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Chapter 272 Miniature Version

On the vast ocean, a group of ships sailed westward, making waves.

If you look carefully, you can see that it has two aircraft carriers as the core, surrounded by five cruisers, ten frigates, three supply ships, and dozens of destroyers.

In addition, although it cannot be seen, it is definitely a submarine coming forward... This is a standard aircraft carrier battle group.

This is definitely a huge maritime power, at least in the world, only a few countries can produce it.

In the command room of one of the aircraft carriers, Colonel Steve, who had escaped from the disaster, was standing next to a rear admiral commander holding a pipe.

He was originally a lieutenant colonel, but after successfully escaping, he became a colonel.

This has been the rule of America since ancient times. If you want to be promoted, you have to run fast. Dead people will not be promoted, they can only be given titles.

"Colonel Steve, we are about to enter the other side's security area. What suggestions do you have?"

"My suggestion is that if you are not afraid of death, you can continue to go deeper." Colonel Steve replied seriously.

"In your opinion, they would dare to go to war with such a powerful aircraft carrier fleet as ours for a mere alien species worth only a few hundred million dollars? You know, once a fight begins, their trade losses will far exceed that of a single alien species." Rear Admiral

The commander picked up his pipe and said in disbelief.

"We all have a misunderstanding about the Chinese people. We think that they believe that everyone has a chance, that they value human life very much and do not dare to fight. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Like us, they are never afraid of war, let alone death. Their history

It's the same as us, either at war or on the way to war. We are natural rivals." Colonel Steve replied.

He recalled the previous situation when the submarine was hit by an anti-ship missile. The other party did not take any care, and struck hard and fast. There was no worry that they were mushroom submarines and would launch a mushroom counterattack.

Of course, this is also because their submarine has entered the Arctic Ocean and entered their rear area, which has aroused their sensitive nerves.

At this moment, a signal soldier came over to report.

"Captain, we have just received a warning from the Chinese people. They said that we have entered their absolute defense circle and will launch a counterattack if we continue to go deeper."

"Reply to them, we pass through the high seas normally and have the right of innocent passage. Please allow them to let us go," the major general commander replied.

Colonel Steve heard this and began to walk outside the command room.

"Colonel, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to check if there are enough lifeboats."

"Okay, order the fleet to anchor temporarily and send personnel to negotiate with them." The rear admiral commander had to make concessions.

Colonel Steve was not in the same system as him, and to some extent, his status was even higher than that of his major general.

Colonel Steve came back.

The major general stared at him and asked: "I have a question. Aren't you the one who provided us with information about alien species? Why did you also take the initiative to retreat when things came to a close?"

"Yes, I provided intelligence, but this does not mean that I agree with your reckless plan. Because I still want to live to see the decline of China and our great America walking to the top of the mountain." Colonel Steve said slowly.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Only conduct a comprehensive technical confrontation with them on the periphery to measure their true strength. This is the reason why I provide you with information. We need the current technical level of the Chinese people to conduct further confrontation assessment."


In the combat room of the base, Wen Rensheng buried his entire body into the seat and closed his eyes tightly.

He is now in charge of damage control.

What he has to do is mainly to focus on identifying priorities and assisting the "mysterious center" in making decisions. Once a problem occurs, which ones should be dealt with first and which ones should be abandoned.

One advantage of this job is that he has the authority to see all parts of the entire ship, including the most confidential places. This is the easiest position for a new recruit to get familiar with the ship.

At this time, his perspective is like playing a large VR game, and he can see the entire ship.

This is a silver-white destroyer, located at the forefront of the fleet group, carrying out mobile patrol, reconnaissance and anti-submarine work.

Inside the battleship, the puppet robots he was already familiar with, that is, his official subordinates, were performing their duties.

They have different shapes, some look like robots in movies, but most of them have only one or two arms, and they move back and forth along the track inside the ship, just like the robot arms on the factory assembly line.

What they all have in common is that they all have a white spherical object emitting mist in the middle.

