it, just don't forget about his cultivation." Wen Rensheng ordered.

"Okay, teacher, I will convey it to you." Zhao Han responded.

After arranging the chores at home, Wen Rensheng prepared for the war with peace of mind and sorted out his skills.

When he suppressed Haiyan last time, he was working on the filter in the rear, that is, on the battery.

But this time, he was in front. Although he was confident, he had to be fully prepared.

His alien power has a passive bonus and is very powerful; he may not be able to resist the power of missiles, but he can avoid dangerous areas in time without making unnecessary sacrifices.

Just when he felt that he had adjusted his condition and was ready to make a difference, Teacher Qin brought a transfer order from the Supreme Inspection Department:

"According to Regulation No. 138, mysterious experts are prohibited from visiting the frontline battlefields in person unless there is an emergency. We hereby order... to return to the rear base and wait."

So when he met Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen again, their eyes met and they were very embarrassed.

Wang Wenwen said quietly: "What I said before was right. It will be fine. It seems that I also have the qualifications for prophecy."

"This is not the teacher's fault. The teacher also wants to contribute on the front line, but there are traitors in the court." Zhao Han tried his best to defend.

Teacher Qin stood aside and glared at her angrily. Is this girl talking about herself?

"Is there nothing I can do to contribute to the country?" Wen Rensheng sighed.

Teacher Qin thought for a while and said: "There is also a way. If you can learn the mysterious riding skills and puppet control within a week. You may be able to catch up in this battle. After all, there are experts who are proficient in these two abilities or black-shirted aliens."

However, there are still not many.”

"I understand." Wen Rensheng nodded.

He immediately remembered that when the sea eye was surrounded from all sides last time, those destroyers at the forefront that were broken by the big waves relied on puppet control to avoid unnecessary casualties.

This is equivalent to an enhanced version of the previous drone, and it is not a technology created out of thin air.

When the mysterious power is combined with the scientific and technological means in the corresponding field, a force far stronger than that in the previous life will be formed.

In previous lives, unmanned bombers have been on the battlefield and have repeatedly shown off their power; demining and explosive disposal robots have become popular, and transportation robot dogs often appear in dangerous situations.

It's just that unmanned warships have not yet taken shape. After all, warships are large and complex to control...

The emergence of these unmanned weapons has gradually turned the war into an unbalanced and unilateral massacre.

Those who are lagging behind can no longer even rely on killing and wounding enemy personnel to force the other party's domestic unrest and thus achieve peace...

The advanced ones are separated from the cruel battlefield, and the lagging behind can only be at the mercy of others. It is the most unreliable thing to expect the mercy of the strong.

When Teacher Qin thought Wen Rensheng was about to give up, he was stopped again.

"Teacher, please recommend me a gentleman who is good at both. I would like to make a temporary attack." Wen Rensheng said calmly.

"Well, you really don't want to give up until you reach the Yellow River." Teacher Qin couldn't defeat the other party, so he couldn't defeat the other party's dedication to the country, right?

In any case, there is no such reason.

The opponent already knows "Mysterious Riding", but has he learned "Puppet Control" before?

After all, only those who often go to the battlefield, or those specially trained by the Inspectorate, can make great efforts to learn and master this skill.

Puppet control is only entry-level and doesn't make much sense.

Only high-level, even master-level, can achieve truly powerful effects.

However, he could not directly attack this apprentice because of his innocent heart, so he had no choice but to let the other party retreat when he saw the difficulty.

So he called again and made special arrangements for Wen Rensheng.

When the new teacher came over, Wen Rensheng was a little surprised to find that the other person was not a mysterious expert, but a man in black.

He was also a man in black shirt whom he was very familiar with, the captain of the man in black shirt who had cooperated with him in suppressing the Ice Eyes in the Far North.

The two of them were sitting opposite each other in an ordinary office, one as a teacher and the other as a student.

"You want to learn puppet control, this is the introductory material, take a look first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." The captain of the man in black seemed to have forgotten Wen Rensheng, and just said in a business-like tone.

As he spoke, he pushed a book over.

"Thank you." Wen Rensheng didn't take it seriously and picked up the book directly, which read "A Brief Analysis of the Combination of Mysterious Puppet and Remote Control Technology".

He quickly flipped through the pages, and after half an hour, he read the book once and kept it firmly in his mind, gaining a comprehensive understanding.

In the past, Li Shi'an knew how to control advanced puppets, and then attacked him with a sniper rifle remotely. That method was indeed extraordinary.

If the opponent is a mortal army, it will be a massacre.

This book describes in detail the latest technology of puppet control.

It turns out that it is no longer just a skill that controls the human body with evil connotations, but a brand new combat discipline that combines modern remote control technology and can control modern warfare weapons.

Complex, comprehensive, and difficult.

For example, the unmanned battleship we saw before has a controller called the "Mysterious Center" transplanted onto it.

To a certain extent, it can simulate the functions of some alien species and can be regarded as a copycat version of the alien species.

This "mysterious center" can receive human instructions and then control the battleship to make various actions.

Of course, the warship itself is highly automated, and basic tasks such as defense, attack, and maneuver are all completed by computer systems.

This "mysterious center" is equivalent to the role of captain.

Because the development level of computer systems is far from enough to reach the level of strong intelligence.

Therefore, there are often multiple "mysterious centers" installed on battleships, and they are assigned to complete the corresponding battleship functions according to their levels.

For example, "damage control", a seemingly ordinary but actually extremely important function, cannot be completed by a computer system.

After all, it is difficult for a computer system to identify so many complex damage situations and deal with them one by one, which must be completed by highly professional ship personnel.

They must quickly repair damage, limit the spread of damage, and maintain combat effectiveness.

Good damage control can save a battleship, but poor damage control can turn minor injuries into serious injuries, and serious injuries into sinking.

And battlefield decision-making is naturally more complex. When to attack, when to retreat, when to intersperse and encircle...it is definitely not something that current computer systems can accomplish.

After seeing this, Wen Rensheng understood that Teacher Qin wanted him to retreat in spite of difficulties.

Even if you learn the art of puppet control, it is just a technical skill. If you don't understand the specific business, you will still be unable to end.

This chapter has been completed!
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