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Chapter 423 Center and School

 Everyone was stunned, and many people even subconsciously rubbed their eyes.

"It must be an illusion, don't panic!" A local bystander suddenly shouted loudly.

"That's right, we haven't lost yet. This is a sneak attack. Everyone, cheer up!" Someone echoed.

As for the animal puppets that were paralyzed on the ground, no one agreed. Although they were also in disbelief, their controllers knew that they had lost.

It's like being shot. You only know the gunshot and then you die, but you can't see the progress of the bullet.

Someone finally recovered and interrupted the ignorant shouting "We lost". I didn't expect that someone actually achieved this step. The puppet control technique reached the same combat speed and combat frequency as modern weapons, completely surpassing the ability of human beings.


The big cat has gracefully walked out of the battlefield and looked around.

I am not targeting anyone, but you are all rubbish.

A subconscious thought arises spontaneously.

Wen Rensheng believes that when ordinary people discover mushrooms, they may have had this thought - the aloof aliens are just a type of mortals, not gods.

The reason why people from the Destiny Society want to exclude alien species is because they see the power and prospects of technology.

But some people don't understand that they far underestimate the possibility of aliens, which is also the power of the world.

While Wen Rensheng was thinking, Big Cat had already returned to his team.

At this time, the people in the Duzunhui looked at it with awe.

They respect the strong the most, and this unknown foreign aid is the most authentic strong.

Whether it's strength, determination, or speed, it completely satisfied their imagination.

The aliens should be so powerful.

Instead of being like before, when muskets appeared, everyone got scared for fear of being exposed to firepower.

Although they have known about this person's power through various channels, they are always a little suspicious.

But today's battle completely made them understand why the higher-ups wanted to let in a person who didn't know the details.

The strength of the other party makes it worth doing, at least compared to the value, the risks are within the scope of bearing.

The leader of the gray wolf looked at the big cat with approval. It did not speak, but suddenly clapped its hands.

Others immediately followed, and even people from the Union City opposite were applauding.

Although they lost, the other party pointed out a way for them. Even in the context of modern weapons, the absolute power of the aliens can still reach an incredible level!

This is a victory for all aliens!

In the final analysis, although both sides fought fiercely, there was an unspoken thought in the hearts of everyone. This was a battle between nobles and had nothing to do with those mortals.

The victory of the big cat is the kind of victory that conquers the opponent, leaving the opponent in awe and unable to resist at all, because they simply do not understand how to achieve that step.

"We abstain!" After the applause, the Union City Bucks leader said, wagging his horns.

Hearing this, the people of the Duzunhui were filled with joy. They thought that it would take a fierce battle before their opponents would admit defeat, or the kind of resignation that they would not be willing to do.

But now, they voted directly!

On the United City side, although some people had some unwillingness in their eyes, they did not object. Even the most unconvinced ones just now were speechless and just bowed their heads silently.

Seeing this scene from afar, Wen Rensheng couldn't help but sigh, victory is so beautiful, no wonder many people will risk everything to win it.

The green grassland has become a paradise for the winners, while the losers can only withdraw in despair.

"We will abide by our previous agreement and no longer interfere in the battle for the whirlpool. You can do what you want. As long as the bottom line is not exceeded, we will not take action again. But I want to remind you that your real opponent has always been

Not us." The leader of the Union City Bucks gave the Gray Wolf a warning before leaving. This seemed to be a favor.

"Well, thank you for your kindness, brother." Of course Gray Wolf understands what the other party means. The real opponent has not yet surfaced, but just drove away some puppets to disrupt the situation.

It's just that the puppets they use are real human lives.

Those people who dare to use such a powerful weapon as the Tianming Society are not afraid that it will fall on their feet one day... It seems that this kind of thing has happened many times.

It seems that the next step is to drive out those guys who are not afraid of death.

Facing those guys, the trouble is much more difficult than the mutants in Union City.

Because the latter has shoes, and the shoes are very expensive and luxurious, but the former is barefoot.


After the horse race returned victoriously, a grand celebration was held at the temporary camp that night.

Those logistics staff are the happiest.

Because they can rarely relax in a foreign land.

But those puppets who went to war had nothing to celebrate. After all, they couldn't eat or play.

They can only accept compliments and looks.

The budgerigar found the big cat who was surrounded by everyone, and said with great envy, "Brother, how did you refine this? Everyone has the same appearance, but the materials you use are ordinary, how can you exert such power?


"Of course it's because the brains inside are different." Wen Rensheng said matter-of-factly.

"..." The parrot retorted speechlessly.

"Woof woof." The golden retriever next to him also squeezed over with a flattering smile on his face.

Alas, even dogs are so realistic.

"Brother, who is your master? He has such powerful puppetry skills. He must have been trained by those ancient sects, right?" Someone finally couldn't help but speculate.

Although everyone knows not to inquire about other people's personal details, if you still hold back in the face of such a powerful force, you are a saint.

"Haha, the old sect has long been out of date. What is really powerful is the various research institutions that can get on the stage. With the help of the power of the whole country, they are constantly screening talents and constantly trial and error... Those legendary puppet skills are really nothing.

Excellent place." Wen Rensheng said unceremoniously.

Because when he refined the big cat himself, all the techniques he used were basically pulled from the relevant platforms of the Inspection Department.

I have never found any mysterious sects to spread. Compared with the narrow model of sect inheritance, the modern industrialized training, education and research system is the right way.

Listening to his words, some people were thoughtful, while others were a little disapproving.

"Brother, actually this is not necessarily true. What you said is true. However, because of the existence of alien species, some mysterious schools still exist, and others cannot learn them because they are matched with the corresponding alien species." Someone said.

It seemed that Wen Rensheng was enjoying too much limelight, so he couldn't help but attack him.

"Oh, I'd like to hear the details." Wen Rensheng said bluntly.

He doesn't care about the secret techniques of those mysterious schools, but he can tell when he hears the name. There seems to be a lot of mystery in it that can be explored.

It has been a while since he encountered a mysterious incident.

This is the disadvantage of being strong. In front of the strong, many mysteries are actually commonplace.

"Yes, there is a puppet master in our guild, and all of us have basically received his guidance, but he said that he has just started, and he has not been taught the truly powerful puppetry skills unless he

Only when you can advance to the level of a master can you learn." The man blurted out as expected.

This chapter has been completed!
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