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Chapter 373 The source of the disaster

 "Integrate another self into the puppet? What does this mean?" Wen Rende was very puzzled when he heard this.

"Actually, it's very simple. The past you is a thought, and the future you is another thought. The so-called integration means integrating the past thoughts into the puppet and making it a conscious puppet." Wen Rensheng patiently


Wen Rende was immediately overjoyed, "Hey, isn't this great? In this way, both of them are myself, and they must cooperate tacitly and have a spiritual connection. As long as I give an instruction, they can understand what to do, and I don't need to do it myself."

Then control the puppet."

"No, I don't want to have two more dads..." Wen Rensheng said speechlessly.

"..." Wen Rende was unable to retort immediately, and after a long time he said, "Well, there are ethical obstacles. What a pity, a glorious road has just left me."

"What's the glorious road? Do you think the other party won't turn back? This is schizophrenia. It's definitely not a good thing. You can't be sure what the other person will do. If you hurt your loved ones, you will bear the consequences."

Wen Rensheng stopped him decisively.

"Forget it, I'll just practice step by step." Wen Rende listened to his advice and stopped seeking death.

Wen Rensheng felt relieved. The scene in his father's prophecy was probably like this.

Just like the incarnation of Taoism, the three corpses... split the other two selves out to form a new existence.

But is this really a good thing?

Fantasy is not accurate, and in fact, schizophrenia, which is similar to it, has never brought any good things. Instead, it has caused great pain to his relatives.


At the same time, thousands of miles away, near the Ocean Cemetery.

Inside a submarine, a group of white people were packed into a small cabin.

A secret meeting is being held here, and the meeting has been going on for many days.

This submarine is the one that attacked Wen Rensheng's armored puppet.

The crew of the ship saw the scene where the weapon failed, either with their own eyes or through the battle video afterwards.

After returning in vain, the secret meeting began.

The initial participants were the chief mate, sonar officer, and chief engineer, and later even the captain also participated.

Then there are more than a hundred crew members, taking turns to participate.

"The future of us ordinary people is already in jeopardy." An old sergeant shook his head.

He just came over from his shift to attend this meeting.

"Those supermen will definitely spread this blood mist all over the world to satisfy their sense of security and greed." The chief officer who presided over the meeting announced to everyone.

"Well, they are among us, like thorns among roses. Although they are not conspicuous, they can be picked out eventually, and they will always feel insecure." Everyone agreed.

"Our doomsday is coming. In order to be able to sleep peacefully at night, and for our wives and daughters not to be haunted by nightmares, we must eradicate the root causes of these nightmares!" Someone suddenly shouted.

"Kill all those aliens, they are the ones who brought the source of these disasters!" The atmosphere became frenzied.

"Rectify this twisted world!"

"The world belongs to us!"

In a fanatical atmosphere, the crew members signed their names and fingerprints on a form one after another.

On the top of the form, there is a bright red line titled "Destiny Society Initiation Ceremony".

Another round of meetings ended, and then a few leaders entered the slightly more spacious captain's cabin.

The first mate, chief engineer, and captain sat leaning against the bulkhead.

"We have another group of patriots. Controlling this advanced submarine is very important for our future plans." The first mate said first.

"The current situation is very bad. The branch in Dongdao has been completely destroyed. All our patriots have been killed. The brutal aliens have launched a crazy counterattack. Sooner or later, this blood debt will have to be repaid by them." Chief Engineer

Punch on the cabin.

"The purpose is to make them pay back. They are full of internal conflicts, and the aliens from different countries are enemies of each other. We will continue to use this to instigate them to kill each other, and let the people of America take revenge and kill those executioners."

The captain suggested.

The first mate sighed, "It's a pity that the personnel development in China is too slow. Those guys are satisfied as long as they can eat pig food, and they have no yearning for a free life!"

"They are the world's most powerful country and have a strong sense of pride. They don't understand at all that this war is a battle between ordinary people and aliens. All ordinary people should unite and bury the aliens, a product that should not appear!"

The chief engineer said bitterly.

The first mate nodded and said, "Yes, those aliens are becoming more and more ambitious, and sooner or later they will drag the world into the abyss!"

The captain suddenly said, "You said that one day in the future, we will eliminate all aliens and collect all the aliens. Do we really want to completely destroy them?"

"Of course we must destroy them all. In that case, we can completely close the door for the mysterious world to penetrate into our world, and we can have a completely independent and beautiful world." The chief engineer said matter-of-factly.

"But there is no mysterious world, only the material world, and we do not have complete autonomy. A terminal illness that is now insignificant can knock down the most powerful and wealthy people." The captain shook his head slightly.

"But the development of technology can solve this problem, and we can fully master technology. As long as we work hard to develop technology, there is nothing that technology cannot solve. If there is, then the development is not enough!" the chief engineer insisted.
When technology is developed to its limit, it may be possible to do everything that alien species can do now, but what significance does technology developed 10,000 years later have to us?

The captain thought so, but he didn't say it out loud.

The Destiny Society has a long history, its name has changed several times, and there have always been radical and conservative factions within it.

Radicals are naturally like engineers. They want to completely destroy all alien species and nip all crises before they begin.

Conservatives advocate snatching alien species from the hands of evil people and using them safely to prevent them from harming humans.

Of course, from the captain's point of view, snatching it back is the most attractive idea. As for the prudent use later, it's a matter of opinion.

If an organization wants to develop in the long term, it must have a proposition that can stand on the table. Otherwise, if you openly say that you want to do evil, you will definitely not be able to attract most people.

Because doing evil means going against the interests of the majority of people, it is naturally impossible to attract the majority of people.

The Destiny Society relies on these ideas to survive.

In the past few hundred years, they have received support from Western countries to fight against the Chinese people. In order to obtain this support, many high-ranking officials have turned westward.

In the captain's view, this turn is completely wrong because it misdirects the goal of the struggle.

Originally targeting aliens, now we have to directly face the most powerful country in the world.

The complete failure of the Dongdao Branch was the result of this wrong turn.

Otherwise, they can disintegrate each other from within China and mobilize the powerful among ordinary people. Now this road is completely blocked.

This chapter has been completed!
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