This is the core component that connects with the "mysterious center".

After Wen Rensheng gives an order to the mysterious center, the white ball will accept the order, and the manipulator will then perform various maintenance tasks.

According to what I have learned before, the principle contained in this is both simple and magical:

The "mysterious center" is similar to the alien species. The alien species can sublimate the mysterious skills learned by the host into mysterious skills and pass them on from generation to generation. When the newcomers learn it again, it will be quite easy.

And this "mysterious center", under the control of the alien, can also memorize various complex maintenance tasks it has performed before, and finally remember them into functional modules similar to "mysterious skills".

To use a very suitable metaphor, the whole process is equivalent to script recording in Key Wizard, but it is more complicated and contains more details.

This is the accumulation of thousands of years. The various application techniques that have been discovered around the mysterious object of alien species are amazing.

Wen Rensheng was observing the ship and getting familiar with its functions when he suddenly heard a series of warning sounds in his ears.

"Discover interference... activate electronic countermeasures, activate anti-interference measures, activate prophecy to assist judgment..."

The enemy has taken action.

Sure enough, the Americans would not be willing to hang around outside, and they definitely wanted to test the strength of the Chinese fleet head-on.

Half an hour later, Wen Rensheng heard an ominous announcement.

"The confrontation failed and we lost traces of the enemy."

Although he didn't know the specific details of the confrontation, it obviously meant that the enemy's technology was indeed superior to China's.

This was frustrating, but he knew exactly why.

In the previous life, China was not the first to point out the modern technology tree, which was a pain in the hearts of all Chinese people. After all, civilization has always been ahead, and both its economy and resources were much stronger than its opponents at the same time.

That's because one dominant player in East Asia has fallen into a resource trap, with abundant human resources and insufficient demand to force technological development.

In this life, the situation is similar, or even more serious. The emergence of alien species has allowed China to occupy a larger area, have more and better resources, and have lower demands for technological development.

If it weren't for those great masters who were far-sighted, top-down, and proactively followed up on advanced technologies, I'm afraid we would have made the same mistakes as before.

And this is even more true now. The opponent's lagging behind in the alien and mysterious fields has only increased the demand for scientific and technological progress, thus improving faster.

For the current situation, in modern combat, discovering the enemy and hiding yourself are the most important things. Because the strike power of both sides far exceeds their own defense power.

Regardless of the various shields, the so-called Phalanx... it is difficult to resist saturation supersonic missile attacks.

The several wars in my past life were all one-sided confrontations, and the other side simply did not have the ability to use saturation missiles to counterattack.

However, in the occasional missile confrontations, the attack far outweighed the defense.

A missile worth one million US dollars can be exchanged for a warship worth hundreds of millions of dollars. In terms of cost-effectiveness alone, no warship can withstand the simultaneous attacks of hundreds of missiles.

In this life, a war breaks out between two major powers, and saturation attacks will be the norm.

In this case, once locked by the enemy, there is no way to escape the end of destruction.

In several modern exercises he knew, this was exactly the case. If a moving team exposed its position, it would immediately be struck by long-range missiles summoned by the opponent, and it would be directly declared destroyed.

But now, our side has lost the enemy's position.

That means losing the opportunity.

Just when Wen Rensheng was feeling nervous, a new announcement appeared.

"The electronic interference disappeared, the mysterious interference disappeared, the enemy fleet group is retreating..."

why is that?

Soon he got the answer.

"We dispatched Sea Beast 1 and successfully locked the enemy's aircraft carrier."

What is this called? The technology is not enough and the mystery is used to make up?

Well, no matter what, I finally won this round.

Wen Rensheng comforted himself, but he was still not willing to accept it. After all, the concept formed in his previous life was to strive for the first place in all fields and compete with the best in the world.

This is just like his pursuit of ultimate and comprehensive perfection. In a sense, he is a miniature personality version of the country in his previous life.

This chapter has been completed!
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