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Chapter 305 Skills Test

Wen Rensheng did not directly teach "Mysterious Resistance" to Hua Youcong, because the other party was not an acquaintance, and this skill was highly dangerous, so he had to be careful when teaching it.

Wait until Zhao Han has learned enough before teaching the other person.

There is no way, he is such a person who can consider everything carefully.

The next day, Wen Rensheng went to class again. This time, he brought a truck to the company.

Pedestrians on the road had no idea that the inconspicuous cargo truck that slowly passed by them with a moving advertisement posted on the compartment was actually worth hundreds of millions.

The truck naturally contained the new collections that Wen Rensheng had picked out these days, either from Lao Zhao or from Wang Cuiyan.

If these collections are taken out for students to do homework research, they will definitely be damaged. Just like the blood monkey wood carving, but again, don't give up eating because of choking.

Whether it's favors or money, he can afford to pay. Increasing the upper limit of mystery is his core appeal.

After arriving at the company, Wen Rensheng had exclusive teaching time for a day.

Now he has many classes, and he no longer has the leisure time he had before.

Because the mysterious skills he has mastered are complex enough, with as many as thirteen skills. You must know that for a veteran like Lao Wu, there are only seven skills.

Puppet control, defensive skills, mysterious spirit summoning...except for a few restricted ones that he would not teach to others, he could teach students in accordance with their aptitude and teach them according to different people's ideas and qualifications.

After the class, he assigned the investigation homework as usual, asking the students to take time to investigate the background stories of each collection during their breaks and submit investigation reports.

Of course, he emphasized the safety issues during personal investigation. Those taboos were specifically mentioned in class: avoid entering mountains, avoid seas, and do not leave the country...

In this way, half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and Wen Rensheng gained another 2 points of mystery, raising the upper limit of mystery to 280 points.

Now it is not far from 300. When it reaches 300 points, after the dual effects are superimposed, it will be equivalent to 16 times the effect of the original skill.

When the upper limit of his mystery level was only 137, it was only a few times the original skill effect of 5 points at that time, and it was possible to increase the intermediate level mysterious resistance to the master level effect.

And now it will be close to 16 times, which shows how terrible exponential growth is.

This effect, if revealed, would be enough to scare a lot of people's attention.

On the surface, it seems that the master-level effect is only five or six times as powerful as the intermediate-level effect, and the difference is not very big. This seems to go against common sense.

Of course, Wen Rensheng had already investigated the real reason. While alien species support humans in fighting mysterious disasters, they also greatly limit the upper limit of human skill power.

If the alien species wants to ensure its own growth, it will not provide the alien species with too much power.

When the Inspection Department classifies skill effects, they do not divide them in equal proportions based on power and effect. In fact, the gap becomes larger towards the end.

Just like Wen Rensheng has seen the release of master-level skills several times, the effect is almost magical, such as the master-level illusion technique, the master-level prophecy technique...

In his opinion, the effect of more than ten times the intermediate skill is far from enough to reach that level.

The current increase effect is 3.8*3.8=14.44 times. Wen Rensheng decided to do an internal test to see how far the actual effect of his skills was from the master level.

This is very important to him. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

As soon as he thought of it, Wen Rensheng called Inspector Liu and briefly mentioned his request.

"Oh, you want to test the progress of your skills. Do you want to prepare for the master assessment?" After listening to this, Inspector Liu couldn't help but said in horror.

Who are these people? Experts for one year, masters for four years...

The heterogeneous promotion path that others may view as extremely difficult actually forces the other party to adopt the mode of entering higher education, or the compulsory education mode of primary school to junior high school.

Inspector Liu thought about himself. He still relied on the welfare system of the Inspectorate to continue to retain the alien species. There was still no expert evaluation, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

The difference between people is really too big.

"Well, I don't have this idea yet, but what you said is not entirely wrong. Let me solidify it in a year or two." Wen Rensheng said very humbly.

"Consolidate it for another year or two..." Inspector Liu calmed down, "Okay, I will arrange an internal test for you now. Let's ask the two people who were acquaintances from the last judge selection, Liao Zheng and Cheng Ning, to test you. That way

If so, you can feel more relaxed."

"Thank you for your hard work." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Inspector Liu said quickly.

Before, he often joked privately with Wen Rensheng, but now he was so shocked that his tone became awed again.


Three days later, Dongshui District inspected a secret underground base in the headquarters.

A group of people looked at Wen Rensheng's test results in stunned silence.

"The strength of extraordinary physique and alien power all exceeds the master level, and exceeds it by a lot," Liao Zheng couldn't help but be surprised.

Cheng Ning looked at Wen Rensheng in shock: "It's only been more than half a year since the last test. Did you have any adventures?"

"There are no adventures. I just use the time that others spend drinking coffee and sleeping to improve myself." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

If you don't sleep 24 hours a day, how much more time can you practice than others in half a year?

Everyone secretly despised it, but they were shocked and no one thought to get to the bottom of it.

Obviously, there is only one reason, and that is that the opponent's alien species has released more potential in half a year.

This is just like the advancement of human technology. After the emergence of mushrooms, the energy released by one mushroom exceeds the total amount of ammunition consumed in the entire previous world war.

Every time technology improves by a small step, the results are astonishing.

Similarly, every time the alien species improves by one point, it will have the same effect.

Others were shocked, but Wen Rensheng himself was not satisfied.

Because just as he thought when he came, the gap with the grandmaster-level effect is still very big.

Just looking at the display on the scale, it would take about sixty times the effect to reach the master level.

In other words, without upgrading his skills, he needs to increase his mystery to about 700, instead of the current 300.

Of course, if he can upgrade several skills to advanced levels, he won't need such a high degree of mystery.

However, it is relatively easy to upgrade skills from basic to intermediate, but it takes a lot of time to upgrade to advanced.

He considers himself a genius, but for the time being it is still in the category of human beings. It is easy to dabble in it, but it takes time to delve deeper.

He then asked nonchalantly: "The grandmaster-level evaluation on this evaluation scale seems to be very different from the master-level. Are there any other mysteries?"

Liao Zheng and Cheng Ning looked at each other, and the former said: "Actually, there is no other mystery. In the early stages of the alien, the alien will not release too much power to avoid delaying its growth. Only when the alien is promoted to master level or above, both parties will

The fusion is extremely tight and can be truly recognized by the alien species. At that time, the alien species will release enough power to support the alien species. Therefore, the effects of the master-level skills are often very terrifying, far from being comparable to the effects of lower-level skills."

Sure enough.

Wen Rensheng nodded slightly, which was pretty much what he had thought before coming.

Everyone was shocked again. This person would ask such a question. It seemed that he had just broken through to the master level and was preparing to sprint towards the grandmaster level.

And they often have to worry about promoting a skill to expert level.

Well, maybe this is life.

This chapter has been completed!
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