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Chapter 366: Cutting off and Learning

 After everyone was talking for a while, the deputy director stopped him and said, "Okay, you don't have to complain. Now that you all have money, pick up your skills quickly and I will apply for some subsidies for you."

"Oh, I'm too old to learn anymore." Someone shook his head.

"If you have a good teacher to teach you, you can learn it. If you start from scratch, you will have to take a lot of detours." Someone said again.

"Okay, I'll organize you to study together when the time comes." The deputy director backed down again.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he shook his head secretly.

Isn't this the era of warlords' melee in previous lives? The older ones coaxed the younger ones, and the younger ones coaxed the older ones.

No wonder the Inspectorate has been investing in training black-shirted men. It is too difficult to rely on these mutant experts to enforce orders and prohibitions.

Firstly, the number of xenogeneic experts is scarce; secondly, strict control is not conducive to technological innovation.

At this point, we can refer to the Qing Dynasty in the literary prison. Almost all scientific and technological inventions were destroyed, and it was not until the end of the Qing Dynasty that there was a new atmosphere.

In the previous feudal era, there were always some inventions that were world-leading.

"Okay, no matter how hard you learn, you can't watch others eating meat, right?" After hearing this, the experts attending the meeting nodded.

Although we have to learn all over again, once changes appear, we must embrace them, otherwise, we can only wait to be eliminated.

They are xenogeneic experts and the noblest group of people. Of course, they will not allow themselves to be shy turtles who are afraid of change.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and said, "I know puppetry and am good at teaching. I guarantee that everyone will learn it quickly. If you don't learn it, the tuition will be fully refunded."

The deputy director was speechless, "Xiao Wen, your advertisement was even shown at the internal meeting of our inspection department. You are so dedicated. How much bonus should Lao Zhao give you?"

"A win-win situation." Wen Rensheng is not ashamed at all.

He could see it. Just now, the experimenters Mo had suggested learning puppetry in order to enter the cemetery. Then there will be a puppet craze for a long time in the future.

If we don’t advertise now, why wait?

You should know that being a teacher who is a mysterious expert is a huge network of connections.

He believes that his master-level teaching skills are enough to make a name for himself quickly.

Others looked at Wen Rensheng, and some shook their heads, thinking that Wen Rensheng was too young and could teach children, so just teach them.

Some people nodded. Since the other party dares to advertise, he must have some real skills, and he won't suffer any loss if he learns from them.

The deputy director shook his head, "Okay, let's see what your results are. Let's continue the discussion. We brought out a lot of strange things from the cemetery before, some of which are of great research value. Let's talk about it."

He said to the experimenters.

Another male experimenter took out the information and projected it to everyone, and then said, "We have collected a lot of things, which are difficult to classify. Most of them have weird functions. Some are very, very good, and some are very bad. That's why Researcher Mo said,

Don’t mess with things.”

"For example, this medal that always has mysterious skills," he took out a gold medal and showed it to everyone, "is one of the best items. As long as it has mysterious power, it can be activated and used. Its inscription method,

With technology that exceeds ours, we can also make similar products, but the cost is too high and cannot be mass produced."

Wen Rensheng looked up and saw that it was something similar to his diamond medal.

It seems others have gotten this sort of thing too.

"Secondly, there are some weird things, such as this nail." The man took out another wooden nail. "The scene shows that wearing it can ward off evil spirits. After research, we found that it can turn people into evil things."
"What they say is right. When you become an evil thing, no evil thing will come to you again." An expert sighed with a smile.

Someone nodded and said, "I've discovered it a long time ago. That cemetery always makes very malicious jokes to the participants."

"Yes, it can be seen that it is definitely not a kind thing."

"Kindness is a quality that can only arise in humans. We cannot expect things from the mysterious world to have this quality."

The male experimenter then added, "We have another serious discovery, that is, this Ocean Cemetery is indeed worthy of its name. It always tries every possible means to make people die. It will give out some good things just to attract more people."

Go die. And according to observations and statistics, the more people die, the better the rewards are given, so we guess that there will probably be large-scale inhuman events next."

"What do you mean?" someone asked confused.

"It means that someone will deliberately send a large number of ordinary people to die." The male experimenter frowned.

Hearing this makes my heart tremble.

This will test the level of each country. This kind of place will not happen in a place with orderly management.

But there are many places of chaos in this world.

"There is no need to worry within China. We will strengthen management and blockade, but it is not guaranteed in other places." The deputy director shook his head.

This world has always been very isolated. Due to the existence of mysterious disasters, transportation and communication are very limited, far less frequent than in the previous life.

As a result, people are mostly indifferent to people far away.

"Oh, yes, although I sympathize with them, but they don't work hard and just get by...so we can't expect us to spend our own lives to rescue them." Someone shook his head.

Others also nodded.

Although everyone can foresee that a catastrophe is coming, no one is willing to stop it.

Wen Rensheng doesn’t have the mental capacity to meddle in other people’s affairs.

When China suffered a catastrophe in its previous life, few people came to its aid. Most of them just stood by and even made big deals with the executioners.

In this life, it is the turn of the Chinese people to watch from the shore.

To be honest, those who watch the fun really don’t think it’s a big deal.

And he saw a faint look of expectation on other people's faces.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that these people must have planned to find someone to fill in the hole and then find the right opportunity to intercept Hu.

This is about eating steamed buns with human blood.

In my previous life, there were too many places to eat Chinese blood steamed buns, and they would dress themselves up as saviors afterwards.

In this life, it's the other way around.

Of course, Wen Rensheng himself disdains doing this, as it would undermine his noble and perfect personality.

It is enough for him to just be himself, and there is no need to play with these tricks.

The seminar then continued, and after everyone discussed some issues, the meeting adjourned.

As soon as the meeting ended, Wen Rensheng was stopped by several mysterious experts.

"Manager Wenren, you said at the meeting that you can teach us how to control puppets. How long will it take to teach us?" A male mysterious expert couldn't wait.

Others also looked at him with burning eyes.

Obviously, they are so eager because of the experimenter's last words, which is that they want to learn it quickly and make a lot of money as soon as possible.

But it is not only dangerous but also ugly to end up personally, so I have to put on a vest.

It's all well planned.

"It depends on your investment of time and resources. If you are willing, I promise to teach you within two weeks to a month." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"Two weeks? It's a very fast time, but elementary puppetry can't create a practical puppet." Someone shook his head.

"I can help you manufacture and minimize your control difficulties." Wen Rensheng continued to assure you.

Taking other people's materials and practicing your own skills, this is the legendary alchemist.

This chapter has been completed!
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